Daomen Invasion

Chapter 239: : Admit it

Xia He wanted to say something, Freya dragged him away and said, "Sir, let's drink and chat with Abigail by the way."

Xiahe was dragged by Freya to her barracks. Freya laid a blanket on the ground and took three wine bottles.

"Don't call Medirelli."

"Why, afraid of ruining your image in her heart?"

"Medi Li doesn't care about her image, she doesn't drink."

"Okay, let's just two of us." Freya took another fruit snack, dried dried fruit, dozens of different sizes, and piled them on the ground. She opened the wine bottle and threw it to Xiahe. I drank a bottle of it.

Xiahe sipped his wine and found that the wine was so strong that he drank his stomach, and even the Six Life Yuan Fu was hit by the alcoholic gas, and it operated several times faster.

"This is God Brew!"

"It's you who refused to call Medieri. It's late now, and I'm reluctant to give her."

Xia He laughed, grabbed his hand and grabbed it, shouting: "Medi Li!"

"In." Medieri quickly appeared in front of the door.

Xiahe threw the bottle to her and said, "Freya's wine can enhance the spirit. You can drink it by yourself, others can't stand it."

"Thanks, Freya." Medieri raised the bottle in Freya's hand and turned away.

"She's so welcome!"

"Why are you polite?"

Freya said sullenly: "Forget it, it was originally intended for her. The two of you are now very boring."

Xiahe got down, opened the book of wealth, and said to Freya: "Do you want to talk to Abigail?"

"Yes I do."

"Then write it yourself."

Freya also lay on the ground, writing in the book of wealth: "Sister Abigail, I am Freya, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss it very much."

Abigail quickly replied, saying: Freya, you stole Asla's book?

Freya almost violently, said: What do you think of me? How could I steal something from an adult!

Abigail said: What can't you do?

Xiahe shook his hand, moved the book of wealth to himself, and wrote on it: Abigail, I'm here.

Abigail said: Frightened me, I thought that something was wrong on your side.

Xiahe is also speechless, what Freya did in Stormwind makes Abigail so. He wrote in the Fortune Book: The arcane empire may be attacking the semi-elven empire, and there are alien invaders here. Cannon fodder is a metal mechanical life.

Abigail said: You build a teleportation array, give me samples and materials, and I will pay for the money.

Xiahedao: I can't give you the information. I signed the contract, but the sample can be sent to you, and I have my own experience. The transmission array is not necessary. I don't want the coordinates of the magic tower to be exposed.

Abigail said: After Sulie came over, the cavalry he trained had a badge, I want it.

Xiahe Road: Too expensive, you can't afford it.

Abigail said: You are the honorary bishop of the temple, shouldn't this kind of thing be discounted?

Xiahe Road: You can't afford a discount, this resource is controlled by the royal family.

Abigail said keenly: You lied, let's say, why did you give me this badge?

Xiahedao: I have the manufacturing method. The materials are really in the hands of the royal family. I only have enough for my own use. If you want, you have to buy from the royal family, and in my name, there will not be much share.

Abigail said: Asra, if Ovilla wants you, you will definitely not say that.

Through the book of wealth, Xiahe could feel the anger of Abigail.

Xiahe Dao: Well, you give me the design drawings, I will make them for you, how much do you want?

Abigail immediately opened the lion and said: I want 800, 800 temple guards, each must be one, in addition you give me 100 better quality, the magicians also have. I'll give you the drawing, and you can open the price. As long as it is not a gold coin, I will pay it.

Freya grabbed the book and wrote: Then my adult will lose.

Xiahe took the book back and wrote on it: Actually I didn't want to tell you this. You need a badge. I'll make it for you.

Abigail rejoiced and wrote: I knew you would not treat me that much.

Xiahe did not answer this, saying: What happened to the goddess?

Abigail said: Completely restored, it looks better than before. I also don't know what you did to make the goddess quite happy. Lynch is ready to attack the Dragon Island. On the side of the arcane empire, many warships are sent to bring soldiers over. Did the emperor tell you this?

Xiahe was surprised, he really didn't know about it. He wrote in the book of wealth: Abigail, you talk about this matter carefully.

Abigail said: In the eyes of the whole journey, a fleet of more than 20 ships came that day, and the quality of three ships was not bad. Probably brought more than 10,000 soldiers, a few epic heroes appeared, and one was stronger than me.

Xiahe Road: Where is it stationed?

