Daomen Invasion

Chapter 347: : Freya's entrustment

Princess Angelina said: "You are here, I will tell you again, some private things."

"That sister is busy, live with me, and I will not go back now." Snowvis said, instructing people to lead Princess Angelina to his original residence. Now he can't help it anymore, he is usually in the tower, directing the battle.

Snowowes' original residence was immediately cleaned up and rearranged by a bunch of magicians.

A three-story fort was built on the original building. The princess group with the princess stayed in, and the house that was cleared around was her knighthood.

Angelina took Xiahe to the third floor of a small building, a scented bedroom.

Xiahe looked embarrassed and said, "His Royal Highness, you let me come up, what are you going to say?"

"Don't you ask Freya?"


"She is still at the temple of elves. The battle is almost over. Finally, you have to clean up a group of enemies. The half elves withdrew from the voodoo forest. We lost a lot, and almost lost half of the three legions."

Xiahe didn't speak. Usually, the loss of auxiliary troops is not included in the battle damage. Half of the legion was lost. That is the loss of elite forces, usually referring to death and permanent disability.

The empire's main force is lost in this way, and the deaths and injuries of nobles and mercenaries will be even more terrifying.

In the battle of the temple of elves, the empire is afraid that more than 100,000 people have died.

However, the retreat of the half-elves means that they have lost control of the territory, at least five times the loss of the empire. In other words, if the empire does not intend to go deep into the half-elf empire, there will be no war in the south for a while.

"The three northern provinces did indeed betray the empire and establish three principalities."

"What about the governors?"

"Oh, they already knew, what do you think?"

"This is provoking, who gave them the courage?" Xiahe was surprised, because the governor was appointed by the empire, even if they came from the north, from the legal point of view, they must be loyal to the emperor, not follow the north to independence.

"Because there is something out of the north, it is a demigod."

Xiahe was not surprised, but asked plainly: "Princess, you tell me, why the legend is not willing to deal with ordinary people?"

"Because of sin, anyway, you will also advance to legends sooner or later. I will tell you about it. In history, there have been many legendary strongmen who slayed in the war. However, no one has a good ending. All of these kinds of The legendary strongman has problems in his spiritual practice. The research of the royal family is that the legendary strongman itself no longer belongs to this world. If he continues to create killing in this world, he will be rejected by the world, and the souls and souls you kill will also be Curse you. "

Xia He frowned and said, "This curse is nothing?"

"One or two is nothing, but this thing, once you start, it is difficult to control your hands, and no one knows how much is the lower limit. But the legendary life is long, how many people do you think are willing to take risks?"

Xiahe thought for the same reason. The life of the legendary strongman is at least a thousand years old, because killing a few mortals results in early death, which is a loss-making business.

"Just that's not enough to make the legend so cautious?"

"Well, my father had to hide in the emperor because of too much killing, so he dared not leave."

Xiahe awe-inspiring, too much killing? The time for the empire was not short. Where did Juno III kill? If it is this world ...

However, Xiahe was relieved. If it was for this reason, he was not afraid, because the Taoist practice of God Zhou World was very flexible and could survive and take root in any universe. A similar exclusion will not happen to him, let alone he is a legend, even if he becomes a fairy, he does not care.

If the world dares to reject him, then he will give this world a look.

"The battle between legends and legends is allowed by the laws of the world. By the way, you should check your flames to see if there is anything wrong with it."

Xia He smiled and didn't answer.

There is nothing wrong with the flame demon, he is a chaotic creature, and the world will reject it, and he doesn't care anyway. If this world is really so powerful, Anduzias cannot come in, nor can he enter.

"There are a few things calling you over. The first one is how is my medicine?"

Xiahe still didn't speak, and took out bottles one by one from his dragon and tiger dynasty. Angelina was a little surprised to see so much.

Xiahe Road: "I have made progress in my practice, and in addition, I have obtained a lot of semi-finished products."

Regardless of what he said, the princess could only choose to believe that Xiahe did not take it out all at once. The princess was given the amount for one year at a time.

"The second thing, the military merits on your side are almost settled. Are you planning to advance the Viscount or use it in exchange for wealth?"

"Whatever you want to change, I don't care."

Princess Angelina froze for a moment, contemplating for a moment, and said, "You can also exchange for special materials or special equipment."

Xiahe Road: "Then I want this."

