Daomen Invasion

Chapter 261: :surrender

Xiahe thought so too, although Austin was not reliable, but he could still do a good job of investigating the case. He is Taring, and his computing power far exceeds that of Cotton Jack, and he can analyze things from a large amount of data.

Taling originally had this job, but he only had the goddess to use, so he never used this function.

"Jack, there are some spell-improving jobs that you can leave to Austin to do. He is just idle." Xia He added Austin by the way.

Austin also does not complain. In addition to his computing power, he can also use the power of the magic tower to assist calculations, anyway, it is work, not bad.

Xiahe drove Austin away and continued to talk to Cotton Jack about magic.

Cotton Jack ’s qualifications are similar to that of Xiahe ’s students at the Tenth School of Magic. He was unlucky and was born in the southern waters. He had no chance to study at the School of Magic.

Xiahe directed him, which was different from the students, and did not involve the issue of Taoism, it was pure world magic.

However, Xiahe Gaoya Jianlu, after seeing a lot of things, said it again, naturally different from others and different from the books.

Xiahe deconstructs the magic of Cotton Jack directly from the core of magic, so that Cotton Jack can understand at a glance, and naturally he can dig deeper things.

What Xiahe needs to do now is to strengthen his men's strength and his ambitions, and then naturally a large number of people will serve him.

This was the case of the imperial royal family at the beginning, concentrating resources, enhancing the core strength of the royal family, and handing over the rest to the hands. Then it took a short time to sweep across the northern part of the mainland.

Although Xia He feels that his men have problems with his brains, they can only be taken out as individual figures.

For example, Cotton Jack, already at the 21st level, does not have much magic, but each is quite solid, even more powerful than some lecturers of the Tenth School of Magic. If Cotton Jack is an advanced epic, he can lead a mage group alone.

There are actually only four nobles sent by the Arcane Empire, and the rest of the officials, at most, are of noble family origin, like the noble knighthood of Xiahe, which has no knighthood itself.

The entire bureaucratic system, with 330 people, Xiahe had to invite to the banquet.

After the expansion of the Office of Government Affairs, officials from the Arcane Empire were working in the newly built area and dared not go to the previous building. After all, the previous batch of officials died, and they all felt unlucky.

Freya sent people and sent 330 sheets of white paper as invitations, asking them to dinner tomorrow night, located in the lord's house in Asra. These people from the empire are not calm.

The last time Freya hosted a banquet, the people sent by the empire were all finished.

The four barons of the empire got together to discuss whether to go to the banquet.

The youngest baron sat in the center, and the other three thought about things with their heads down, and the young baron was angry, saying, "Do you have any idea?"

"Macbeth, Your Majesty is for you to preside over the affairs of Stormwind. We just take orders."

The young baron was mad, and said angrily: "You didn't say that at first. Everyone came to do things for the empire. Do you want to shirk responsibility now?"

The three barons looked at each other silently and did not want to answer such questions.

Macbeth got up in anger and walked out of the room. Without going back, the three Empire Barons began to communicate.

"Blood Master doesn't know what to talk about, but as long as there is trouble tomorrow, it will be pushed on Macbeth, what do you two think?"

"Grinsky, I agree, Marlene?"

The Baroness looked more than forty years old, her expression was a little nervous, she nodded and said, "Greensky, Pete, I have no opinion."

Macbeth walked out of the government hall building, feeling cold in his heart. After he came to the storm corner, it was very good at first, and was gradually emptied by three men.

He tried his best to do things, but none of the many government officials listened to him. He was like a stamp. It was used to cover it. When it was useless, it seemed to be non-existent.

The Magic Tower also doesn't matter. The lord's palace is always empty, and the blood mage's energy is placed in the empire.

What can I do? Lynch sent soldiers to fight the Dragon Island. Greensky did a good job. The logistics and the like had no problems. The entire lord government system was functioning normally, and he could not complain to the emperor.

Besides, it's too far away. How can I complain if there is no close person?

Macbeth gritted his teeth, accelerated his pace, and went straight to the magic tower. When I came here, I was ambitious, and now I can't bear it.

Besides, the blood mage's temper seems to not allow you to get out.

The last person who tried to challenge his authority was all dead.

It was already midnight, and Macbeth stood in front of the magic tower, anxiously waiting. It stands to reason that he is also a well-known origin, and he has studied in the Nine Colleges. I do n’t know why, it will be what it is today.

