Daomen Invasion

Chapter 218: : Forest Will

Xiahe constantly petrified the surrounding ground so as not to let some poisonous insects get out of his feet. But these slabs cannot follow along. The poisonous insects in the voodoo forest are really troublesome, and here is a hidden legendary restricted area.

It is estimated that the best way is to build rail metal vehicles in order to enter and exit the forest in this environment.

However, the maintenance cost is probably too high to bear.

Jani and others also calmed down, and the students began to fight with their lowest-consumption magic. Anyway, these poisonous insects were not high in level. The most fearful thing was that they were brought close to each other, and they were still dead.

Xiahe himself was not so nervous anymore, because the blood-sucking locust just came over at this time, and no other poisonous insects appeared nearby, and the battle became much simpler. Vampire locusts are flying poisonous insects. They are fast, dexterous, and it is difficult for magicians with bad skills to hit.

Xiahe immediately reduced the lethality of wildfire and no longer cooperates with Broken Fire Hell.

After being hit by wildfire, a large number of blood-sucking locusts fell to the ground, but in less than ten seconds, 20% of the blood-sucking locusts struggled to fly from the ground and pounced on the Xiahe team.

Freya just used ordinary feather arrows to search for the higher-level devil locusts and shot them. The relatively vulnerable ones were ignored.

Most of the students used the wind blade, Yelina used the fire snake, Suarez used the curse spell, and Mila used the most basic small fireball technique, except that her small fireball technique did not explode on the locust. It is burning and moving on.

The students do not have a suitable range of magic, and dealing with a large number of poisonous bugs is just a bruise.

Even harder is Amy in the distance. Under her feet, a six-pointed star magic pattern appears, slowly spinning, protecting all eight students. In her hands, a green light flew up and coiled around her body, most of the blood-sucking locusts bypassed, and a few rushed up, attracted by her blood.

The blood-sucking locust collided with the green light, and the green light dragged into a line to form a network, and the locust shrank back after falling to the ground.

In this way, my magic will be exhausted.

Go to Asla for help? The half-elf-changing Amy gritted her teeth, took out a green wooden circle, and dropped it to the ground. The wooden circle floated, expanded, and turned into a round magic equipment. After she went up, she greeted eight students to follow him. .

The circular magic platform forms a light curtain that automatically surrounds the surrounding. The blood-sucking locust can't sense the blood gas in the light curtain, and naturally it will no longer attack.

"Adult, if they go on like this, they will all run out of magic!" Jani began to worry again.

"When they can't stand it, they will tell me." Xia He looked at the poisonous insects flying in the distance, his expression calm. My students are full of magical power. Although they are not cultivated into Danhai, the true energy capacity in the body is more than ten times that of the magician.

The problem now is that it is impossible to extinguish the poisonous insects by ten times the magic power. If you hold on here, it is also meant by fate. Xiahe can't do that.

The students grouped in groups of four and released magic in turn, forming a wave-like level attack.

Freya used feather arrows, Medierli used sword gas, and Xiahe used range magic. The number of poisonous insects left for the students was just enough for them to desperately.

Jani only realized at this time that Asla was using poisonous insects to train students' ability to cast spells.

Xiahe Chuansheng said: Look inside your bracelet, I gave a new magic core, Void Wind Blade, advanced magic.

The students immediately went to see the magical core in the Dao bracelet, which was a complete drawing. If it was drawn on the paper, it would probably be more than two meters in diameter. However, the construction of such a complex magic core consumes a unique power of consciousness.

The logical core of the magic core is simple and clear, but without the power of the consciousness, that is, the power of the soul, it is difficult to complete this magic with ordinary mental power.

Xiahe completes this magic, the real intention is to diversify the magic of the wind system, otherwise the feather of the void will be completely completed in the future, and the attack will be close to the blade of the void, wasting a position of classic magic. In other words, the Voidblade may be cancelled in the future. What do you learn from a magic destined to be cancelled?

Xiahe thought of Long's magic and turned around death. It was a magical epic magic that could kill a legendary classic magic. He understands most of the ways in which death turns, and with Freya ’s analysis, this modifies the magic core of the Void Wind Blade, giving it the value of existence.

All students are trying the new magic taught by Xiahe.

In the shocking eyes of the college mercenaries, the light blue wind blades condensed, the right angle form, flew away into the distance, quietly.

If this thing is used to sneak attack, it is better than most magic!

Xia He glanced at Freya, one of his classic magics, and one that was not really completed, but could not be used in actual combat. That is stealth.

