Daomen Invasion

Chapter 199: : Kill Elves

The students didn't answer, but the soldiers responded in a sudden. The soldiers' cries suddenly swelled in popularity, and some students awakened. This is the battlefield.

"Yes!" These students promised to affect the people around them one more step. Xiahe could see the changes of his students and knew that he could not force them. This is the first step.

The Tao Palace has experienced countless wars, and the war with the aliens is the most difficult to fight, basically in a state of indigestion. No matter what means you use to govern, the aliens will eventually rebel.

I want to say that everyone has their own ways, and no one will fight anyone?

This naive idea can't survive an era in deep space.

After the humans killed the elves, the half-elves were not implicated. However, the half-elves did not admit that they were part of humanity, and later formed an empire.

It was only when the half-elf empire was born and caught up with the most powerful period of the arcane empire that it was suppressed on the southern side of the ice maple continent.

The magician does the final investigation, the soldiers rest on the spot, and the students prepare magic for the soldiers.

There is a road in the elf village, and the direction chosen by Xiahe is to forcefully open a road. Soon the pathfinder returned and reported to Xiahe.

This village is nothing special at the earliest. After the Elven Empire has retreated, there are many forces entering the fantasy forest. This village has become a small supply point. Although there are only two ancient trees of war, there are twenty elven archers stationed all year round. An elf wizard made a small altar here.

In addition to offering magic power, the small altar can also come to ask the dragon family for help.

This is in trouble. If the dragon is called, Suss doesn't know if he can withstand it.

This mission is impossible to have legendary creatures on the periphery, but the epic dragon is as terrible. One epic dragon may play ten each. Usually, there are at least fifty elf warriors guarding around the altar. The signs seen by the magician are even worse. There may be more than one elf sorcerer here.

"It's a tough battle." Xia He looked at the map and pondered.

"I will take the Mage regiment, attack the altar, and leave the rest to you." Sus volunteered.

"Yeah, Yelina, Yuri, you two led the team, followed Lord Sousse to attack the altar. The archers followed me, and we cleaned the elven archer. Medilly, you cleaned the elven army."

"Yes." As everyone agreed, Xiahe called the magician who assigned him seven illusions to him.

"Seven of you, give Medieri's army blessing status, do not attack yourself, as a reserve team. Pay attention to the elf archer's attack, I may not be able to take care of all."

"What if the wizard wizard summons the dragon clan?" The seven mages asked worriedly.

"Then slaughter the dragon. As long as the elves are cleaned up, it is not a problem for us to kill an epic dragon. I will interfere with the wizard of the elves and prevent him from making the normal call. Go."

After Xiahe's layout, continue to use magic to clear the road, which will alarm the elves, but there is no way. If you open the road slowly, you will be discovered by the elves.


The golden tornado was mixed with shredded shrubs, and violently hit forward, blowing into the elven village.

"Enemies!" The elder archers shouted loudly on the ancient trees in the distance, but the Mage regiment had followed the three tornadoes released by Xiahe into the village. The two archers followed Xiahe, and they bent their bows and arrows from far away, and the feather arrows exploded with a sonic boom. From left to right, they drew arcs to the elven archers on the ancient trees.

Elemental discipline!

Xiahe's elemental light attacked at a very long distance, hitting the elf archer head-on, the elf archer's wallet shattered, and the movement of the hand was biased, and the flying bead arrow shot out.

Two human archers' feather arrows penetrated under his ribs and exploded, and the elven archer fell from the tree.

Broken Hell, Broken Hell ...

Xiahe urged the war horses to rush to the ancient trees of war, and the prepared magic was released one after another. There is no suitable magic book, and his magic is quite expensive.

Flames rose up around the ancient war tree. The two ancient war trees waved their branches in pain. The elven archer hidden in the ancient tree fell down. The soldiers led by the mage rushed up and chopped it to death with a portable axe.

咻咻 ......

In the tall wooden tower in the distance, the feather arrow flew, Xiahe had already prepared, and the golden tornado greeted him, blowing the spirit's feather arrow. There are more than ten archers in this village!

"Come with me!" Suss is also fighting, a group acceleration technique, students in two classes with soldiers, followed him to the altar. His own attack distance was two hundred meters away, but the students did not reach the attack distance of one hundred meters.

Xiahe is also surprised, Suss is a bit fierce, and group acceleration can bless hundreds of people!

There were only a dozen soldiers beside Xiahe. He urged the war horse and rushed towards the wooden floor. The elven archer's range was more than two hundred meters everywhere. His own magic, the best attack distance was one hundred meters. At two hundred meters, there are problems with manipulation.

In this illusion, the magic tarot card cannot be used, otherwise it is three or five hundred meters, and Xiahe dares to fight.

