Daomen Invasion

Chapter 427: :Learn

The area surrounding the extreme north is like a bitten apple, with a deep tooth mark.

The deep part below is full of storms, ice and snow, and even some inexplicable Warcraft. The strength of Xiahe's four people is not a legendary level of Warcraft, and there is no threat to them at all.

However, World of Warcraft has reached the legendary level, and it is not necessarily willing to hide here. The wise ones have long changed into other forms. They have gone to the astral world and are not restricted by this world.

Among the snow and ice abyss, cold seems to be the only rule, but this cold is for spells, as long as it is thick enough, it will not be frozen to death.

Xiahe and others are now wrapped in fur, riding on wooden horses, and marching hard in the snow.

Today's wind is particularly strong, but the new Trojans use micro-magic furnaces to regulate the output of the limbs, with stable movements and uniform speed. Snow drifted behind the icy hill and hit it head-on, making a rustling sound, not light at all.

"Qiu Xuanji, we are following the same route, aren't we?" Xia He looked at the deep crack behind the ice hill and wondered if he had judged the problem.

"Yes, the difference should be less than ten meters."

"Before you come, there should be no such crack." Xiahe let the Trojan go down the ice hill, and his four hooves stuck at the edge of the frozen crack, looking at the blackness below.

"Sir, let me go and see?" Medirelli came and looked down, seeing nothing.

"If you don't go on, there is no need to feel any signs of life." Xiahe rejected Medieri's proposal, bypassing this crack, which was more than two hundred meters long, and continued south.

Qiu Xuanji couldn't help but say: "Why not explore this strange place?"

"Don't you have clairvoyance?"

"Not in such a dark place."

Xiahe smiled and did not continue to say, Qiu Xuanji was itchy in his heart, and Medierli followed Xiahe again. He had no words, so he had to ask Abigail: "Why are they not interested?"

"You should ask yourself, why should you be interested?" Abigail's answer was also brilliant.

Qiu Xuanji was asked, yes, nobody wants to see what is in the crack, why would he want to go that way? Because others have things to do with clear goals, and they do n’t even know what to do.

This kind of bystander mentality is the reason why I want to go down and see.

Just because of curiosity.

"Master, wait for me!" Qiu Xuanji watched everyone go away, hurriedly urged the Trojan horse, and accelerated to catch up.

Xiahe listened to Qiu Xuanji behind him, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Qiu Xuanji's power is not afraid of ordering, he has a collective consciousness. There are many things that Shenzhou World has studied very thoroughly. He can judge the things in his heart through some small movements and unconscious actions. Xiahe's getting along with Qiu Xuanji these days is to give him a collective consciousness, sense of dependence and trust.

When Xiahe was in Shenzhou, he went to work in the empire. Before returning to the mountain, he managed a Taoist temple, practiced the experience of leading others, and prepared for the invasion of other worlds.

These things are also the knowledge gained from the countless practices of the Taoist palace.

When Xiahe stopped, Qiu Xuanji barely caught up. A horizontal fault appeared in front, about ten meters high, and the edge was sharp and strong ice. Under the fault, a pile of corpses lay in a row, with dozens of crows on the corpses, pecking.

Qiu Xuanji frowned when he saw it. There shouldn't be any human corpses or crows.

"Will this be an illusion?" Qiu Xuanji asked carefully.

"No." Abigail replied affirmatively.

Xiahe Road: "Those crows are a dozen levels of Warcraft, not afraid of the cold, more fierce, and may not only eat rotten food, maybe someone is raised. Although the body here will not rot, depending on the degree of wound freezing, it is also more than ten days. The previous thing. I think someone is trying to enter the extreme north, and God knows what to encounter. "

"If it's not a trap, just go and see." Qiu Xuanji said.

Xiahe nodded, and the four men urged the Trojan to jump from the fault. The Trojan crashed to the ground and stirred up a lot of broken ice, like an ice fog.

"Retracing the shadow!" Qiu Xuanji took the initiative to release a Taoist technique. When he saw the images of the dozen or so corpses, the crow on the corpse flew up in horror, hovering in the air and was reluctant to leave. Medelly took a piece of meat, chopped it with his sword gas, and threw it into the sky. The crows rushed over and took the meat to eat far away.

The image on the corpse is the reflection of the last scene in their life.

But Xiahe and others only saw these people coming under the fault, resting, sleeping, and dying without encountering any attack, as if they were frozen to death.

Xiahe made a porcelain figure and went to turn over the body. A total of sixteen people dressed in costumes that did not look like an arcane empire, like they came from the green forest continent.

