Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1269: : Hard bones?

Forces such as Rhode Island or Metateling are well prepared and have sufficient research funds. The equipment to fight the law is getting better and better, and the impact is not so great.

But for those who have no foundation, this rule of suppression is fatal.

However, the empire is a place where magic is prosperous, and the castle in any territory has its own independent law area, and it is suppressed little.

Later, the rules changed, and many large nobles, in addition to their own mage research, also purchased various products from the nine universities.

The Void Magic Monument is also sold in countless places, all installed in those cities, so that inside the city can provide a piece of pure land for its own professionals.

In other words, if the enemy's professionals are just defending the city, they can still exert their fighting power.

Life is constructed, and I do n’t regret selling so many Void Magic Tablets, because other people can also make and sell. The situation today seems to be the same.

After this happened, the layout of Rhode Island was still greatly affected.

However, the strength of Kirishima and Stormwind could not be reduced at all. On the New Continent, the original strength is relatively weak. On Rhode Island, if it is not the development of new weapons and various robots, it will be necessary to return from the outside world.

Even so, the army of Rhode Island ’s homeland is still more than defensive and insufficiently offensive.

In the local territory, there is no main army to guard, only four battalions belonging to the Duke himself, stationed in Little Sun City. Then there is the Changling Army of 300,000 people.

The training of the Changling Corps has been pretty good, but it hasn't been changed yet. An army of 300,000 people could hold the Changling defense line, but could not go west.

If you want to attack, you have to adjust the legions fighting in the other world to come back.

The world occupied by Rhode Island is now a lot, and some are already producing important materials. This kind of world, with a high level, must be guarded by the main legion. If you want to give it to the local servant army, it will not be safe until you rule for at least a few hundred years.

Allies are indeed well-armed. The problem is that things in the North are not resolved by themselves. If they rely on their allies, what use is there in the North?

Life Configuration looked at the military arrangement in his own hands, thinking about where to return his troops.

In fact, all he needed was a main legion, and then half of the strength was taken out of the Changling legion, and then a secondary legion was made, which could almost get most of the enemy in the north.

This is equivalent to the strength of the three legions. Other allies, and then add another legion, that Rhode Island will attack as the main force, and the other allies will be responsible for the security behind.

What about that legion?

Life configuration is thinking, there is magic communication over the summer city.

"The Raven Corps? What's the matter? The Raven Corps is stationed in Xiacheng." Life was assembled, and I heard Sith's request.

"What are you afraid of? I don't enlist myself. Naturally, there is a leader of the legion responsible for fighting. Is there anyone else who can attack Xiacheng? It's not just the Fire Crow Legion, but also the City Legion. If there is Mount Vajrasattva, just rely on the City Legion Well, let ’s say the Asra branch is also here. We have enough magicians and college mercenaries. "

Life configuration, set his sights on the list, the Fire Raven Legion, now the head of the Legion, is a legendary mage called Bigger.

Who is Bigger? He is one of Xiahe's earliest students and one of 72 disciples.

Sith said to life: "If you sweep the north, let the Raven Corps contain the large city fortress, and the Changling Corps will attack the small city. After the fight, let the secondary legion station and defend. After you have settled the surrounding forces, The Legion of Ravens attacked again and pulled out the nails. "

Thinking about life configuration, the three legions will be swept away, and the speed will be a little slower, but you will be useless when you are fast, and this matter does not pursue immediate results.

Slowly hit, hit down, if there is surrender, they will form a servant army and continue in a **** style.

Thinking of this, life construction promised this thing.

To the west of the Changling Line of Defense, Metatelin once conducted a joint experiment with Rhode Island over there. There is a small fortress-like location, but the place is not large, and no army can accommodate it.

However, this is not the front line. It has been placed under the jurisdiction of Rhode Island, and it is surrounded by allied territory.

Close to the front line of the mountain, there is a width of more than thirty miles. It is Rhode Island's own. It has been going west. It is a way out for Rhode Island. Of course, the mountain area is also the territory of Rhode Island, and it is impossible to leave. .

This one, the Changling Corridor, is flat and suitable for marching.

Going west from the Changling Corridor and going out for more than three hundred miles, there is the site of the rebellious nobleman. To the north there are places of Snowvis and the nobility of the south.

Rhode Island uses an existing castle as the rear, where the army gathers and sets off.

This castle originally belonged to an earl, the scale was not too big, two miles away, it was enough to store supplies, and there was a county army nearby, which was relatively safe.

