Daomen Invasion

Chapter 297: : Quick battle and quick decision

"Adult, why do you take risks." Ovilla dissuaded, she never gave Xiahe advice, Xiahe was surprised, and immediately understood that this was for the princess.

Princess Angelina was really fooled and immediately said: "This is not a small contribution for killing the three thousand regular troops. This is different from your help in guarding the magical fortress. The military is yours and no one can take it away."

The calculation of the merits of the empire is very strict, guarding the magical fortress, killing so many elves, and monsters in the forest, but the main credit is Angelina. Without her magical fortress, no one else can kill so many enemies.

Now in the field, Xiahe's reel sequence launcher is the main force that can destroy the enemy's backbone in one fell swoop.

Xiahe said to Ovilla: "This is not an adventure. Although the three thousand regular army is terrible, my reel sequence launcher is also unique. Unless there is legendary power, it is possible that epics can die on my magic reel. under."

Ovilla shook her head, but Angelina did not add oil and vinegar at this time. She said to Ovilla: "It is indeed relying on the reel sequence launcher, which is not very stable, but I also have a powerful reel, if the earl ’s Equipment cannot solve all enemies, and I can take care of cleaning up the rest. "

"What's the merit?"

"My scroll is not low in value. If the count ca n’t solve all the enemies, he ’s half the merit. This is the elite of the three and a half elves. Still in the forest, it has a great impact on the main force of the empire. The count ’s scroll sequence The launcher, originally a battlefield weapon, was pure waste in adventure activities. "

"For the empire." Xiahe raised his hand to stop Ovilla from continuing.

Princess Angelina felt ashamed, but she responded: "For the empire."

After Asla ’s Scroll Sequence Launcher is used, there is basically no way to compete for everything inside the Elven Temple. Unconsciously, she regarded Asla as a competitor.

If she did not perform as well as an earl in the war of elven temples this time, she would be laughed at by the nobles.

Asla, this guy, has a large territory. It is not like the other nobles of the empire. It is either a reward or an inheritance.

"Wait for me." Xiahe threw out five ghost runes and turned them into five little ghosts, and went to investigate the information.

In just a few minutes, Xiahe received feedback.

"His Royal Highness, the enemy has a wizarding group, and the number of wizards is close to thirty. All the warriors have enchanted armor, but the magic resistance is not a problem. Their formation is relatively concentrated. I can solve the warriors, and the wizard ...

"I'll solve it."

"That's good." Xiahe fetched a piece of magic paper and temporarily refined a map, indicating that the army of elves that was moving was two miles away.

The princess's team is at right angles to the enemy, but it is aimed at the end of the half-elf army.

"All ready, I'll drive ..." Xiahe took out his reel-sequence launcher, the huge gear spinning in the air and flying forward.

"Count, don't deduct it?"

"Whatever you want to deduct, just go up." Xiahe is even speechless than Princess Angelina. This is an encounter. The two sides are so close. If they were not in the voodoo forest, where they were filled with divine power, they had already been discovered.

Even so, every second, there is an additional risk of being discovered.

The enemy archer shoots the crow, not necessarily for no reason.

Xiahe urged the deer with all his strength. Following the reel-sequence launcher, the wind riding this magic, together with the deer, blessed the deer with high intelligence. Will he fly?

Xia He certainly knows Angelina's thoughts. In addition to letting herself use the reel sequence launcher, the direction of this army is towards her magical fortress. Of course, three thousand people can't fight down the magical fortress, but the loss of the fortress will not be small.

In case this is just one of the troops attacking the bastion, destroying it is even more important.

Xiahe took the lead, Angelina's people had to chase desperately, one by one to release the acceleration skills, barely following Xiahe.

Xiahe catches up with the half-elf army and has no other means to directly release the reels in the sequence launcher.

As long as he guided slightly, the bursting stars were no different from the bombardment of the fleet. The huge fireball poured down, and the half-elves were directly stunned.

An elite army, the rank of a soldier is only five levels up, and twenty levels down.

The leaves of the canopy were quickly scorched, and a fire ignited immediately. The dry branches made a crackling sound, but no one could hear the tiny burst of sound in the explosions of the sequence of blazing stars.

Xiahe is the **** of death who controls the flames, sweeping forward at the end of the half-elf team.

The wizard of the half-elf is, as always, at the front of the center of the team. The four wizards at the end of the team responsible for the realm, even without reaction, were overwhelmed by Xiahe's magic.

The team of princesses caught up and saw the forest falling forward in rows in the explosion. This scene was shocking and the soul shuddered slightly.

