Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1258: : No way

Improvement of robots and construction is very important, but the improvement of soldier equipment is even more important.

The magical armor on the soldiers adds the latest miniature magic furnace. The idea of ​​this micro-magic furnace was derived from the micro-energy matrix.

The mini-energy matrix is ​​for small and micro-robots, at least to allow the sword-like demon to have a certain killing ability, not the original small scout.

The miniature magic furnace adds extra magic defense to soldiers.

Here we introduced the concept of micro-configuration, which is also the trend of military development. Xiahe intended not to invest so much energy in studying what magic equipment, many things in Daomen are very comprehensive.

However, through research, he found that it was very helpful to improve his realm, and the study of the underlying laws also made his foundation stronger.

This kind of improvement is usually impossible to buy with money.

Anyway, for a long time, conquering the outside world and collecting resources depended on the power of Rhode Island. Xiahe did not raise any objections.

I have developed even the technology side, do you still care about the magic side?

However, not only Rhode Island, but also the tremendous forces of all empire felt the crisis. Although everyone was still avoiding the battlefield of Yinyan City, within the family, the technology accumulated over the years was turning into strength.

Like what Rhode Island is doing, others are doing it.

And in essence, the change in Rhode Island is the root cause of change in the whole world.

The investment on the technology side and the investment on construction are followed by other families. That's because if you don't, you may be left behind by Rhode Island.

Is not without technology, just to invest money.

Everyone is not short of money and supplies, and now the situation is not good, how can it not be willing to invest.

In the northern part of the ice field, the defense of the Ice Great Wall was completely stabilized on the side of the Hexagon Star Fortress. The cities in the forest still couldn't assemble a large army and asked the **** of magic for help.

The forest is still being cut down, and a lot of magic vegetation is transported back to the homeland, processed, exchanged for wealth, or fighting power.

But the people of the six big families, who really care, are still the lost three thousand people and six brigades. What happened on the other side of the world?

Fortress of Demon Arena, battles broke out more and more frequently. Six squadrons, after all, failed to lay down that temple, they had to retreat.

Although a large amount of loot was shipped back, the loss of the robot was also somewhat large.

The surrounding temples, altars, and all the magic trees are almost united to attack the coalition forces. A large number of monsters and roots of the magic tree allow troops fighting outside to rest every minute.

If you go on like this, even the Iron Army cannot afford it.

However, the demon arena fortress, dispatched the battleship, the legendary mage, forcibly destroyed the temple, and killed the demon tree entrenched in the temple, which saved a little face.

Is nothing but a powerful law, which makes everyone honest.

A raid, completed quickly, is already very good. At the south of the arena fortress, at the same time, it was violently attacked. The demon broke through the defense line of the gravitational well and rushed all the way to the platform on the edge of the fortress.

Finally, it was a lot of magical constructs and magicians before he drove the demon back.

This raid and anti-raid made both sides understand the strength of the other side. The fortress arena is not incapable of attacking, just preparing for a comeback price.

The fortress is too big. Although it surrounds the six magic towers, if the person in charge of the magic tower leaves, there will be a little defense loophole.

The legendary mage leaves the fortress, not far from the range of the gravitational well, and will be suppressed by the opponent's law.

'S law refutes this kind of thing. For powerful legends, it's not very pleasant, and it takes time to recover.

The magic tree also knew the strength of the arena. The opponent ’s legendary joint operation even directly pulled out a small temple. The combat speed and efficiency, the magic tree in the main temple, was also terrified. Fortunately, there was no impulse the other day, and he refused to do it himself.

"In the battle in the outside world, there are so many things that the laws are against, but it is as serious as it is now, and I have encountered it for the first time." Berger couldn't help but say when everyone was gathering.

Phoenix did not squeak, thinking in my heart, I was not suppressed at all in the main world, but I felt a little bit of danger here, this world is indeed a evil door.

"Thanks to Phoenix this time, I cut off the other party's roots with a sword, otherwise the battle will last for no longer. The magic tree is really terrible. The three of us joined forces and failed to kill it quickly. This is still a small one. Temple, it seems that our attack plan is not easy to achieve. "

"I still have to hunt and let the other party have pressure. It is time for a few of us to shoot frequently. Although we ca n’t go out, the range of five or six miles around us can deal with small targets?"

"It is also said that we have all started to clean up only low-level targets and reduce the pressure on soldiers who go out to sweep. This is also a way. Anyway, cutting its wings has always been our best.

Resonated with these words, even Phoenix felt that it should be so.

