Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1272: : What's the matter

() Although Princess Angelina was very depressed about Lynch, she quickly turned around.

Because all the nobles who showed their allegiance to her, all gave a clear list of troops. In other words, real support is coming!

Nothing else, there are rumors outside that Her Royal Highness lacked troops and may borrow troops from foreign countries.

This is okay!

All the people who can build up some troops have expressed their support for the princess. From top to bottom, some out of fifty people, some out of 300 people, but together, there are more than 50,000.

This is the little nobility. The big nobility has given more. The family mainly based in Metatlin in the south will dispatch five legions. Rhode Island also said that two months later, it will give a main legion.

The reason is that the new weapons are still being used in training. It is of little significance to send troops now.

Rhode Island is telling the truth, the plan of life configuration, the Lieyang Magic Corps will not participate in this war, he plans to make a complete Xia Guards Corps first.

For the construction of the Lieyang Magic Corps, the Xia's Guard Corps is now only a skeleton, and all the personnel are missing.

This replacement has already added trained recruits, but if the recruits have not gone through actual combat and are holding new equipment, they have to train for another two months.

The number of recruits trained in the Six-Sided City is large, and it is now gradually being added to the main army.

Like the secondary legions, there are very few transferred to the main legions, because the transfer away will reduce the combat effectiveness of the secondary legions.

In addition, Rhode Island also prepared a servant army to help the princess to fight down the city.

Life construction is either unconcerned about this matter, or it is really stretched.

Attacking the Merrifin family does not require so many troops, and builds up these forces, and the ultimate goal is to lay down Yinyan City.

In the end, Princess Angelina did not borrow troops from Titan Island, but the two sides signed a covenant. Titan Island will ensure the safety of the southeast coast, and will not cause trouble for the half-elves because of the imperial civil strife.

Lynch agreed to be happy and agreed to open the Red Sea City. If the princess needed it, she could supply supplies nearby.

The price is the same as the internal turnover price of the empire, but the quantity will not be so rich. If it exceeds a certain amount, it will be calculated separately.

This is also inevitable. Otherwise, if you buy indefinitely, the other party is not dead.

The princess was not idle, there were several other cities in the coastal city, and she ordered the fleet to drive over and take them one by one. The naval guns of the royal battleships are quite powerful. Even Rhode Island is only able to withstand large cities. For small and medium-sized cities, basically the defense will be torn apart for a while.

In two months, the blink of an eye passed.

The southern nobles assembled five legions and took a boat from the southeast coast. Rhode Island also sent a fleet to send the troops of the two legions.

The princess himself assembled two legions here, and the current elite number has reached the scale of seven legions.

The secondary legions and the like, as well as the forces assembled by other nobles, there are almost more than 200,000 people.

The princess himself also has servants.

In fact, three days after the Metatron family's army, the attack began.

Metatelin's main legion, easily tore a hole in the line of defense from north to south. After the legion entered from here, it went behind the line of defense.

The forward troops of several other nobles, flanked by two sides, blocked the defense of the princess army. It took only more than forty hours to be destroyed.

Then there is the rest of the team, waiting for the coming of the army. When the year passed, the army of Rhode Island arrived, and the army of the princess group began to penetrate inland.

This is a place with a large population in the empire. Unlike the north, it is full of wilderness. There are many towns here.

Almost tens of miles away, you can have a small town, or a large village.

In the sunset, the two squadrons joined together in a broken fortress. Two squadron leaders, one from Rhode Island and one from Metaline.

"Why so ..." Metatlin's squadron, looking at the ruins of the broken walls and the burning villages everywhere, couldn't believe his eyes.

The other side fought dead, two squadrons, lost more than sixty robots, a tank.

The squadron leader of Rhode Island did not understand how these people hated the Empire so much that they would rather die than surrender.

On the front of the broken fortress, there was a huge gap, which was bombarded by a tank, and then enlarged by a large robot. The combat robots in the back swarmed in. In the end, the defenders in the fortress still insisted on two. It took more than an hour to completely eliminate it.

"Did you have a big loss?" The squadron leader of Rhode Island asked.

"No, but it lost a low-level configuration, level 5. It was destroyed by a mad warrior."

"I lost a cyclops, alas."

"Fortunately, Xiu Xiu can continue to use." Metatlin's squadron, comforting this ally.

"Well, the transport vehicle has been sent away, and the soldiers who commanded it are hesitant." The squadron leader was also helpless. This Cyclops was supposed to sweep the house with a heavy sword. But there were civilians in the house, and the soldiers who commanded it hesitated. As a result, the civilians detonated a magical creation, and the cyclops were seriously damaged.

