Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1382: : Air Pursuit

Li Anna completely ignored these eyes, and she looked like no one cared, said: "Maybe Anne betrayed Neisser? Then both of us, plus Rhein, are likely to die."

"Can you not take me?" Rhein felt that Li Anna was intentional.

"Why didn't you take you? If you died here, how would Metatelin react?"

Rhine is speechless, he is not a demigod, but his identity is still important. The number of demigods in the whole world is very small. As a 60th-level legend and a young member of the Metatron family, his identity is not low at all.

"Four formations, twenty-four battleships, all the people in the floating city are dead? Can't they find them?" The captain roared with rage.

Li Anna said to Rhine: "You said, why can't the floating city find this fleet?"

"Anyway, it is not the will of the world."

"That's the inner ghost?"

The Rhine is depressed and there are many people in the floating city. However, there is no inner ghost in the safety-related places. Is it really the interference of world will?

The four flying formations, in different areas around them, seemed to drive prey, forcing Neather's warship to fly high.

The other party clearly still has energy, and Annie said: "Can't we be quick anymore?"

"We are climbing faster than they are, but there are interceptions in other directions." The captain replied.

"Your battleship, don't you have a high-speed attack?" Qing Ying asked curiously.

Then the captain looked at Qingying curiously and said, "How can the magic cannon attack the enemy when it moves at high speed? It is the demigod mage. Under such fast circumstances, will the attack be unstable?"

Qing Ying no longer speaks. Rhode Island ’s anti-scale warship has the ability to attack at high speed, and he is not a demigod, and can attack at this speed. But he is sword repair, not representative, sword repair ability is better than Taoist.

"You mean, at this speed, the attack is not easy to lock?" Li Anna asked.

"It's impossible to lock, it's too fast, it's faster than our own flight. To improve the hit rate, we can only attack on a large scale. If it is not for this reason, they have attacked us long ago, just waiting for us to slow down."

"I try, if you fly to a few hundred kilometers, you may be caught in the other party's trap." Li Anna said, her figure disappeared, and she appeared outside Neisser's battleship the next moment. Her entire body was attached to the surface of the battleship, and a layer of bubble-like material wrapped her, and it did not provide protection. The main reason was not to reduce the speed of the battleship.

The shape of her bubble material unexpectedly harmonized with Neisser's warship. After the warship slightly deviated a little, it quickly adjusted and still maintained full speed.

The other party chased very tightly, within four miles of each other.

Li Anna's heart is calm, because even if it is a demigod, it is not easy to quickly pursue at this speed, the other party must use a battleship to keep up. If you rely on the demigod's flying ability, temporary acceleration can be approached, but the warship also has the ability to explode, and everyone is useless.

In Li Anna's sword box, tens of thousands of sword qi were released in an instant. Many sword qi were made recently, and only more than one hundred are the real threat.

The more than one hundred sword spirits were scattered. There were many of the twenty-four battleships, all of which were hit head-on.

The other party never thought that someone could attack at such a high speed, and it could be so accurate that it was unexpected. Only eight battleships showed a barrier in time. The rest of the battleships were hit by Li Anna's sword qi and disintegrated directly in the air. Many of the mages inside were legends and epics, which could have landed safely, but there were tens of thousands of swords in the back.

Hundreds of lives were instantly dismembered in the air.

"Turn!" The captain's order was delivered in a timely manner. The Nasser warship quickly turned around and no longer flew upward, but seized the enemy's emptyness and rushed in the direction of the Nasser Academy.

"Why not go to Neather City?" Qing Ying asked.

"If there is an ambush, it must be the ambush from Neather City. If I do the trap myself, I must think about the next step. White City wants to make arrangements here, it is impossible to do well in every direction."

It was only a momentary choice that the battleship threw the enemy away for more than a hundred miles, but the eight surviving battleships suddenly accelerated, only a dozen seconds later, and they were approaching.

Li Anna returned to the cabin and frowned. Although the quality of the sword spirit in her sword box is not as good as the inventory in the sword pocket, the power of more than a hundred attacks is at least level 80.

The eight battleships can block it, and there are demigods sitting on it.

If there are two demigods in each, it is sixteen demigods. Neisser College is certainly not afraid of the sixteen demigods, but if it descends, like Neisser City, the college has to bear certain risks. This captain may not really land.

If you fight by yourself, you should be able to kill one of the battleships, but single out sixteen gods?

If the patriarch comes, it is still possible that he will never do it.