City of Shadows!

Xiahe doesn't care whether this environment is suitable or not. When the wizards in front of the team raise defensive magic, huge shadows cover them all. The reel-sequence launcher in the sky is still bombing forward, and the cracked position on the gear has cracked, and it will collapse at any time.

That is, Xiahe, the power of consciousness is powerful, and other mages have long given up control, lest the magic go out of control and affect their own souls.

The knights of the Princess Knights finally arrived, the flames on the ground were extinguished, and only the surrounding forest was still burning. The knights stepped on the ashes, looking for targets that could make up the knife. However, under the exploding stars, no non-caster below level 20 can survive.

Through the advanced magic armor, the knights of the Princess Knights still felt the terrible searing breath.

Xiahe had swept over the wizarding squad, leaving them in the shadows, and moving on, maneuvering the reel sequence launcher to bomb the remaining more than a thousand and a half elves.

The mages rushed to the front. The city of shadows had dissipated. More than thirty wizards were surrounded by more than one hundred marbles. The electric current flashed. The wizards spent more than ten seconds before dispersing Asla marbles.

Elemental Chain!

Princess Angelina unleashes her most powerful **** magic, but this magic is not released by the Legendary Scroll, and its power is much reduced.

But it was enough. The four-color chain fell and bound all thirty or so wizards. The thirteen magicians of the mages habitually followed up and cast spells, throwing away the prepared magic.

Xiahe felt such cooperation in the distance and felt envious.

Princess Angelina has the best control magic, and can control the enemy on a large scale. Her wizards will also prepare magic in advance when Princess Angelina prepares magic. You can complete the magic with the strongest attack power. Released.

Blink, the road to the forest, any door ...

Fourteen wizards were freed from the shackles and escaped the deadly attacks of the wizarding regiment. Princess Angelina opened her mouth, spewed out a chill, and fell to the ground to grow flowers.

The flower formed by the deep blue ice crystals blooms under the feet, and the wizard who just got rid of the elemental chain is frozen again. The magic of the sequence prepared by the Masters came instantly.

Xiahe's eyelids jumped, and this combination of casting was too powerful.

Bingyun, freezing rain, and frostbite!

Princess Angelina ’s control magic fell one after another, and she used no positioning magic to control the enemy seamlessly until she died.

Ovilla looked at it from afar, and suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were correct.

If you want to learn something from Asra, you can't just go on like this.

In the chaotic world, ordinary is sin.

The Knights finally arrived, and the remaining five wizards were not dead. They had just gotten rid of the Master's attack, and the Knights arrived. The five wizards are desperate and want to die together, but the knights' fighting spirit explodes, jointly releasing the charge skills, and directly dispersing their magic.


It was like the spring thunder exploded, the iron hoof stepped on, leaving the wizard's body.

Above the battlefield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The dignity of the caster cannot be guaranteed.

Xiahe finally dropped the gear before the reel sequence launcher collapsed, exploding among the remaining hundreds of half-elves. Three thousand elite soldiers were wiped out by his one hundred and twenty-eight flaming star scrolls, but the survivors were no more than thirty.

In the final analysis, the equipment of the half-elves is not as good as that of the empire, and the arrangement of the formation is extremely unreasonable. In the forest, the path suitable for advancement is relatively narrow, and the soldiers are too concentrated. Due to environmental reasons, enough scouts cannot be placed nearby.

Being approached by Xiahe for two miles, he didn't feel Xiahe's presence. It was strange that such a team would not die.

When Xiahe marches, he will arrange the ghosts in the front and back, if Freya is there, he will also release the feather snake, and Ovilla will release the crow.

Princess Angelina also has her means. Xia He doesn't know what it is so far. It seems that even the Masters are not clear.

Perhaps it was the eye of elemental creatures, or simply some kind of water elemental creature, and signed a contract with the princess to warn her.

For some people, sneak attacks do not exist and can only be confronted with him.

"It's a pity ..." Princess Angelina looked at the battlefield. The half-elf soldiers died without corpses, and the destroyed armor weapons were full of debris. The blood mage's scroll has great power, which has caused the shrinking of loot.

Xiahe's reel-sequence launcher actually caused the effect of group mass cracking.

This is the pitman. Looking at the debris, Princess Angelina lost her interest in cleaning the battlefield.

"Mage's stuff, half a person, what do you think of luck, okay?" Angelina asked.

"Okay, what about the soldiers?"

"I do not want."

Among the badges of Xiahe, the flame of the Daohu furnace suddenly boiled. You do n’t want it, I want it, anyway, it ’s reduction and purification.

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