Daomen Invasion

Chapter 225: : The Royal Capital ’s Decision

The half-elf looked down, and in his cracked chest, a decaying heart was slowly beating, with a stinky liquid flowing out of the abscess, which smelled like he wanted to vomit.

"It's disgusting, pretend to go back quickly!"

"Yes" the devil quickly halved the half-elf divided into two pieces, and the half-elf's body grew back together. The body was put together, but the half-elf felt that the wound was still in the middle of his body, from the top of his head to the hips.

"Hurry up and take him around the ten temples, let him know that the official law is like a furnace!"

The half-elf was dragged away, and the wound in the middle of the body hurt even more with this drag.

Freya temporarily ignored the soul of the half-elf, and let him burn in the black flame to experience the suffering of the Ten Temples. She herself wants to refine the armor of the great wasteland, the emperor's fierce soldiers. The goddess of doom has helped in the refining of this thing, but after all, it is not his own hands, and it is more troublesome to use.

As for the half-elves, the adults seem to hate him very much, and let him suffer a little more before dying.

Freya is not equipped with much equipment. She is not Xiahe. Most of her skills are divine skills and materials are rare. This time Xiahe opened Shenfu, of course, she has her advantages, you can take advantage of the opportunity to improve her strength.

The penalties in the ten halls will all survive once, and it will not take more than a minute. Freya refines equipment here, and half-elves spend their days in the ten hallmarks.

All penalties are injuries that directly affect the soul, avoiding inevitable.

The students took the pill medicine, meditated to adjust their breath, and the pill medicine Xiahe took out of the Shenfu Palace already had something specifically for the disciples to exercise their foundation. With these pill medicines, the students could transform from magicians to Taoists.

Medirelli's breath was long, the medicine she took was extracted by Jian Yuan, and the power of Yin God was also rising. Originally halfway through monkhood, it was not a solid foundation, and it was finally repaired this time. In just ten minutes or so, Medieri jumped up and drove Jianguang towards the starry sky.

That Jianguang made a turning point in the air and flew more than two hundred meters before falling to the ground.

However, everyone was busy, no one looked at her. Medirelli's hair was silky, hovering and dancing in the air, and she was quickly consumed by her true energy.

Unconsciously, she broke through the fourth-grade level and became a fifth-grade sword repair.

Initially control the sword and fly a hundred steps.

The beauty of Mediel is outstanding, and this is the first time to control the sword and fly more than one hundred steps. At a distance of more than two hundred meters, it is time to ventilate. At this time, the sword is weakened, and it is meaningless to continue. Instead, it gives the enemy a chance.

When the soul of the half-elf appeared in front of Freya again, it was already several times weaker than before.

Freya's projection looked at the soul of the half-elf and smiled: "Give you a chance to say a word, and then I will be busy for a few more minutes."

"What if I don't say anything?"

Freya laughed and kicked the spirit of the half-elf back into the black flame. Love to say it or not, when you are weak to the extreme, I can naturally enter your soul and look for it, even if it is incomplete, at least you can find information on the half plane, and I do n’t care about what weaned when you were a child.

When the half-elf appeared in front of Freya's projection next time, Freya simply kicked him and kicked him back.

"I'm not busy yet, I'll ask you next time."

Several times, the half-elf can no longer bear it, and the torture he has suffered has been ten thousand times that of Amy Sitas. During the Ten Temple Parade, all the penalties are suffered once, which is the number of daylight sceneries. No matter what kind of pain or injury, you can instantly recover, and then proceed to the next round of punishment.

"I am willing to be your slave!" The half-elf yelled.

Freya kicked him back into the black flame and said angrily: "Who is so rare? You are a slave, and I think you are dirty!"

Freya was very angry this time, and it took ten minutes to pull the half-elf out of the black flame again.

"Tell me everything you know, if there is a word of falsehood, it is only that, let you start again."

The half-elf no longer has the desire to resist. He finds that he cannot destroy the soul. If he does not give in, such torture will continue.

Freya's projection patiently received the half-elf's message, and then sent a six-god ember to the half-elf's soul. With the six sacred embers, Freya herself put her consciousness deep into the soul of the half-elf, and personally checked whether the news was correct.

It is impossible for such a probe to be found without any size, but the half-elf has already succumbed, and Freya can distinguish true and false as long as she compares one by one according to the confession.

After comparing the information, Freya realized that the half-elf empire had a rebellion a year ago.

This information was not even known to any human empire.

This legendary half-elf was secretly calculated during the rebellion and put on the ring of imprisonment. Because he has a large half plane in his hand, he is still a place with minerals. As a result, he was also cruel, and he had already arranged a means in the soul of his friends, and neither side benefited from it.

