Daomen Invasion

Chapter 203: : Formerly?

Xia Hexin said that this idiot set his own warning line and was also a circle of encirclement. If he wanted to get rid of him, Anderson ’s men could not escape.

It is estimated that this will not be the case for the Metatron family, after all, relying on the semi-elven empire, friction is constant.

The people of Xiahe arranged the camp. Xiahe invited Anderson to eat something together. The rain was too heavy and the road was difficult. The camp was leaning on a huge ancient tree. The terrain was high. The magic was arranged on the canopy. The rain could not fall. It is a good place for rest.

"Anderson, a student at Xijing College, seems to seldom take the risk test?" Xiahe was also polite and directly poked Anderson's pain.

"Actually, it was my fault that the opponent's unicorn cavalry rushed to the mage regiment." Anderson looked gloomy, thinking of the conflict with the elves, he regretted it.

The elf's cavalry assault is nothing new. The academy also talked about this. There are also some troops in the empire that are particularly good at breaking the magic charge. But the elves' assault, the formation was scattered, and the speed was super fast. It was like a nightmare in the forest. A moment of panic had damaged most of the strength.

Fortunately, he used a burning earth wall to divide the elf's strength, which saved the situation.

Ironically, the burning earth wall was conceived according to Asla ’s speech.

"Anderson, I met with another team before, they attacked me actively, but there was no way out. You do n’t know, if you attack other teams actively, your soldiers will not follow you. So you See, after I won, I completely got the other soldier. "

As soon as Anderson distinguished, he believed what Xiahe said.

"Anderson, you lost the last debate. You must have lost points. How about our cooperation this time?"

"How to cooperate?" Anderson's face was not good, after all, he was mentioned in person to the last thing he wanted to mention.

"Everyone knows that our relationship is not good, right?"

Anderson nodded. Needless to say.

"When you meet other teams, when someone sees you with me, they will definitely feel that you are being coerced by me, or that you are incapable of resisting me, and I was included. If someone mocks you like this, or pity you, you I proposed to swallow my soldiers with him and kill my mages. "

"Asla, you are too sinister!"

"If the other party disagrees, it means that they are good people and there will be no loss, will they?"

Anderson nodded, Xia He chuckled, even in the real world, do not test human nature. What's more, in the illusion, death is not really dead, and doing something bad is more comfortable.

However, this person Anderson will still have a good time. In the face of himself, he can actually hold back and talk to himself about things, which is what many people cannot do.

"Asla, say in advance, I won't touch the people of Xijing College. Also, how do you divide the profits behind your hands?"

"Benefits are shared, but I have a lot of people on this side. How to average is a problem."

"Materials are divided equally between five and five.

Xiahe agreed, because he had many people, and Anderson was the only magician in his epic realm. The students suffered too much damage, and it was impossible for him to **** himself in credit. In terms of supplies, when converting military power, it is still better than the number of elven heads.

When Anderson debated, he couldn't keep pace, and now he knows how to move back and forth, which makes Xia He deeply surprised.

Nine University College, you can't underestimate yourself. Anderson had no choice outside, maybe who made him come forward to engage in himself. But in it, no one can stop him, Anderson can play casually.

Think again about the people of the Metaline family, one by one.

Xiahe camped for less than two hours. The soldiers had to rest after having used their meals. On the other road, a group of mages came and brought nearly two hundred soldiers.

Naturally, a soldier stopped him, but he did not expect the other party to launch an attack.

Both Sus and Anderson ran out. In front of the camp, magic traps exploded one by one. The opponent's mage group opened the way with soldiers and bluntly crossed the defense line.

"Shooting!" There were already more than two hundred soldiers lined up, all of them set up steel crossbows. After a wave of coverage, Xiahe and Anderson's mages began to throw fireballs.

On the battlefield, the fireball technique is really a killing weapon. Dozens of fireballs exploded in front of the camp, and suddenly a body fell. The soldiers who were still alive suddenly went into chaos and fled.

Medi Li has led a hundred cavalry, raised a spear, and rushed out of the camp.

All cavalry were blessed with spells. On the lance of Medierli, the blue light exploded, and the entire cavalry team was also covered by this blue light, forming a sharp impact formation.

The battlefield of tens of thousands of people, of course, is a powerful line of charge, this narrow terrain is different.

Anderson and Sousse kept up, and the two epic mages released long-range magic, completely suppressing each other's epic mages. The sparse magic was thrown over, and it dissipated a few meters in front of Medirelli.

