Daomen Invasion

Chapter 270: : Strong Druid

How short is two seconds? The phantom created by Xiahe's blinking has not disappeared, and he is preparing a Void Wind Blade in place, but there is no longer a target worth attacking.

The phantom accumulated magic and waited for it to disappear.

At Xiahe, level 30, the phantom flashing has naturally changed, and the phantom has been around for nearly 18 seconds.

Void Wind Blade, charge attack.

After 18 seconds, Xiahe didn't worry about the collapse of magic, and he controlled it carefully.

Xiahe's attack speed was too fast, and the number of magic eruptions was too large. When the half-elves were slaughtered, Xiahe released the broken hell, the city of shadows dispersed, and a dozen spider webs immediately flew.

The scream of the half-elf sounded, but Xiahe ’s bursting stars were released again, and were thrown into the corpse. Dozens of forest spiders were killed on the spot. Inside.

This thing's defense is not high originally, survives by ambush, and is hit by thirty-level magic, the carapace can't defend against the decentralized weakened magic, the juice spurs, and all are covered with holes.

The scream was not too far away, at most two miles away.

Senior half elf!

Xiahe had just flashed this thought in his head, and dozens of big trees around him came to life.

Senior tree demon!

Yeah, half-elves lay traps here, but what about forest spiders? The advanced tree monster can be disguised as a tree and can be expected to be in a place. If the level of the half-elf wizard is high enough, the tree monster can stand in the forest for more than a month.

Dozens of tree demon, whipped over, can kill themselves directly. The body of level 30 can't bear it either.

The point is that Xiahe doesn't know how many tree monsters the half-elves have arranged here.

Shun Golden Tornado, Phase Frost Dragon Shield ...

Several thick branches were drawn, and the tornado was cut, and the rumbling sound was endless. Xiahe's phased frost dragon shield persisted for less than two seconds and was smashed.

The twitch with a phantom flicked, and it was actually trembling up thirty times.

Xiahe had already flew by the tornado and released the wind ride.

Shenhuo Flying Crow!

In the Taiyin ring of Xiahe, a fire crow that is more than seven meters long flew out and threw it on a tree demon. The tree monsters screamed mournfully. They were not pure plants.

Xiahe's phantom no longer charged, the huge wind blade in his hand flew across the forest, chopped off a tree monster on the ground, cast off, and cut the second tree monster into a wooden pile, which only dissipated.

Xiahe rushed out in this direction and waved a burst of stars.

Nine huge fireballs blew up the two tree monsters, and the threat around Xiahe was emptied.

Medirelli asked in the Dragon and Tiger Dao: Freya, don't you help?

What does it mean to cut wood?

After Freya returned her sentence, she took out her weapon, a huge metal shield, and a strange heavy weapon.

This weapon is a metal rod with a height of one person. Twenty-four metal chains with a snake bone structure at the front, and at the end are substances shining with stars, shaped like walnuts.

Twenty-four walnut-like substances collide with each other without making any sound, only a faint electric flash.

The structure of this thing looks like flail, but the ratio is completely wrong and looks very heavy.

Freya's body is powerful enough, even if it is all metal, she can wield it freely.

Xiahe escaped from the tree monster and surrounded him. The tree monster pulled out of the mud and chased him. Xiahe didn't want to fight against this kind of thing, and it wasn't Abigail.

He fled in front, keeping a distance from the tree demon in the back, a tall figure in front rushed towards him, an iron whip in his hand was drawn towards Xiahe's head.

Xiahe drew out his wand and blocked it with force.


The magic dragon whacked, and the figure was knocked out by Xiahe, and Xiahe instantly connected a purple electric ice cone. The azure ice cone plunged into the heart of the half-elf warrior, and the gorgeous armor was meaningless.

Purple electricity destroys the magical defense of the armor, and the ice cone is like a broken bamboo.

A fire dragon came to the ground and rushed to Xiahe. This fire dragon was too fast, and he also had a manic breath of life.

Druid spells!

At the same time, a feather arrow appeared on the left side of Xiahe's body without warning.

If Xiahe resists magic, this arrow can penetrate Xiahe's arm and penetrate through the heart. The true marksman, above level 25, may be an epic, suppressed by the legendary restricted area.

The soldiers killed by Xiahe are also very high-level and well-equipped. The Druid who released the Fire Dragon is the strongest. With the marksman and the three people fighting together, Xiahe has just used the blinking skill.

Phantom flashes!

Xiahe's flashing skills have a short cooling time. This misjudgment, the sharpshooter's feather arrow was shot. In the position behind Xiahe, in front of a phantom, the phased frost dragon shield was suspended. Xiahe's real body has come. In front of the half-elf Druid.

"Go kill the archer." Freya said.

