Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1408: : Gray floating

Ordinary war, the empire need not worry at all.

But it is completely different from the war in the abyss. The number of demons is greater, the degree of chaos is not as large as that of the Devil, the arms are more advanced, and many will fly in the sky.

Otherwise, the two-hundred-meter-high city wall alone is enough to block most of the army's attacks.

In the distant sky, a burst of fire exploded and a combat robot exploded.

Even if it is a robot from Xijing College, it will not explode easily. This is because the robot chose to die with the enemy. This time meant that a powerful legendary demon appeared.

A huge figure, in the sky, the guards around Queen Angelina were too lazy to control.

It was an abyss flame monster, only six meters high. When the flame monster rushed down, it was hit by four electric lights on the chest. At the same time, there were mechanical flame monsters on both sides. The ion snake spear and the abyss inflammation The sturdy forearms collided together.

The abyss flame demon also has more than fifty levels, but when approaching the city wall, he was hit by the forbidden magic ring.

This time, he slammed the flame monster out of the city wall and fell down.

The Abyss Flame Devil struggled to wave his wings, and dozens of red lights fell on it, cutting a mess of wounds on the Flame Demon's skin.

The abyss flame demon was not dead yet, only a slight injury. In the sky, dozens of projectiles fell at more than ten times the speed of sound.

A row of blood holes exploded on the flame demon, and the whole body seemed to be interrupted from the waist, leaving only a little skin and flesh connected.

Angelina looked at the front indifferently. There were actually a lot of demigods and legends on the wings. While blocking the demon's attack, she was left with a channel more than 200 meters wide.

On this channel, there is only herself, and there are a lot of flying robots in the sky.

This is a battlefield specially reserved for her, which Angelina asked herself.

She wants to stand on the front line and fight against demons, which is a symbol. Although she didn't approach the 180th level, she passed the 170th level in any way. She was still wearing a magic suit designed by Xiahe for her, and her combat effectiveness was not weak at all.

The whole empire, there are not many people who can just face her.

She looked into the distance. In the army of demons, an immortal demon looked coldly at her on the city wall. All demons are moving forward, but this demon has been standing for more than half an hour.

This demon looks only two meters tall, with rare armor, and the horns on his head are drawn from the helmet. Two straight, bright red.

The demon dragged a tail behind him, and it looked normal. The end of the tail was dark and sharp with a metallic luster. The rest is no different from humans.

Angelina calmed down, she was still a little annoyed, if Asla was here, it wouldn't be like that.

He must be able to kill this demon, acting calmly.

Ashe, hateful, now I have to be as calm as you, because I am not sure to go out of the city and kill the demon without serious harm. Don't look around him, the other demons are moving, but as soon as you go out, there will be more demigod demons coming to siege.

The demon's eyes glowed red.


Angelina thought silently, but the demon didn't move. There are constantly legendary demons, and she can only let the people and machinery around her deal with it.

At the head of the left wing, a huge fireball flew out and was intercepted in mid-air, silently annihilated.

In the sky, a huge demon volleyed down, the end of the arm was a long hook, fluttered towards the wall, hooked the head of the city, and heard the terrible cracking sound, the artificial stone made by magic instantly collapsed, a width exceeding The gap of ten meters was torn out by the demon.

The fireballs around him shot wildly, fanned out like a fan, and the demon who followed them was blown into limbs.

Angelina was expressionless, and she didn't try to rescue the line of defense that was nearby.

The red-eyed demon finally moved, stepping towards Angelina step by step. Angelina pursed her lips and squeezed the magic wand in her hand. At her feet, a small ice ring appeared, less than half a meter in diameter.

The demon moved, and there was no worries in her heart.

If Xiahe is here, she must feel that she is not a master, but Angelina is very satisfied.

Finally, she was on the right track. She didn't know what the demon wanted to do. Many demigod demons had already fallen. She was only injured and retreated from this side, and no one had died.

She did not believe how many demigod levels would exist in the abyss.

In her mind, the Tianyuan world is still the main world, and the number of demigods here should be the largest among all the worlds. There will not be so many demigods around the gods.

The demon's footsteps were getting faster and faster, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a distance of less than 500 meters, stepping into the void step by step.

Angelina's ice ring at her feet suddenly expanded, encircling herself and the demon.

The surface of the demon's body was frozen with ice, and his movements were a bit slow.

