Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1346: : Air Transport

The **** of magic came back and suddenly found that the whirling fire tree rooted in the temple disappeared. At this moment, his heart was empty, feeling that the most important things in his life were missing.

But he couldn't think of it at all, and he couldn't remember how this whirling fire tree disappeared.

Avenue opened a line, and when it came to the extreme north, the whirling fire tree came from a semi-wilted state and came alive. In the depths of the universe, the Buddha ...

On the ground, the golden lotus surged, and the smallpox fell.

Countless Buddhist doors are powerful, open his eyes, and he is very happy.

Buddha, it's found!

In the Buddhist Kingdom of Zhengzhong, above the Golden Mountain, a Buddha smiled, and behind him born various heavenly visions, surrounded by eight heavenly dragons, bodhisattva and Han chanting, Buddhist sounds curling, and gold chapters everywhere.

The pure gold text flashes endlessly, telling the truth of the world.

Whirling Fire Tree, break through the space barrier, and go straight to the world of Taiyin Xianfu.

It separates itself from the roots of the main world, and the laws of the main world suddenly drop by one level.

In the city of Juno, Juno III suddenly looked at the sky, waved it freely, and a thin red line came across the air, tangent to the whirling fire tree.

In the body of the whirling fire tree, a cube of golden text was cut into pieces, shattered, and disintegrated into chains.

The huge whirling fire tree flickered and disappeared. The next moment, it appeared on the lunar star in the lunar world.


The entire world of Taiyin oscillated with the waves above the sea. The power of the lunar star pulls the tides.


Freya was in Taiyin Fairy House, holding a jade seal, throwing it down, it fell into the origin of the earth's veins.

On the earth, the mountains and rivers that walk along the earth's veins, one by one, or hundreds of miles, or thousands of miles, at this moment, a powerful force erupted.

The whole star is like one body, forcibly suppressing this shocking force slowly.

The big wolf rushed to the coast, but at this time in the world of Taiyin Xianfu, there were not so many human reproductions, and the beach was barren. The waves rushed out of more than a hundred miles, bringing back countless sediments, trees, and dead animals.

The next wave of impact, the strength is less than 30%.

On the lunar star, the whirling fire tree took root and emerged from it a little shami who looked eleven or twelve years old, his eyes round and round, smart and cute.

He touched his bald head and yelled.

He felt that after the whipping fire tree suffered that blow, the power began to leak out, and now it is madly gushing, spraying away to the far ground.

"The old guys are wrong, ha, you are always counting others, today, is it bad?" Xiao Sha Mi smiled and suddenly panicked.

My own power is gone, and I see that the aura on Taiyin Star is absorbed by the world of Xianfu.


Xiao Sha Mi jumped, flew out of the Taiyin star, and flew directly into the world of Taiyin Xianfu. Like a meteor, burning, rushing towards the gate of Xianfu Mountain in Taiyin.


The large array of mountain gates was rippling and rippling, and Xiao Shami held back her strength. With the large array of blocking, she reduced her speed and fell in front of the door.

"You guys, are you here to challenge!" A young little Taoist, who happened to be nearby, saw Xiao Sha Mi coming down from the sky and ran over, pointing to him and asking.

Xiao Sha Mi got up and touched her face, feeling that she hadn't fallen, so she was relieved.

"Say to your suzerain, I am here to worship the teacher."

"Go, no monks!"

"The avenue can hold everything."

"The monk is not a thing." Little Taoist clenched his teeth.

"Then don't be a monk anymore." Xiao Sha Mi said, on the top of Guangguang's head, he was really quick to produce inch-inch blue silk, and in a blink of an eye, he was almost falling back.

He pulled out a hair, then picked up the blue silk on his head, tied it up, and said with a smile: "Is it alright?"

There was a blue silk on his head, deep in the universe, among the Buddha Kingdom, on that golden mountain, the Buddha suddenly fell from the lotus platform and shouted, "I will kill me too!"

Not only that, in the Buddhist kingdom, the golden bricks everywhere shattered, the golden lotus withered, and the smallpox decayed, just like the end.

"It's almost the same." The little Taoist glanced at him and said, "You are here, I will go back to Daojun."

"Aren't you?" Sami, who had grown her hair, looked at the little Taoist and said, "Real people don't tell lies."

The little priest touched his face, shook his head, and suddenly changed to look like Xiahe.

"Want to enter this door?" Xiahe returned his hand and pointed to the mountain gate of Taiyin Xianfu.

"I think so."

"Have you ever cut off cause and effect?"

"Broken, broken!"

Xiahe pointed to the top of his head again, the lunar star in the universe.

"It's yours, it's yours!"

Xiahe nodded and said, "Come with me."

