Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1294: : Deep alliance

In fact, for the alliance, Rhode Island is more important, but what dragon configuration is not attractive.

Rhode Island is after all the branch of the power of Taiyin Xianfu in the main world. If you want to build a powerful combat weapon, that is the low-level yellow towel fighter, high-level fairy soldier, super-level fairy.

What dragon configuration is the most icing on the cake.

Of course with technology, you can learn more about the underlying rules, not that the technology is not worth the money.

Alliance in the world, in this world, is a relatively stable alliance, which is more stable than the aristocratic loyalty to the royal family.

From now on, Rhode Island can move forward and backward with Metatron, supporting each other. The transaction of everything is at a very low price, which is nothing. The most important thing is that they complement each other technically.

The magic configuration is still Metatron, but the robot, Rhode Island is really invincible.

Judging from the recent battles, the biochemical robots of Rhode Island are as powerful as their combat capabilities.

The rapid alliance between the two parties can be said to be like lightning. The patriarch of Metaline came to the floating city in person, and then built his life, and went to the domain of the Metaline family.

The first thing to form an alliance is the exchange of information. Many technical materials will not be sold.

In this part, the Metatlin family accumulated more technology, and on the Rhode Island side, Xiahe did not write all the technologies. If he wants to, he can use the soul power to input all the technologies he knows into the magic net, but those are all virtual. He wants the following students to work together to enrich the magic net.

He will only come up with more things when guiding the road.

Therefore, Rhode Island ’s information is still far less than that of Metatelin. Metatelin did not care about it. After all, there are core things on both sides, which ca n’t be shown to the other. If it is not given to the other party, it will take hundreds of years and thousands of years for the other party to study it.

There is no situation that can never be studied, is to save everyone's energy.

The second thing is the exercise plan of both parties. There have been quite a few joint operations between the two sides, but this time it was a phantom exercise, the location of the exercise, in the sky arena.

Because of what the **** of magic has done, this side of the sky arena has been left out for a while.

Metlin is also very embarrassed. Fortunately, Sky Arena can do many things.

This time, the two sides conducted exercises in the arena, and eventually they were at the corps level. Because it was an invitation from Metaline, the resources consumed were from Metaline. Then if Rhode Island wants to come back and invite Metaline, it will also draw the resources consumed.

Construction of life, together with the demigod mage sent by Metatron, study the details of the exercise and arrange the content of the exercise.

Thousands of masters are helping to design the script for the entire exercise.

Rhode Island took out the star warships, with data input into the magic net, Metatron, and also brought out powerful things such as magic warriors and elemental configurations. This is a hard-fought exercise. Both sides want to explore how to deal with a strong army battle.

The whole exercise may last more than a month, and you will get a lot of precious data.

Don't look at it in illusion, the cost is not small at all, especially the legion level confrontation, you must get at least 300,000 access points. The level of these access points must be worthy of soldier level. The legendary commander must have a legendary magic network access port, otherwise he cannot exert his power in the magic network.

Metatlyn doesn't care about the cost. At least Metatlyn's people think that Rhode Island has taken out all the technology. For this new force, it is really all the net worth.

They were all shocked by the richness of Rhode Island's technology, and almost nothing was not covered, that is, the thickness was a little different, after all, too few years. However, the great number of geniuses in Rhode Island is enviable, and over time, it will certainly grow into a power as great as Metatron.

Share the technology, Rhode Island still gave the energy matrix to Metatelin.

Metatron, also shared the mystery of magic warriors and elements to Rhode Island.

The result is that both sides have their own gains, but they certainly will not make each other's things. Because of wasting resources, like Rhode Island, it will definitely go further in robotics. Metatron, will still stick to their magical ideas without investing too much energy in the development of robots.

However, both benefited greatly. Metatlin, through the idea of ​​energy matrix, quickly developed a better high-energy battery, also with energy nodes, but there is not so much energy matrix, so violent release ability.

But in terms of cost, it is indeed cheaper than the energy matrix.

Metatron series batteries can be used on high-end robots on the top, and can be placed on the inferior ones on the bottom. Rhode Island has decided to buy this kind of battery instead of making it itself.

Metatlyn ’s productivity is sufficient to supply the Rhode Island Army.