When the three Rhode Island legions assembled, the news began to spread across the empire and panic up and down.

Princess Angelina's statement still played a role. In addition to Neather in the west, a family also issued a statement in support of Her Royal Highness.

As soon as Angelina wins Yinyan City, she will immediately support her as an emperor.

There are not many responders in the west. They are all allies of this family, and some small and medium nobles.

Rhode Island and the south have remained calm because of their relative isolation. For example, Rhode Island is lonely overseas. Although the strait is not wide, it can't be crossed casually, and ships are needed.

In the local territory, it is considered to be a sparsely populated area, and the climate of this place is not as good as that of central Rhode Island.

When the Duke of Zhesu was there, it was also the same. Unless he had Xiahe's technology and could produce Lingmi, the population on the territory would not be too much.

In the south, the land is also sparsely populated. At first, the forest, mountains, and rivers were suitable for human habitation. Metatron and the four Dukes basically occupied the best places in the south.

The forces are relatively concentrated, and the layout has not been followed by the **** of magic. This is a common feature of the six allies.

The five major families in the south mainly attacked the Merrifin family territory. On the Xiahe side, the five major families gathered a legion, stationed in the rear, and actually shared the troubles of the Changling defense line, so the Changling legion can draw half of the staff , Sweeping towards the west.

Out of the territory, the Fire Crow Legion was divided into four parts, marching in four directions.

Like the main army, there are four flying battalions. If there are four directions, there will be a separate flying battalion in each direction. It does not matter if the troops are divided. Besides, the Fire Crow Legion is not in a hurry to fight, but is looking for four targets and blocking.

Four large cities belong to four different nobles.

The Raven Corps came in a raging manner, but when it arrived, it was surrounded and not attacked. The Changling Corps began to sweep around the four cities.

In small cities, the city walls are often only ten meters, and the strength is less than 3,000.

I originally thought that the enemy would fall in the wind, but I did not expect that every city would stand still.

Not only that, but it is also difficult to fight.

A heavy-loaded battalion of the Changling Corps is responsible for attacking such a city. It is boxy, with a wall length of 1,200 meters, a garrison of 3,000, and a lot of miscellaneous soldiers. Too.

However, there are a large number of robot warriors in Chengtou Station, many of them were sold in Rhode Island.

These robot warriors, the core of the calculation is not from Rhode Island, and the combat effectiveness is definitely much worse. But for city defense, just shoot at the head of the city, with precision.

Large robots, heavy artillery, airships, everything in this small city.

By the way, there is a seven-story magic tower.

Above the seventh floor of the magic tower, all are considered high-level goods. This magic tower can help defend the entire city. A large number of long-range artillery attacks were intercepted by the magic tower. The Changling Corps battalion will also know that the other party will definitely not be able to spend it, but they can rebuild their own battalion and attack a small city. How long does it take to hit the ground?

However, the city with the magic tower is so unsolvable.

Most long-range attacks will be truncated.

With so many robots in the city head, the battalion dared not let soldiers flock to attack the city. No way, after the artillery test, the reloading battalion began to formulate a siege plan.

From the secondary legionary, transfer a battalion to clean up nearby villages and small fortresses, so that the city has no possibility of support.

As for the offense? The other party may have only one legend, just suppress it yourself.

The warships are reconnaissance at high altitude to watch the city layout, and the other party does not have the ability of a large phantom array, so many warships can see. Then the micro-robots infiltrated, and the main weapons of the Changling Corps have not been replaced, but these micro-robots are released very quickly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because of the ease of production, it is tens of thousands at a time.

There is no strategy for attacking dead cities. Either block the city and wait for the other party's hunger and cold, but in the world of magic, the price is very high, and the entire space around the city must be blocked so that the other party can't even use the teleportation array.

Either it is a strong attack, repressed by magic, bombarded indiscriminately, and crushed the opponent.

This is what the Changling Corps battalion intended. Anyway, as mentioned above, this war does not need to consider the issue of ammunition depletion. Because these ammunition will soon be destroyed and replaced with new types of ammunition.

Even the ammunition on the battleship said so, what other cities did he dare not attack?

One night without words, in the early morning of the second day, the first reloading battalion of the Changling Corps, in the morning light, launched the only attack.

The independent flying battalion of the heavy battalion launched the first wave of blows in the air. The magic ballista silently released a gorgeous attack. The battalion flew high in the air and released his suppression magic towards the magic tower. The latest chapter of the door invasion The latest chapter of the "door invasion" chapter 1269: Hard bones? URL:

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