Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1249: : Battle of Demons (1)

Demonized city, the problem is big.

It is not too easy for the Taoist to demolish and remove demons. A city is demonized, not just a house, but the tables and chairs in the house will become demon.

The resistance of the demon to spells is not so weak in the novel, but rather strong.

If the demon is created by the law of fantasy, it is even more troublesome. The resistance is strange and weird, and the fighting method is not the same.

The officers heard the word demon, they were all a little horrified.

If you are a demon, the magic defense is very high, and it is very difficult to fight.

And the upper limit of the demon is also high, there may be some unheard of skills. The squadron captain of the 30th level is already somewhat sensitive to the demon's breath. He personally engaged in the battle and judged that the opponent was not an ordinary monster.

After he withdrew from the enemy's attack range, he called for artillery support. On the Phoenix side, a burst of bombs was immediately released and blasted on the doorways on both sides of the door.

The violent explosion failed to destroy the two houses, but caused the surrounding wall to tremble violently.

"Sir, no technological weapons!" Rhode Island's squadron leader said to the squadron leader of the Metaline family.

"It's not impossible, it works." Commander Shen said, "Use fire magic to destroy the gate. I don't want to cross the wall. After the gate opens, a hundred heavy armor robots open the way, and the cyclops are in the center. The Addison family Then, I attacked with the large robots, with Xia's and Oldington on both sides. "


"The people of the Addison family, follow me to attack, the people of the Augustine family, responsible for the break, the Royce family, ambush on the outside wing of the gate. If the enemy attacks the team of the Augustin family outside, you are responsible for the attack on the wing. Keep your strength on the front, everything in the tank. "


The squadron leader of the Metatron family, this is to prepare for an attack.

The team outside adjusted, the power of the Metatron family reached the front, the power of Rhode Island and Oldington was on the two wings, and the Addison family followed the Metatron family.

The squadron leader ordered the men to release the magic of the fire department.

Saw that someone dropped a pair of dry vines on the ground and ignited them. The vines turned into fire snakes and rushed forward.

Hundreds of fire snakes rushed into the porter in a blink of an eye, and then the Metatron family rushed inside.

Rhode Island people have no choice but to move forward together.

In the porter on the left, the fire snake fluttered with black shadows, driving the weapon in his hand, cutting the fire snake and breaking it. Rhode Island's squadron leader glanced out of the window and lost a broken hell.

The black shadow inside suddenly fell into hell. The purple flame will not extinguish at all, sticking to the body and burning continuously.

Rhode Island Cyclops, in the back of a large demon hand, took the Warhammer and hit the burning house, the roar continued, and soon, the porter was torn apart by the Cyclops.

Dozens of demon-striking, shooting inside with a musket.

The team passed quickly, but actually did not bring them all. Like the chariot in the squadron, they stayed outside.

The coalition forces swarmed in. The mage of the Metatelin family took out a scroll, and the red light flashed in the palm of his hand, and the scroll of the dragon scale spread out.

What kind of magic is this?

Rhode Island's squadron captain was surprised, and it looked like legendary magic, but the upper limit of the level certainly did not reach level 40.

Is not a legend, can such a fierce attack be released!

The fire snake landed directly opposite the courtyard. The center of the four-story building broke through the window and burned in.

Dozens of robots rushed to the window. The robot at the back used a large musket to blast the window. The nearby robots threw incendiary bombs inside.

City battle, if you don't need to keep alive, the risk is much smaller.

This incendiary bomb is mainly high in temperature and can exceed 6,000 degrees. Ordinary buildings will collapse after a while.

The magician, the robot, set fire wildly, and in an instant, the house was burning. Black shadows rushed out, the army of black people.

Metlin's warriors, commanding robots, surrounded enemies that rushed out one by one.


With a huge trembling sound, the burning house suddenly shook up and moved forward a whole.

The soldiers of the Metatron family were all startled. No one retreated because of training.

The squadron leader knew it was bad, and quickly issued an order: "Withdraw from the yard, this thing, live!"

The artillery of the fortress immediately roared again. The shells roared and blasted on the active four-story building. The masonry on the surface of the four-story building peeled off, exposing the red structure that twisted like a muscle.

"They can't stand it." Berg said: "Who does it?"

"I'll come." David said: "I will simulate the magic, I think about who to use."

Berger said: "The Grim Reaper series."

