Daomen Invasion

Chapter 418: : Smart Core

"Someone dares to disturb the marriage of your adult? Is it the emperor?"

Medirelli smiled and said, "It's Freya, she treats the adults to death, you are lucky now, Freya is not here, otherwise ..."

"What can she do?"

"She stared at you next to her, even if you married an adult, she would dare to watch by the bed."

Abigail felt that he had shot a arrow, and suddenly felt that the future was over and hopeless.

Medelly also sat down, blocking the door of the magic tent. She was a sword, and she was invulnerable, and no one could cross it.

"Will you drink? Would you like to drink?" Abigail suddenly felt that it was better to get along with Medieri. The girl was so simple in mind that there were not so many twists and turns.

"Your wine is not strong enough, it's soft," said Medieri, taking out a small jug and throwing it to Abigail: "Take a small bite and sip a little."

Abigail almost fell down with a laugh. He was a magician of the epic realm, a regional bishop, what wine can make him drunk?

Opening the lid and holding up the hip flask, Medirelli watched Abigail's mouth open and poured a sip of spirits, then her skin quickly turned red, and her amber eyes were stained with blood.

Woo ...

Abigail squeezed his throat, squeezed the hip flask into Medierli, and pointed his finger at the hip flask, meaning you gave me a drink.

Medirelli raised the hip flask and poured a sip of wine in his throat.

The hot spirits flowed into the stomach like burning. However, under the care of true energy, the life force in this spirit quickly nourished Medieri's Jianyuan.

Jianyuan is also alive.

The formula of this wine is given by Xiahe, which specially cultivates Danhai true qi and regulates his vitality.

Abigail stared at Medierly violently, watching her drink like that, calmly. Medirelli wore men's clothing, which still had a little chic taste.

"Abigail, don't force it. This bite is worth thousands of gold coins. You follow its momentum and guide the life force inside. Add whatever you like."

Abigail listened to Medieri's words, and really let go of his throat, letting the power of the wine spread.


Abigail leaned back straight, and Medirelli smiled. A sip of wine poured, which was much stronger than nonsense to persuade her to go stronger.

"Medi Li, drag her in." Xia He cried in the tent.

Medelly stood up, really grabbed Abigail's hand, dragged her into the tent like a dog, and dropped it on the ground.

Xiahe shook his head and said, "What happened to Qiu Xuanji?"

"Slow, sir, do you want me to help?"

"No, you just need to adjust your temper. I will do other things."

Medirelli was puzzled, Xiahe smiled and said: "Although it is very bad, but it is a good place for you to practice. Didn't you feel that your sword spirit is much more active in this extreme north?"

Medirley sensed it, and as it was, she looked at Xiahe with questioning eyes.

"How do I know why, anyway, it's good, you hurry up, if we leave, we may never be able to return here."

Medirelli nodded and sat down at the mouth of the tent, carrying the real energy, and agitating Jianyuan.

Xiahe has designed more than sixty drafts, and few can be used. However, it really made him study some interesting things, such as the wisdom core that controls the magic flying wings. The wisdom core of the magic gun and the wisdom core of the Trojan are all settled, but the wisdom core of the puppet cannot.

To make a humanoid puppet think like humans and have wisdom, this core structure is too complicated. Xiahe estimates that he only needs to design, and it will take two or three months, and the cost of manufacturing is not low.

However, this does not mean failure. If Xiahe makes simpler things, such as rough shapes, he will only move forward and attack simple and rough puppets. That is a very easy thing. The combat power is at least much stronger than the lower-level undead. However, it doesn't make sense. A senior mage can kill a piece, and it is useless even if it is cheap.

In fact, this kind of thing, if it reaches the extreme, it is the existence of Taring, and it will definitely not be cheap.

Xiahe recalled his previous ideas, took a piece of jade, put it in his hand, and released the fire, and began to refine the rune structure inside the jade.

The fire is raging, the jade gradually shrinks, just like the collapse of the stars.

For about an hour, in Xiahe's hand, there was an extra sapphire, smooth and round, like a cuboid with polished corners.

This thing is smaller than the fingernails and not too thick.

"Adult, what is this?" Medirelli stopped the inspiring movement, looking at the thing, and asked curiously. Adults can always create some strange things, unheard of.

"How about your bracelet?"

"Awesome." Medirelli raised her hand and shook the dragon and tiger.

