Daomen Invasion

Chapter 402: : Destiny Magic

Magic muskets are nothing new, they have a history of more than tens of thousands of years in this world. However, the structural appearance and principle of this pole in Xiahe's hands are all new products derived recently.

In other words, it is a newly created legendary equipment.

Xiahe raised the legendary musket, and the true energy entered, and the lines on the musket slowly light up.

Nikola Maille nodded, and it was indeed possible to control the legendary equipment, although the thing itself was not for the legend. However, using standards sets epic.

Asla's performance is very calm, that is to say, if he wants to advance the epic, he can certainly do it, but there is something that is not accessible, he is patiently polishing himself.

Nicola Mailer said: "No hurry, wait for me to let you do it, and then you can aim too late."

Xiahe put down the magic gun and said, "This thing ..."

"How did I make it?"

Xiahe felt the flow of true energy in the legendary guns, as if he were part of his body. This already involves the nature of life, Nikola Mailer is very powerful.

In every world, there are amazing talents, who can do things that geniuses in that world can't do. This magic gun is a very typical example.

"Perfect thing." Xiahe finished, facing the north, watching the undead rushing down one by one. He discovered one thing, that the speed of those undead looked unchanged, but something changed. The running of the undead became irregular, but every magic bullet flew past, and the eyebrows of the undead inevitably ran into it.

This is the boundary power of Nicola Mailer!

On the battlefield, he is the **** who controls fate.

There are nearly three hundred people on the front of the camp. There are more than fifty people with two wings that can participate in the attack. Each of these more than four hundred magic guns destroys one undead.

When a soldier attacked, one eye was blown by the wind, some stinging, the movement was biased, the trajectory of the magic bullet was pressed a little bit, at the same time, the foot of a running undead was also planted, rolling forward It happened to hit the magic bullet with his brow.

Nicola Mailer is like the conductor of a music event, every note, every rhythm, dancing in his hands, wanton and unrestrained, without any mistakes.

Xiahe awe-inspiring, this is the most common way for legendary strongmen to intervene in the world, let go of the boundary power, and distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

He doesn't need to commit suicide personally, he doesn't need to anger the origin of this world.

Because the boundary strength is also summed up from the world law.

It's a big loophole. It seems that Nikola Maille has opened the realm without worrying about any consequences. If he can, so can other legendary powerhouses.

Fortunately, he is not affected by the power of the boundary, otherwise, if ...

Nicola Mailer is really his own grand noble, some things can't be understood without knowing it personally!

Three thousand undeads, under the influence of the forces in this realm, were shot one by three hundred guns, and even the magazines could not be shot. Xiahe didn't know what to say, and Nicola Mailer's power was terrible.

Because not to mention three thousand, even if the other party comes up, this kind of killing speed will not be long before he can be burned by himself.

Yes, soldiers and magicians, just pull the trigger.

The speed of the undead immediately lost their meaning. They fell in pieces, and the remaining 100 meters turned into a rift there.

The three faces of the three-headed monster looked at each other, stood up, and walked towards the camp. Just a few steps, its figure is close to two miles away.

For the legend, this distance is too close.

Nicola Mailer didn't do anything, the light in his eyes bloomed, and he looked up and down at the three-headed monster that was thousands of kilometers away.

The patched creatures, however, are not dead, and have grown to legends, which is of great research value.

Xiahe waited for the order, just like the soldiers under his command, and the identity conversion was seamless. Nicola Mailer took a crystal ball out and placed it in front of him. The nearly pure crystal ball floated in the air, it felt like Xiahe was releasing the bursting stars.

The crystal ball, which looks light and fluffy, contains powerful power of law.

The snake head in the middle of the three-headed monster opened his mouth and wanted to spray something out. Nicola Mailer suddenly said softly, "Come and come to me."

The three monsters, the legendary creatures, really walked forward, and the speed was not comparable to that of the deer, but it still seemed to be a normal walk.

The monster came to Nicola Mailer and fell to the ground with three heads underneath.

"What's your name?" Nicola Mailer asked.

"Bia, my name is Bia? Cindys." The head of the three-headed monster raised his head and answered Nicola Mailer's question. His expression was very painful, as if resisting something.

"Want to be free?" Nikola Mailer asked.

