Daomen Invasion

Chapter 230: : Target leader

The lightsaber was hot and hot, but the **** of fire and flying crow was originally the essence of the sun. Taiyin Xianfu refined this rung and upgraded it to the highest level, which is the three-legged golden black rune.

Although the temperature of the lightsaber was high, it hit the **** fire flying crow, and the **** fire flying crow suddenly realized that his paw passed through the lightsaber, and he caught the giant robot's head.

The body of Shenhuo Flying Crow was twisted, and the other two claws were pressed against the shoulders of the robot. The huge head of this robot was twisted off by it at once, without the support of the force field. The metal ticked down.

Xiahe laughed, and this time he opened the temple, and got a ninth-order **** fire flying raven rune, which was created by the master himself. Of course, he ca n’t use the ninth-level equipment, but using the ninth-level rune, he can draw the magic fire flying raven rune without using the Tao Palace rune paper, which is equivalent to the scroll of this world, and the cost is immediately reduced.

Today, the scroll version of the Spellfire Raven Rune costs less than a thousand gold coins.

More importantly, Xiahe carries a limited number of runes, but now he can be free from material restrictions.

Shenhuo Flying Crow unscrewed the head of the giant robot, and flew towards the mechanical life on the ground. This flutter slid against the ground for more than 100 meters. The mechanical life fell to the ground, and the metal shell was like wax. The same softening.

Xia He closed his smile, he urged the **** to fly crow, broke the enemy's force field defense, but has not yet found the commander of the entire team.

With a flying fire, more than a hundred mechanical lives were destroyed. The commander of the mechanical lives immediately made a new judgment. It could not use siege and must be attacked in close combat.

On the hillside, huge metal spiders rushed out of the woods and rushed towards the Xiahe position.

The mechanical life presses up, the mercenaries clenched their weapons one after another, and Xiahe began to prepare melancholy porcelain dolls, making one every twenty seconds. Xiahe produced eight porcelain dolls one after another. size.

The porcelain doll crossed the low wall and collided with the metal wolf, the lotus warhammer smashed, and the metal wolf besieged a porcelain doll with two or three heads, biting with his claws. The porcelain doll ignored the attack, and the warhammer only hit the back of the metal wolf. The huge concussive power destroyed the control core of the metal wolf, and the metal wolf fell down. Xiahe released the puppet on this side.

Porcelain puppets and earth puppets only blocked two directions. In the other two directions, metal wolves, monitor lizards, steel spiders, and steel pythons swarmed up.

Freya had no choice but to raise the moon god's bow again, one arrow at a time, penetrating the core of mechanical life.

Freya's shooting speed is extremely slow, she did not mobilize the divine power, but used her own power, plus the enchanted feather arrow, so that the mechanical life lost power.

Xiahe placed a thundercloud storm electric chain above the position. The mechanical life killed in the other two directions was hit by the electric chain. Each one was paralyzed on the ground. Xiahe released the evil unicorn, jumped out of the earth wall, and collected loot. The huge metal bullets in the distance rained, and there were huge phases of black ice shields floating around the Xiahe River.

This phase of Frost Dragon Shield's pre-skills consume much less than Dragon Shield, and its defense is also much worse.

However, enough bullets were blocked, and Xiahe placed another golden tornado, and a large number of metal bullets were deflected by the tornado and flew to the sky.

Phoenix's eyes straightened, and Asra came and went freely in the rain of metal bullets. His four ice shields did not break after thousands of attacks. He is five levels higher than Asla, but he can't compare with Blood Mage. No wonder he can become an associate professor at Juno College, he is just a lecturer.

Under the position, there was a clicking sound under the stone slab, Freya's consciousness swept and found that hundreds of metal mice were biting the stone slab.

Freya stomped her foot and adjusted the frequency of the shock slightly. The metal mouse in the ground suddenly became paralyzed for more than half.

Only a few seconds later, the paralyzed mouse came back to life.

Master, when can you get it done?

Among the dragons and tigers, Freya questioned Xiahe. It's not difficult for her to protect the camp, just consume the divine power. But the divine power is precious. She hasn't dealt with the spirit of the half-elf, and if it is made into a divine incense, the divine power can certainly be used for a long time.

This is a legendary restricted area, in fact, the power of epic is also suppressed, everyone can only use the power of the master to fight. Even if Freya is using divine power, it is at most delicate to control, and the effect is not so strong.

Xiahe ignored Freya. He urged the evil unicorn, waved his hands, and the magic robe came with his skill sleeve. He put the mechanical life that was short-circuited by the arc into the sleeve, and then sent it to the badge.

No one can exert the power of epic, but for Xiahe, it is a good thing.

Mechanical life was also affected. A cannonball flew in the distance, and he cut it with a wind blade over a hundred meters, and a small explosion occurred. If it is not in the legend, the rune on this shell should show its true power.

