Daomen Invasion

Chapter 214: : 10 Temple Seals (Part 1)

Xiahe embarrassed for a second and then replied: Abigail, how is the temple now?

Abigail said: The goddess woke up, and I recruited a few more students. The goddess of bad luck sent someone to give some gifts, and should not fight me. The people sent by the Arcane Empire were also reorganized by Lynch. Cotton Jack is now a master class, and Stormwind is controlled by him.

Xiahedao: How about yourself?

Abigail said: I am a little old. However, a group of temple guards have been recruited recently. How many of them are pursuing me? Shouldn't they be old?

"Master, she is seduce you."

"then what do I do?"

"Of course to satisfy her myself!"

"How can I be satisfied so far?"

"Master, what are you thinking about?" Freya suppressed her laughter and said, "She must have asked you to coax her, you think, after you left, she supported the temple by herself, very hard, There is not much to talk about. "

"I will not, otherwise you come."

Freya looked at the book of wealth, shook her head vigorously, and said, "This thing, I will not touch anything."

"I didn't feel dangerous."

"You are not me." Freya turned over and ran to the other side of Xiahe, really far away from the book of wealth.

"If you can build continuous communication magic at Storm Point, I will not use this book of wealth."

"Sir, don't be fooled, you have to seduce Abigail. She is still important to us. You think, besides the goddess of doom, which **** can we establish a relationship with?"

"I think Abigail is our friend, I don't want to use her like this."

"Then how can you use Ovilla? The person who used her, her boat, and let her do things for you. Adult, do you think that Ovilla is your own? In my eyes, there is no difference between Ovi Liuya and Abigail. "


"I know, adults want to marry Ovilla, but this matter, there is no hope at all. Ovilla ..."

"How is she?"

"She likes you too limited, don't look at Abigail's appearance in a show, she really likes you in the heart. Ovilla likes you because you are the first young promising person she has seen The man in the emperor has been in the emperor for a long time, and if you do n’t contact her, she will gradually fade away. Where are the emperors? , Continue to let her be a country girl. "

"What is your name?"

"To be honest, lord, the country girl is short in her knowledge and can follow the lord with peace of mind."

"Otherwise, you take some medicine first, and then talk to me?"

Xiahe didn't reply, Abigail said again: Asla, do you miss me?

Freya took a bottle, poured out two pills, ate one, and tucked another in Xiahe's mouth.

Xiahe was a little dazed. He thought of going to the beach with Abigail when he parted, and the two sat in the sunset and said a lot. Unconsciously, I have been away for almost a year.

After a while, Xiahe replied: Do not ignore them.

Abigail replied: Since you do not allow it, I will ignore them.

Freya snickered and said in Xiahe's ear: "Master, she is flirting."

Xiahe ignored Freya and wrote in the book of wealth: What reaction did Bloody Mary have?

Abigail said: Not quite sure, she should be injured, unable to shoot, the goddess of doom is here, she had to endure. Her people are controlling the route, and the ships from the Saint Thunder Empire are basically cut off. After Freya was engaged in Stormwind, there was no business to do.

Freya said in Xiahe's ear: "Anyway, we don't lose, if we don't kill them, now we can't receive a copper plate."

Xiahe wrote in the Fortune Book: What does the temple maintain?

Abigail said: The goddess of doom manipulated her believers, went to sea to rob, and also clashed with the **** Mary many times. I'm selling some magic scrolls here, trying to survive. By the way, when Freya left, she left me a sum of money and said it was your additional investment.

Freya continued to laugh with pride, Xiahe shook his head, this can not be refuted, can not be disassembled.

He wrote in the Fortune Book: You ask Lynch, if he feels that he can attack the Dragon Island, then send troops to fight, let the people sent by the empire cooperate with him.

Abigail replied: Okay, Asla, I have something to do here, I won't tell you first.

Xiahe snapped, closing the book of wealth, relieved.

"Adult, you really can't chat. Either just ask Lynch over there, or Abigail, you don't have a relationship right now, it's really anxious."

"You should go back to bed."

"I said I couldn't sleep."

"I can't fall asleep here, can you ..." Xiahe sat up suddenly and pulled Freya. At this moment, Medirley also woke up.

"It's an assassin. I'll solve it. He will try us." Freya said in Xiahe's ear.

