Daomen Invasion

Chapter 318: : Unknown so

"His Royal Highness, I still don't understand. Why does Your Majesty want me to help you do this?"

"Let's find a place where no one is speaking." The food in front of Snowvis was quickly wiped out and a pot of fresh milk was consumed. He seems to have a good appetite, and he doesn't care how the food in this cafeteria tastes.

Xiahe also ate quickly, and took Snowvis to the small theater.

It was already autumn, the wildflowers of the small theater had withered, and the dry grass made a chirping sound in the wind.

"It's a great view." Snowvis found a stone and sat down, and took a small table from the space equipment and placed it in front of him. The material of the table, as Xiahe knew, was the wood that made the chaotic barrier space.

The magic pattern on the desktop is extremely complicated, like condensing dozens of large magic arrays in it, without making Xiahe feel crowded. The level of this refiner really opened his eyes.

Snowvis placed a small map on the table to stimulate the formation, and above the map, the standing pattern of the Northland appeared. He is also well-prepared. The cities, fortresses, magic towers, and colleges in the North are clearly marked on this map.

"Asrah, Your Majesty let me come over and ask you to help. It's actually quite simple."

"That's it ..."

"Yeah, let you accumulate fame, improve your title, and then attack the green forest, you can't escape it. In fact, I can win the Woods fortress without you."

"I believe this." Xiahe felt a little more proud of Snowvis, and felt much more comfortable.

"You may think I am talking big, in fact, the legendary strongman of Woods Fortress has been transferred away."

"This works too?"

"Do you really think that the legendary strongman can betray the empire casually? At first, the empire let him sit in the fortress, of course, there is a way to manipulate him. This fortress is to deal with the nails left by the nobles of the Northland."

"It's not that simple."

"I know that Woods Fortress has been infiltrated terribly, but what can they do in the face of absolute strength?"

"His Royal Highness, I am afraid there are not so many resources in the fortress. Let's go. It is not a problem to take the fortress. The question is once the fortress is attacked, if there is no food and no weapons in it, how long can it be kept?"

"The fortress was attacked?"

"The principal went to the extreme north, the three northern provinces, and the most powerful legends are gone. The three mobile corps of the empire entered the semi-elven empire. What strength is there in the hands of His Royal Highness? ? "

"Lilac Knights, there are five hundred knights. Lilac Masters, there are fifty magicians. In addition, there are ten thousand my county soldiers, and there are two hundred magicians in them. Isn't it enough to suppress the scene?"

"What about the legend?"

"There is no legend, but I have a scroll of forbidden curse."

The so-called forbidden scroll is a legendary scroll where the epic magician can exert all his power, and can be used to deal with the legendary strongman.

"Your Majesty has given me five scrolls of forbidden curse, five epic mages, even if the legend of the Northland does not come out, as long as they come out, I have my own way to deal with it."

"Then what can I do for Your Highness?" Xia He felt more and more strange and gave himself a reputation? It's really not necessary. Some words are what the emperor thinks.

"By name, you'll follow me to get the Woods Fortress. If the nobles of the Northland are rebellious, I will justify it and give you a position to suppress them."

"Will the Greens be inward?"

"Almost, it may not be the Green's house." Snowvis refused to show his breath.

"It turns out that if the royal family suppresses them, it will cause a lot of problems, so I don't have to worry about this."

"Yes, and if you don't do well, it's easy to cut your head, you don't have a background."

"Your Highness, you say that, okay?"

"It's a reminder to you, don't do anything wrong. Asura, you see, there are not many legendary strongmen in the Northland, but it is not as good as the number of legends in a college in the Empire. However, Northland For many years of independence, the governor sent by the empire has survived and the information is blocked, so this map cannot be done. "

"What did your Highness show me?"

"Write down, you can make a new one when you look back. There must always be a comparison. At least the mountains and rivers above are right."

"Your Highness, I don't like to listen to you."

"So what do you want to hear?" Snowvis asked lightly.

"We need money, we need food, we need soldiers, we need soldiers. Unless, you just want me to put a name on it, and leave everything to you."

Snowvis listened to Xiahe's words and really thought about it seriously. After thinking about it for a while, he flicked the signs on the map and looked at them one by one. He said: "The three provinces in the north are sparsely populated, but they are also compared with the west. In fact, these three provinces have more people than the east. Your Majesty means, try not to let ordinary people get involved too much. "

"Is it going to behead?"

