Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1318: :sisters

Li Anna feels that she is chopped on countless layers of space barriers, each layer is as thin as a cicada's wings, and indestructible.

However, the sword intention of Taiyin Jingjian broke out, and her tentacle was still cut off by her sword.

It didn't break, but it broke.

The end of the tentacle that had fallen off was still flying towards Qingying, which was faster. The mouthpiece turned outwards, instantly magnified tens of thousands of times, and turned into a behemoth.

Qingying just pulled the sword, turned around and cut off.

The huge mouthpiece seemed to be trapped by an invisible chain, stopped in the air, cut by her blade in the middle of the mouthpiece, and the huge teeth were turned into powder.

At this time, deep in the ground, a painful voice came up.

Li Anna and Qing Ying looked at each other and said badly. The defensive attribute of this thing is the power of space. Li Anna and Qing Ying can bypass this attribute attack, but the dwarf cannot.

Thinking of this, Li Anna released the sword pocket, and the sword box also buzzed, and a sword light flew away.

Qingying's sword bag is still being refined, so he had to throw the blue sword in his hand. The blue sword turned into an electric light, meandering and turning in the tunnel, flying all the way to the team of dwarves behind.

Behind the dwarf's line, a huge tentacle opened the mouth and rushed towards the last dwarf.

The robot next to the dwarf twisted his body violently and fluttered at the tentacle. When the tentacle was thrown, the robot was smashed on the rock wall and the metal parts flew.

The dwarf came to alert, and had patted a thick metal belt, and a shield as high as a dwarf floated in front of him.

His hands, double-handed tomahawks, and one spin, spare the shield. The tentacle had hit the shield, the thick shield was torn apart, and the dwarf tomahawk had been cut into the tentacle.

Bounce off.

The fighting spirit floating on the sharp edge of the tomahawk completely dissipated.

The dwarf warrior took off his battle axe, his eyes spurting blood, and he was instantly violent. The tomahawk circled his body, so he threw himself at the tentacle, as if he had completely lost his mind.

The tentacle mouthpiece opened up and swallowed the violent dwarf with his tomahawk.

The power of the dwarves after the rage did double, but they also lost control.


Another dwarf was also violent, his companion was swallowed by tentacles, a sabre in his hand was raised, a jump was cut, and it was cut into the tentacles at a distance of ten meters.

Feeling round and round, the tentacle slipped aside, the epee was slipped aside, and the power was all split on the ground.

On the stone ground, a trace of half a meter deep was cut by the epee.

This dwarf's rage, the shield of the 20th-level magician, may not be able to defend. Among the tentacles, there was a rustling sound, twisting, swept over like a whip.

The dwarf turned, drew his sword, and lifted up.

The tentacle's mouthparts simply bite down, and while the epee hasn't exerted force yet, he bites on the blade front. The metal cracked and the dwarf lost his balance, as if he had crashed into the mouthparts.

In an instant, two dwarves were eaten, and the rest of the dwarves fled desperately.

Behind him, in the darkness, tentacles sprang out one after another, chasing the different dwarves separately.

When Li Anna's long sword arrived, she saw white sword light passing by, and her tentacles were chopped with mouthparts and scattered all over the ground. Then a red sword pocket flew, swallowing the tentacles on the ground, and the sword pocket chewed loudly.

Sword light is like electricity. It was originally an adjective, describing the speed of swords as too fast.

Qingying's sword is really turned into electric light, meandering through the hole, just like the lightning in the sky and the earth.

Hearing a puff, a huge tentacle hidden in the darkness was hit by Qingying's sword.

The end of the tentacle, which is more than four meters in diameter, was cut off with a sword, and the cut was more than one meter.

The tentacle shrank slowly and completely disappeared into the darkness.

Qingying's swords flew back, this time straightening into electro-optics, flying back into Qingying's sword box. When the sword flew back, Qingying frowned, her own strength was still too weak, but only hurt the tentacle, but it could not affect the body. If it was the six ancestor embers of the ancestor, this time it burned, and the body immediately died.

Six Dao Jian Hei is not as overbearing as Six Dao Shenming.

As everyone knows, she has been terrified of the body of the tentacle. When the sword is cut down, the body of the tentacle is turbulent, and thousands of heads are in pain, as if suffering from the disaster of extinction.

As a result, Li Anna's swords were swept away, and the attack of the tentacle body on the release was beyond control.

Li Anna wiped out all the attacks with a sword, swallowed the tentacles of the tentacles, the sword was suspended in the darkness, and the dwarf ran back, this scene reflected in the heart, shocked.

Li Anna said to Qingying: "This stuff is powerful, it can send attacks across the space, and it can be adjusted at any time. Let the strength of those tentacles be just higher than the enemy. Thousands of heads to calculate this, almost no mistakes . "

"Things with space capabilities are terrible. Our camp is afraid that it cannot stop its attack."