"Why not, the assassin can't fly anymore. We are all equipped with magic around him, he is just a person, and he will die if he really comes up."

"I'm afraid it is a dead assassin, hurting the students." Freya is very intimate.

"Forget it, if you want to go like this, just go." Xiahe was helpless. He knew Freya too well, not peeping at her soul, but also knowing what she wanted. Freya wants this soul. If everyone hides in the tree, the assassin is difficult to move. Amy may pretend to act like a pretender and startle him away.

Freya doesn't want to let him go, since she's here, don't go back.

But this assassin has a high level, and it is not easy to kill. Freya is greedy, but her greed is all for herself, and Xiahe is not easy to blame.

Freya's body fluttered away, leaving from Xiahe, she walked on the treetops silently.

If she wants, she can become the best assassin. But she was the guardian, so she chose the meteor hammer as a weapon. Anyway, in essence, she is a god. When the divine power is sufficient, she can use all the magic to fight. Now most of the time, she has to use weapons and occasionally use magic to visit the mage.

A half-elf assassin was lurking among the branches and leaves, and he was discovered after he did not know that he was approaching.

He is more than a thousand meters away from Xiahe's camp. Under the forest environment, it is logically safe. Because even the mage of the epic realm can't explore such a long distance in the forest. But behind him, there was an invisible imp.

When Freya approached him, the assassin's body was blurred and turned into a dark green shadow.

Forest invisibility, this is the ability of elf creatures.

Freya's footsteps were brisk, maintaining a consistent rhythm, and came over the assassin. The half-elf assassin hesitated for a while, and killing this human would alarm the opponent's camp, and would lose the chance to get close to the target.

In such a hesitant effort, a meteor hammer fell from the sky.

The assassin's body flew forward, trying to avoid the attack, but the body did not know when it was paralyzed.


The assassin's head shattered, and Freya's body, the filaments of condensed power exploded, and immediately found the body of the assassin who got away by skill.

Really hard to kill!

The target that Freya's divine power locked in was also used by him to escape the death.

The assassin drew his short sword and flew towards Freya, and the moment the blood exploded, he made a counterattack.

The assassin also knew that he had been found, and he did not hesitate to fight back. His short sword glowed red, as if burning. Freya smiled and waved the meteor hammer, with a huge heavy weapon in her hand, as if eating only one candied gourd, fluttering lightly.

Assassin's expression identification, the dagger and the meteor hammer collided together, and the metal meteor hammer was cut like a tofu.

Freya smiled and retreated, the assassin stepped up. Freya shot a golden light in her eyes, and the assassin raised her short sword to a block, and felt a sinking behind her.

The imp fell on him, Freya lost the meteor hammer and pulled out her sword.


Jianguang sank into the half-elf's abdomen, his short sword swept, and Freya spread back, laughing, "Do you still have the power to fight again?"

The half-elf assassin felt like he was pouring heavy heavy lead all over his body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The things behind him got into the body, it was cold and cold,

Give up and unpack!

Assassin was ruthless, rushed towards Freya with a green shadow in his body. Freya spouted a tiny silk screen with her mouth open, covering the shadow of the green half-elf, and included it in the Ten Palace Seal.

The half-elf's body stood on the branch, Freya waved, and the body came to her. She pulled out her Taiyin sword and recovered the Dragon and Tiger Dao. The body is controlled by the imp, but it's actually useless. Freya thought about it, or put it in the Dragon and Tiger Dao.

Kill this half-elf, seemingly innocent and dangerous, and consume a lot of divine power.

In front of him, he made deception tactics by virtue of his sense of soul, and the small net spewed out at the end, but was formed by pure divine power, otherwise he could not catch such a strong soul.

Freya turned to Xiahe, and Xiahe said: "You consume it like this, and sooner or later you will fall into the realm."

"I have a hunch that there is something I want in the place I went to this time. After I advanced, I had a way to save ... I won't be so troublesome in the future." Freya is talking about the power of incense, she can Transform the divine power into a storable way, instead of having to absorb it into the body, what cannot be stored will be wasted.

"Don't try so hard."

"I know." Freya lay down again, observing the gains in the seal of the Ten Temples. In the Ten Temple Seals, each blood-red coffin is only the size of a slap, and a large number of half-elf souls are sealed inside. Counting this assassin, there are already three epic realms.

These more than a thousand souls put together, should be able to create two epic realms.

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