Daomen Invasion

Chapter 263: : Glass of wine

Abigail was still gone, except that as she walked, her golden amber eyes were shining.

Xiahe began to deal with official duties, using his consciousness to scan all the documents when he was away.

Storm Point now has no commerce, but it has opened up some agriculture. Among the ruins, the ruins were removed, and a large number of magic lamps were installed on the top of the space, and a layer of soil was laid underneath to artificially create farmland.

However, these are not permitted by Xiahe. Regarding the ruins of goblins, Xiahe originally planned to develop it after complete stability.

Now Lynch is still attacking the Dragon Island. Can Xiahe not be able to be affected by the flames of war here?

Fortunately, the entrance to the ruins was originally underground, and the secret room became a space. The people sent by the empire messed around and did not destroy the ruins.

In addition to reclaiming farmland, people from the Arcane Empire entered the Chamber of Secrets many times to explore the secrets inside.

Xiahe of course doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, so he has to control the storm angle, which can't be taken into account in the future.

In fact, imperial colleges are usually built outside the ruins. The more powerful the college, the more particular the site, and the higher the value of the remains.

Xiahe couldn't bear the endless temptations of these nobles and took advantage of himself.

I really don't have any talents to manage, but the team at the Imperial Capital is already good, and I can use it directly by returning to the storm angle.

Talent is the most indispensable in the arcane empire, too many people do not meet.

This is related to the education of the arcane empire. The entire empire is spread over various colleges. Many colleges, like Metatron, will reduce tuition fees. Some colleges are willing to train you if you have the qualifications.

After so many years of accumulation, the illiterate people of the empire are rare. This is a very rare phenomenon in a society where nobles and slaves have not been eliminated.

The night soon came, Xiahe greeted his people and came to the lord's palace.

The lord ’s house was brightly lit. Yesterday one day, Freya sent people to build a building. A large hall was erected directly. The front seats were Xiahe. There were four rows of tables on each side. A cushion was given behind the case.

A note was placed on each low table with the name written on it.

When Xiahe sat down, he glanced at the sides, and there were more than three hundred tables. He was not full yet, and he was a little over a hundred.

Someone outside closed the halls, and Su Lie's knight put away the notes on the empty table and gave them to Su Xue.

Su Xue went out from the side door, the side door was also closed, and the lock fell outside.

Next to Xiahe, Freya and Su Qi sat, and Abigail sat on the side. Su Lie, wearing heavy armor, stood deep in the hall. Xiahe glanced at the wine set on the table and smiled.

He poured himself a glass of wine, lifted it up, and said to the people in the hall: "Everyone, for the empire."

The person headed by Greensky murmured in his heart. What does that mean? But the lord lord toasted, and they couldn't keep looking, so they poured themselves wine and raised the silver cup in their hands.

"For the empire!"

Xiahe drank the wine, then turned the glass over, and no drop of residual wine fell.

The people in the hall had to learn Xiahe and drink the wine in the glass.

Xiahe put down his glass and said, "This time I come back, there is only one thing, that is to make you all loyal to me. I will not blame what happened before."

Immediately, there was a big voice: "Master Lord, you are wrong, we are all allegiance to the Empire!"

Xia He frowned, and the person speaking was far away from him, that is to say, the status of this person was lower among the officials appointed by the empire.



"Go get someone else's head back."


Su Lie walked from the depths of the hall. Greensky was shocked. He watched the tall military general walk down beside Xiahe, walk through the hall, and came to the person who opposed Xiahe.

The man got up and was grabbed by Su Lie's hair. He drew his dagger from his waist and waved it.

A head was put in Su Lie's hand, and the body fell to the ground dullly, with blood flowing.

Su Lie carried the head, walked back to Xiahe, raised the head, and placed it on the table in front of Xiahe.

Xiahe nodded and said, "The empire's laws, my territory, is my biggest. Even if it is down, I can't manage my people beyond his authority. Of course, the people who do things for me must first be loyal to me. Do you have any questions? "

Greensky never thought that Asla would be such a treatment.

He thought about a lot of rhetoric. Andre ’s death, he did it seamlessly. Even if he had to take responsibility, he would be there for the dead.

He heard that Xiahe was going to ask about the case, and he was not worried.

"If there is no doubt, sign this magic contract." Xia He said, taking out a stack of magic contracts and putting them on the table. Su Qi waved his hand, and some soldiers stepped forward, holding the magic contract and handing it over to the table.

"Asla, are you going to kill us!" The baroness Marlene angered.

Macbeth smiled next to her and said, "Marlin, what are you saying? I have been loyal to Lord Lord, even if you are all dead, it will not be killed."