The two human soldiers had feathers and arrows, and they looked no different from the elves. Their feathers and arrows shot at the wooden building and hit the arrow to explode the window.

If the feather arrow reaches the level of sonic boom, lethality is not a bit.

The elves in the village rushed out, and Medelly led the cavalry. The elf ’s village was not spacious, and the cavalry could not form an attack surface. Medelly simply put the soldier ’s strength on himself. The light of the military sword in his hand exploded and swept forward.


The elven warriors who hurriedly met the enemy were swept away by dozens of swords by Medierli, and the soldiers who followed followed also could not meet the enemy. They simply took off the hand axe hanging next to the war horse and urged the spirit to throw it out.


The explosion stars exploded, the elf archer in the wooden tower was hit by magic, and the first floor was killed. The lower archer rushed out and dared not rely on the wooden tower to fight again.

Two green rays flew, and the archer's feather arrow hit it, and it turned into ashes directly. Xiahe was surprised, and a blue light illuminated on his body. The green light hit the blue light and flew back.

Invincible skill-Mirror of Moonlight.

Xiahe opened his mouth and shouted angrily: "Cut, break, town ..."

The last word didn't come out. He just made a mouth. His eyes fell on the face of an elf archer. When the elf archer was cold, he saw a human magician in the distance, and his eyes flashed. After a trace of Yin Hong. Then he drew out nine feather arrows in a trance, aiming at his companion in front of him.

Asra became a curse.

The remaining thirty or so archers were attacked by their stomachs and backs, and they were shot to the ground in less than thirty seconds. Xiahe turned his head and said, "You go to clean the battlefield."

Xiahe finished, and rushed to the ancient tree of war.

The ancient tree of war can carry out long-range strikes, throw elemental materials, be burned by the broken hell, temporarily lose the combat ability, but did not die. When Xiahe turned and rushed back, the broken **** under the ancient tree of the elf had been extinguished in advance. On the treetops, elemental **** were condensing.

This village is also ill. The ancient tree of war is at the entrance of the village. It is estimated that you want to defend the enemy from the outside? If the ancient tree of war is like the altar in the depths of the village, the surroundings are tightly protected, and there is no way to get close, and if the elf archer relies on the ancient tree, it is too difficult to kill.

Now that the ancient tree of war has condensed the elemental ball to attack itself, there is no other way, and the final struggle.

Years of star cream, Asla marbles!

Xiahe divided two magics on two ancient trees of war. The elemental ball of an ancient tree of war was blown away by the stars and frosts. The other ancient tree of war was surrounded by dozens of light balls. The law continued to unite.

The archer and a dozen soldiers jumped off the horse, beheading the elf archers one by one.

Broken Hell.

After Xiahe approached, he gave another old war tree a magical note. The old tree immediately twitched and lost its offensive ability. Another ancient war tree suddenly waved thick branches and pulled toward Xiahe.

Phantom flashes, gold symbol.

Xiahe flashed calmly under the ancient tree, his hands lit up with a golden light of more than five meters, and cut down the trunk of the ancient tree of war. There was a thrilling howl in the body of the ancient war tree.

Purple Electric Ice Cone!

Xiahe did not expect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are still creatures in this tree. The ice cone submerged into the trunk, and the sound in the trunk fell deep.

These two ancient trees of war are seven or eight meters in diameter, but they are not very old and not powerful. Xiahe's gold symbol spreads over five meters long, and can also cut its defense.

In the depths of the village, on the altar, the aging wizard wizard shed tears in his eyes and screamed loudly.

Four young elven wizards surround him and follow the old wizard to recite mantras.

In front of Sousse, hundreds of elves rushed out of the way.

Group flashing!

Sousse is really desperate, simply without soldiers, directly led the magicians to the altar, and on his body, dozens of thick fire rings expanded to cover all the students.

"Fire magic attack." Sus ordered that his own ten fingers spread out, ten lines of fire flew, and wrapped around the altar, which was only more than five meters high.

The altar was four or four. The fire line of Sousse fell. The wooden altar radiated green light. The fire line seemed to be poured by water, making a noisy sound and emitting white smoke.

Ye Linna raised her wand, Xiahe's students moved in unison, and twenty-four small fireballs flew out and blasted on the green light curtain of the altar.

Yuri was ashamed and urged her classmates to attack. Now everyone doesn't know the choice, it's all fireballs.

Yelina lowered her wand and raised it again. Xiahe's students repeated the same action, and another wave of small fireballs fell, and the green barrier swayed fiercely.

Across the transparent barrier, the old elf wizard was ugly, eyes **** and tears flowing.

Human beings, dirty creatures, you must not die!

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