Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1385: : Liquidation (2)

"Who!" The demigod mage rose into the sky, but was pressed by Jianguang.

Smith landed on the ground, looking at Jack Lucas with a terrified face in the ruins.

"Hello brave!" Jack was frightened by a sword and wanted to speak for a long time, so that the six magic towers were ready for their attack.

But Smith was not a nonsense at all. He reached out his back and began to condense the hilt in his palm. On the ground behind him, the blade swelled up and caught his hilt. The blade slowly pulled up from the ground, I don't know how long it will be.

Jack was furious, and there was already a magic wand in his hand, so he had to fight it.

When the magic wand pointed at Jack, he saw a lilac head, suddenly magnified a hundred times, and rushed to Smith with lightning.

Smith stretched out his left hand and made a push forward, and the huge head stopped. Jack felt that there was a sharp edge in the connection between the head and his soul.

He hurriedly cut off the soul, but it was too late, and he felt a pain in his brain.

Then he saw that behind Smith, a giant sword over a kilometer in length was pulled from the ground by Smith, sweeping across. Wherever the Great Sword passed, everything was cut in two, including the six magic towers surrounding the main palace.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't use any power. The giant sword flashed over his waist. He looked down and saw no wounds, but his body was cut off from the top and bottom.

In the sky, I don't know what power it is. When I press down, I see the blood explode. The demigod mage only released one attack and was slashed by Smith in the most tightly protected place.

Smith loosened the handle of the sword, and the giant sword condensed by the strength of the earth turned into countless yellow sword lights and collapsed in all directions.

"This city is from Rhode Island. People outside Rhode Island will come to receive it. Don't blame me." Smith said, turning into Jianguang, flying high into the battleship.

The huge battleship slowly accelerated and flew away.

The golden rose is the city where Gaode College is located. Above this city, a battleship was suspended, waiting, but the person who had to wait did not come.

"April issue, withdraw, they have gone north."

Within the High German Academy, orders came, and in the sky, the magical warship replied: "Yes, return home immediately."

However, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky, as if the abyss came. The terror in the cracks made the golden rose immediately inspire the guardian magic circle, and it is a reaction to the state of combat readiness.

That battleship was directly swallowed into the crack.

The figure of Medirelli emerged.

"Gold Institute, you are very courageous. In the future, if you leave the Golden Rose, don't blame me for being rude. I'm Medieli."

Among the golden roses, dozens of powerful breaths rose to the sky and came to the sky, but the crack had disappeared, and his own battleship was missing.

On that day, Rhode Island's strongmen rushed to twelve cities in a row, killing 13 and a half gods. Two of these demigods came from Gaode College. High German College watched as Rhode Island killed their demigods, but could not catch the enemies.

All the battleships that pursued Neisse Academy in Baicheng were recovered. Eight demigods fell near Mithril City, and eight demigods died in the six-pointed star fortress.

Duke Asra personally shot, shocked the world.

Rhode Island is the most powerful attacker. The so-called traps designed by Baicheng College not only trapped themselves in the end, but also affected many allies.

Some allies, a demigod in the family, were killed after being killed by Rhode Island.

Unlike Baicheng, some of the demigods dispatched this time were transferred from outside world. For Baicheng, the loss is still within the controllable range.

Hexagon Star Fortress ...

After the war, there are broken walls everywhere. The eight half-gods who chased, rushed into the fortress. If Xiahe hadn't appeared, it wouldn't be so easy to stay behind. Even so, a lot of materials have been lost.

Fortunately, preparations were made before and the soldiers withdrew into the core area of ​​the fortress.

"Anna, thank you very much this time." Annie thanked Li Anna.

"It ’s like I ’m not running away. Eight gods. I ’ll add you together. If you get entangled for more than ten seconds, you may die one. If you are over thirty seconds, we will both be finished.

"It's on the ice field, I don't know anything, so terrible, if it weren't for the black mist, let's escape, fearing that it would be dead."

Li Anna agreed, but she was laughing in her heart. If sixteen demi-gods chased them over, she would not be the ancestor alone.

Lynn is not close to here, but it is also much closer than Mithril City, as long as a summon, you can come to the layout in advance.

Of course, what shocked her most was Bill. Elemental Purgatory's control ability was almost as fine as Jianxiu. After the opponent rushed into the six-pointed star fortress, the elemental purgatory was launched, and all battleships made moves at the same time.

