Daomen Invasion

Chapter 480: : General Attack

Villain? Although the bodies of these creatures are small, the gap between the soul and normal humans is not so great. It is much easier to spread Taoism in such a world.

Their fighting power is not worth mentioning, but the power of faith is enough to support themselves and Freya.

Sure enough, the value of this cave is still above the elf god.

Fortunately, she didn't bring Freya, otherwise she would go crazy?

"It's for you." Angelina handed over the tiger that was smaller than the mouse, Xiahe took it, and whispered a few words to it. The tiger then bowed her head obediently, and Xiahe put it on It wasn't seen running away on the shoulder.

Angelina was surprised and asked, "What did you say to it?"

"I said, follow me, eat meat."


"Well, it's deceiving."

Angelina was helpless. In fact, she still used a lot of methods, but it was not effective on Asla. Asla knew what he wanted, and he would never change it easily.

Xiahe thought she was not easy to deal with, why Angelina was not so.

Asra is a hob meat, oil and salt will not enter, no matter how temptation, temptation, he will not move.

"It may be a very powerful mage who controls the villain, if he finds that his country has a loophole, he may come across the border. If it is an ordinary legend, if he is already a god, I will deal with it alone. No. I asked you to help me. I asked you for help. "

Xiahe's lips moved, and Angelina smiled: "Of course, the benefits will be yours. If this world is taken down by you, you can participate in research and data sharing."

"What does your majesty mean?"

"I mean it myself."

"I see, do you want me to live here?"

"How do you do that?" Angelina gave Xiahe a white eye and said, "You have to help outside things. Tower 7 is your task, at least on the surface."

"His Royal Highness can let me come at any time." Xia He finished, saluted Angelina, and exited her room.

Princess Angelina looked at Xiahe's back and pondered.

My father is right, no matter how loyal the minister is, there is no benefit and he will not do anything for you.

Asra barely managed to work. He heard that the existence of the alien world might surpass the legend, and he promised to face it with himself. Most people, even if they were good, would not take risks.

As for not having enough respect for yourself? He is not his courtier, but his father.

It is too naive to think that the nobility can be served by the prince's identity. If there is a group of people around you and doing things for you, then you want to use your identity.

Xiahe went back to the No. 7 tower, and first carried out a rate adjustment to keep his body in the best condition before talking to Freya.

"Adult, you mean, there is a small country?"

"Yes, God Zhou has never found such a place."

"That's because God Zhou is too powerful. I suddenly felt that there are so many loopholes in this world that it attracted many people to come close and want to eat it."

"If there really exists world will ..."

"Maybe it's a trap, maybe it's the world's own insecurity, helpless."

Xiahe Road: "It should be helpless, but there are also traps to attract some relatively weak people to come and then swallow it to strengthen itself. If the attraction is wrong, you will be swallowed."

"Adult, we belong to the weak."

"The villain doesn't want to, but this method of opening up the villain's kingdom must be available." Xiahe Road.

"I know, I won't rob it with the princess." Freya understands what Xiahe is talking about, and adults are worried about herself, blindfolded by this thing, and unclear about the interest.

Early the next morning, outside the magical fortress, there were enemies. Unlike Xiahe's imagination, the number of half-elves here is very large, but it can only account for half of the number of enemies.

Bizarre creatures have appeared, and many of them are clearly written in the illustrated books and are extinct.

The pure-blood elves haven't found it. Many large poisonous insects are already bigger than dogs, and their ranks are higher. There are more than ten levels of creatures everywhere.

Twelve towers were also sounding gunshots.

Support the ground? The poisonous insects flying in the sky are densely packed, and the magicians can only look at the sky first. All the two hundred soldiers have magic guns on the No. 7 tower in Xiahe. Although the shooting distance is insufficient, the diameter of the entire magical fortress is 600 meters.

Xiahe simply releases super long-range magic, Void Wind Blade, Purple Electric Ice Needle, Elemental Discipline on the tower.

Occasionally Xiahe will ride the wind ride, come to the edge of the city wall, put a few large fire magic, and then immediately retreat. The raging fire can block the charge of several tens of meters in width.

The firepower of the Seventh Tower was fierce, and the enemy was immediately stopped, and then naturally scattered elsewhere.

Her Royal Highness soon began to recruit magicians, went to her barracks, and honestly began to build more magic guns. Although Xiahe ’s weapons are more expensive to use than the Empire ’s firearms and have a shorter attack distance, they can use local materials, low-level magicians can make and refine them, and soldiers can also use them.

The only trouble is that the synthesis of magic potions had to turn to Xiahe.

