Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1306: : Men

"Okay, let's talk about the matter." Jon took a booklet and pushed it down in front of Li Anna. "This is the manpower and materials I prepared for you. The money is all from the goddess. Please check it."

Li Anna glanced, handed over the booklet, and asked the men to check the materials and team in the camp.

The booklet is not thick, but there are a lot of records.

Fifty temple armor, one hundred and twenty black dwarf warriors, twenty mixed-blood ogre magicians, and a vampire captain.

Interestingly, the equipment of the Black Dwarf Warriors and Half-Blood Cannibal Magicians was still purchased from Mithril City.

Are very expensive, but they are all high-quality products, and they are very different from products sold to outsiders.

"Do ogres eat people?" Qing Ying asked next to him.

"Ogres in some worlds are cannibalistic, but my men are all highly intelligent ogres and very civilized. If they are not hungry, they will never eat humans."

Jon looked at Qingying and added: "Ogres may look ugly, but this batch is very clean and has good living habits. They are magicians."

"Magician? Are you not a temple here?"

"Goddess of Doom, do not refuse the magician." Jon smiled: "There is also a two-headed ogres inside these ogres, level 38, the mortal task, don't do it for him, if he will After two years, it is a good legendary mage. "

Li Anna nodded, she looked at the roster, the two-headed ogre, still young, is indeed worth cultivating.

This wave of cannibal magicians, a total of 20, are all above level 20, but no legend. The two-headed ogre is the captain of the mage team, and half of the mage supplies are placed on his body.

Jon ’s preparations were quite adequate. He carried special tents developed by the temple and various living materials. All kinds of medicines, materials, weapons and ammunition of the temple are specially sealed with magic boxes, and they are carried by the demon spider.

There are also some magical constructs, which are quite rare and only produced in the underground world.

Doom Sage Riding is a plus, and there are also two magic spiders.

The magic spider magical configuration is a product of Zhu Ji's side. The abdomen is a relatively rare space equipment, which is more than one hundred cubic meters. The combat effectiveness of this configuration is not low. The body of the demon spider, not counting the legs, is more than one meter long. Spraying venom, the spider web has all the functions, it is much more powerful than the demon spider.

The end of each leg can become extremely sharp.

Zhu Ji's claws, that is the artifact. The weapon created by imitating her claws is amazing. Xia He studied it himself, but the research is not thorough.

This is the original version, which is better than the one designed by the Duke collar.

Jon is really attentive, in terms of magical configuration, it is considered a powerful fighting force. The one hundred and twenty black dwarves, in addition to their own combat power, were also followed by robotic forces.

Before and after, the combat units of the entire team add up to more than 1,200.

Jon said: "Sir, I can't go this time, but it's not timid. I can't live without this. The two best doom fairy rides have been sent to you, and there are two magic spiders, the entire northeast , Just two of them. "

"Okay, I know. You have done a good job on this matter."

Jon took another badge and handed it to Li Anna: "We can communicate with our temple, mobilize troops from any regional temple, and meet people from other temples. They can also negotiate."

Li Anna swept with the power of primordial spirit, no problem, it was indeed an identity sign, and she accepted it.

"In addition, I also recruited a logistics unit. Before you go deep, someone will follow you to arrange things like camping."

"Isn't this necessary?"

"It doesn't matter, the temple assigns tasks and doesn't need to spend money, they rush to do it."

Li Anna smiled and said: "I forgot this, that's good, let the logistics team follow."

"Adult, here I still remind you, the underground world, the more unstable the space is. The more powerful things that can affect the space when exploded, don't use it anymore. The mess is coming. "

"Just an explosive?"

"Yeah, even if it doesn't affect the space, it will be troublesome to cause collapse."

"I didn't bring the gun, you are afraid of something." Li Anna answered with a smile.

Jon said all the important things, and then went back to the temple. The following people, who had all the supplies together, came back and reported to Li Anna.

"Let them rest for one night and set off tomorrow. Let the vampire and the two-headed ogre come to see me."


Soon, the vampire and the two-headed ogre came to the living room and stood in front of Li Anna.

Qingying is only interested in ogres. The ogres are of ordinary height, two meters in length, but they are very sturdy. The two heads are the same size. Ogre's skin is not blue, it is not known what race blood is mixed.