However, in his eyes, red light sprayed out and went straight to Angelina's face.


In the depths of Angelina's soul, a voice sounded, and the red light froze at the same time as the demon's body. Angelina pulled out the staff in her hand.

Heard the sound of ice crystal smashing, and the demon's half body was smashed by Angelina with a stick.

Angelina's feet, the ice ring expanded outward in circles, pushing the demon half of her body out of the city wall. The demonic crushed body structure was not meat sauce, but something like metal particles, and suddenly rushed towards Angelina.

Angelina's body, a light was on, but the jewel on the necklace flew out and swallowed all the particles at once.

After this gem swallowed the particles formed by the demon's body smashing, Angelina's finger flicked in front of her, and an arbitrary door appeared. This arbitrary door is only the size of a fist, and the gem was sent in an instant.

At the next moment, this gem appeared on the ground, fell on the demon's head half of his body, and exploded.

The space was torn to a very unstable level. This explosive power was comparable to a demi-magic magic. Angelina didn't expect that. The demon was directly killed by her, and the city wall beneath her fell suddenly inward.

Powerful elemental impact makes the wall made of artificial stone instantly become a shortbread-like structure.


The Angeli case gained momentum, and the body seemed to be hollowed out. The wall collapsed at the bottom of the foot. It was nothing. In the distant demon army, dozens of huge figures accelerated at the same time, and immediately went under the wall.

Angelina flies upwards, and the devil will not catch up. Standing on the spot is even more impossible, falling with the wall?

If you escape, this line of defense will be torn in an instant.

Don't think that the city wall is unimportant. Inside the city wall, there is an important magic circle. The principle of the magic ring prohibits the enemy to come near the city wall, and the strength is weakened by half. Otherwise, why did Angelina kill such a powerful demon?

That demon is not as powerful as her equipment, otherwise it is hard to say who is ruthless than anyone.

The demon actually sacrificed himself and destroyed the magic circle inside the city wall. The entire dozen-meter-wide magic array disappeared. Before that, the demon destroyed the external structure of the city wall at most.

Angelina had a cold palm, holding the magic wand, and felt the magic wand became hot.

Several times of ups and downs in the mood made her realize that she was not good, but now she is convening a semi-god to come to escort, and obviously the entire line of defense will collapse. There are also a large number of robots on the walls, but behind them are more human soldiers commanding.

Because the queen was incompetent, the soldiers died in battle?

After the news spread, the prestige that he finally established was all over.

Angelina's magic robe, the flame ignited violently. At this moment, she had the intention of dying the country.

In the sky, a thick beam of light fell, almost at the same time as her mood, and slammed on the demons at once. Within a thousand-meter diameter beam of light, all demons disappeared.

A huge floating city, this only emerged.

Angelina looked up and saw a sign of a magic academy.

Grey Academy, has always been a refusal to send troops. Hidden in the east of Yinyan City, let her sit down.

This floating city was pressed from top to bottom, instead of sweeping against the wall, but swept horizontally. On the floating city, the light continued to flash, and every time it flashed, it took away a powerful demon.

Shisha attack!

The floating city of Gray College is relatively small, but it is still a behemoth, with a diameter of almost ten thousand meters.

The light above hung down, and in less than a minute, in front of the city wall, the powerful demons were cleared. A few demigod masters came to Angelina only at this time, looking pale at the top of her head.

The weapon of Shisha Academy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is terrible. Some of those demons are directly decomposed, some are teleported.

Is transmitted to the past and the future. This kind of violent transmission, no matter how strong your body, will be hit hard. And because of the soul, when the time is torn, there is a great chance of becoming an idiot.

Although the demon itself is so difficult to resist Shisha ’s attack because of lack of equipment.

Can be replaced by yourself, can you really escape with a life-saving equipment?

The floating city flies slowly. Except for the initial attack, the rest of the attacks are not very powerful, but some can still take away the demigod demons. When the legendary demons were almost cleared, the floating city stopped.

By this time, the floating city of Grey College had already flown hundreds of miles away.

"Your Majesty ..."

Angelina raised her hand and motioned her guard mage not to say more. Gray College has a demonstration, but after all, it saved the line of defense. The most terrible thing is that the huge floating city is hidden above it, and he didn't find it.

The attack of the floating city is no longer a serious problem.

Hidden is the problem.

(Still one more, don't need to be greedy too much, the new book will be issued in March) ...

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