The purchase price of Rhode Island is the same as the purchase price of Metatron's own army. Rhode Island will not feel a loss for Metatelin. Since you used someone else's, you can't let your allies work in vain. There are also a group of workers to support.

Rhode Island robots, standard models will not change, derived models will be adjusted.

And the secondary derivative models will use Metatron's batteries. The other is a new type of robots, like evil monsters, who will also purchase Metarant batteries for power.

The ten million inferior demon to Princess Angelina is most equipped with Metatron's battery.

There is not much change in cost, it is still cheaper, but the properties are better.

Soon, Rhode Island also made a technical breakthrough, and developed a tetrahedral battery. Based on the model derived from Metaline's battery. There are four energy nodes and sixteen secondary energy nodes.

The number of energy nodes is much less than that of Metatron, but the violent release is no different from the energy matrix.

Rhode Island's robots focus on explosive power, with different emphasis.

Metatelin's eruption unit is a magic configuration.

The construction of Rhode Island, if you want to erupt, basically rely on the dragon scale scroll carried by the construction. The explosive power of the construction itself is not as good as that of Metatron.

Of course, Rhode Island also has a unicorn configuration, which is explosive, but the cost is also high. The core of the configuration is two unique hearts. As Rhode Island's resources become more abundant, it is not a problem to support a unicorn legion.

Resembles the current Knights of Medirelli, stationed in Kirishima, the main force is a unicorn knight of seven battalions.

Supplementary power is a lightning unicorn knight of twenty-five battalions.

Depending on the core of the configuration, there are now four types of unicorn configurations in the Knights of Medirelli.

Dark Unicorn, Pale Unicorn, Mithril Unicorn and Lightning Unicorn. The core of the previous two configurations is still dystocia, and the number cannot be improved much. The latter two are just expensive.

The power of Rhode Island has raised so much, like Metatlin, it will certainly be able to feed more advanced construction knights.

Of course, the limitation of the number of Rhode Island unicorn knights is not only expensive and difficult to manufacture, but also the training of unicorn knights.

The first batch of unicorn knights has basically been retired.

Later unicorn knights were all trained in the manner of Medirelli, starting from a young age. This is a legion that does not need recruiting personnel and has its own supplementary system.

Began selection and training from children, and learned the skills taught by Medieri.

Maybe this is the most loyal team in Rhode Island. In any case, it will fight to the end. Therefore, Rhode Island only wants to gain advanced research knowledge, and in-depth research, and in terms of construction, the construction knight is the main force. Pure magical construction, Rhode Island still does not tend to give too much cost.

Of course, after learning Metatlin's technology, Rhode Island's advanced construction will certainly advance by leaps and bounds.

Is like Metatron, and the fighting power of the robot will also rise in a flying way.

For Rhode Island, the military's influence is not too big, and the existing production system does not need to be adjusted. It is only after years and years that these effects will manifest as the years pass.

Rhode Island will have a better magic configuration, a richer variety of robots.

Of course, the change is not without, through learning, the army of Rhode Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately changed the manufacturing method of the commander series of magical construction.

The commander directly extended many basic models-general type, battalion type, deputy general type, captain type, sergeant chief type.

Four magical furnaces form a tetrahedral structure, which fully describes the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire.

This is also the source of ideas for Rhode Island's high-energy battery, which is actually a structural furnace within the magical configuration.

Four single-attribute magic furnaces form a whole, and the cycle is not extinguished. The cost is much lower than the four separate full-attribute furnaces, but the application ability is no different.

This is Metatlin's technology, Rhode Island has also tried, without overcoming the difficulties, the cost remains high.

After learning Metatlin ’s technology, even the heart constructed by the unicorn can evolve into a multi-ventricular structure. In this way, you can cycle out without worrying about overloading the heart furnace. There is even an average outbreak model that spreads energy demand to different core structures.

Regardless of the alliance, the battle here must continue. If a large number of troops are trapped without attacking, it is a joke to consume military power here.

Therefore, Her Royal Highness ordered the families to re-arm the army for the shortest time and prepare to attack the magic gear. This time cannot be longer than half a month, and it is best to solve the problem within six days. ...

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