"Neither. After I occupied the Woods fortress, I formed a pattern of north-south attacks. The empire's next step is to repair a fortress in this position. If I capture the Woods fortress and the nobles in the north do not respond, your majesty will scold them. Let them pay for the restoration of this stronghold on the ground that there is a threat in the extreme north. "

"In other words, they are destined to react anyway?"

"Yes, if the second fortress is repaired, and they still bear it, then repair the third one. Sooner or later, there will be a day when they can't bear it. They can't stand the north-south attack. In fact, the nobles of the north will pull up north. The nails in the ice field are the first thing to do. For the time being, it is really not your turn to settle the rebellion. "

Xiahe thought, this is the truth, before those were fooling people.

"Of course, for the fortress war, I will give you an army of less than three thousand people, and there will be no less than one hundred magicians. I am not good at field warfare, although I have actually fought in the half-elf empire. At that step , You ’re in charge of going out of town, I ’m sending magicians and airships to support in the air. "

Xiahe frowned, and Snowvis said with a smile: "Imperial Fortress, it has the ability to manufacture equipment. As long as the resources are in place, you will be equipped with whatever equipment you want. But the standard will not be higher than the regular army too. More, not necessarily comparable to my knighthood. "

"How many magic guns did your majesty give you?"

"One thousand remotely, there are tens of thousands of the ones you design."

Xia Hexin said, the emperor gave me legendary equipment, and you gave me three thousand troops on my side, all for me to come to the Northland and fight with the nobles of the Northland. What exactly is this for, I can't figure it out. It stands to reason that I should do nothing and pretend to be dead by then.

But it's not a good thing to offend the emperor. Besides, what reason does the emperor spend such a big price to harm himself?

If you are suspicious of yourself and turn your face with the emperor, you will lose money.

The most annoying thing is to get involved in an environment that makes you inexplicable. There are too many nobles available in the empire, why is it yourself?

The Blade of Space gave the principal a lesser means of escape.

If the nobles of the North want to kill themselves, they are really at risk.

"Asla, you tell me what kind of army you plan to build, three thousand people, one hundred magicians, I will give you."

Xiahe thought that although the people in this world are very strong, the power of professionals is much stronger than that of beasts. But the level of soldiers is far worse than the Shenzhou Empire.

With the magic gun, it is not necessary to play the group charge, get some golems, and arrange the scattered lines, which can make the efficiency much higher. However, the soldiers of this world may not be able to accurately execute orders, scattered, and rushed by the enemy knights, it is estimated that they will be defeated.

Therefore, it is still more reliable to fight the goblins, without having to retrain the army.

"Hundreds of people in a phalanx, and the magic gun advances, enough." Xiahe said lightly.

Snowvis was somewhat disappointed, saying: "This is not enough to deal with the soldiers of the nobles of the Northland. If you have any needs, you can come up with it now, and I will meet it."

"His Royal Highness wants a reel-sequence launcher? That one is really made, not cheap."

"Although I can't compare with my sister, I can afford it." Snowvis finally said his thoughts. Xia Hexin said, is this thing really valuable?

It ’s awful to not see the truth, but Xiahe said in a perfunctory manner: “I wo n’t sell this thing. You will be unhappy if it is expensive, and I will be unhappy if it is cheap.

"Five million gold coins, buy your drawings, and every time you make one, you will be given another fifty thousand gold coins."

"Your Highness, you are robbing."

"For the sake of the empire, you will be there for a while. I can add one more item. How about the military merits of those who died under this weapon?"

Xiahe was sullen. She had used this kind of thing and was seen by Her Royal Highness. Although she didn't know the secret, she already had an intuitive feeling. If you develop it again, the cost will be much smaller. As long as the Empire takes out a team of 100 people and spends millions of gold coins, it can be initially manufactured.

But that takes time. Snowvis gave the price of five million gold coins, which is not a robbery. At most, it is a low-cost purchase, and each time one is made later, he can also give himself 50,000 gold coins. A long stream of water.

"Add another condition."

"You said."

"I have the right to obtain follow-up drawings. UU reads www.uukanshu.com and does not have to pay extra for it." Xiahe pretended to give in.

"This is okay, anyway, similar weapons, after it comes out, it won't take long before there will be restrained things. It is impossible to rely on the sequence launcher to hit the world, and you should not pin hope on this thing." The king said the truth.

"When is Your Highness going to leave?"

"You can do it at any time if it is convenient for you."

"It will be dangerous on the road."

"Your Majesty sent hundreds of people to me, just to wait for someone to come out. As a county king, I always have to worry about the country. This risk was originally what I should have taken."

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