Xiahe has already admired the five-body cast, Nicolas Mailer's magic, he could not understand, but he has manipulated his opponent's behavior. In fact, this powerful legendary creature, life and death has been controlled by Nikola Maille. He must have wanted to do living research, so he had to spend such effort.

Three heads, three souls?

If this were available, Xiahe would not be willing to use him to make the soul liquid. Three different souls can think together and survive together, which can be used to refine a powerful equipment.

Usually, the soul resonates as two souls in one. These three souls are too rare.

The more famous Hydra is actually a soul, but it is only a bit split. I want it, so must Nikola Mailer.

Xiahe knew that he could not rob this old legend, and there was no reason to take things that did not belong to him.

The magic gun in his hand is more like a self-defense. Nicola Mailer is afraid of control errors and simply lent Xiahe this legendary equipment.

The three monsters struggled and wanted freedom?

He is not free. He is a running dog of the **** of meditation. Sometimes he can go crazy and bite some people. Most of the time, the **** of meditation has nothing to do with him.

Now a voice suddenly asked him, do you want freedom?

Thinking, he was thinking every second. However, the three souls attacked and monitored each other, and no one could really betray the **** of meditation.



Xiahe conditioned reflex, the legendary magic rifle was raised, held in one hand, and was not aimed. The muzzle was naturally aimed at the leftmost head of the legendary creature.

A jewel-like magic bullet flew out of the muzzle.

Xiahe felt the power of anti-shock only when he flew more than ten meters away. His whole body was dragged by the magic rifle and flew out like a windmill.

Xiahe's current physique, even a heavy sledgehammer will not be like this.

As soon as Abigail turned, he chased it up. Xia Hefei's trajectory was too strange, it was rolling upwards, which was many times faster than when he was flying.

Xiahe is not faint at all. He has achieved Yangshen himself, and he has done things in a hundred miles, which is much more powerful than the legend of this world.

But he was terrified. Who is Nicola Mailer? Probably the most adept person in this world.

Anything he does will not be accidental.

I just flew like this. Like a meteor, who knows where I will fly? Xiahe wanted to struggle, but there was no place for him to move. He also saw Abigail flying in the sky and chased him up.

He wanted to say, don't come over, but there was no sound in his throat.

Above the ground, the soldiers and the doomed iron riders could only watch Xiahe's figure flash in the air, then disappeared, and Abigail disappeared at the same time.

Everyone was dumbfounded, especially Professor Raphael.

So the headmaster is gone? He lost it in his perception!

How do you explain to you this time? The emperor could not make sense. Can this be blamed on that legendary mage? He didn't dare, the other party suppressed the three monsters alone, and was still slowly disintegrating the monster's mind.

Three monsters and three souls are equivalent to facing three legendary casters.

Is the headmaster missing this pot, to be carried on his own?

I am a professor of magic, why!

Raphael really wanted to cry without tears, but Xiahe had regained control of his body at this time, grabbed Abigail's hand, and the two released the spell at the same time, stabilizing his body.

When the foot touched the ground, Xiahe felt scattered, and the surrounding area was empty. There were only objects separated by more than ten meters. It stood on the spot and should be a stone. Xiahe quickly put away the legendary magic musket and replaced it with a magic wand. The tarot card was hidden behind him, floating close to him.


"Ashra." Abigail also clasped Xia He's hand tightly, just before that flight, apparently breaking through the space limitation, now he can be anywhere.

"No danger was felt around, I ignited."

"it is good."

A flame flew up and turned into a lotus lamp, the central stamen trembles, and emitted a milky halo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ illuminated the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters.

Abigail shivered, and Xiahe was shaken by being dragged.

Why is it so cold!

Xiahe and Abigail both had this idea.

Shenhuo Flying Raven Scroll!

Xiahe didn't care, and no danger was found around him. Such a cold place is no longer resistant to his physique. There are thousands of ways to keep warm, but it is still safest to summon the gods to fly.

Xiahe pulled Abigail and jumped on the back of the **** of fire.

Shenhuo Flying Crow stood on the ground without flying, spread his wings, and spread on the ground. The surrounding environment is now clearer. Xiahe saw a huge underground cave in front of him, with stalagmites standing in front, growing like plants on the ground.

"Asla, where is this place?" Abigail's feeling of fear has not disappeared. She was brought to a strange place by Xiahe. Such a method is almost a god.

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