"When things are over here, you can go to the imperial capital. There is a catalog over there at the palace. You choose slowly."

"The third thing?"

"The third thing ... I'll apply for all of your college's affairs. It's directly the third-tier college of the Empire."

"What is the benefit of the tertiary college?"

The Ninth Academy is a first-level academy, and Xiahe ’s tenth magic academy is now a second-level academy.

The third level has to go down, but it is also a regular college.

"Empire will provide teaching materials, and there are some subsidies. But you also know that the subsidies of the second-level colleges are not enough, and the third-level colleges, you do n’t expect it. The main thing is that you can build a library, and the Empire provides you Magic books, this one is the most valuable. "

Xiahe also knows that since it is freely provided by the Empire, the library of the third-level college is definitely worse than that of the tenth college of magic, and it cannot be compared with the first-level college.

"Your Highness, what is the fourth thing?"

"Just these three." Angelina said flatly.

"and also."

"No more."

"Freya brought me something, if you want to stay ..."

"How do you know!" Angelina was surprised.

"I said whatever I want." Xia He's expression of being deceived.

Angelina was speechless and took out a small magic box and handed it to Xiahe, saying: "Freia especially told me to hand it to you. If it falls on the hands of others, she will treat me as a greedy ink."

In front of Angelina, Xiahe opened the magic box and took out three things.

The first one is Wuyun Shenhuo gourd. The gourd's light blue skin now looks very tender, and no trace of magic patterns can be seen. Xia He rejoices, with this thing, plus ... Even if Anduzias did not wake up, he was not afraid of being killed by the legend.

This thing is Daomen-type equipment, and it is specially designed for Xiaoboda.

The Nine Avenue Palace has similar equipment for the core disciples to prevent the genius from falling. The gourd of Xiahe is still much worse, if it is issued by the Taoist palace, the realm under the earth fairy can be killed.

The second one is a white ring, pure white and pure white, which makes people feel cold.

Xiahe did not expect that Freya had come up with this thing.

This ring is just a sleeve, you can put any large equipment into it, which is equivalent to wearing effect. This thing is called Wuxiangyin. In the Nine Avenue Palace, the standard equipment of the core disciples must be in the state of Yangshen. This imprint is very big, Xiahe estimates that it is not a problem to install a magic tower.

But he hasn't been able to transfer such a big thing into it yet. When he has that ability, it is already legendary.

Xiahe put the phaseless seal directly on his finger, and then included the magic guide given to him by the principal. After that, he released the magic, so he didn't need to hold it for the time being. However, it is not used in this way. The magic device can be modified and worn on the body.

Then Xiahe went to see the third thing, but it was an ancient mirror.

Xiahe held the mirror in his hand and sensed it for a moment to understand the purpose. It's a bit like the blade of space the emperor gave him, able to carry his teleportation equipment.

Only the emperor can transfer thousands of miles away, and the limit of this mirror is only four or five miles away, limited by the material, there is not much room for improvement.

This attribute is good enough, if it is not a large-scale battlefield, the distance of four or five miles can save lives.

This is called a spectroscope, which is somewhat similar to his skills. When he transfers himself, a mirror image will be left. Every time there is a transfer, this mirror image will exist longer than the phantom flashing thing.

"Freyato let me convey your words." Princess Angelina said.

"What's the matter?"

"She said, if you are in trouble, if you are in trouble, just run away, don't stay with you ... death ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ really worthy of the guardian of magic!" Angelina thought of Freya. Just got angry.

Let her convey this, what does it mean, and not let Asla stop fooling with herself.

"Freya made a lot of sense, but we are faced with aliens, and I have no choice." Xiahe Dayi said awe-inspiringly, as if he had given out equipment and medicine to his men before, and it was not him who was preparing to escape.

"You just know, the empire has mobilized the army to stop the undead from going south. And many legendary strongmen who are outside are rushing back to work together to block the entrance to the outside world."

"I'm afraid it's cheating!" Xiahe felt something keenly.

"Yeah, those who came to help out are all loyal to the royal family. If they all die, the royal family will lose its strongest supporters."

"Snoveth's scroll of forbidden curse is still useless. It is better to use it on the nobles of the Northland and quickly solve the three provinces of the Northland. If they are behind their hands, the situation is unimaginable."

"Father has his own arrangement, Asla ..." Angelina looked at Xia He thoughtfully.

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