Daomen Invasion

Chapter 243: : Night raid

"Master, you came out, not to be a robber?" Freya asked Xia He.

"Of course not. I want to train students and train qualified knights. I won't rob villages, that kind of thing ..."

"It can only be left to others to do it. You are an aristocrat, and you should keep your manners."

"No, I think you immediately set about developing a slave collar."

"Dao Gong is banned from slaves."

"Half elves are aliens."

"It's human life too!"

"Freya, do you think it is unethical to make slave collars for sale?"

"It is true, because today you sell this thing, and tomorrow someone will create a product for humans. It is not too difficult to make a slave collar for a race. The reason why the palace is not allowed to enslave human life is to be afraid. Sooner or later, such things will happen to humans, and you will kill each other and enslave each other. "

Xiahe's contemplation, the civilization of the arcane empire, is really not easy to come to today, although there are nobles, civilians, and servants. But compared with the green forest continent, the civilization of the arcane empire is so bright.

He had been impeached if he hit a civilian in the imperial capital.

You have to know that you are not only a noble, but also a magician. If this kind of thing is put in the green forest, no one will ask.

The civilization of the Taoist palace goes further, the civilians have more power, and survival is easier.

Freya said: "I know that half-elves have done cruel things, there is no bottom line, maybe most half-elves are like this, and the rest of the half-elves will be like this sooner or later. But you must have a bottom line.

"Leave them alone?"

"Kill them all." Freya said.

Xiahe is silent, annihilating the half-elf race, or slavery, which one has no bottom line? Maybe many people have to argue, and there will never be a result. But in the Taoist philosophy, even if the half-elves are destroyed, their souls will be crushed, and they will return to the world and become the purest substance.

But what about slavery from generation to generation? Every child, when born, is put on a collar and branded, and there is never a possibility of freedom.

They live to be trampled by their dignity.

"Freya, I won't do this anymore." Xiahe breathed out, which was equivalent to giving up a huge market. Because his chaotic barrier space is very large and can accommodate living creatures, he has an inherent advantage if he engages in the slave trade.

"Adult Shengming." Freya smiled and buried her head in Xiahe's arms.

Xiahe shoved her away and said, "Doesn't that sound pleasant to you?"

"Well, if Ovilla said that, you must feel more comfortable."

In the camp across the road, a magical alarm suddenly came, and Xiahe and Freya both sat up and looked across. There is also a large camp opposite, there may be dozens of teams camping here.

After the magic alarm sounded, Xiahe saw dozens of feather arrows flying out of the forest opposite.

"Half elf!"

"Get up, all get up and fight!"


The scene was chaotic. On the other side of the road, the camp was not as big as the opposite side, but there were also ten upward camps. The noble army immediately assembled, first the magician appeared, formed a line of defense with some soldiers on the edge of the camp, and then the knights wore armor and replaced the soldiers without armor.

"Freya, you have to take care of it."

"Okay." Freya took the Luna Bow, drew the feather arrow, jumped on the branch, and stepped on the weak branches with her feet, which rose and fell with the wind.

A dozen noble team leaders quickly came to Xiahe. Xiahe had to return to the camp account.

Nietzsche asked, "Count, do you want command?"

Xiahe looked across the road, the half-elves had not rushed out of the forest, but judging from the density of feather arrows, this team might have hundreds of people. And according to the analysis of the battle mode of half elves, more than one hundred half elves are forwards, all are archers, there will be wizards behind them, and there may be magicians, druids.

These half-elves will not kill the forest, they will only release cold arrows.

However, half-elf archers can shoot hundreds of feather arrows in a row, and more than one-half elves are tens of thousands of feather arrows.

"Ovilia, you take the students to clear the woods behind, leaving only this tree, and clean up two hundred meters backwards. Nietzsche, you let all their troops move closer to me, lay a shield wall in front, the magician is in The back is reinforced with earthen walls. Two hundred cavalry are arranged on each wing, ready to impact at any time. "

"Yes." Nietzsche knew that the blood mage was going to be in command.

Asla is the earl. Among these dozen teams, he is the highest, and he is a powerful lord. In wartime, there is temporary command, and as long as it is not an order for them to die, they have to execute it.

Ovilla immediately led the students to clear the forest. In fact, the Empire striker had already cut down a lot of trees. There were not many fires around. Xiahe chose the camp site. The trees were very sparse outside the road.

The nobles also separated the mage to help the students of Xiahe. They let go of puppets and dragged the trees that the students cut off with the wind blade into the deeper woods.