"Macbeth!" Bart Pete pointed at him, startled and angry.

"I don't know if you are all dead, but anyone who refuses to come today is dead." Macbeth was happy, and the other people's angry eyes fell on him. Instead, he enjoyed it.

Xia He smiled and said: "I don't have much time. Simply put, the person who killed Andre must not survive. When you sign the contract, don't forget to write on the back who killed him. If the name is wrong Well, I'm sorry, I don't need people who blame Yang and Yin. "

"Master Lord, I don't know who Andrea is!" An official stood up angrily.

"You don't know, what do I want you to do?" Su Xiahe's words didn't fall, Su Qi suddenly raised his hand and released an ice cone.

"Now everyone knows who Andrea is?" Su Qi's voice was cold, echoing in the hall.

Greensky's face was ashamed, he wanted to resist, but Su Lie just walked in front of him, releasing a powerful momentum, clearly a warrior of the epic realm.

"Also, who attacked my feather snake yesterday, and now come out, so as not to die." Su Qi added.

There was silence in the hall, and no one spoke.

"It's really a group of hard bones. Okay, let's start with Greensky." Xia He said, waving his hand. This time Sulie was followed by fifty heavy armor soldiers and ten magicians wearing black robes.

"Asrah, you are so sad and mad, your majesty won't let you go!" Greensky knew he was not spared, and took out a scroll to release.

But he suddenly discovered that the magic power in his body was not controlled at all, and there was a problem with his mental power. The scroll could not be held in his hands.

Toxic in wine!

But I have done toxin detection clearly, why not found it?

Xia He sneered. The Goddess of Doom's Plague Mantra is not poison at all, but it is more terrible than any poison. Taoists are familiar with this thing, and they all practiced the method of coping. If there is no Taoist method, at least legendary to resist the attack of the Plague Mantra.

"Macbeth has written a letter, and if your majesty sends more people, if your majesty is angry, at most no longer send someone over, Greensky, if you tell me, who bought you behind, I can make you die Happier. "

The heavily armored soldier dragged Greensky to Xiahe's table.

"Ahra, you must not die!" Greensky knew he could not survive, but he also stiffened, screaming with his neck stuck.

Freya smiled next to him: "Adult, I like this kind of person the most. I can play for a long time."

A dozen feather snakes flew out of her sleeves, flung on Greensky's body, biting with sharp teeth. The power in Greensky's body dissipated, and he couldn't even roll, and the flesh and blood were blurred in a blink of an eye, only screaming.

He still wanted to curse something. A feather snake bit on his throat and the throat was torn off, so he could only make a hoo sound.

Xia He looked at Greensky, who only twitched, and said with a smile: "You government officials always think you have power in your hands. But you don't know where the power comes from. In the storm corner, the power comes from me, you So someone will buy it, that is, someone wants to share my power, why should I endure? "

Freya let out a black light, quietly glanced behind Greensky's brain, and took his soul.

A magician of this level, in the Ten Palace Seal, can only confess after a round. The grown-up said that he would slowly clean up him, then let him play more rounds.

"Asla, if I die ..."

Before Marlene had finished speaking, there was a soldier who stepped forward, lifted her from the seat, and threw it in front of Xiahe.

Baron Pete hurriedly grabbed the knife on the table, struggling to cut off his fingers, and using his own blood to drop the name on the magic contract.

"You are not a hereditary nobility. After you die, the smoke disappears, and there is no one to avenge you." Xiahe said to the baroness.

"Ha ha ha ha! Asla, you don't know who is behind me!"

Freya's sleeve ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ flew a few more feather snakes, pounced on Marlene.

Freya said with a smile: "You are so ugly, you must not be His Majesty behind you. If you are not His Majesty, what are you afraid of?"

In the hall, more than 60 people quickly followed the example of Baron Pete. The rest of them had important family members in the empire and were controlled by people. Although they were afraid of death, they did not dare to turn to Asra easily.

They were still lucky, and now the Stormwind side is busy with Lynch's war and needs government officials. If they were all killed, the war would be severely affected.

Abigail frowned and looked at everything in front of her. Asla was so fierce that she had nothing to do with her from beginning to end. As to her concerns, the question of whether the empire would expel the temple did not happen at all.

The blood mage disintegrated the fighting power of these people with a glass of wine, and then grabbed it at will.

This is the power of Asra? Power and power are terrifying!

Even if someone was not poisoned, Su Lie brought his armor, plus a group of magicians in the Temple of Doom, enough to kill the rebels on the spot.

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