Daomen Invasion

Chapter 315: : The principal's worries

Xiahe was in the Earl's Court, and he did not ask his courtiers to discuss it. He was in the backyard, watching Medieri practicing the sword.

"Medirli, you said, how can I fight back on this matter?"

"I don't understand. Adults go ask others." Medieri answered, really.

"Just ask you what you don't understand."

"Whoever rumored and defiled me, I'll cut someone." Medieri gave the answer.

"What if I can't cut it?"

Medirel Li Jianguang kept saying, "Then block the door to scold, make the other angry, start first."

"That's it ..."

"I am the great knight and responsible for fighting."

"But the Imperial City has no one to consult."

"Yes, one is to ask the emperor, the other is to ask the lilac king, and the third is to contact Abigail, she may have an idea or maybe."

"Say the same!" Xiahe opened her book of wealth.

"Adult, choose the third one directly?" Medieri's eyes were not pure enough.

"The emperor ... is still missing, under great pressure. Lilac County King, said to like men, I don't want to cultivate feelings with him."

"You are a lord, you don't need to explain to me. You are still my teacher. I can't object to finding a man to be my master."

Xiahe's book of wealth almost fell to the ground, what is it to find a man to be a master?

Abigail, are you there?

Xiahe entered a very nutritious sentence in the book of wealth. However, Abigail did not answer this time. Xiahe waited for a while and was lost. He recollected the book of wealth.

Yeah, no one will just wait for you to talk, tens of thousands of miles apart, why?

Xiahe turned back to the front, naturally someone was waiting, Xiahe asked: "Who is with Martin?"

"Sir, I'll call it for you." The servants are obviously also trained. In the imperial capital, some of these people are. They rely on professional service ability to find a job among a large number of professionals, and the mages are used to giving things to others and concentrate on academic issues.

Not long afterwards, two young women came to the house.

Xia He frowned, and these two women were probably only about level five.

"Sir Earl." Xiahe looked at them with a restrained look as the woman approached.

"What are you doing under Martin?"

"Mr. Hui, the two of us are only responsible for collecting second-level intelligence, both of which are relatively easy tasks."

"Martin, only you two? In the Imperial City?"

"They are all outside, because our salary is not enough, we usually have to do some other work."

"Other work?"

"Martin gave us some funds to do some small business, pubs and the like are all outside the city, and it is not easy to call them over."

Xia He thought that these were low-level intelligence personnel, and the high-level were taken to the forest by Martin. He no longer cares about the level of issues, he said: "In this way, there is a rumor circulating in the Imperial City that the Tenth Magic Academy The dead teacher was killed by me. Do you know where the rumors came from, and who else is the most happy? "

"We really know this. The people of the Green family did it."

"Oh? Green's?"

Xiahe is surprised, what is she doing, Eva?

His five ghosts didn't hurt her. The Green family's rumors didn't do any good to him. If it is just to create a contradiction, others can do it. Green's big business, why charge ahead?

"You go to hire a group of people and block the door of Green's house to curse the street, will you?"

"This is simple, but the cost may be higher."

"Why?" Xiahe is strange, because if he does not insult the blood, he knows that he was instructed by himself, and the Greens will not attack people. The people who scold the street are not dangerous. In the imperial capital of the empire, the nobles have an inexplicable advantage. Feeling, so that they will not shoot the civilians at all.

The last time I hit myself, it was indeed impulsive.

This is not like a nobleman's job, so this time Xiahe thought it was good to block the door and scold the street.

"Adults, people with cheap prices, can't go to the door of Green's house."

Xiahe just remembered that the whole city of Juno was layer by layer, although it would not be isolated from inside and outside. However, it is not easy to engage a group of people from the outer city to the inner city.

"It's okay, I can afford the money. In addition, help me spread a rumor that the Imperial Witch of the Green family is unclear to me, because I don't want her anymore, so the Green family is so angry and makes me everywhere Rumors. "

"Sir, this is really okay?" The two female intelligence officers hesitated.

The two of them were considered educated and had read books and were trained according to administrative staff. As a result, there were too many such talents and no positions, so they turned to Earl ’s Court. The talents in Earl's Court are no shortage, they followed Martin.

"Relax, the Greens won't meet me."

"Yes." The two female intelligence officers saluted, quickly went out to hire people, blocked the door and scolded the street, and spread rumors.