The invisibility of the devil can hide the poisonous insects and prevent them from attacking.

If your invisibility is completed, it should have a similar effect. Maybe you really want to use invisible scrolls?

The wind blade of the right-angle structure flies silently, chopping on the blood-sucking locust, and it can be cut into two pieces with just one touch.

The students succeeded in releasing this magic, but only directed the wind blade to attack the target, and the ability was different.

The Voidblade maintained stability and flew more than two hundred meters before dissipating. However, some students were able to kill more than two dozen locusts, and some beheaded only four or five.

Xiahe released the hand of the mage for the leaking magic locusts, and each one was pinched to death. The magic resistance of the magic locusts is indeed high, but the physical body is fragile, and the college mercenaries can be easily killed with weapons.

"Otherwise, let me play for you?" Xiahe looked at Jani.

Jani shook his head desperately, said: "This thing is too flexible, if you want to hit, it will consume a lot of mental energy."

"No!" Medierli commanded Jian Qi with ease, cutting off the head of the magic locust with the sword Qi, and the falling body was still flapping its wings.

Freya felt that the feather snake was eager to try, so she released all 34 feather snakes from her sleeve. The snake gathered its wings, crawled and jumped fast on the ground, and stopped more than 50 meters from Xiahe and others. In this position, they lie prone on the ground, and a nearby blood-sucking locust leaps up, bites the locust, clicks, cuts their heads with sharp teeth, and swallows.

Freya realized that the feather snake was not afraid of the locust, but only felt her own mood, so she didn't die. If it is a wild feather snake, I am afraid that it is dead and clean, but I will never be afraid of poisonous insects.

These idiots seem to have to take care of themselves in the future, otherwise they will take the initiative to die sooner or later?

"Sir, it's just the forest will, it's not perfect yet." Freya finally calculated what the huge and vast will was.

"The will of the forest? Didn't the forest goddess fall?" Xiahe was strange. Although the forest goddess could not control all the forests in this world, he was only active in the half-elf empire, but here is the half-elf empire.

Freya doesn't know how to explain it. Anyway, the forest here is born with will, and has not yet been controlled by the forest goddess.

Xiahe thought that it would be fine if he didn't become fine, and this is a legendary restricted area. This forest will only be vast and vast, and it can't suppress his own god.

"What does it mean to appear?" Xiahe consulted Freya.

"Dispel the poisonous insects and keep the poisonous insects away from the voodoo forest. I feel ... The voodoo forest is expanding, and it is related to this matter. Although the expansion speed is very slow, the life of this kind of thing is also extremely long, maybe a new sample of gods . If we have time, we can study it. "

Xiahe nodded, if this thing let Freya swallow, Freya estimates that it will immediately surpass the goddess of doom.

"Adult, you can think of it as Andusias."

Xiahe thought, it was a good idea to capture this and integrate it into the tarot cards. In any world with life, forests are a must. With this thing, half the plane can also be vibrant.

"Don't mess with it first, let's get to the nine-color fairy mushrooms."

The will of the forest is still sweeping, driving the poisonous insects away from the voodoo forest, most of the poisonous insects are fleeing outside, and Xiahe also sees that only a few poisonous insects have attacked their teams.

"Okay, we can go forward again, Freya, you are in front of the team, and you are off after Mediel Li."

Xiahe ordered it and the team was immediately drawn. Now more than twenty melancholic porcelain figurines have been accumulated, and the life of each porcelain figurine has been extended to more than four hours.

Poisonous insects have no effect on porcelain dolls and can be used as cover.

Amy noticed that Xiahe's team was moving, so she put away the magic circle and approached.

Xia He saw Amy from afar and greeted with a smile on his face: "Amy, let's move on."

Amy looks ugly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the forest, there are flying poisonous insects everywhere, in some places dense and dense, only in the area where the blood-sucking locust is, there are still few insects.

"They are fleeing, don't care, there are very few real threats, you can follow me, a group of four students, just follow."

"Okay." Amy could only agree to come down and stay here, her magic circle could not persist for a day.


A huge scorching air flow swept out, and Xiahe released his mount. Everyone seemed to hear the order and summoned the mounts, followed Xiahe to the depths of the voodoo forest.

Where wildfires swept through, the number of poisonous insects decreased sharply, forming an area more than twenty meters wide.

Void Wind Blade!

The students' blades were straight ahead, and this time, under Xiahe's instruction, they simply helped clear the drooping branches, vines, and Xiahe connected another golden tornado, and Amy saw her eyelids jump straight.

Is Asra really a magician of level 20?

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