This gadget is difficult to configure and easy to explode.

After blasting dozens of magicians, the refining of magic potions was given to Xiahe. Xiahe no longer went out to fight, only in the tower, occasionally attacked with long-range magic.

The battlefield is more terrible than the war scenes of some technological planes. The 600-meter-diameter fortress is surrounded by magical flames, dense bombs and rain whizzing across the air, and explosions sound from time to time inside the castle.

The inside of the fort is okay, and beyond the six-pointed star, the barracks will also be attacked.

Among the half-elves attacking the camp of Her Royal Highness, there is a powerful caster. They were not too close, and attacked with magic in the distance. From the sky, burning stones appeared from time to time, bombarding below.

Suddenly, directly in front of the Xiahe side, hundreds of half-elves rushed into the ring-shaped wall against the attack and killed them inside. The metal nails bulging sharply on the ground pierced their feet, and the half-elves rushed into the camp without pain.

Summon evil creatures!

Xiahe did not hesitate, summoned a four-armed demon, and he himself jumped out of the tower.

The people in the tower are already blameless. Lord Earl likes to rush off in person, and so is his magical guardian. Freya jumped out when she saw the opportunity, and only then could she be justified and harvest her soul.

As soon as Xiahe and Freya went out, they heard a warning from a magician in the tower.

"Master Earl, there are circumstances, you better come back!"

Xiahe hesitated for a moment. More than a half of the elves, Freya could deal with it, he released the magic, harnessed the wind, and returned to the tower. Looking at the distance from a height, you can see the tree demon from the brigade in the forest a few miles away.

These tree monsters are only three or four meters in height, their skin is green and green, and they move around quickly.

Among the tree monsters, there are also half-elves with tall bodies, like the tree herder, urging the tree monsters forward. The tree demon is the most annoying creature with thick skin and thick flesh. Although the fire magic restrains the tree demon, the demon-polluted tree demon still has fierce fighting power even if they are covered with fire until they are burned to death.

Xiahe immediately realized that the outer circular wall could not hold it.

If you can train magic knights, all riding evil unicorns, you can still wave with these tree monsters. Relying on the army pieced together in this camp, don't even think about it. The ranks of these tree demon groups have exceeded fifteen levels. When the collective rushes over, the magic resistance may be as high as twenty levels.

The horn sounded inside the camp, and the soldiers guarding the periphery came down from the wall and withdrew into the barracks.

The barracks are sturdy, the entrance is narrow, and there is a tunnel to the inside. The princess intends to abandon the outer periphery and resist with a hexagram structure fortress.

"Is Moto there?" Xiahe asked the people around him.

"He's gone to the princess' barracks," answered a magician.

"You don't know clearly, what is the plan now?" Xiahe watched the distant tree demon slowly approaching. In the remaining towers, the magic gun did not attack the tree demon, but just found the gap and attacked the tree demon together. Half-elves on the move.

But these half-elves are very difficult to kill. When the metal projectiles fly, there is a translucent shield in front of the half-elves. A dozen metal projectiles hit it, and the shield will break. However, a strong green light emanated from the tree demon, and the shield in front of the half-elf was immediately repaired.

This is not that the long-range attack is invalid, but the tree monster is using his vitality to provide defense for the half-elves.

All are crazy. In such a battle, even if the half-elf side wins, the tree monster will die quickly.

The magic gun made by Xiahe roared when the tree demon approached the outer wall. Dense metal projectiles flew over, the shield shattered, and the half-elf was caught off guard and shot.

Only the soldiers by the wall had been withdrawn, and no one stopped. The tree demon and half-elves crossed the wall and rushed into the fortress.

The high walls around the tower are about fifteen meters, which is equivalent to two-storey towers, and the magic attack on the wall head falls. The tree demon attacked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and charged towards the inner city wall.

On Xiahe's side, the four-armed snake demon he summoned killed the five-headed tree demon, and was torn to pieces.

Xiahe's summoning magic is a guise, he is not a snake demon summoned from the abyss at all. The four-armed snake demon was killed, and he could not summon for a while.

Freya insisted for a while, and was attacked twice by the tree demon, with some pain, she simply withdrew back.

Moto quickly returned to the tower, and he said to Xiahe: "Master Earl, Her Royal Highness the princess, the tower cannot be lost."

"What about the city wall?"

"The city walls don't need your control, just keep your own tower."

"The person I brought, are you here?"

"It was arranged elsewhere."

"Then add a hundred soldiers to me." Xiahe was also a little worried. He hadn't planned to die, but Angelina's order, he couldn't ignore it.

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