Abigail said: He was stationed in Stormwind City, but no one dared to go in there again. They asked Jack to go and inspect the soldiers, and he was very respectful.

Xiahedao: Did Lynch contact you?

Abigail said: When I went to find him, the goddess of doom was willing to provide an army. He also organized nearly 1,000 people. If he attacked the Dragon Island, I would provide him with ten magicians.

Xiahe Dao: As you say so, I really want to set up a teleportation array. At least I have solved the problem of message delivery. It doesn't matter if I spend money. I don't want this to happen again.

Abigail said: If you do n’t look for me today, I will inform you in two days. I was going to tell you about the ruins. Asra, over the ruins, the large secret room has stabilized. Some people went in and did not die. I was planning to send someone to investigate.

As soon as Xiahe and Abigail said it was midnight, Freya was drunk and dizzy, and fell asleep beside him. This wine has a great influence on the gods, but Xiahe drank it and absorbed it easily.

God brew, can improve the quality of human soul, are all things that appear only by accident, there is no special formula.

This thing, originally intended for the Taoist, must be digested with true energy. Now, beside Xiahe, only Medierli can bear the wine. Although the students cultivated their consciousness and opened up Danhai, they were still too weak to qualify for drinking.

Xiahe grasped the information about Storm Point. He dragged Freya to bed and left the barracks himself. Seeing the moonlight, Medierli was instructing several knights.

Seeing Xiahe, Medirelli let the knights practice on her own. She walked to Xiahe and asked, "Adult, is that wine really made of Freya?"

"Did you drink?"

"Drink half a bottle, it is so powerful, I feel my soul has grown a lot!"

"Don't give it to others, it will die."

"Ah? I almost gave the students points! But you told me that others couldn't stand it, so I wanted to ask first how I can't stand it."

"The soul will burn, something mortal."

Medirelli looks weird, is it so terrible to drink?

"Medi Li, your teacher, who has been instructed to let you come to me?" Xia He asked this question again today.

"I really don't know, and I also wonder why the teacher will know that you, a magician, can teach me swordsmanship, or very powerful swordsmanship."

"Don't you regret it?"

"Why do you regret it? Master, although I am a child, I understand that such an opportunity can be counted on by countless people. It is worthwhile to pay for it."

"Even if it will be the enemy of the whole world?"

"Sir, won't you?"


"That's trouble, I'm an enemy to the whole world, lord. I'm still a kid, only 20." Medieli said here and laughed haha.

"Why are you laughing!"

Medirelli clutched her belly and said, "My lord, you are now my second teacher. Whom do you want to cut? I can only carry my sword together. If you ask this kind of words, it is not to you. What about faith. "

Xiahe looked dull and said, "I'm not kidding."

Medirelli no longer smiled, she sorted out her brocade and said, "Adult, I am not Ovilla, I want to see the wider world."


"Because I like it." There was a look in Medierli's eyes, and Xiahe had only seen it on the powerful Taoist.

"This time, we will go to Rhode Island."

"What to do?"

"Take you as a disciple." Xia He made up his mind that Mediel Li's talent is the best child he has encountered in this world. Although he is a bit older, he is halfway home, but it is better than many Taoists.

Jianxiu is also a kind of Taoist.

Xia He made up his mind and was in a much better mood. He asked again: "Why don't you wait for tomorrow when you train these knights?"

"I can't sleep after drinking, so I grab a few to train."

"I thought they asked for it, alas ..." Xiahe was a little disappointed. The advantages of the noble knights are high loyalty, easy training and training, and the disadvantage is that they are not desperate enough.

Xiahe and Medierli both patrolled along the camp and came to the outside of Ovilla's door. Both Xiahe and Medierli sensed a powerful Longwei ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I tried my best to hide, but I couldn't hide the perception of the two of them.

Ovilla is not idle, although her transformation is rarely changed, but she can possess the ability of the changed creature, which is incomparable to magic transformation.

Transformed into a dragon, this is Gudruid's killer.

A legendary dragon fights, and the magical adequacy is equivalent to dozens of human legends. Of course, human's advantage is that it is complicated to the extreme magic system and cooperate with each other. But if human beings possess a dragon body, it is much more powerful than a dragon.

Assuming that Xiahe can now transform into a dragon, one person can be worth hundreds of magicians of level 20.

"Adult, will I be better than her?" Asked Medieri suddenly.

"Of course, swordsmanship is a much more powerful fighting skill than magic. No matter what spell the enemy uses ..."

"Just cut it with a sword."

"Yes, as long as the sword is cut."

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