Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1332: : Kill

Rhode Island also needs a break. The Xia Family of Fourth Citizen Corps is now in charge of the Battle of Yinyan City. It is a new replacement army. If the equipment of this regiment is lost, it will be the Changling Corps.

The Changling Corps is the last major legion of Rhode Island.

Behind the Changling Legion is the secondary legion.

The number of Rhode Island secondary legions is not large. It is now four, and there is no plan to expand. The servants under the secondary legion are too scumming. It is not a problem to fight parallel spaces. Fighting the army of magical gods, the basic functions do some auxiliary work, and frontal battles will be defeated.

"Rhode Island is in charge of logistics, Metatlyn and I each attack one side, and the other four are in charge of each side. The main attack is the troops of Metatlyn and me, 13,000 air gunboats, our two each have six Thousands, and the remaining four are 1,000. You only need to carry out a containment attack and wait for the force to be attracted by our two directions, and then make a strong attack. "

Princess Angelina's actions are all correct.

Rhode Island is a legion here, as are the four families in the south. Only Metatron and Princess Angelina have two main legions. There is an additional servant legion on the princess side. It is responsible for one direction. of.

In this way, in each direction, at least maintain the strength of two legions.

The Yinyan City is so big that these two legions are just enough.

Rhode Island is responsible for logistics, that is, sending troops, escorting supplies vehicles and airships. It is theoretically very safe. The army of magic gods is now short of troops and should be contracted and defended.

Otherwise, the coalition forces will not be allowed to enter this position at all.

The logistics of the coalition forces have always been their own responsibility. Rhode Island is just an extra escort.

Things are so settled, it looks very simple. In fact, when Rhode Island was attacking frantically, each family was already mobilizing resources, such as Metaline, and some construction troops have been transferred, and there are already constructions in it. Knights also have elements to construct this kind of big killer, and there are troops that Metatron seldom uses, such as magic warriors, just like the unicorn knight of Rhode Island.

Some powerful assault weapons will not be used in conventional warfare, but when attacking Yinyan City, everyone will take them out. These weapons were not mass produced, but were produced by accident. In normal wars, continuity must be considered, and Yinyan City is a staged battle, as long as it can be defeated, it does not matter what weapon is used, as long as your logistics keep up.

Princess Angelina, no longer asked the floating city to be dispatched, the gadget looks powerful, but the effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Rhode Island is also happy. The floating city of Rhode Island has not been modified. The suspension gun plan has also been terminated. Although it is a very cheap weapon, it is not necessary.

Rhode Island is now developing a mechanical rail gun.

Launch a mechanical cannon at a height of more than five hundred miles from the ground and fly. When necessary, control the robot to attack the ground. At this height, even if the shell of a mechanical cannon has more than ten times the speed of sound, it takes a long time to reach the ground.

Therefore, it is still a weapon to attack stationary targets.

And this weapon is just a bad choice. After Rhode Island is designed, it cannot be mass-produced and equipped.

This time Rhode Island did not even think about it, fighting with similar weapons.

Mechanical orbital guns are powerful enough. It can be said that many legendary magics are not comparable to this kind of attack. However, any 20th-level magic will change the direction of the shell's attack. Those that can be attacked by this weapon will definitely have defensive structures like magic towers.

Some space magic can directly transfer the shells to a farther place.

It's an idea to first suppress the magic so that the other party cannot defend, and then use this weapon. In theory, the use of such weapons is equivalent to saving an advanced legendary magic scroll.

Anyway, a mechanical orbital gun that flew over any city on Rhode Island would be detected. A single mechanical rail gun is useless for a Rhode Island-style city.

The magic angel is a divine creature that can fly in near-Earth space. If a magic angel flies up, the low-earth orbital gun is a lamb to be slaughtered and has no defense.

Therefore, the Rhode Island side is still mainly developing star warships, and the rest of the weapons can be tested.

Or it can be used when attacking the outside world. There are some weak worlds. Such a mechanical rail gun can destroy all defense systems.

At high altitude, more than 13,000 airships were suspended there, waiting quietly for orders.

Some warships are also suspended nearby, as well as flying robots, construction, are escorting these floating airships with poor self-defense capabilities.

With so many airships, even thousands of miles away, Yinyan City can detect it.

Therefore, it is enough to lay a good posture and strengthen defense.