In fact, this kind of thing has become a profession in the Imperial City, and everyone knows it well. It's just that the Greens have a high status, and generally no one dares to do this.

Scolding people for a while ...

Xiahe managed to deal with this problem reluctantly, but he still had some irritability in his heart, but he did not have the ability to torture the soul, and he did not have one-thousandth of Freya. Metaline Academy helped transfer to Freya.

This costs a lot, so that the remote transmission array is not cheap every time it is used.

But Xiahe needs intelligence, and he doesn't know now, who killed himself halfway. If you do n’t have Anducias and the Blade of Space, it is probably not the opponent of the epic mage.

Without knowing the root cause, he will not always feel at ease.

In this way, I spent a few days in the emperor capital, and Freya did not reply. Xiahe calculated the time. It is estimated that even if Freya asked anything, it would still have four or five days to send the information back to Metatelin. .

And the souls he saved are not too intact, and Freya wants to get information even more difficult.

You should learn how to deal with the soul, at least you must be able to create ghosts, not pictures.

Fortunately, it is not that there is no good news. After his rumors spread out, the Greens family ceased. It seems that the rumors of Xiahe were tacitly accepted. The imperial witch failed to pursue the blood mage, and then deliberately talked about it.

A special case was investigated by the royal family and it was determined that when Vladimirson died, not only Xiahe could not make time, but the people around Xiahe were also busy with their own affairs. The blood mage has no time to commit crimes.

On Xiahe's side, no one sue him, he simply rented an airship and went back to the Tenth School of Magic.

When others return to their colleges, they are greeted by students. In this college exchange, Xiahe achieved the third place. The celebration ceremony was originally held. However, he went out so many times and only returned dozens of students. Apart from Xiahe, the other teachers were basically dead.

The atmosphere in the upper and lower academy is strange, but here in the imperial capital, there is also an intelligence network, and they don't believe it was the blood mage.

Xiahe's own attack has already spread at the Tenth Academy of Magic. Xiahe's work was not a big fan, but it was filed in the House of Lords. The Doran City side also confirmed Xiahe's claim that it was only found on the crashed magic airship.

This is a very strange thing, because the magic airship takes off, always leaving traces.

With so many magic airships, there are a lot of magicians responsible for driving. The powerful lords like Xiahe and earl-level characters can't afford to lose so many magicians.

In the end, Xiahe won the honor for the academy, and the imperial capital also came down. There will be more funds allocated to the Tenth Academy of Magic next year to improve the school's teaching facilities.

Xiahe asked Medieri to go back to the dormitory and meet the principal himself.

Because of the abduction of twenty-four students, Xiahe felt a little guilty. Outside the principal's office, there was no one. Xiahe walked to the door and wandered without knocking.

"Asla, come in." The headmaster's voice was still so rude, Xiahe listened, and suddenly his heart became hot.

He reached out the door and walked into the principal's office.

Jennifer is stuck in the chair. Her chair is already oversized. Normally, sitting side by side is not a problem.

"Asla, you came back. I was so sad." The headmaster made a sad expression, but Xiahe couldn't understand it. The flesh was shaking in her face.

"Principal, there is one thing, I have to tell you."

"The student refuses to come back, does he?"

"How do you know?"

"The emperor said, you are going to build the academy in Stormwind Point, but I have already taken the resources of the magic tower, and I will not give it back to you." Jenny Flower was a little angry, but it was not really embarrassing Xiahe.

"They were teaching assistants for me, and ... Vladimirsen."

"There are more than dead, but you don't have to say this publicly anymore."


"I was expecting you to train some students, but I didn't expect ... Alas, forget it, it was the emperor's fault." Jenny Flower said very depressed.

"When I'm full, they can come back and work as lecturers here."

"How can it be so easy, the emperor wants to lay down the whole dragon island for you, there will be more and more prosperous."

"Principal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have left all my resources. What are you worried about?" Xiahe realized that Jennifer was not joking with him, but she had something in her heart.

"Asla, in the extreme north, I feel the existence of a powerful creature, and a path to another world. I don't know if that thing is awake or came here from another world. Either way, the north will change completely. "

"Adult principal, don't you say that you want to build a branch in my name?"

"What are you thinking!"

"You can build the branch on Rhode Island, my territory, I don't want the magic tower, just transfer some students to the past." Xiahe tentatively said. In the chaos in the north, at the time, it was naturally the Tenth Academy of Magic.

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