Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1380: : Semi-God Business Talk

Rhode Island's floating city plan is not the fastest. To the west of Neisser College, Neisser specifically demarcated an area to build a floating city. This place is not temporarily prepared, it has been done long ago, and even the staff are fully deployed. Now it is simply to change some technology to improve the quality of Neisser's core, in the later stages.

But with the Mithril Infiltration Technology, the people in the Mithril City were taken away from the Sky Tower, which slowed down Nesher's construction. Even so, the floating city with a diameter of thirty kilometers is mostly completed.

Such a huge thing, after flying, did not intend to land.

Like the Tenth Academy of Magic, it is a relatively rare act. When the floating city floats in the sky, the consumption is very small, and every time it takes off and land, it is a big consumption.

Neather's magic net technology has also developed. As long as the floating city flies high, the coverage of the magic net is very considerable, equivalent to a large mobile power supply.

After combining several technologies, the floating city is similar to the expected properties.

Especially in terms of strength, with the Mithril Infiltration technology, magic protection has been improved more than ten times. Old-fashioned models like the city of the sky, relying on a huge physique, can hardly resist attacks. Even a legendary mage can't do much damage to it. But the real protection ability is not as good as the city on the ground.

This is also the reason why Xiahe does not mobilize it to fight very much. The enemy really wants to destroy the city of the sky. The difficulty is great, it does not mean that it cannot be done.

If it is destroyed, those early investments will be lost.

And Neisser's floating city, the defense force, has made the legends have no way. Basically worthy of its investment, it is better than the protective properties of the ground city.

Li Anna and Qing Ying were invited to Neiser City. Neiser paid for it and asked the two to help find the loophole. In fact, it is to give two people a little money to let them sit here, so as to avoid any accidents.

Neather's own strongman has also transferred a lot to ensure that the floating city will not suffer fatal damage before it is built.

And Rhein, as a master sent by Metaline to study, also entered the floating city.

Rhine didn't want to come, he had to write a lot of reports and turn it in to the college. This is a crucial step in the relaxation of the relationship between the two sides. He is in the middle of reconciliation because he is the nephew of the wife of the Neisse wife and the relationship is very close.

Neisser also arranged a demigod warrior to accompany him, plus Li Anna and Qingying, the four people were put together to avoid any trouble for the Rhine.

Because they already support each other technically, nobody cares what Li Anna and Qingying see.

These four people hang out every day in the floating city of Neisser, accompanied by the Rhine to see the progress and technology.

"If the two are bored, the magic net of the floating city has been opened, and they can use the phantom array." Neisser's demigod warrior said to Li Anna intimately.

This warrior has less than one hundred ranks, and Nesser in the mage is a rare breed.

Even more rare is that she is a female warrior, heavy warrior.

Don't look at the three female sword repairs of Medirelli, Li Anna, and Qingying are very powerful, but under the Xiahe Gate, it is more male Daomen sword repair. Smith and Lynn are among the best. Roger, the youngest disciple under Mediel Li's door, has also not been low-level, and has also developed a unique sword repair attribute.

"Annie, I don't have any illusions in Rhode Island. There are too many restrictions." Li Anna likes Annie very much. This is a straightforward female warrior, but she is not rude and gentle when not fighting.

"What about Qingying?"

"You are not afraid that the magic net of the floating city will explode, so let her enter the illusion."

"Ah?" Annie looked at Qingying, thinking that she had not reached the level of demigod. How could she destroy the magic net? But Li Anna never talks big, should this be true?

"But it's really boring to accompany Rhein." Annie expressed her opinion very bluntly.

Rhine was depressed, and the three ladies were better than him. He even doubted that the mage was not the arrogant of the world.

"There is nothing boring. Baicheng is not willing to fail. The layout on the side of Neather City was found and dug out. I will definitely think of other ways. The location of the floating city is farther from Neather City and Neather College It is close, but Neisser College is not stationed in the army, and it also needs protection. If something goes wrong, there is limited support here. "

"Anna, worthy of being the master of a city, thinks a lot." Anne appreciated.

"It's also boring and forced, otherwise I can't say that."

"You finally admitted to being bored!" Annie, the female warrior, smiled and clapped her hands.

"Three adults, I am also bored. Why not take a two-day vacation? The floating city is now, and the progress is almost the same. My report can be concentrated in the next few days." Rhine proposed.

"There is nothing to do during the holidays. I am now responsible for accompanying you."

"Shall we go shopping?" Li Anna said.