On a round metal platform, Metatron ’s magician stood on the edge. Here is five hundred miles high, the air has long been so thin that ordinary people can not survive. Metatron's magician, with no auxiliary equipment, looked calmly.

Behind him is a group of high-level robots and hundreds of magical structures.

There are one hundred such metal platforms supported by Metaline.

"Teacher, doing this, the cost is not low." The voice of his students came from the communication channel.

The metatrine mage smiled and said: "The cost is not so calculated, close to the lost scroll, the success rate is up, but how close? Near the Great Wall, there are magic towers all over, but I don't want to get close.

"What about our elements to build the army?"

"It was used to attack the temple. The elements constituted the army, activated once, and consumed a huge amount. If it was used in wars outside the city, Her Royal Highness was not willing to pay the money."

"We are not able to afford it."

"Her Royal Highness is not unbearable. Rhode Island paid such a large price before, and Her Royal Highness has given part of the compensation. Just fighting with the God of Magic, this is a war that has just begun."

Just beginning, this concept, the following low-level master is not unclear.

They are just not as thorough as the legendary mages see it, maybe the main world side will be in flames in the future, there is no time to stop.

"Stop talking, start preparing for battle!" The legendary mage heard the order from Princess Angelina.

They have been suspended above for more than twelve hours, and the troops below are advancing toward the city wall without much fighting. The magic god's army has no plans to fight in the field. There are only some strange warcraft outside, and the shape variation is of no value to the magic god.

The army advanced to a distance of only two miles from the city wall, and the attack had not yet occurred.

The coalition artillery is waiting for orders, and the magic tower controlled by Yinyan City is silent without exception. As long as you attack, you can determine the precise coordinates. Without orders, everyone will remain silent.

The floating airship pressed forward, approaching a distance of one hundred miles from the city wall, and suddenly roared with the mobilization of the magic structure. This is the direction of Her Royal Highness's army. In the remaining directions, only Metatelin's army is in place.

This is the original plan, you don't have to wait until you are all around.

Six thousand shells wrapped in metal powder flew at twelve times the speed of sound and took less than thirteen seconds to reach the city wall in the air.

During these thirteen seconds, the siege troops of the princess army began to roar. A large number of robot troops suddenly ran towards the wall. The human army of robots is riding a Trojan horse and cannot use its two legs to keep up with the speed of the robot.

Behind the city wall, like a firework show, thousands of magical glory blooms.

The shells of the artillery were hit by magic, either exploding into the sky or distorting the direction of flight. However, most of the shells still fell on the city head, and the violent explosion was enough to shock ordinary people. Shockwaves spread across the city. Except for soldiers hiding in Tibetan soldier caves, or professionals of more than 20 levels, the rest of the soldiers were blown away by powerful air currents, or rolled all over the ground.

The speed of the offensive troops is not comparable to the shells of airborne gunboats.

When the forward troops were more than 500 meters away from the city wall, six thousand shells slammed into the wall. Many shells did not aim at the city head at all, but blasted into the roots of the city wall.

Fortunately, there were more than 500 meters, and a violent explosion caused the masonry of the city wall to blast.

Unlike what was expected, these 6,000 artillery pieces completely collapsed the Great Wall. Over a width of more than 150 meters, the Great Wall was blown up.

More artillery shells cover the attack forward. Within a kilometer of the front, all the buildings are left with only one magic tower still standing. Www.wuxiaspot.com It's a bit missing.

The army of magic gods, seeing the power of coalition artillery, is like a magic scroll that is easy to defend.

But this time, all the shells are specially made, with a powerful effect of breaking the magic.

After the ordinary artillery cover attack, the air artillery attack arrived, and the artillery of the Royal Army continued to shoot wildly, covering both sides of the gap.

In the sky, a huge fireball descended from the sky, five meters in diameter, blasting on the broken magic tower.

Just look at the stubborn magic tower, slowly sinking down, like a warship leaking water.

Princess Angelina was too ruthless, and the city wall was widened by a 150-meter gap, which was too hard. Within the city wall, the killing width of the air gunboat is only more than a thousand meters wide. All of them are special small-scale shells to increase the power and reduce the attack range.

Otherwise, the killing range of a large-caliber technological artillery is so large, and Princess Angelina has invested a total of six thousand artillery. Reading network

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