The opposite battle continued, Freya was at a height, slowly shooting her feather arrows.

Each feather arrow carries a moonlight, and her rate of fire is very slow. Only one arrow will be fired in more than three seconds. The arrow disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, the sound of the corpse falling from the treetop to the ground would be heard. She stood in the light, and the half-elf counterattack quickly began against Freya.

Xiahe was in front of her, hanging a huge frost dragon shield.

On the other side of the road, the human team gathered, and some people came to ask for help. It was just the shooter of the elf striker that caused them to lose a lot.

"It's okay to withdraw, gather at this position." Xiahe pointed to the front of the center of the position.

When he came, he hesitated, Xiahe sneered, was it stubborn to ask for food?

This position bears the brunt, of course it is dangerous, but it is also better than the position across the road and next to the forest.

The forest behind was quickly cleared, and the already sparse forest quickly vacated a more than two hundred meters deep zone. Xiahe arranged the devil deeper in the forest, leaving his one hundred soldiers and twenty students behind the defense To prevent the enemy from sneaking in behind.

Then came the cavalry of the other nobles, which assembled two hundred people, preparing for a positive impact in the cleared-out space.

Medierli and Ovilla each led fifty cavalrymen and prepared on the left wing in accordance with Xia He's orders. Baron Nietzsche was arranged on the right. The rest of the nobility and Xiahe, together with the remaining soldiers, led the magician and prepared to fight head-on.

Xiahe began to prepare for magic. In the forest, half elves rushed out. The opposing team fought each other. They soon couldn't resist and could only retreat toward the side of the road.

Half-elves are generally taller than humans. Although they look slender, their real power is still higher than human warriors. Fully armed half-elf infantry rushed up, vines were breeding on the ground, and the human mage dispersed them, and the effect was not ideal.

The magicians of the two sides collided together, the fireball flew, the green energy ball fluttered, and the dragon roared in the forest.


The human warrior was hit and flew out. Two fireballs exploded in the front row of the half-elf charge. A dozen or so half-elves were blown to pieces. This child-mother fireball must have been released by a magician with more than thirty levels.

Shocking death!

As a magic was released, the human soldier covered his ears in pain and fell to the ground.

Fire Dragon Roll, Giant Fireball!

The human mage counterattacks, and the warriors on both sides have magic-free equipment, but when the magic power reaches a certain level, the magic-free equipment cannot change anything.

Soldiers who were knocked down by the scream of death drilled green vines beneath their bodies and bound them to death. The bones inside the body made a crackling sound.

Dozens of teams were attacked, although the counterattack was fierce, but no one unified command, the defense line quickly collapsed.

Broken Hell!

Xiahe laid a flame defense line behind the soldiers coming over. A half-elf soldier who crashed into Hell screamed and fled back, but the flames stuck to them and could not be put out at all.

So slowly, the messy team immediately found the backbone of the main body and retreated in the direction of Xiahe.

Xiahe ordered the middle zone to retreat to both sides, and the deserters overturned the shield wall, and saw the spears crossing around, sensibly without chaos, but turned to face the half-elves.

Bang Bang Bang Bang ...

The half-elves who chased after bypassing the Broken Fire were immediately hit by a fatal blow.

A team of twenty half-elves with heavy armor and wizards behind them. In the sky, the two serial warhammers prepared by Xiahe smashed wildly. The huge metal warhammer smashed the half-elves into flesh and blood, and the armor was completely twisted and deformed.

The following half-elf wizards dispelled several times in a row, and none of them could make the Warhammer disappear. As a result, twenty elf elves were smashed by Xiahe's two magic.

Half-elves rushed out of the forest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with human bows and arrows hitting the road.

The two sides quickly approached a distance of fifty meters, and the magic fell face to face, even Xiahe, which could only provide protection to the soldiers and could not disperse them all.

However, there are many human wizards, only half-elven wizards, and the elf soldiers in the first row are quickly covered by magic. The human mage, and many others, can provide protection to the soldiers.

The differences in equipment are revealed at the moment.

The soldiers of the noble army are all covered with magic armor. Even if they are hit by the magic of the enemy, it will not be a big deal.

"Freya, shoot wizards, mages, let them go on the road!"

The mage immediately focused the attack on the two wings, and the half-elves could only impact from the front. Freya was on the treetop, aiming at the most powerful half-elf wizard, and the lunar bow in her hand exuded a fascinating light.


Feather arrow like a gun, suddenly stab down.

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