No more killing fish, what to do if those fish have evolved. The higher the level, the more severe the consumption of Jianqi.

On the side of the Demon Arena, the situation was balanced for a while.

The main world.

Joey also called everyone to discuss the next plan. Although it is said that cutting down demons has a large income, but the impact on the **** of magic seems to be very small.

The passage to the world of Demon God Arena is chaotic, and then send troops to enter, maybe where it will be sent.

It seems that it leads to many worlds. If you pass through randomly, it may be directly transmitted to the starry sky because of chaos. No one can survive except the legend.

Joey complained: "His Royal Highness, pretending to be pretending, in fact, still put the power in the half-elf empire."

"Isn't there Muses, this guy, who is now summoning soldiers and horses to fight with the forces of the God of Magic."

"Just a clown, take the opportunity to search, no aristocrat looks like."

"Bill, can you discuss it with Her Royal Highness?"

"Metatlyn and the princess, aren't they closely related?" Bill himself was a demigod mage, and when talking to Joey, he was not as polite as Claude.

"Bill, Metaline is more powerful. Our entire southern aristocracy is a whole. No matter how good our relationship with the princess is, it is also a matter of the entire southern aristocracy. Even if it is not misunderstood, there are many ideas. It ’s already an heir, and it ’s impossible to be the same as before. The Duke of Asla, the assistant minister, can speak. ”

"We all went here to do things alone, let's talk about what this means, but we can talk to the king of Snowvis, he has a closer relationship with the princess. Simply, or do you come to tell him how?"

Joey was helpless, if Bill refused to let go, he couldn't force it.

Fortunately, everyone is not nervous, he asked directly: "So, what are the concerns of Rhode Island?"

"I don't want to talk about the principal's concerns, that's what I said. I don't want to be involved in this matter. I'm not a person inside and out. No matter what the end result is, I don't talk about the issue of no benefits. You said, am I going to do this, Will it cause dissatisfaction among many people? "

"Isn't that the same before?"

"Before, Rhode Island hadn't allianced with everyone, how could it be the same."

Joey nodded and said, "It's my fault. Rhode Island's status is the same as ours. But what is going on with the princess? If you use a person like Muses, you will end up with the empire. A mess. "

"The princess is of course not as good as your majesty, but a Muses will not mess up the empire. He has no foundation, not to mention the large number of soldiers now, but his territory, how many people? All are others. "

"In this case, it is a thief." Joey said a little bit depressed.

"Yes, he is a thief, and my headmaster and adult, as well as assistant ministers, so it is embarrassing."

Joey has just recollected it. Duke Asra, it is impossible to engage in Muses. They are all the same identity, and they are all ministers of auxiliary affairs. Even if she told the princess, the princess would not agree. If the two assistant ministers are opposed to each other, the princess will be even more powerless.

Now the princess uses Muses, not because no one is available.

Turned to the princess, there was no family like these levels at all.

"I'm afraid that even if we support the princess, it is impossible for her to remove Muses." Joey sighed, knowing that nothing could be done. What's the use of his strong power? At this point, can the princess still regret it? ?

"This matter, forget it." Bill said: "Mussis is the person chosen by His Majesty, and naturally has his intentions. You know, Muse is from another world, and there is a mysterious **** standing behind him. Perhaps, Your Majesty Are you going to use the power of this **** to deal with the **** of magic? "

Say this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The people present were not surprised.

There are many people from different worlds. There are gods behind them. What a big deal.

On the side of the six-pointed star fortress in the extreme north, everyone is right. The **** battle of Yinyan City, the strength of the magic god, although amazing, but can not see more advanced arms, it should be the influence of the law There is no way to solve it at the moment.

Mages of the empire can relieve pressure by relying on large equipment, such as the Void Magic Tablet.

However, after all, it is an adventure. In the battlefield, what if the Void Magic Tablet fails?

The Alchemy Factory at Storm Point silently produces an energy matrix and a furnace matrix. The magic furnace is also being revised, mainly to reduce costs, increase safety, and enhance explosiveness such as construction.

The quantity produced before was insufficient, and the speed was slow, because some materials are still scarce, and the use of alternatives makes the difficulty of manufacturing a lot. Now there are technological breakthroughs, at least the cost of materials is no longer a problem, and the manufacturing speed can also be increased. After being manufactured into finished products, there is still room for evolution.

The furnace matrix, after it is manufactured, will not be installed in the structure immediately, but will continue to be cultivated in the large magic array in the special space of the storm angle, at least about half a year, to achieve the desired effect. ...

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