Xiahe cleaned up alone, and a few minutes later, he added a thundercloud storm chain.

His consciousness spread out, and at the moment the electric chain was released, a wave of energy was sensed by him. This energy fluctuation is a central point, emanating from all mechanical life.

"Got you!"

Xiahe flashed a phantom and came to a metal wolf.

The metal wolf jumped up suddenly, and around a hundred steel spiders spewed out webs at the same time, shrouding towards Xiahe. The commander is a metal wolf, the appearance is the same as other low-level mechanical life. But around it, there are steel spiders as guards.

A Mobius ring of fire in Xiahe pushed all cobwebs and steel spiders away, and then dozens of tiny **** popped out of his fingertips.

Asrah marbles.

Under the metal wolf's ribs, a pair of metal wings suddenly flew open, and Xiahe's marbles ejected a thick arc, all of which were shot on the metal wolf. The metal wolf's body surface is supported by an energy barrier. Xiahe and it are less than ten meters away. How could it be allowed to escape.


The transformation of Xiahe was not for himself, but fell on the metal wolf.

The metal wolf's body twisted quickly, and Xiahe received a cobweb.

Xiahe's cobweb technique is quite blunt, but after all, the cast level reaches 20th level, and the metal wolf is fighting the deforming technique, and the body is falling down, directly surrounded by the cobweb. Xiahe, the hand of a mage, pinched the metal wolf and threw it into the badge space.

He had been prepared for a long time. After the metal wolf entered the chaotic barrier space, all the magical arrays were launched simultaneously in the separate space on the walls in all directions, and the metal wolf was suddenly frozen into a piece of ice.

"Successful!" Xiahe screamed, and Medelly responded. She released her mount, jumped out of the position, and rushed to the hillside with Xiahe.

There are also two giant robots over there, which can release the force field and disrupt the magic.

Medirelli rushed to the front of Xiahe. She opened the path with a spear in front, lost the commander, and the mechanical life was in a panic.

On the shoulder of the giant robot, a thick metal cylinder floated up. In the center of the cylinder was a honeycomb-like structure. From the inside, twelve thick metal projectiles were ejected. Xiahe raised a magic wand and fired a ball of fire.

Lianzhu fireballs were as dense as rain, colliding with metal projectiles and exploding in the air.

Seeing that his attack had failed, the robot bent over, pulled up a large tree on the ground, and threw it towards Xiahe. Xiahe was even less afraid and used a big fireball to blow up the big tree.

The robot calculated for a long time and found that all of his attacks would not take effect, so he stood in a daze.

Xiahe rushed to the front, and Medieri punctured the robot's joint with a single shot, and the robot collapsed. Xiahe rushed up, and according to the energy core position of the robot was a punch.

The punching force of this fist penetrated into it, pure martial arts, Shouyuan hammer.

When Xiahe finished punching, he felt a drastic change in the robot's energy core. He instantly understood that this thing was going to explode.

Xiahe Liuming Yuanfu was running at a rapid speed, and the true energy was like fog, condensing in the palm of his hand, and the metal shell next to the robot was sent inward. Infuriating, the violent energy core was frozen in a flash.

Fortunately, I have obtained information from Metateling before, knowing that these mechanical lives can be stopped by freezing the energy core. If it hadn't been prepared for a long time, it would blow up this time and I might be injured.

Xiahe succeeded in taking two important samples, turning over her mount, and Medirelli rushed left and right, leaving around a dozen other bodies of mechanical life.

"Leave, retreat."

"I'm leaving now?"

"Leaving this place, this is a dead place." Xiahe refused to leave before, because he saw what he wanted to capture. In this small basin, there is only one cave connected to the outside. If it is blocked, the college mercenaries will be thrown here.

"Okay, you can retreat, come with me!" Freya greeted the students and Phoenix.

"What's the matter?" Phoenix pointed to the pillar and hut on the ground. UU reading www.uukakanshu.com

"Don't lose it!" Freya urged.

Don't you? Phoenix felt unwilling. There were not many scars on the four magic pillars, and there were only a dozen bullet holes in the four rest cabins.

Freya was too lazy to ignore him and urged the mercenaries to leave immediately.

Ye Linna came along this time and released more magic than all the previous adventures combined. Her Void Blade did not stop, and she released a few purple electric ice needles.

The college mercenaries immediately organized formations, guarding the students in the middle and killing them towards the cave when they came. In the sky, a metal eagle hovering, overlooking the ground. The ground battles were recorded by it and passed back to the metal factory in the village.

Xia He looked up and saw that the flying height of the giant eagle was more than 1,500 meters. In theory, the purple electric ice cone must have been shot. Xia He thought for a while, and instead of doing it, he joined the team with Medierli and broke it later.

The tiger's mouth is dry, and then use it as a bait to see if it can attract more strange arms.

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