Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1296: : It doesn't matter

"I suddenly found out that I don't know what to let you do, and Lord Xiahe, who made my purpose, is very clear, when he is the shadow prince. But your strength is not enough to be my shadow."

"I can form an Asla Knights, a battalion size, just fight with you."

"Now there is a shortage of manpower, and there are six thousand people for you."

"I ’m going to select myself, and I do n’t want those in the new camp, the main army still needs to use it. I choose people from our aristocratic territory, fifteen, and train to eighteen. I can evolve a civilian into more than Level 20 professional. And all of them are real knight occupations. "

"How can this be?"

"Metatlyn, don't we want to build a dragon knight? We just make the fire crow knight."

"Too many resources are consumed ..."

"That's not necessary, I've collected it myself for the past three years, as long as some corner scraps. The Raven Knight constructs, and I already have a draft in my heart."


"When you created me, you actually determined my destiny. I am an auxiliary construct."

"Six thousand people, too many."

"There are only a thousand real build knights, and the rest are just auxiliary, the combat power of the two brigades."

"Alright, then you can build an ace knight group, after all, Mediel Li's knight group, in the future, will open up the starry sky and fight with the legendary strongmen."

"Yes, then I will do it."

"Wait a minute, I will give you a warrant." Life is constructed, and suddenly I have expectations. What kind of achievements will the magic creation made by myself have?

Xia Min nodded his head, his life was built around him, and he lacked a group of powerful warriors. He was not Xiahe's body. Xiahe's disciples knew this, although they would do things for him, but not his personal strength.

Xia Min wants to become a private force in life construction, which is a step in life construction to gain new life.

One day in the future, he will also have an independent personality, an independent identity, no longer just a construct.

He cherishes this opportunity and works hard.

The coalition forces were ready to attack within half a month. However, to the surprise of the coalition forces, the Merrifin family suddenly started a counterattack.

The troops of the two sides collided in one place quickly, causing a chain-like collapse. Each independent space included the attacking forces and the counterattack forces at the same time, and the space barriers isolated the inside and outside.

However, the coalition side unexpectedly did not flinch, but continued to increase its strength, entangled with the people of the Merrifin family.

All families, the royal family, have added a servant legion, mixing up the offensive.

Even if the Demon Prison continues to appear, don't give up, the army moves forward step by step, according to this momentum, up to five or six days, you can reach the magic gear.

"Are they crazy? Losing so many troops, they have to attack!" Among the magic gears, Syndicate gritted her teeth.

"They can afford to lose." The close trusted mage under his hands was very helpless.

Syndicate also knows that this is true. The Metatron family alone can withstand such losses. Not to mention the six coalition forces, taking out the Royal Corps.

The other party mobilizes the servant army, he knows it, and most of them are now in the demon prison, most of them are servant army.

There is a floating city mobilized above, and everything below has nothing to hide. When the two sides collide, their own troops or the **** of magic's troops have no advantage.

The most hateful thing is that Asra, sitting in the floating city himself.

The demigod is on top, even if it is not good to leave the floating city, he feels like a thorn in the back.

People are also people with floating cities. In case, they fight against the laws of this world and give themselves a bit, then they are afraid of pills. The opposing floating city can be equipped with powerful space-time magic, which can at least weaken the anti-bite of the law. In that case, the cost of killing yourself will be much smaller.

So he couldn't come forward and fight the enemy himself, he could only bear it.

Wait, wait for the opponent to enter the magic gear.

But the opponent entered the magic gear and the battle was not easy to fight. There are too many robots on the other side, so many people can't bear it. How dare they give robots such great autonomy?

A soldier cannot command so many robots at all.

At this moment, the coalition forces, the regimental commanders, and Princess Angelina do n’t have these cranky thoughts, but they are together, watching the battle, and doing some small talk. The exchanges are not very important, but they are relatively uncommon. Intelligence.

These gadgets are used as conversational resources without wasting time.

It seemed that the waves weren't alarming, but in fact he was secretly calculating the loss of his army. As long as they are imprisoned in the Demon Prison and the strong army, they will also lose half of their strength. The weak ones may not be able to protect even human soldiers.

"Let's fight like this. When it comes to the magic gear, everyone can leave half of the legion. It's not bad. The strength is enough to knock down the magic gear." Princess Angelina said.