What is wrong with the empire, or is it not possible at all?

Inside the gate of the Magic Tower, a four- or five-year-old apprentice came out and said to Macbeth: "The teacher is busy. If you must see, come in and wait."

"Okay, okay." Macbeth followed the apprentice, entered the magic tower, and came to the large living room.

The huge table was empty, and the apprentice brewed a pot of tea for him, saying: "Don't go around, the teacher will naturally meet you when you have time."

"How long will it take?"

"If it's faster, it will take an hour. If you are bored, I can find you two books to pass the time."

"Thank you so much." Macbeth touched his side and found that he didn't bring a purse.

Seeing him embarrassed, the apprentice smiled: "You wait, I will come in a while."

Macbeth sat down at the table. Not long after, the apprentice came back, holding three books in front of him, and said, "If you finish reading these three books, the adult will definitely come over."

"Thank you, thank you." Macbeth couldn't offer the reward, but could only thank him orally. The apprentice withdrew from the living room, and Macbeth looked at the three books in front of him, namely "The Rules of the Noble", "The Dragon King" and "The King of Gods". Macbeth couldn't help crying, all the books his apprentice gave him were novels.

However, there was nothing to do anyway. When it was disturbing, Macbeth opened a book and read it quickly. He is a fifteenth-level magician. He hasn't advanced since graduation, but he has a solid foundation, strong mental strength, and reading speed several times faster than ordinary people.

The novel is surprisingly good-looking. Macbeth himself is a magician. He found that the description of magic, alien creatures and aliens in the book is very vivid and definitely not understandable to ordinary people.

However, he has never seen a dragon, and he does not know how much of the description of the dragon in the Dragon Slaughter is true.

When I was about to watch the King of God in a blink of an eye, someone suddenly said in his ear: "How is it, is it pretty?"

Macbeth looked up and saw a magician younger than himself, standing tall and wearing half a blood-red magic robe.

"Master Lord!" Macbeth quickly got up and saluted the magician in front of him.

"You're welcome, sit down."

Macbeth put down the book and watched the young lord pull a chair and sit beside him. He followed him uncomfortably. All kinds of rhetoric before coming, suddenly can not remember.

Xiahe Road: "What are you looking for?"

Macbeth gritted his teeth: "Come and surrender."


"I want to be an adult's official."

Xia He smiled and said to Macbeth: "If I remember correctly, are you from the Odin family?"

"Yes, but although I am a heir, the title does not come from home. I have no inheritance rights in the Odin family."

"What the **** did you have to do with me? Let me think about it. Isn't there anything you can do on Stormwind City?"

Macbeth's blood surged up, his face flushed, and he said: "They squeeze me out, and I have no real power, and I can't control any one."

"Then I want you to use it?"

Xiahe's words were particularly hurtful. He looked at Macbeth's eyes and wanted to know what the young nobleman would say.

"I ca n’t control my men because I have no authority. His Majesty the Emperor sent me over to assist the lord, and all authority comes from the lord. You have more than three hundred people, and I have nothing to do with me. Live them. "

"You mean, if I give you power, you can make them obedient?"

Macbeth was stunned. He didn't answer immediately. He thought for a while before saying: "That's not necessary. I don't know who the other three barons are. They are different from me. They are all new nobles. The title is only in themselves. It ’s just one generation. They will definitely want to climb higher. Such people are the easiest to be drawn. "

"I don't want to waste time." Xiahe said lightly.

"I have the Odin family behind me. No one has drawn me. They have no background. They can trust anyone or adults."

"Let them betray the people behind them?"

Macbeth suddenly thought of the novel that he had just seen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Noble Rules.

That book mentioned the issue of loyalty. If a person betrays his lord and seeks refuge with another lord, he will pay a high price if he wants to improve his status.

No one likes betrayer, but everyone hopes that all people will be loyal to themselves.

Xia He smiled, stood up, and said to Macbeth: "If you are willing to be loyal to me, come with me now. I am not interested in other people."

Macbeth was stunned. He stood up in confusion and followed behind Xiahe. He didn't understand why he passed the blood mage's test.

Xiahe actually doesn't want to waste time. He must be a loyal person.

Freya will create a **** for him. As long as the army can control, the mage can control, the problem of local governance is not a problem. Sooner or later, he will build the Taoist palace, and the whole world will be covered with Taoism.

At that time, what's the point of being loyal?

The whole world is under the supervision of gods.

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