Then the elements boiled and controlled six half-gods, making them temporarily unable to cast spells. Two are left, one of which is the strongest of the eight demigods. Outside the boiling range of the elements, the difficulty of casting is still increasing, and everyone can't kill each other.

The Patriarch attacked another weaker demigod at this time and succeeded.

These demigods broke out, and if they did not resist, they would be killed one by one by the enemy. So the six-pointed star fortress was in disarray, a lot of facilities were destroyed, and even the magic net was overloaded.

It is a miracle that Bill uses the magic net to fight and controls six half-gods at the same time.

Li Anna also saw the horror of the ancestor's shot, the explosion of stars came, and the powerful demigod mage was crushed and dissolved by nine circling planets, and died extremely miserable.

If this magic finally explodes, the enemy may be crushed from the atomic level.

Li Anna determined that under the 180th level, the ancestors were invincible by virtue of this magic. Nothing else is needed at all. A bursting star covers all the basic laws of this world.

However, what is more terrifying is the control power. All the power is not leaked, and it is confused by Bill ’s element boiling. Other people ca n’t see how the ancestors killed those demigods.

However, besieging the demigods is a very dangerous thing. If you do n’t have the ability to crush, the level is similar. If you rely on a large number of people to kill your opponents, it is best to choose a place where there are no people. Not ravaged enough.

The will of the world is restricting the demigods, and it is not without reason.

If the demigod is crazy, mortals simply have no chance of resistance.

"Anyway, this time it was Neisser who didn't detect Baicheng's action. I think Neisser was already preparing for revenge. You can't eat this loss in vain."

"Where did we lose ..." Qing Ying asked beside.

"That is, Baicheng died so many gods, no need for revenge, in a short time, Baicheng will act cautiously, and even dare not to do too drastic acts." Rhine said beside.

"You don't understand, the people of the Baicheng family are very crazy. Unlike Rodriguez, they are very reasonable."

"Actually, we are not so angry, things have passed." Li Anna said.


"The Duke sent people and attacked the twelve cities of the enemy, killing a lot of demigods."

Anne is speechless, Li Anna said: "Although they are all single gods, but my teacher has attacked two gods on the golden rose, ha!"

"Sir Medilly, it is the glory of our soldiers!" Annie awed in awe.

"Actually, revenge for this kind of thing is also very dangerous. We attack, we must be empty behind. If the other party knows that we are acting so fast, and in turn attack Rhode Island, even if we demigods are turning back, we have spent a lot of time before. The energy may not be able to exert the fighting power it should have. So I do n’t think to force Baicheng too much, this is a double-edged sword. "

This is not what Li Anna came up with, but Xiahe taught her.

Rhode Island's scenery this time is enough, the main deterrent is not the local alliance, but his own side of Muses. It is impossible to be deterred from the side of the alliance. The other party will only think of a more perfect combat plan, and will not continue to carry out this expensive means.

In this case, any place where the operation is not good, the person who died will be Neather.

If the enemy knows that Li Anna and Qingying have life-saving means, then add one more calculation ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two are still very dangerous. The two of them are still a little weak.

"I'm so sorry."

"Ah, we can't go shopping, right?" Qing Ying asked.

Annie couldn't help crying, such a big thing happened, you still want to go shopping? How did you develop your combat ability?

Summer Island, Rhode Island.

On Mount Vajras, Sith stood beside Xiahe and said, "Father, is there really no problem with the three goddesses?"

"If I were there, none of the sixteen goddesses wanted to run. The three goddesses looked fierce, but they had tried their best to kill the eight goddesses. The misfortune mist of the goddess of doom could not be maintained at all. How long, even if it shrinks quickly after success, it will not work. For the Goddess of Fortune, the unsatisfactory recovery of the divine power is the high quality of the divine art, which is still not sustainable. That Zhu Ji ’s talent is to attack and pierce, and spit the net.

"Gods also have talents?"

"Of course, she, puncture the claws, I guess my phase of the Frost Dragon Shield will be penetrated."

"so smart!"

"But she is not terrible, she has no foundation and can only rely on us, and the power of the goddess of doom, some restraint her. The goddess of fortune and me are no good, only lose believers. They are not gods of magic, do not want to be on earth To build the Kingdom of God, at this moment, what they want most is to build a lair away from this world. "

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