Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1256: : Asra the Apostle (1)

Berger said: "We are not here to shoot, but also for training. If we have six hands, none of the nearby demons can survive."

He did not lie to Keliya, except that of the six of them, only Phoenix, who could be so dashing and so easy to drive four miles away, killed his enemies with a sword, not using legendary skills.

If you go out to fight, if there is trouble on the side of the arena, it will be a big trouble.

Because the enemy will definitely send the strong to entangle them, and then let others attack the fortress. This is what can't be done. But Ke Liya did not know that there is a space channel here must be strictly guarded.

She really thought that the coalition was to train soldiers.

Anyway, until now, she has not seen human soldiers killed, but she was injured. It seems that the injuries are not serious. After the battlefield was bandaged, she continued to fight and did not even replace.

Phoenix doesn't speak, but his people don't need to be in a sleeping cabin, they are directly projected into the illusion, the body is outside, and they communicate with other people using mirror images.

Phoenix recalled Jian Qi, the golden sword Qi circled around his fingers. Phoenix sensed that the consumption this time was still a bit large. The demon itself, the level is not so high, that is, the defense is powerful and the speed is amazing, but the essence of life has not been greatly improved.

Level is not only the fighting power, but also the evolution in life.

But the level is often linked to combat effectiveness, even Jianxiu is no exception, but Jianxiu's combat effectiveness has always been strong, and the way of hooking is different. These demon, Phoenix do not feel good to deal with, if it is the same level as their own, then it takes a lot of hands and feet to kill.


A small captain in Rhode Island released a wind drill and penetrated a demon's chest. The demon continued to rush forward, flanking a heavy armor robot, struggling with a shield. The demon was staggering, but the one who fell to the ground was a heavy armor robot warrior.

The demon's body was damaged, and the **** smell diffused.

Shield strike!

Was approached by the demon, and the soldiers in the team released their combat skills. While the demon was staggering, he knocked the demon into the air.


A mutant in the distance constructs, hitting the magic projectile with a heavy blow, blasting on the right side of the demon's neck. I heard the demon's neck bone rattle and shatter.

"We've protruded the edge and moved closer to the middle two streets." The captain ordered.

The defense line composed of heavy armor robots is not enough to intercept the demon. Occasionally, a demon will break through the defense line and try to approach the human soldier. It's just that there is also a biochemical robot on Rhode Island, which has a higher level, so there have been no casualties.

But after a few trials, the captain knew that there was no small risk of using his own bait to hunt demon.

Heavy armor robots still have defects. In contrast, the way of fighting demon is much better. However, the demon level is not high and needs to evolve.

As for the demon spider, the spitting net is very powerful, and its own combat strength is slightly unbearable.

Fortunately, the next model of the demon spider should have a strong melee ability. As long as the energy problem is solved, this robot is really suitable for close combat. It has eight legs and has the ability to attack in every direction.

Squad leader is right, Storm Point, Asla Academy ...

Glass personally presided over the meeting. In the illusion, six biochemical robots, six high-metal robots, and derivative models are listed in front of everyone.

"If you don't have any new suggestions, then the next step, these improvements, will have to enter the army."

Everyone is desperately looking at the data. After more than ten minutes, some people made a dozen small suggestions. Grass made corrections on the spot. These small problems cannot be calculated by the large-scale computing core. Sometimes, the role of the human brain is indeed irreplaceable.

With the energy matrix, the side of the biochemical robot made the most changes. The bio-battery part was cancelled and changed to a biochemical energy matrix. This has greatly improved the fighting power of the biochemical robots, which can be said to have turned upside down.

One of the most advanced models is the Astra Apostle.

Asra the Apostle is a common-sized robot with a height of two meters. Adopt dual energy matrix, the lowest level is 30, and the squadron level configuration. In appearance, the Astra Apostle is a caster, wearing a black magic robe with a hood. On the back of the robe, there is a dark red three-legged firecrow pattern.

The hem of the robe also has a dark red flame pattern.

If you don't know, you will definitely think this is a Rhode Island magician. There are also weapons similar to the magical spear in the hands of the Apostle.

The skeleton of this biochemical robot is an artificial keel, but the cost can be much cheaper than artificial dragon scales. After turning on the energy matrix, the artificial keel has its highest intensity. Once the robot is destroyed, the strength of the artificial keel is not much worse than ordinary steel.