In the distance, there were sporadic gunshots. That was Metatron's robot, searching for the wilderness nearby.

Many enemies escaped, hiding nearby, ready to attack.

Rhode Island's demon is now using new guns, abyss muskets. The abyss musket is electromagnetically propelled and no longer burns potions. When it is launched, there is only a slight sound.

"I heard that it is the same in other places." Rhode Island's squadron said in a painful voice.

"The countryside is better. Our army has a battalion, which attacked a small city. There were only more than 10,000 people there. They stayed there for four days. Finally, they had to use heavy magic artillery to bombard them before they entered."

"Heavy magic artillery!"

"For the destruction of the magic city wall, the battalion guard guarded himself, and stopped several magics that attacked the artillery. The artillery, I heard that it needs to be warmed up for more than four minutes before it can be fired once. After launching, the attack range is about 1 Over a hundred meters. "

Putting on a technical gun, the killing of more than 100 meters in diameter is not a big deal, but the magic cannon is concentrated in power. Within this range of more than 100 meters, it is really impossible to grow grass.

"In the end?"

"If there is no surrender, the street fighting is all killed. Alas ..."

"Report to the captain, the bodies are buried. But basically I don't know the name, so I can't make a monument."

"Forget it, just write something."


"Wait a minute, let the robot demolish the place and build a cemetery. Let's enclose it."


The following people, of course, will not question anything, although this will waste a lot of electricity. They are also very depressed. Many enemies are even civilians, but the weapons they use to fight against you are also lethal.

Technological muskets can be used at will without the need of a professional. At close range, after a month of training, they can be more accurate. Precise shooting may not work, but hitting humanoid targets is not a problem.

The topography of the village is quite complicated. It is a last resort and can only be killed in the past.

This village is actually regarded as a manor, it should be a place of little nobility, and there are few people at ordinary times. When attacking the village, the defenders in the village step by step and kept retreating to the fortress.

The fortress is the villa of the little nobility. It is not as strong as the castle and can only accommodate a few hundred people.

This kind of fortress can't afford to be bombarded by tanks and artillery many times. This is still the house of the nobles of the Arcane Empire. If the house of the civilians is destroyed by one shot.

A scream came from the barracks in the distance.

The two squadron leaders jumped up, put down their emotions, and rushed over, and beside them, a robot ran along.

Lying on the ground was a soldier from Metatron, unconscious, but his heartbeat was still there, and his breathing was steady.

"what happened?"

"Spirit, Captain, some of the dead turned into grievances and attacked us."

"What about resentment?" Metatlin's squadron asked.

"Scattered." The soldier pointed to a six-winged apostle next to him and said, "It used weapons to break up the grudge."

The six-winged apostle is two meters tall, wearing gorgeous armor, carrying a gun case on his back, and carrying a sword of order around his waist.

The squadron lowered his body and looked at the unconscious soldier. He should have been attacked by the Wraith spell, but the Wraith soul was just formed, and the spell was not powerful. It was just the most common coma. Drinking a little spirit would heal the wound.

"Can robots also attack Wraiths?" Metatlin's squadron asked.

Rhode Island ’s squadron commander said, “The new weapon, which should not have been there before, is our latest research from Rhode Island. This six-wing, secondary weapon is a sword of order, within the attack range, it has energy field damage and can be broken. magic."

"That's right."

Rhode Island Squadron Leader ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Quickly check the combat diary. Sure enough, this six-winged man found that human beings were attacked. It relied on it most recently. , Pull out the sword of order directly, and cut to the four grudges.

The six-wing apostle at level 25 arrived late. When the two squadron strikers arrived, they used the chariot to get the castle done. If Six Wings is there, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

The command squad in the standard squadron, with five and six wings, flew high into the air, and with the gun of trial, one shot could penetrate the fort defense and kill the commander inside.

The four Wraiths have just been formed, and their levels are very low. The six wings of the 25th level have not urged the secondary energy nodes in the body. The sword of order is just an ordinary attack, and the four Wraiths are exterminated.

The level of grievance is about three or four levels. The reason why the soldier of Metatelin hurt was that the soldier took off his helmet and had no protection at rest. Soul retaliation directly impacts on the soul. This soldier is not a magician, but just an ordinary soldier.

He was not seriously injured because of his strong physical fitness. Professionals are not so easy to die. The latest chapter of the door invasion The first chapter of the latest chapter of the "door invasion" Chapter 1272: How many are at this URL:

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