Li Anna nodded and said, "Originally, I thought it was huge and the camp environment made it helpless. As a result, this tentacle can be large or small, long or short, thick or thin!"

"What does Sister say?"

"I'm saying that without killing it, we're afraid we can't sleep."

Qing Ying said: "I have only tried it. I can't lock its soul. It's useless to kill a head. It has to destroy all the heads."

Li Anna said: "I still have a limit to the outbreak. It doesn't. It's all mutated. I don't care about burning life. It's not impossible to kill it. If it has a companion, then my power is used. One? "

Qing Ying shook her head and said, "I can escape."

"Nonsense, Fu Lu is in your hands. I mean, if I were to control this thing, how about trying to kill its heads one by one?"

"Then try it, if you are chased down by it, you really don't know what to eat."

Qing Ying was right, even Li Anna had to risk killing the monster instead of avoiding it. This thing can send tentacles out of the air, at least ten miles away is not a problem. The sent tentacles can also increase strength at any time.

A thing that may be a demigod, Li Anna originally did not want to fight, she is not a demigod herself.

If it were n’t for the laws of this world, she did n’t mind trying, anyway, when she broke out, killing the Demigod was not anger. The problem is the suppression of the law, so that her outbreak has a little risk.

Switching to a magician who is not a Daomen is not as simple as a little risk.

The two quickly reached the channel and said to the vampire: "I and Qingying will deal with that thing, you are responsible for protecting the dwarf."

"Yes." The vampire did not dare to resist his life. Li Anna's sword light, he saw it again, and the impact on his mind was still great.

"Lulu, you organize the spells and interfere with the space. Don't let the tentacle attack at will."


"The two of you, who are in charge of the team's command, mainly focus on protection and do not seek to kill the enemy." After Anna Li said to the two squadron captains, she released a thick sword gas from the sword pocket and circled on the spot. It turned into darkness and disappeared.

This sword gas guard position is naturally not as good as her to control, but she has mastered the tentacle's breath, at least it will not be wrong to attack the tentacle.

Li Anna urged the mechanical unicorn to leave the position. Qing Ying watched her come back and drew a circle in the air. The circle changed into a bronze mirror, suspended in the air.

"Sister, can you do it?"

"I can do it." Li Anna pulled out a slender silver sword and said, "We are in awe of sword repairs, and we are afraid that an abyss monster will not succeed!"

"Of course not afraid." Qing Ying also pulled out the blue sword, but still did not use her natal sword.

"Then our sister, go and kill this monster. If it is a demigod, the gain is not small. I don't believe that a demigod creature, entering this world, has not been weakened into scum!"

The two of them rushed into the distance of more than ten miles, the road twisted down and the depth was more than three miles. Along the way, there were no tentacles to intercept. As for other deep creatures, I am afraid that they have been eaten clean by this monster.

In the deepest part of the turn, the golden light suddenly appeared in front of me, but I saw a sarcoma-like monster with thousands of heads floating on a pool of gold liquid.

Liquid gold is literally the liquid that Huang Finance turned into.

However, each head of the monster has the smallest diameter of more than two meters, a dozen meters large, and thousands of them piled together, which is a huge volume. The sarcoma is almost the same as the hill.

Now this hill-like sarcoma floats on the liquid gold, which is like a lake.

For practitioners, beyond a certain level, gold is not valuable, and it refers to a small amount of gold coins. The liquid gold in front of me is probably enough to start a large-scale war.

No, the current war in the middle of the empire can be maintained by this golden liquid.

"Is this good luck?" Li Anna couldn't help it.

If it is any kind of material, you have to spend time and energy to deal with it, and this pure gold liquid ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just needs to cast gold coins. This liquid gold hasn't undergone any processing yet, its magical properties are still there, and it's good to be used as an alchemy material.

Gold is widely used as an alchemy material, but there are too many alternatives, all of which are cheaper than gold, so not many talents are used. However, in advanced magic creations, in order to improve some weak attributes, gold will be used as the raw material, rather than those cheap alternatives.

As she spoke, she pointed to the shiny gold liquid. From the golden liquid, countless silver thin swords were stabbed, and the monster could not understand the law of the sword in the mirror, and was stabbed with holes.

All the swords, crossed and collided into a mirror, are divided in the monster body.

The division of the law, the monster feels that it is still one, but it has been unable to mobilize the power of one body, and each head is independent.

What the **** is this!

As soon as they met, Li Anna used the sword in the mirror to control the monster's body. The golden liquid under the monster's body pulled up a golden gun, which should be its melee attack. But it was cut by the sword in the mirror, the contact between the heads was lost, and the golden gun's attack was chaotic. Reading network

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