Break the magic charge!

The enemy mage regiment was directly torn apart, and a hundred cavalry trodden over. Even the epic mage was knocked to the ground, and Medierli shot with a shot and fled by the epic mage.

However, after the master flashed, he was wrapped around him by ten lines of fire.

Anderson pointed in the past, and the mage watched the FireWire shattering himself, the magic in his body could not be mobilized, and the outing battle was very suffocating.

Two hits and one, the same level, there is no equipment that is usually used on the body, it is strange to die.

The opposing soldiers were dispersed, and now they have gathered together again. In addition to the forty or so who started to be killed by magic, more than 120 people have survived. This is the illusion, otherwise it will take a lot of work to recruit these soldiers.

"Sixty soldiers for you, I want other loot, but I have ready-made equipment here to supplement your mages." Xia He directly negotiated with Anderson. Before that, he also destroyed a mages. The equipment, of course, was deprived.

Has collected more than one hundred soldiers, and now there are more than eight hundred soldiers in the two families, which is close to a thousand.

This is no longer the size of a small mage group, enough to fight against a small army.

Anderson also knows that it is much easier to merge with Asra and get to the elven ancestral land during the mission.

Medi Li began to select soldiers, select war horses, and the medicinal materials obtained from the warehouse of the wizard village, after being deployed by Xiahe, could enhance the blood power of the war horses. Xiahe doesn't care about shortening lifespan, this task is only six days. The strength of the soldiers is not easy to improve, but the elf armor is modified, humans can still wear it, and the weapons and equipment are better than those issued in the barracks.

Medi Li chose a soldier with a hundred guns, and equipped them with armor, and another 200 soldiers as supplements, all under her own command. She had already realized how to feed back the force blessed by her soldiers.

Medi Li trained cavalry in the forest. The students of Xiahe and Sousse were all dealing with loot. The seven magicians were responsible for vigilance. The rain was lighter.

Several trees hung magic lights, and the lights shot toward the distance, only a faint light fell on the camp.

The security line of the entire camp was taken over by the people of Xiahe.

Anderson and Sousse, both in Xiahe's tent, were a little surprised to watch Xiahe release alchemy stone.

"Let us three work harder. I have more magic power. The two of you are the epic realm. The main task this time is to add a badge to all the soldiers' armor, which can improve the magic defense and add a magic arrow. "

This is a small job for the magician of the epic realm.

"Is it not good for the students to do it?" Anderson is not against Xiahe, but wants to ask what is the key thing that he does not understand.


Xiahe spread a piece of dragon skin on the alchemy stone slab and began to draw magic patterns on it. Diamond dragons are quite large. Only a small part of the dragon skin can make several magic robes.

Every magic robe can at least provide the magician with a stable casting environment.

Otherwise, a false boundary of the enemy is released, and you may not even be able to walk. In reality, in the face of the false realm of the epic powerhouse, UU reading www.uukanshu.com the big magician still has the power to fight back.

"There are too many factors in the battlefield, but fortunately it will certainly take care of the more efficient side. Anderson, you are an academic wizard, should students be assigned alchemy tasks often?"

"Yes, I get it." Anderson is not stupid. The tasks that students usually do are because it doesn't matter. As long as the students can refining the items, they can earn money. That is the price that students must pay for growing up. But the battlefield is not a place for students to practice their hands.

"Hurry up, I will march in a hurry after this break."

"So urgent?"

"Do n’t let other teams take the credit, now we have two epic wizards, and it ’s much easier to deal with elves and wizards. It wo n’t take long for other teams to unite and sweep through the forest. We move along the road , Quickly insert into the hinterland to talk about it. "

The sound of an arrow sounded in the distance. This was when Medelly led people to patrol around and found the elves, fighting broke out.

Rain sounds outside the tent, the battle position is too far, even the epic master does not know the specific situation. Xiahe didn't worry at all. Medirley realized the usage of the battle array. When he met the elves in the epic realm, he could fight a game. Most of the elves in the epic realm went to the elven ancestral land.

The night passed quickly. When starting the next day, both Anderson and Sousse were a little tired, and they were shaking immediately, and they seemed to be asleep.

The team went deep into the forest, with the seven magicians and Medelly in the forefront. The climate magic is still working. The rain falls from the tree and hits you, even if it is across the poncho, it feels cold, like there are continuous bugs sliding down on you.

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