Daomen Invasion

Chapter 486: : Division 2

"Sir, you are so powerful. If you deal with it again, this thing can be used more than a hundred times!" Freya is quite happy, this is a real Taoist equipment, although a fire element symbol is engraved.

And this idea is good, using the magician's theory, you can create a gadget with similar attributes.

Of course, if the magician's stuff is the same, then the cost is very high.

This is the technological gap between this world and the Daomen world, which cannot be closed.

When Xiahe thought about it for a while, he realized that this was the low quality of Fire Rock Ant, and the equipment must have its lifespan. And this thing can't be repaired, if it's broken, it's broken.

It can be used more than a hundred times, which is good, after all, it is a powerful thing.

Xia He's face was bright, he would never sell it, and he couldn't stand being sprayed. However, each student must send one for self-defense.

"I want it, make a change." Freya said with a grin.

"Here you are."

Xiahe and Freya greeted each other, and the princess's face was depressed, and she didn't hide it.

Freya sent the flame bottle into her ten palace seals and started to do it again. In the Ten Temple Seals, the evil spirits have been filled, and Freya has not dealt with it, nor has she paid attention to it. Many souls have disappeared here, or have been repeatedly tortured, refined the fragrance, and resented.

Freya can purify it and gain some divinity by the way.

After the flame bottle entered, Freya used her divine control to put these resentments into the bottle, and merged with the real fire inside.

Wuyun True Flask can also be called Wuxie Flask.

Thinking of the nature of the bottle, Freya shivered herself. What is fired from the Wuyun True Flask is not fire, but evil thoughts. Once the bottle is opened, there may be foul smell within a few miles, and the foul smell is also mixed with strange fragrance. However, the scent has reached its extreme, mixed with odor, and it will become very sticky, even polluting the soul.

Suffering from this evil thought, all five aggregates burned.

As long as it is within the range of Wuyun Zhenhuo's attack, it is the number of deaths, regardless of the enemy.

In the world of God Week, this thing is not allowed to be refined casually, and each one is recorded in the Dao Palace. You dare to bring it into a mortal city to use it and directly destroy you.

Freya's face was chilling.

She was thinking, if any king **** provokes an adult, go to his house to open this thing.

The golden wolf and the deer are fast enough that there are no obstacles on the road, and they can almost reach the Xiahe camp in eight hours. After a two-hour break, the Golden Wolf slept for a while. The second time he started, the speed was reduced a bit. The team arrived at the camp at night.

Xiahe found that his camp was another big circle, and there were many more peripheral defense facilities, all built by mercenaries. However, all four sides have left a spacious passage to the core camp.

The little ghosts around the camp had long lived and dissipated, but when Xiahe arrived, a magical firework was released, and Medelly took the cavalry out to greet him.

Even the princess's magistrate group, after seeing Xiahe's knights and twenty-four students, also felt good.

But no one saluted the princess, which made everyone unhappy.

Medirre ignored the princesses and princes. In this world, she only recognizes two people, one is a teacher and the other is Xiahe.

Face like this, don't expect Medirelli to give it to you.

Xiahe's knights have long been conquered by Medirelli. The big knights don't speak, they are all like stones. As long as Medirelli said a charge, they would move forward without hesitation.

This is the value of the knights, they are loyal to the blood mage, Count Asra.

"Princess, please enter the camp." Xiahe is respectful. After all, he has collected a lot of money. Although the eleven imperial nobles in the tower will be dissatisfied with themselves, you have to pay for the benefits. right.

Before and after he spent hundreds of thousands of gold coins in the magical fortress, earning 5 million, that was originally to be divided equally among the people in the twelve towers.

"Lead the way." Angelina squeezed her tone, and Medirel snorted, turned her horse's head, and came to the position behind Xiahe. The two hundred cavalry she brought out moved out uniformly, pushing Princess Angelina out.

Xia He smiled bitterly, but it also proved that these people Ovilla found were reliable.

All are young people, have a good foundation, and are eager to make achievements.

When Xiahe came this time, they followed the battle with all merits, and they also gained a lot of experience and trophies.

Seeing Xiahe's majestic entering the camp, the princess was not in the back, but thinking about her purpose was the legendary little secret realm, the mood was much better.

The villain has made a fortune, and the captured captive is another great achievement. The money invested this time has been rewarded more than ten times. The twelve lords and nobles were originally called to help. This matter is not reliable. There will be a lot of troubles in the follow-up and perfunctory of those people. Now the Count Asra has attracted hatred. He has come over by himself. **** off.