He wore a magic robe produced by Rhode Island, carrying a very thick magic wand in his hand. Some traces on it are enough to show that the ogres not only hold it to cast spells, but may also be used to smash the head of the enemy.

But as Jon said, this bizarre two-headed ogre is very clean and has no unpleasant smell. The sides of his hair were shaved and he had two short braids. The braid is quite thick, with magic rope wrapped around it. There are black gems on the magic rope, and I don't know what magical creation was made.

The most striking is the two-headed ogre, with a gray badge pattern on the chest, embroidered on the magic robe.

This two-headed ogre has actually studied at Asla College!

"What's your name?" Li Anna had a little bit of recognition for this two-headed ogre.

"Back to the Lord of the City, my name is Lulu. This is my real name. When I was studying at the academy, there was a scientific name called Higgins."

"Let's call it Lulu, no need to call any honorifics like adults."

"Yes, the lord."

"You are welcome, what year are you ..."

"I studied at the academy for a year ago, advanced epic. Now, thirty-eighth level." Lulu's head on the left spoke, and the head on the right said nothing.

Li Anna knows that this other head will be ready to fight magic at any time. The two heads are arguing with each other, as the novel says, the normal two-headed ogre has no two souls.

"Yes, do a good job this time. When you look back on your advanced legend, I will recommend a good teacher for you and give you guidance alone."

Lulu overjoyed, immediately fell down and kowtowed to Li Anna.

The vampire was beside, frowning straight.

The vampire, with a long figure and a handsome face, wore a purple dress with a silver chain on his chest, as if he had a pocket watch in his arms.

Li Anna glanced at the vampire and said, "You are ..."


"No surname?" Li Anna said coldly.

The legendary vampire suddenly felt that every inch of skin on his body was struck by a sharp blade, and the whole person couldn't even breathe. If you just can't absorb the air, it is nothing for him, but this is at the level of the law, which cut off the magic of this world and the communication between him.


The vampire found that his voice was stuck in his throat and could not speak.

"My men must trust me unconditionally. If you don't like it, you can still go now. If you follow me, hehe ..."

The vampire felt a little lighter in the body. All the previous things seemed to be an illusion.

If only the prohibition disappears, it is not terrible at all. What is scary is that the influence of Fang Cai ’s sword intention on his body has completely disappeared, and at the same time his feeling of fear disappears. He knew it had happened, but his physical memory was telling him, no, the other party did nothing.

"I ’m Stoke Wood from the vampire forest. Legendary Marquis of Level 50. In my world, I ’m not the best warrior, nor the best magician, but I ’m both, not mutual. There is no one in conflict. I hope to serve you, my lord. "

The vampire knelt down on one knee and stroked his chest with his hand.

"Then follow, the ogres will go to Lulu, and the rest of the team will go to you. What are you responsible for in the temple?"

"Responsible for fighting, cleaning up some disobedient existences."

Li Anna nodded and said, "Black dwarf, are you used to it?"

"Back to adult, I am not used to it, it is too stupid. But the stupid black dwarf, suitable for death, is still available. If the adult allows, I am willing to recruit some other race for the adult."

"Do you think that Mithril City lacks strength and has to recruit in the underground world?"

"But the warriors of Mithril City are more distinguished, and the power of the underground world can be consumed with confidence." Vampire Stoke replied for granted.

"It's not that dangerous, and I bring a lot of people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It goes deep underground, and it's also layer by layer. It won't go directly to the most dangerous places. So, you choose another scout role, explore Road use. "


"Okay, let's go to the team separately, and meet at the square tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock."

Waiting for everyone to leave, Qingying asked: "Sister Anna, it seems, is there nothing fun?"

"It's not fun at all, how can people like us take risks on their own, and go out and have to rush forward and back, and a bunch of men do things for you. It's my turn to deal with them unless they encounter trouble that they can't solve."

"I thought……"

"You thought, I'm going to take you, just the two of us, and ran down to the ground of Heilonglongdong, as if I was a kid catching bugs?"


"Well, there are abyssal monsters below, I have to catch some of them back. This thing is not dead in the main world, it can evolve, it is a very good variety. If you go to the abyss, you must not catch this."

Qing Ying remembered the magic image of the abyss demon she had seen, and shivered.

"Abyssal creatures are not terrible, but there are many, and it is a headache. If the underground world communicates with the abyss, the abyss lords will definitely come to attack and consume their excess population." ...

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