Little Sami laughed, followed Xiahe's footsteps, and walked into the mountain gate of Taiyin Xianfu.

The main world, Juno City, Juno III withdrew a trace of red thread, sniffed, frowned. I seemed to have done something wrong, but if that thing left the main world, it would have done a lot of damage to the main world. To become a **** in the main world, we must maintain the integrity of the main world.

Attack is normal, but why do you feel wrong?

This night, all the **** kingdoms associated with the main world have undergone violent upheaval, and the seal of the **** kingdom has been completely unlocked. The gods were shocked to find that their power was declining.

In the middle of the extreme north, the whirling fire tree disappeared, and the temple of the **** of magic rose rapidly, filling the gap.

In the temple, the space is vast, and the **** of magic is in the middle, high above the throne.

Interestingly, somehow lost a lot of power, and the angels disappeared, but he even had the opportunity to create the kingdom of God here.

Open up the kingdom of God in the main world?

So many things that the gods failed to do, but they have the opportunity to do it? The **** of magic, still can't believe it.

However, in his body, there was a faint shadow swaying among the raging fire, which was to condense into a text. With this text, he can live in harmony with the main world, and the kingdom of God is established without any exclusion.

This text seems to be generated naturally. As the Dadao means, the **** of magic does not know or understand. Anyway, he wants to put all his power into this text to complete it.

If the Taoist priest saw this shadow, he would definitely recognize it.

It was a golden decree written by a person with the identity of Taoist King, which sealed the charm.

This golden edict is so weak that the **** of magic can shatter it at will, but he is carefully guarding this mysterious rune, for fear that it will not condense.

He felt that he had found the avenue and saw the future.

Xiahe didn't expect to succeed at all. When he felt the fear of the magic god, or the fear of the Six Gods, he put a seal on it and it was equivalent to sowing a seed.

At this moment, Xiao Sha Mi kneeling in front of him has become a little Taoist.

"You abandon the Buddha and switch to my door, can you regret it?" Xiahe asked.

"That is not a Buddha, but a thief."

"It's not good to say that."

"Yes, he was right, in which world I was planted, the luck of which world would be stolen by him, and transferred to his Buddhist kingdom, such a thing, dare to call him Buddha!"

"Why is this not a Buddha, practice, the contention is the front line."

"I don't think so." The little Taoist shrunken.

"Well, you are my last disciple, and will be called Xia Jie in the future."

"This name is good, it means ending, I don't want to run around again!"

"Summer is over, autumn is the time to harvest." Xiahe laughed.

He seized that line of heaven, went to the extreme north to break through, ruined the practice of the **** of magic, won the luck of the Buddha's country, and raised the rank of the world of the Immortal Mansion in Tai Yin.

Starting today, the Taiyin Xianfu World is the main world of this universe.

And the main world has been degraded.

However, there is still the core of the Wanjie Passage, just like the center of the chessboard.

From now on, it will be called Tianyuan World ...

As soon as Xiahe thought, he knew the cause and effect. For Taiyin Xianfu World, Tianyuan World is still important.

In the future, even if Xianfu is prosperous, the status of Tianyuan World is only under Xianfu World. In this universe, it is still a strategic place.

If Tianyuan World is captured, the luck of Taiyin Xianfu will also be affected.

This is something that can't be done. How can there be no price for world promotion, not to mention, I steal the heavenly machine.

Xiahe collects disciples here, Freya is happy to contact all those who can be contacted, to hold a feast in Xianfu to celebrate the promotion of the world.

Tianyuan World ......

All the powerful men sensed an attack released by the city of Juno and broke into the void.

That power shocked many demigods, and because of the decline of the power of the gods, the gods had no time to take care of things on earth.

Life configuration, in a daze in Little Sun City, Juno III's power is stronger than he thought. Even if you do not leave the city of Juno, a powerful attack can be exploded. Www.wuxiaspot.com

Can I block it? The answer is no.

That's right, Xiahe advanced to the ninth level. He is not a problem at the ninth level. It doesn't even take too long. But advanced can not be stopped, because he and Xiahe, after all, are different.

He doesn't have six **** embers, just a life construct.

This road has come to an end. If he does not walk through the doorway, then his next step is to become a god.

Forget it, there is still a task right now, that is to lead Rhode Island and conquer the world. In this world, build the Daomen faith and form the Daomen army.

Here we communicate with each other, luck gathers, and the pattern falls, which is still the top priority.

"Sir, somebody asks."

"I don't want to see anything, let the staff deal with it." Life construction was exhausted, he suddenly felt a real life, but it didn't feel good, and made him panic.

The people below do not know what happened, but they retreated.

Rhode Island now has two teams, one in Little Sun City and one in Xiacheng, which do not interfere with each other. What really happened is still based on Xiacheng's order. ...

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