"It's like this, we can't shrink back, your highness is at ease." The head of the Augustine family said.

"Yeah, after all, the Merrifin family betrayed not only the empire but also humans."

"If the **** of magic controls this world ..."

"That magic may not be prosperous, but the mysterious society. Gods, will not make humans stronger. Strong humans can challenge the gods."

"So our magician, let's not let the magic **** succeed, I really don't know what the green mage tower thinks."

"I'm crazy, trying to control the **** of magic."

The commander in chief of Rhode Island thought, this is not a wishful thinking. The Xia's family arrested a mechanical **** and completely controlled it. Now the robots in Rhode Island are so powerful, and it has something to do with this.

"I really hope that one day, I will also set up an arena to capture all the gods of this universe and let them fight with each other. Let us humans watch and have fun."

Said this, the commander of the Addison family.

Mages of this family are most hostile to gods.

"This is a good idea, if I can, I am willing to invest." Princess Angelina said.

"What is His Highness Investment doing, is it better for His Highness to take the lead and do this thing? How much money do we invest in and we can make small profits."

Princess Angelina was in a trance, and listened to the commander of the Xia clan's legion: "Your Highness should indeed engage in this. If it is accomplished, it will be the most powerful emperor in history. This legend will spread to every corner of the universe until the universe dies. "

Princess Angelina suddenly laughed and said, "Yes, I will not slacken. You can rest assured that you will enter the Yinyan City, and I will stand alone as an emperor. When the time comes, you will be the pillar of the empire. Support me and I will go to the end. I also hope that one day, my name will be widely circulated in other worlds. "

"Really ... arrogant, do you think it is safe with the magic tower? Ha, ha, hahaha ..."

'S mocking voice was so harsh, and as the mocking sounded, the magic tower where the seven people were located lost all contact with the outside world and fell into their respective demon prisons.

Princess Angelina was stunned and found that even the magic tower was superimposed in the demon prison, which was a very terrible power. But no matter how terrible the power cannot come, it is meaningless to yourself.

My own magic tower is not seven floors, but nine floors.

In addition to some special 13-story magic towers, nine-story magic towers are the best.

Demi-Mage, in the nine-story magic tower, even if you are the true god, it is difficult to kill me directly. This magic tower communicates the elemental plane and is the real elemental plane, not a shallow mezzanine. Even in a crisis, you can enter the elemental plane, and the royal family has a way to return to the main world from the elemental plane.

This is also the unique knowledge of the royal family. It is necessary to invest in not knowing how much material to explore, research, and then have the current achievement.

And his own strength is enough to return to the main world by the flesh without passing through any magic buildings, magic arrays and the like. It's just the price paid, there is no need to bear it.

Now here, how can you take me without a true god?

There are rules on the side of the main world. If he is absent, the Duke of Asla will take over the command. He is his own minister and the minister of auxiliary government. In this case, the royal army will obey his orders.

The enemy is so crazy that he must be afraid of hitting the magic gear early.

What he can think of, Duke Asra, certainly can.

Whether you are here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The matter of attacking the magic gear will continue. There is no problem for one or two years of missing. The royal family naturally has a way to judge the life and death of the bloodline clan. If you don't die, those six families will continue to attack, and even attack Yinyan City, in your own name.

Or, if they left, they would let go of their hands and feet instead.

The heads of the army and the princess fell, and life was built in the floating city, and they laughed.

What's the use of this, the six families, the first purpose is to destroy the Merrifin family, the princess will continue to die, let alone just enter the demon prison.

After playing here, and then attack Yinyan City, whoever got in the front, stepped on one foot.

"Pass my order and continue to attack, three days later, I want the army to advance under the magic gear!"

In the floating city, the order of Duke Asra was passed on, and the head of the legion that had not disappeared over the royal family also felt that he had a backbone. What does this mean, anyway, the Minister of Political Affairs, will continue to support the princess and wait for the princess to return.

Life Construction suddenly thought that there was a flaw in his order.

Therefore, he issued a second order in the battlefield magic net: "After the magic gear is laid, he will guard here and wait for the return of Her Royal Highness Princess, and at the same time will order the family legion to attack Yinyan City and complete His will. "...

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