"This thing can provide the vision, message delivery, data storage and analysis capabilities of the Dragon and Tiger Dao. With this idea, our Dragon and Tiger Dao can communicate a lot farther."

"How much is that?"

"There are always five hundred miles, but within a hundred miles, there is no interference. Five hundred miles is an imaginary number. Unless the enemy doesn't know, there is always a way to destroy it once you know it."

Xia Hexin said that if there is a floating city flying in the sky, the distance that this thing can send messages will become far away.

The scientific and technological ideas are good except for being easily disturbed.

If you pay attention to confidentiality, there will be no problems at all.

Although Medirelli focused on herself and Xiahe most of the time, she understood the meaning of this gem. She asked in surprise: "Wouldn't that mean that our army can command from a long distance?"

"Yes, especially after the magic gun appeared, this thing is significant."

"Not cheap?"

"It's not cheap now, it will be cheaper than the magic gun in the future."

"There is no suspense in the war under the legend. What we lack now is the legendary strongman."

Xiahe nodded, that's right, if he was promoted to Yangshen himself, the problem would not be too big. At that time, not only Andusias can be summoned at will, the first sequence of main cards is a mirror image of himself, and also a powerful Yang Shen Taoist.

At that time, Freya must be a powerful god, equivalent to a demigod realm, and the storm angle was stable as a rock.

Coupled with the goddess of doom that is definitely a demigod, he has a logistics base.

If the goddess of wealth does not want to die, she will definitely be attached to her side, because no one of the gods in this world will allow the goddess of wealth to reach her highest divine power.

The priesthood of wealth is a relatively difficult thing. Secularization is the key to the surge of divine power of the gods of wealth, and the gods hate all the secularizations most, which will lead to unstable and impure beliefs.

On the surface, there is no contradiction between the goddess of wealth and anyone. In fact, few gods will like her.

Except yourself.

Daomen's God of Wealth is still relatively strong in combat. As long as he belongs to Daomen, he can live forever. Because Daomen pays attention to the well-being of mortals, spreading science and technology, and spreading Taoism, so that the economic power of mankind can explode.

Xia He suddenly had confidence, because as long as he achieved legend, his base of Stormwind was stable.

The goddess of wealth can no longer be regarded as dangerous, because as long as the six gods can be used, with the assistance of the two goddesses, the goddess of wealth is at risk of falling.

By that time, Xiahe didn't have to take risks himself, just use mirror images.

"Adult?" Medirley looked at Xiahe and smirked. She was a little worried that adults would never be so demented. Don't you have a problem with your practice?

Xiahe raised his hand and said, "It's okay, I think I have a bright future, I'm overjoyed. Medicilli, I can refine this thing a lot, but it takes time. In this way, I teach you how to refine this thing. In the future, I will give you five hundred knights. Each knight must be like you and can stand alone. Each of them has such a thing. "

"Sounds like, what would I look like?"

"Quite powerful, no legendary demigod can stand your charge."

Medilha smiled and took the jewel that Xiahe gave her. Xiahe transmitted the sound in her ears and told her how to copy this kind of thing.

After making a note of it, Medirelli sent the consciousness into the gemstone and observed the internal rune structure.

At this point of view, Medirelli was overjoyed. The complexity of the entire rune structure is beyond her imagination, but the logical level is clear and almost unbelievable. It seems that this logic is not artificial, but naturally generated.

Every time imitating refining, her swordsmanship is improved.

In this case, she should not have to suppress the level, and rush to the 35th level first.

Before she did n’t understand why the teacher easily reached the 30th level, now she understands that, at the law level, at the logical level, the teacher surpassed all the magicians under all legends. Www.wuxiaspot.com .

Compress Jianyuan to make Jianyuan's structure more logical, and then let Jianyuan grow up. Such a back and forth is close to legend.

Xiahe gave her a lot of jade when she refined the core of wisdom, and it was okay if the details were different, as long as it was logically fully established. This is a test of Medieri and the key to her advanced legend.

Xia He is convinced that Medirelli will definitely embark on the road of legends earlier than himself.

What was shown to Medierly today is to give her confidence and continue to be her teacher.

When Abigail woke up, she suddenly sat up and saw Xiahe looking at her with a smile. She also unexpectedly found that after the hangover, her head did not hurt at all, and she felt refreshed.

"Asla, Medillie, she filled me with wine." Abigail complained.

"Don't confiscate your money, don't be obedient." Xiahe patted Abigail's outstretched hand and asked her to hurry out and see.

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