Is not only bones, but also muscles, biochemical structures such as fascia, etc. After turning on the energy matrix, the strength and toughness will change dramatically. It looks like a magician's robot, in fact, it is a high-tech product with melee capabilities.

This is a crystallization of Rhode Island's biochemical technology. It is a product supported by countless underlying technologies, not something inspired by it.

Inside the chest cavity is the dual energy matrix, plus the main computing core.

Inside the abdominal cavity is an irregular sealed magic box. The robot has no space attribute, and the volume in this magic box is its own size.

Then there is the head space, which has an auxiliary computing core.

It is this thing that usually controls the Astra apostle. When the auxiliary computing core has insufficient computing power, the main computing core will participate in the calculation. This can save a lot of energy.

Auxiliary computing core is very small in itself and consumes little energy.

Then within the skull is a full-band sonic weapon device. The whole robot is so simple, there is nothing else.

However, this guy's melee combat ability is not comparable to the epic warrior.

'S pure power is not inferior to the large robot of the Yanmo model.

Short spear has extremely high strength, piercing and cutting ability, it can also break the magic defense. Then there is the energy badge equipped by the robot, which can provide additional protection of the force field and act alone.

The Astra Apostle, it seems that there is no long-range weapon, although it can be equipped with a technology musket.

But in fact, the Astra Apostle also has the ability to attack at a distance. The weapon is a metal short stick slightly shorter than the palm of the hand. With only one rub, the Apostle Astra can form an electromagnetic field and launch it. Before launching, it was a short stick with a cylindrical structure. At the moment of launching, the shell shattered to form a metal powder layer, and the inside was a jujube core structure.

The name of this weapon is called the Apostle Scepter. Most magic attack speeds are not as fast as it is.

The structure inside the body of the Astra Apostle, because it is a dual-energy matrix, has sixty-four high-energy nodes, that is, it can only fire the Apostolic Scepter sixty-four times.

Powerful ability to break the magic, so that the Apostle can fight the magician.

The invention of the energy matrix made the robots powerful in the explosion. There are more secondary nodes in the robot body. There are more secondary nodes in the astra apostle, as many as 104 secondary nodes.

This makes it easier for the robot to adjust the energy output, and this energy node, that is, the capacitor, does not have to discharge all the energy at once.

In the face of the battle of the strong, you may need to exert your full strength. In normal times, the Apostle Astra can rely on muscle strength to turn over a fish.

There are 104 secondary energy nodes, which can frequently release long-range attacks.

That is a metal rod similar in shape to the apostle scepter. The apostle scepter is dark gold. This metal rod is dark red and has a slightly smaller volume. In terms of internal structure, the Apostolic Scepter is also more complicated, and the manufacturing cost is not the same thing at all.

The crimson weapon is called the Apostolic Sword.

Then there is the flying ability, the Astra Apostle, has anti-gravity mode, the robe on his body, in addition to the defensive function, there is also the flying function, part of the technology, or the flying carpet from the feather.

This is a relatively comprehensive biochemical robot with a strong core of scientific and technological computing.

The cost of the Astra Apostle is mostly in manufacturing technology. The sources of materials are relatively simple, low-cost, and easily available in most worlds.

And the biochemical robot, the body is damaged, it is also very convenient to repair.

The sealing box in the abdomen of Asra ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stores the repair fluid, which can be injected from the inside of the lumbar vertebrae, and automatically repairs all damages in the body by consuming energy.

In addition to the repair fluid, there is also a bit of magic raw stone and raw coal crystal, and then the apostle scepter and the apostle's sword.

The new robot warriors are all equipped with an automatic repair system. This part of the biochemical robot is the compressed repair fluid. The high-metal robots are handled by nano-robots.

Glass said: "Let ’s start with the Apostle Astra. Let ’s just look at the power of the Apostle ’s Scepter."

He said that, in the illusion, a magic dragon appeared. This magic dragon's body is more than twenty meters long, close to the legendary level, and it is relatively rare in the army of magic gods.

The location of the magic dragon is about five miles away from the Astra Apostle. The Apostle suddenly opened his eyes, but didn't look in any direction, as if he turned his head and felt it. Then his left hand was opened and gripped in a virtual way, forming a half circle.

In the middle of the half circle, a dark golden apostle scepter floated.

The blue electromagnetic light flickered around the scepter. The Apostle calculated the time, less than one tenth of a second. The dark golden apostle scepter disappeared in his palm.

This speed, although not as good as the purple electric ice cone, can not be too much. ...

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