"I don't have any money." Annie spread her hands. "I had saved some money, but I invested in the floating city. If I didn't make money in the floating city, it would be miserable."

"Is there any investment or construction in the floating city, isn't it the task of the Neather family?" Li Anna asked strangely.

"Invest in real estate. There are many houses in the floating city. I subscribed for a batch."

Li Anna is speechless, Neather is a city of commerce, and she is well-deserved. Rhode Island made a city of stars, but still favors art. What about Neather? Dignified goddess warriors, even buying and selling real estate!

"I was a little impulsive and bought a small block, what if I hit it in the hand, what would I do in the future." Annie said here, covering her face.

"No? I heard that Neather bought the arena and dismantled the things that Rhode Island built in the north. If there is an arena, this floating city must be lively. The north is not prosperous after all, several wars After that, it was not enough to toss about it. Neisser would certainly make money by operating this. "Rheinland is well informed, and when it comes to this, he talks happily, not so embarrassing.

"Then I should subscribe to the shares in the Arena! What real estate I bought, I really lost my mind."

"However, if the arena is opened, your house is very profitable even if it is rented?"

"But I have no one to help manage it. It's expensive to hire people."

"Annie, you can subcontract the house. Someone will definitely accept it. You just need to close your eyes and collect the money."

"Your magician, you have a good brain, just ..."

"You are a demigod, and dare someone to lie to you? If you can't bargain, I'll help you. You write an authorization letter to let me represent your real estate problem." Li Anna volunteered.

Rhein was dumbfounded. He had wanted to pick up the job himself, and Li Anna cut her hand. It was a peerless swordsman!

"I can't please you." Annie said quietly.

Rhein was suddenly excited, looking at Annie with his eyes, all with my cheap expression on his face. This kind of thing, as long as you can make money next, there is no cost.

"I don't want money."

Rhein's dream is shattered, and he dare not have any emotions, but can only wipe tears.

The business of a small block is all gone?

"What do you do, you are also a demigod. I wouldn't spend money on a demigod, others will think that I am ..."

"Annie, we are good sisters." Li Anna hugged the female soldier and said it was okay.

Annie snapped Li Anna's hand and let a swordsman touch anyone, and everyone was horrified. Even if she has a strong defense, she feels that her soul is trembling deep.

"Relax, Anne, let ’s four of us, form a business, and hang it under the name of my Mithril Chamber of Commerce. I ’m not going to do those trivial things in person, just leave it to the people below to deal with it. As for the expenses, just go to the business For the membership fees over there, you can just pay a fixed amount of money. "

"Is the membership fee of the Mithril Chamber of Commerce high?"

"If you don't make money, it won't be high, but you may be dismissed. If you make money, you won't feel high, and you'll draw from profits."

"Then what do I have?" Rhine didn't understand.

"Metatlyn is also doing business. If you open a business here, if you invest in shares, there will be two half gods covering you, at least won't you be pitted?"

"What you said is really ... makes sense." Rhein felt that pulling himself into the group may be to share his dues.

"Annie, wouldn't you just buy a house and not a store?"

"The ones facing the street are shops, the quantity is OK."

"The Mithril Chamber of Commerce, the members are mainly various businesses established by wealthy people in the Northland. My people have already negotiated. After the war there, a lot of construction materials and human resources are needed. Of course short-term income Not too high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Buildable is a long-term business. "

"That's really great! So, can the shop rental be solved?"

"Let's use some of it ourselves, as long as it is lively, the surrounding shops will be easy to rent. I said Annie, you have no idea of ​​doing business, dare to buy so many houses?" Li Anna felt incredible.

"I heard that Neather was building a floating city and lacked funds. At that time ..."

"Okay, you Nesers are still very united."

"Don't laugh at me. I was trained by Neather. If Neather is in trouble, I won't stand up. Do I deserve to be a warrior?"

"Then you have to do what you can. Only then did I think you had no pension money."

"How is it possible that I went out to serve as a bodyguard for people, and also rushed to invite people."

"Okay, this matter is finalized. Let's go back to Neather City to sign the contract. When I get the contract, I will lend you money, and buy whatever you want."

"Great, I haven't eaten boneless whitebait for a long time, this time order two, eat one and pack back!"

"Annie, are you usually so frugal?" Li Anna couldn't believe it. Boneless whitebait, speaking of it, tasted better, but it didn't have much nutrition. It's the same for legends, not to mention demigods.

"Of course, how do you think I saved the money to buy a house?" Annie was proud.

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