Medirelli reached out, and out of the jade ring hanging around her waist, a quaint long sword was pulled out by him. She rushed in the direction of the sharpshooter. Her position happened to be the closest.

The marksman was locked by Medirelli, but only sneered. He drew three feather arrows, put them on the bow, and released them easily. These three feather arrows slowly flew in the woods, bypassing the obstacles, and at the distance of Medierli At a distance of less than 100 meters, he suddenly exerted force.

Medirelli's figure disappeared, and it rushed two hundred meters away in the next moment.

Yu Jian.

The marksman made a mistake and was approached to a distance of three hundred meters by Medieri. He suddenly realized that by bow and arrow, it was impossible to kill such a warrior with a breakthrough skill.

Thought I would only use a bow? The half-elf marksman put the longbow into the ring and pulled a dagger around his waist. The dagger glowed with purple light, and it was smeared with poison at a glance. Holding the dagger in his backhand, he leaped from the treetops and pounced against Medelli.

Freya was immediately relieved that this idiot was actually fighting me with Jianxiu?

Although Jianxiu is known to kill people in a hundred steps, that kind of consumption is also huge.

The reason for the hundred-step killing reputation is that no one wants to fight Jianxiu personally. Try to stay away from Jianxiu as much as possible and use spell attacks. It would be better to be beheaded by Jianxiu in a hundred steps than fighting close to them. This is common sense in the world of God Zhou.

any left?

Freya's consciousness swept everywhere, hoping to find more half-elves.

The warrior, the druid, the marksman, if another magician would be perfect.

The magician, the magician, your soul is so beautiful, with the breath of the forest goddess, come quickly!

Freya prayed in her heart and was very eager to collect the soul of the magician. If the soul of the magician is only to create a priest and help Xiahe to manage, Freya will not be so eager.

There is a secret of the gods in the soul of the magician.

If you kill enough magicians, you can find the goddess of the forest goddess yourself.

Daomen deities like the kingdom of God the most, and there are a large number of prayers, heroes, and angels, all of which are feasts. The weak gods such as the forest goddess will fall asleep once the believers die, and it is unlikely that there will be war weapons like angels in the kingdom of gods.

The half-elf empire will be wiped out by the arcane empire sooner or later.

As long as you find the location of the Kingdom of God, you will struggle for tens of thousands of years less!

Xiahe flashed to the half-elf druid, and the half-elf druid rushed towards him, with a pair of metal claws on his hands. This fluttering action, with the breath of the wilderness, fierce abnormality, Xiahe has a feeling that the spell is suppressed, as if no magic can be released.

The illusion that he was silent.

Xiahe was surprised and excited at the same time. This half-elf was at least close to the level of legend, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be silently silent.

Such a powerful enemy is worth using Aoki Thunder Seal.

Xiahe rushed fiercely, the magic wand swept, and a Shouyuan hammer attacked. It's just that the magic dragon's heavy blow is still cooling. Even if it can be released, the opponent's magic resistance is amazing, and it can't be suppressed.

In the Aoki Thunder Seal, there is a Aoki God Thunder, but this skill has a short attack distance and the release speed has not reached the instant. Xiahe had to find opportunities to use this powerful druid.

With a bang, Xiahe's arm was sore, and the magic wand took off and flew out. He lost the half elf in strength contest!

What's so special is Mowu Shuangxiu, the Taiyin ring on Xiahe's finger flashed, and the nine Taoist characters in it radiated a faint golden light, and the silence technique cracked.


Xiahe instantaneously issued an Asra slash spell, and then connected with an element of punishment.

In the hands of the half-elf, the claws were touched by Asra's curse, and the two lines were suddenly broken. Then the white light slammed on his chest. The half-elf Druid was gleaming with green light, showing a gorgeous armor.

I knew it was not easy to kill!

Arcane, Shackles of Fate ...

The half-elf shook his hand and threw a pair of metal claws on Xiahe's face.

Element shield.

The half-elves are not controlled by the shackles of fate, and the flying claws have little power. They are instantly blocked by the element shield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two people fought against each other, and the attacks were soft and failed to explode.

Xiahe is not afraid, he still has helpers, in preparation for the presence of other half-elves. Fighting alone, he is really not afraid of this guy.

The fifth element prisoner.

Dispel, frost breath!

Mobius Ring of Fire ...

The ring of fire pushed the two people away instantly, a pendant on the half-elf Druid suddenly lit up, and Xiahe also released the call of the divine creature without hesitation.

In front of the half-elf, a snow-white dragon appeared. Behind Xiahe, a four-winged angel flew up.

Metal dragon?

High-level angel!

Both sides are surprised. I didn't expect the opponent to be able to summon such a strong creature. This is a legendary restricted area, and many skills are suppressed.

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