Daomen Invasion

Chapter 421: : Destruction (leave leave)

"Neither of them ..."

"There is no way to do something." Xiahe said: "Everyone must have their own responsibilities. You can't count on everything. You still concentrate on drawing the scrolls and hitting them back. These scrolls are used. Take out and sell Something without money. "

"In this world, is the scroll worthless?"

"It's very valuable, it's not worth it."

Qiu Xuanji thought this is the same reason, his own reels, look like fake goods. However, it is also a Taoist idea to win from local materials.

Daomen will definitely not have any artisan cleanliness, and when necessary, it is also possible to smash people with a **** of shit.

The sound of guns in the distance continued. The sound of the rifle made by the principal, Jennifer, was not so loud, but it could still travel a long distance. Xiahe said to Qiu Xuanji while making a potion: "Xuanji, you join my marquis palace, will your sect agree?"

"My words, I shouldn't agree, the teacher needs to leave."


"I am a heirloom. If it is not a heirloom priest, you can join any force, as long as you don't do the right thing with the master."

Xiahe nodded, it seems that Qiu Xuanji's division is relatively open.

Although Jiu Avenue Palace is not like this, it is because the world of God Zhou, the division of forces has long been decided, everything is in accordance with the rules.

"If you are a teacher, come to this world?"

"I'm in danger, I must help, but the rules are the rules. When traveling in a different world, the most important thing is to protect yourself."

Xia He understands the euphemism of this saying. Qiu Xuanji is the core disciple of the sect. When he wants to take risks, he is the first to be protected.

"Mysterious, how does it feel to practice in this world?" Xiahe didn't ask him about his teachers, so as not to misunderstand.

Qiu Xuanji is speechless, and he is drawing a scroll. Asra wants to chat, but Asra is also preparing a potion. It seems to be stronger than his own consciousness?

"There is not much difference, there should be a place to suppress, but this world is the main world."

"That's nothing bad. If the two of them can't stand it, can you command the wooden man now?"

"If the adult doesn't chat with me, it's fine."

"What if chat?"

"Also." Qiu Xuanji suffocated the word.

Xia He laughed and threw the prepared potion to Qiu Xuanji, saying: "Continue, fight things, don't worry about you, these wooden people let them grow up slowly."

When an elf comes to attack, Xiahe is desperate, he doesn't want to look in this endless forest.

The forest area in the extreme north is too wide, and the number of elves is not much, and it may not be cleared in a few months. Now take the initiative to come to your door, just as you please.

A wind rider in Xiahe flew in the sky, the wings behind him spread out, and he didn't take much effort to look at the distance like an angel. Medirelli and Abigail are attacking the elves with magic muskets.

The moving speed of the giant tree is still too slow. The elves are living targets on the treetops. When they thought of hiding in the shade, they had been shot and killed a dozen. But after they hid, Medieri and Abigail were still able to hit the key accurately, and the magic bullets penetrated the tree trunk and hit the heart.

The elf's fragile armor can't resist the penetration of magic bullets, and blood splashes.

Thousands of giant trees moved northward, and in each tree, there were elves, which were tens of thousands of enemies. Abigail was a little worried and said, "Shall we inform Asra, Qiu Xuanji hasn't done it yet, we are not afraid of elves, those nine wooden men ..."

"No need, I'm here." Xiahe's figure appeared behind Medieri. There was no magic gun in his hand, only a blue gourd.

"Isn't this in the volcano?" Medieri wondered what the gourd was, a little puzzled.

"I'm afraid I will delay the matter of the headmaster." Xia Hexin said that the volcano is a semi-enclosed environment. Wuyun Shenhuo burned underneath. I really don't know if it will kill a bunch of legends.

Medirel said: "Then save me, magic bullets are money."

She put away the magic gun while she was talking. Killing the elves was just like shooting for her. There was no fun and no income. If the elves came together, she was really not interested in shooting.

Abigail also put away the magic gun. Although she had money, she did not want to be corrupted. Seeing what Medirli meant, a gourd in Asra could solve the enemy.

The three were waiting in the air, the giant tree was moving slowly, and it looked like it would take a long time to come over.

"These elves are much weaker than the voodoo forest." Xiahe looked at the elves standing in the distant trees and shook his head. The extreme north does not develop naturally. This artificially created environment takes a long time to reach the balance and stability of the law.

"Sir, look at the underground ..." Medierli pointed to the distance, and Xiahe looked in that direction, only to see that a mound of hills swelled up and turned into a dragon, rushing in this direction.