If the little secret can earn five million gold coins, things will be perfect.

As for the people of Count Asra who have a bad attitude towards themselves, that's not a big deal.

Her Royal Highness Princess Wushao was unparalleled, Xiahe received her in a salty way, and gave her barracks in the core camp. The princess looked at the Void Magic Tablet, took a few words of admiration, and went to rest, not entangled with Xiahe.

The Xiahe camp is considered to be the safest in a hundred mile. The number of mercenaries has exceeded 3,000. Now a joint mercenary regiment is being formed, planning to take a chance at the temple of elves.

Xiahe did not convene the manpower, but rested first. At midnight, he woke up and called the students and Ovilla. Both Cotton Jack and Baron Nietzsche were present, and Xiahe said: "I plan to rescue Baron Lodz again. For the little secret, we don't have to lose money. I still hope to bring him out."

"Teacher, everything in the forest has been contaminated by divinity. Although the frequency of attacking the camp has been low these days, but I feel that the half-elves are accumulating strength." Feng looked at Xiahe seriously.

"It's okay, this time the Princess Herald went together. They have 27 powerful magicians. No, the princess is also very powerful. Twenty-eight. Two hundred knights should be the princess's private guard. Less, better than the elite of the empire. "

Xiahe is not bragging for the princess. Although the Mage Group had little effect when he met Fire Rock Ants before, but it is really impossible to eliminate the Rock Ants. He has a wide range of electric chain magic, so he can handle it more easily and happily.

If there is no corresponding magic, Xiahe would rather detour.

The two hundred knights are much stronger than their own knights. Although their knights have more than twelve levels at the bottom, they are still less than one-third of the 20 levels.

"Sir, we don't have a suitable mount." Cotton Jack also began to express his opinions. After he came to the voodoo forest, he quickly merged with the mages.

Two hundred demonized war horses were taken to the magical fortress, but they were not brought back, and now the knights of Xiahe are riding wooden horses.

There are still dozens of horses in the camp, which were bought from mercenaries.

"This time I don't bring knights, only mercenaries."

"What's the matter!" Medieri stopped, and the mercenary's fighting ability was far worse than the knight's.

"I will only take Freya and Martin, and Medirelli. You and the baron will camp and go to the temple of elves and camp outside the temple. I will leave you with twelve students and set up the Void Magic Tablet. This time I The real war items are arranged, and they cannot be transferred after they are arranged. If no one attacks, they will continue to strengthen. "

"What about me?" Ovilla was dissatisfied.

"You help Baron Nietzsche, his strength is a little weak, and there are qualified mercenaries, and some are recruited. The war of the elven temple will not be too long, and the empire has launched two more legions. We must seize the time, in the elven **** The temple can only get something good. "

"I want to see the little secret."

Xiahe glanced at Freya, and Freya nodded, and Xiahe said, "Then Freya follows Medelly, you and I go to the little secret realm to rescue Baron Rhodes. But then there is no need to bring students, All students just follow Jack. "

Ovilla rejoices that although she is good at home, she is also eager to take risks. Help Xiahe train knights and train officials all day, she was tired of being crooked.

After Xiahe was determined, let Freya and Medieli stay and speak alone.

After the others left, Xiahe said to Freya: "Tonight I will prepare twenty-four flame bottles. By the way, twenty-five, Medielli can also be used."

"Isn't Ovilla also usable?" Freya asked deliberately.

"The formation in this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She may be able to see that it is not something in this world. Her ring is also something."

Freya smiled, and the adults knew the weight, Ovilla was not really his own.

"You two, went to the periphery of the temple of elves, try to keep the camp safe, and the Void Magic Tablet can have six days. Even if it is completely erected, no matter what monster is finally rushed out of the temple, the camp will not Will be destroyed. "

"What about the mount?" Medieri was worried. If there was a demonized warhorse, her knight would be strong. But after the demonized horse was taken away, it was not brought back.

Freya shook her head and said, "It's too expensive to build war dolls. This batch was made a lot slower for saving. And this thing is for the family knights. Su Lie and they haven't chosen enough people yet, why? It will take three to five years to achieve results. "

Xiahe did the same. Before and after, he built some war dolls. Finally, there were two hundred and thirty-eight. This time Freya joined another two hundred and one, no more. This thing takes up funds and is not cheap to use.

"I don't care, my knight can't fight on two legs." Medirelli insisted.

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