Sure enough, this Neisser warship saw that the other party was chasing very close again. As a last resort, when he got to the location of Neisser Academy, he did not dare to lower his altitude, and then pulled the warship up and fled east.

"Go to Little Sun City." Li Anna said suddenly.

"No, too dangerous!"

"The Duke is there and can recognize my identity, which is different from the city weapon." Li Anna said.

"It's Neisser's business and can't take the danger through!"

"What should I do? Have you been flying in the sky?"

"Of course not. Neisse will organize demigods and warships to come over and support. They can only use this trap once, and they will not succeed next time."

The captain is very polite to Li Anna now. Li Anna killed 16 battleships at once, and the protection of each battleship is equivalent to a high-level legend!

"Too late, the other party must have united the demigods of other forces, maybe waiting for us on the road." Li Anna said.

The captain's complexion suddenly turned bad because Li Anna said it was entirely possible. The union of the four colleges is mainly due to the geographical dispersion. If they are gathered together, this ambush will never succeed.

"Slowly adjust the height to ensure that we are flying north beyond the attack distance of the demi-god."


"Go to the extreme north, the hexagram fortress, there are six demigods sitting there, Rhode Island transferred the first legion."

The captain didn't understand it, but he still adjusted his direction and drove an acceleration.

If the speed of the warship is too high, the speed will be reduced when the direction is changed. If you do not accelerate, you may be caught up by the warship behind you. He thought that Li Anna was so nervous, it was estimated that there were many demigods behind the battleship.

Baicheng lost manpower last time and was not reconciled. Once again, it must have sent a strong enough presence.

The captain was thankful. Thanks to this battleship, the new Nesser core was replaced. Otherwise, it would accelerate twice more, and the core would be disintegrated.

The warships chasing behind were originally scattered in four directions. When I saw the warship Neisser going north, I felt bad.

They thought about where the other party might go, but they did not expect to fly north at this position, and then flew into the north. Although the Northland is within the sphere of influence of Rhode Island, it is not until the seaside that there are demigods sitting there. But in this case, all the ambush you have contacted will be meaningless.

The north is barren, there are not many cities, and the other party is not sure which route to go on.

The power of Baicheng cannot command all the demigods in the world, but it only encourages allies to carry out this attack. But now, the attack has lost its original taste. If these people can be killed in the Neisser area, Metatling will definitely react differently.

If you chase to the horizon, even if you kill the Metarryn Master, the opponent will not anger Neather.

But stop here? That became a joke.

Sixteen battleships have been lost, and above are sixteen legends. If you don't kill a few people, the loss will be too great.

Go back and attack the floating city?

Over the floating city, there are no less than five gods sitting on the ground, and there are large weapons, magic nets. Before approaching, they will be attacked indiscriminately. If such a large area is easy to attack, the demigods have already started.

"Can you contact Magic Web?" Li Anna asked.

"It can't be done at speed." Said the captain.

"Just send a simple message to the Northland Magic Net on Rhode Island, saying that we are going to the Six-Mansions Fortress."

"I try." The captain quickly ordered the following people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to change the frequency of the magic net and communicate with the Northland magic net of Rhode Island. He didn't know what Li Anna was going to do, but if he went to the teleportation array, Rhode Island knew the news and could send the strong to the Six-Man Star Fortress.

Flying north, at least will not be ambushed on the ground. If you go east, you have to avoid many enemy large cities. There are really few routes you can choose. If there are several demigods ambushing on the way, come when you pass by, although there are two demigods on the battleship. Sitting in the town will not be shot down, but the speed will be affected, and the battleship may also be damaged.

After the eight warships catch up, plus the ambush on the ground, it will be over.

"Turn again at this angle." Li Anna looked at the three-dimensional map and directly gave orders. The captain was embarrassed, but he did not refute.

Li Anna calculated the time and estimated that Rhode Island had already begun to move, but she didn't know how to rescue her. If Rhode Island can receive complete information earlier and transport the demigod from the homeland to the extreme north, it will be too late to annihilate the enemy. It doesn't matter if you can't, at least prepare the six-pointed star fortress.

The First Magic Legion of Lieyang has rotated in the past, and now Bill is in town.

In Rhode Island, Bill is the most powerful of the demigods. Li Anna even felt that she might not be his opponent. Coupled with the demigods where families such as Metaline and other towns sit, and the city weapons of the Hexagon Star Fortress itself, dealing with the eight guys behind should not be a problem.

It would be perfect if the life construct can pass.

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