"Really ... nothing new." Xiahe flew forward and released a ground-splitting technique from a distance. An earth dragon came to an abrupt stop, unable to move forward, and rushed out of the cracked ground, just a yellow light. , Leisurely.

Earth splitting is not a high-level magic, and a 20th-level wizard can cast it at will.

Xiahe released several successive ground splits, and the earth dragon would no longer toss.

Xia Hexin said that the forest will not be so weak. It should be impossible to concentrate on the attack, so the elves need to cooperate. As long as you kill the elves and destroy the forest, the creature in the volcano will have no support.

Fortunately, as early as possible, the elves haven't multiplied. If there are really millions of elves, the volcanoes can't deal with them.

Xiahe had already approached, and with his fingers, a colorful flame flew out of the Wuyun God Fire Gourd, and turned into a thin line, falling to the ground. FireWire entangled in a giant tree, jumped and leaped, and flew to another giant tree.

After the line of fire was pulled out, the giant trees seemed to be attractive, Xiahe did nothing more, and Wuyun Shenhuo launched an offensive against these moving behemoths. Including the elves in the canopy, they were not able to escape.

The longer the line of fire, the longer, tens of thousands of giant trees were contaminated with Wuyun Divine Fire, and more elves felt like they were burning all over. All the negative emotions in their hearts are mobilized. This burning, burning is not their flesh, but the soul. Xiahe didn't have any sense of mercy at all, and directly pressed the spirit of the elf repeatedly and merged into the Wuyun Divine Fire.

All negative emotions are absorbed and digested by Wuyun Shenhuo gourd.

Abigail looked silly in the distance, she had never thought that a piece of equipment could form a killing of this scale. It was tens of thousands of giant trees, and there were elves in each giant tree, that is, there were tens of thousands of elves.

However, the flames from the gourd swept everything, and no sound came out, but Abigail felt the wailing of those souls in the soul.

How can you do this!

"Is it cruel?" Medieri asked Abigail, who was speechless.

"Do you think these elves are here to fight us?"

Abigail felt congested, and she immediately thought of the reason. The elves are not here to deal with these few people. They are going to sacrifice, sacrifice all the elves and the giant tree of life. At any cost, they must recover the thing in the volcano.

"They could have waited patiently, few legends are willing to come, time is on their side. Now we are here, destroying the forest, hunting the elves, the forest will become weaker and weaker as time goes on."

"I understand." Abigail was numb. She didn't think Xiahe was cruel, but she was afraid of the power of the flame.

The blue skin of Xiahe's Wuyun Shenhuo gourd was a little red. He knew that if he continued, the gourd would be injured. He had to take Wuyun Shenhuo back into the gourd and look at the earth. Burning, the elves above have turned into corpses.

The corpse was ignited in the flame. This time it was a natural flame, but the spirit of the elf was gone, and was drawn into the Wuyun God Fire Gourd.

It's really awesome!

Xiahe couldn't help sighing, killing tens of thousands at a time and destroying his soul, which made him uncomfortable. Although this gourd is powerful, it is not something Xiahe likes.

"Go!" Xiahe waved his sleeves, and the burning giant tree rang loudly, forming a huge fire dragon, rising into the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground.

It is a pity that you are not the state of Yangshen, otherwise this fire dragon can be activated and burn all the forests in the distance.

In a world that is not supported by powerful laws, it is really easy for Taoists to cause destruction.

Even Principal Jennifer, didn't you think you could achieve this degree? But it was also the elves who died, and even gathered in a place to make sacrifices.

This saves me a few months ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You should be able to go home.

Xiahe turned and flew back, and Medieri and Abigail silently followed behind him. When returning to Qiu Xuanji, Qiu Xuanji was puzzled and said: "Just before, what happened, I feel ..."

"The elves are going to make sacrifices and get off the hook." Xiahe said.

"No wonder, I feel a lot of sounds of soul collapse, it is really tragic!"

This guy!

Xiahe didn't expect that Qiu Xuanji could sense the destruction caused by Wuyun Shenhuo at such a long distance.

"The wooden man is almost the same." Abigail didn't want to mention the previous things. She saw the wooden man surrounded by her height has been reduced to six meters, and the proportion of the figure became well-proportioned. , It seems a little funny.

"It's almost the same, it's a bit reluctant." Qiu Xuanji looked at the nine wooden men he made, one by one alive, and commanded like a command. If it continues to grow, what might it become.

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