"Okay." David started to recite spells in the magic tower. This distance is too far away. The direct instant magic cannot play its due role at all.

But his spell, only six seconds, and then saw a shadow, rushed out of his magic tower instantly, across the distance of three miles, and landed on the building.

Is an angel with decaying wings, holding a huge scythe of death, and the scythe also cuts when it falls in the air.

Heard a loud noise like a metal burst, and the building was cut in half by the blade of a sickle.

The angel of death, with a sickle drawn, saw hundreds of souls turned into pure white spots in the building and exploded.

"Are you all right?" Berger asked worriedly.

For a long time, David said: "The bite is a bit more than expected, but there are magic towers, and I don't suffer much. If I leave the magic tower and rely on equipment alone, I can't perform such powerful magic."

The angel of death dissipated. This magic, which could last for three minutes, ended at only ten seconds.

Before dissipated, the scythe of the angel of death had destroyed all the buildings here, but there was no time to deal with the black warriors inside.

Phoenix doesn't know if David is pretending to be hard. Anyway, he can't feel it, and he's bitterly affecting him. Under the protection of the magic tower, he can really do whatever he wants, even more pleasant than in the main world.

If you leave, it's a big deal to open your own protection equipment, it may not be as good as in the magic tower, but it will not reduce the combat effectiveness too much.

If what David said is true, then Rhode Island technology is obviously better?

"How long do you want to rest?" Berger asked David.

"About half an hour, if you cast the spell again, the upper limit of the cast is about forty-five, it is better to let the legendary mage below do it."

"Half an hour is ok, six of us, taking turns in hand, that is, the frequency of shots every five minutes. Others are all right?"

Everyone answered no problem, Berger said: "Clean up the house to see if there is anything that has not been burned, and the information is also OK, let the flying robots take it back. No, arrange for the two tanks to be sent back."

He again said: "The team continues to move forward and encounters troubles. The six of us take turns hand in hand, with a frequency of once every five minutes. If there is a need in the middle, let the following legendary mages be in charge. The legendary robots and magic of the offensive troops, Don't use it for now, and wait until you reach the target temple. "

The troops in front slowly withdrew from the yard. The squadron leader of Rhode Island glanced inside when he passed by the porter, and saw more than a dozen charcoal warriors burned out by the robot. . A car drove in and loaded the bodies into the car, and heard the sound of material smashing inside the car.

These gadgets will be smashed, recycled, and can generate electricity.

The outposts surrounding the fortress have a separate power generation device, which is very simple. Throwing in combustible energy, you can continue to generate electricity.

Does not require advanced energy, eat everything, the power generation device below, the furnace is huge.

Entered when the people of the Addison family finally entered. When they came out, the Addison family came out first, and then came out of the courtyard, and encountered the enemy.

On the other side of the street, there was a cavalryman, who charged lightning in the distance.


The magician of the Augustine family responsible for defense came directly to earth wall, ice wall, and ground trap.

Rows of fireballs impacted, and the more than 100 cavalry hit the wall, covered by magic.

Five large robots jumped up, crossed the magical wall, and crashed into the cavalry team. More than a hundred cavalrymen, seeing being smashed by those large robots, flew all over the sky.

Phoenix said that the Augustine family ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also very powerful.

This fit is just right, and their large robots are not afraid of magical flames!

Although not very economical, but immediately wiped out this attacker. Is a good choice. As Phoenix thought, the cavalry was crushed and destroyed in a blink of an eye. In the distance, a loud voice rang out. A large number of enemy troops were gathering outside a building.

The building is not a shrine, only a simple altar has been entrenched by a magic tree.

Originally, there were only more than twenty demon warriors. Now, there are black men warriors, monsters, and water men gathered around. At the beginning, they were more than 3,000. Now there is a trend of breaking 10,000.

The second wave of cavalry, and he arrived in a flash.

"It seems that the enemy knows our purpose and needs to intercept the battle. This is just the beginning. The following battle may be more complicated. We have no time to demolish every building and advance the speed. I am afraid that it is not the same as the plan. Now. "

"Fight it, it's good to attract the enemy to fight, you can't stay at the fortress."


A flame bottle flew towards the front, suddenly spitting flames, and the second wave of cavalry was rushed by this magical flame, evading towards both sides. However, if the cavalry cannot charge, the fighting strength is not as good as the heavy armored infantry. ...

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