He betrayed his friend and was tortured to death. He got the coordinates of the opponent's half plane, and he couldn't lift the ring of imprisonment himself.

Unable to stay in the half-elf empire, he used the transformation technique to sneak into the arcane empire.

Coming to the arcane empire, there are only a dozen people left to defeat his soldiers, and he dare not go to a place that is too prosperous. Fearing that he will be discovered by the legendary human wizard, he will be hiding in the Procida Academy of Magic and kill an associate professor inside. , Changed into his appearance, and therefore met Amy Sitas.

Amy Sitas discovered that there are nine-colored fairy mushrooms in the ruins of the elves. For half-elves, this thing can strengthen the soul. If this thing is used by humans, the effect is not so obvious.

The half-elf remembered this matter, but Amy Sitas didn't plan to take him with him, so he followed Amy to Great River City, and took the risk of killing him, changing into Amy's appearance.

Freya has obtained much unexpected information, most of which are about the internal chaos in the half-elf empire.

The value of half-elf magic is not high. The magic of arcane empire is more developed than that of half-elf. Except for some life magics, others are meaningless to Freya.

As for the coordinates of the two half planes, they are very clear, and the means of cracking are in his soul.

Xiahe knew that he could advance to become a fifth-grade Taoist priest, but he has recently upgraded a bit faster. He doesn't want to attract more attention. He simply suppresses the lower realm and temporarily becomes his own 20th-level magician.

Medirelli had no scruples, and she advanced directly to become a 25th-level swordsman.

As for the students of Xiahe, they are stuck at the fifteenth level. However, everyone opened up the Danhai Sea, and condensed their consciousness, which is comparable to that of the third grade Taoist priests.

One day passed quickly, Xiahe and others left the deep space, and Xiahe was invited to the principal's office again.

"Count Asla, Your Majesty has communicated with the House of Commons and decided to attack the half-elf empire."

"Wait a minute ..." Xiahe interrupted the principal. The principal was stunned for a while. He has been in charge of the college for thirty years. No one has interrupted him like this, even other legendary strongmen.

"I have new information again. Last year, there was an internal rebellion in the half-elf empire, and the situation was more complicated. I have to speak slowly."

The principal frowned, looked at Xiahe, and said, "What are you going to do?"

"Your Excellency, what I want, you can go directly to your majesty." Xiahe is also a little unhappy, is he that kind of person? Seeing forgiveness? How can you help me to shield the goddess of wealth?

"Sorry, to put it another way, this kind of thing, even if you report it directly to your majesty, is still of great significance to me. You may not understand that such information will cost us less troops. This matter, Metat Lin bears the brunt of it. Do n’t look at His Majesty ’s plan to mobilize the nation ’s army. It ’s Metatlin who really fights hard. ”

"Your Majesty will give me, I hope to hang a guest professor's name in Metatelin, and then join the alchemy laboratory. In addition, I want to take students to the border to see, I hope to borrow a military airship, an insurance Retreat passage. "

The principal was relieved, and the visiting professor could be given the name of him. Asla was a very good magician. He was originally an associate professor at Juno College. Alchemy laboratory has promised before, it is estimated that Asra wants to go deep into it and master the first-hand information.

As long as he doesn't leak, it's no big deal, the Xia family is like him alone.

Military airships are more expensive, but they are borrowed, and they are not destroyed.

As for the insurance retreat channel, the big deal is to arrange some manpower to respond.

"How many people are you going to take?"

"Me, Medelly, Freya, and then four students, plus twenty mercenaries."

"Is it just four students?"

"The things on the border are more dangerous than the voodoo forest. I think there are already a lot of casualties. And I assigned some tasks to the students. Can their points be used here?"

"Yes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then I want to leave tomorrow. After the information is handed over to your majesty, I estimate that there will be at least one month of preparation time before the army can start. I will be back within a month. By the way, the principal , You let me come, is there something? "

"Well, I heard that you acquired the technology of chaos barriers."

"Not for sale, it has been dedicated to your majesty."

"Jenny Flower gave me some wood." The principal smiled at Xiahe Road.

Xia He also laughed, then it was his own.

"Master principal, this technique can't be spread out. If you want to learn it, it's ok. Last time, at the ruins of the Griffin Temple, the materials obtained were enough, but this kind of wood seems to be extinct. Materials for general equipment. "

"I know, I want to build a unique magic tower. If you are willing to give me the technology, I will give you a copy of the magic tower."

Xia He was overjoyed in his heart, and he was still worried about how to build a half-faced Taoist palace.

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