But it is not surprising, although in this direction, facing the Arcane Empire, in fact, several continents reach the distance to the extreme north. Maybe the mage tower in the northern part of the green forest is easier to send people over.

Eight mages, eight warriors, all of them are equipped, and they were frozen to death under the fault.

"Collected the equipment, burned a fire, separated the ashes, and buried them in the underground world." Xiahe issued an order, Qiu Xuanji took the initiative to do it, and he didn't want to watch the two beauties do this kind of thing.

Qiu Xuanji's traceability cannot be traced back any more, and the spell always has its limits.

The body was cleaned up, and the ashes were packed in leather bags. Xiahe suggested camping in this place. Everyone felt that he was looking for something, but as long as no legendary strongman appeared, it was not too dangerous, and even Medieri did not dissuade him.

An ice cave was dug in the fault, and Xiahe built a magic tent in it. The four people divided the space and were independent, so he took the things obtained from the corpses to study.

All magicians have badges, as do warriors. Although it is said to be from the Green Forest Continent, in the Imperial Royal Family's database, all the public things of the Green Forest are archived. Xiahe originally recorded the data, and this time happened to be transferred from the Dragon and Tiger Dao.

Taoists can of course remember everything. However, spiritual practitioners store so many meaningless things in their souls, which is not good for spiritual practice. Therefore, there is such a thing as a dragon, a tiger, and a dynasty.

The eight magicians, all of which are epic realms, were born in eight different mage towers, and the relationship between them is still intimate. In other words, although they are from different factions, they are politically consistent. The eight warriors are all epic realms. Sixteen epics were frozen here, and Xiahe said nothing.

To Xiahe's surprise, on a magician, he found a scroll of forbidden curse.

The magic released by the Prohibited Curse Scroll is legendary magic, and its power is not too small. This one-time equipment is costly, not an important task, and it will never be equipped for the epic mage.

Xiahe threw the scroll directly into the Daohu melting furnace, and used the Daohuo to keep warm. If it can penetrate, he may analyze the purpose of the reel and use it.

Other gains are not small. The mage tower of the green forest continent is a separate political force, and all empires dare not provoke and control the north of the green forest continent. The magicians from these mage towers are rich with oil, and after Xiahe's inspection, they all felt that they had been in vain before.

If it hadn't become a lord, with a knighthood, you can cut off people to grab money blatantly, and how many years you have accumulated before you have the wealth of these people.

However, the materials carried by these magicians, Xia He, looked boring.

They are all very standard magic materials with good properties, but they have no value for redevelopment. Xiahe has learned the lucky identification technique of goblins and can develop special attributes of equipment or materials. However, the materials extracted from the Master Tower have already maximized the attributes.

Now think about it, it's better to have something on the half-elf empire on the south side of the empire.

Half-elf technology is not as good as humans, and many equipments have not developed real value. With the hands of a few pieces of epic equipment, you can change to a legendary equipment.

If not so many benefits, how could those little nobles go crazy, follow the royal family to the voodoo forest.


"Abigail, come in." The magic tent was divided, and no one could enter his space without Xiahe's permission. Abigail was allowed to come to Xiahe.

"What's the matter?" Xiahe looked at Abigail's hesitant expression and was impatient. His time was also very tight, and he had to find more clues from the green mage continental mage.

"I heard that your route back to Storm Point is to cross the half-elf empire?"

"Yeah, Medirelli told you."


"At that time, you go back to the storm corner and walk the teleportation."

"I want to go with you!"

"In my plan, you are not scheduled."

Abigail gritted his teeth and said: "Medi Li said, you and I can learn to transform, and we can go together."

Xia He smiled and said, "This kid, did you tell me that?"

"Yeah ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ what's wrong?" Abigail felt that she had been deceived, and Mediril was never a liar. Was she the first victim?

"My Transfiguration can change you into a half-elf, but learning this ... is not a simple mantra."

"Do you really think I can't suffer?" Abigail said stubbornly.

"It's not a question of whether it's hard to suffer. Transfiguration is more like a warrior's skill, controlling its own muscles and blood vessels. Every detail must be repeatedly trained. You and I learn?

Abigail said in a daze, "Is that ..."

"Yeah, no clothes."

"How can Medirrie learn!" Abigail was furious, wasn't it a refusal?

"I told her roughly, she will be, instinct, she is a genius, don't compare." Xiahe persuaded patiently.

"I have to learn." Abigail finally understood what Medirli meant at the beginning.

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