Daomen Invasion

Chapter 432: : Mineral vein

Really had to come without any effort. Xiahe inspected this cave and decided to build an underground city here.

In a magical world, building a city is very easy.

Xiahe carefully inspected this independent cave. The height is very good. The lowest place has a height of more than thirty meters. The thickness of the rock can also arrange enough magic circles in it. After the huge magic array is united, the teleportation array in the city will be particularly stable.

This is the northernmost part of the underground world. Outside is the ice and snow world. Crossing the ice abyss is the extreme north. The location is pretty good.

The underground world is rich in resources, mainly precious metals, and there are some medicinal materials that are not on the ground.

Then there is human resources. Xiahe has no way to get things like alchemy factories from other nobles. Dwarves are ready-made senior craftsmen who can create advanced equipment. Using dwarves directly to build an arsenal underground is really a matter of making a profit.

It is not necessarily a step forward. Those imperial nobles in the North have already begun to contact the underground world.

Xiahe was at the same place, chose a location to arrange, draw a magic array, and put down the magic furnace. He tried to transform the material in this area first, and reinforce it with magic. Although ordinary rock is hard, it is also very brittle, and it is not the best defense material.

The current layout of Xiahe is just to reinforce the material of this independent cave.

Xiahe arranged for half an hour, then escaped into the underground river, flowed upstream, came to the position of Tiankeng, and then walked up to the upper level of the cave. To draw a map.

This underground cave is really well-connected, many places are very spacious, and some places are dark and deep. Some places are easy to defend and difficult to attack like natural insurance.

Xiahe has made a big circle around the area where he chose to build a city. He feels that the environment is very ideal and the geological structure is stable. If it is arranged for a long time, he can control the barren land.

Since Xiahe had found a good place, he walked back. After a short walk, he met Qiu Xuanji.

Qiu Xuanji looked excited: "Sir, I found mine veins further north."

"What mine?"


Xiahe ecstasy, jade, is the Taoist favorite gem.

"Except for jade?" Xiahe is still calm. Anyway, in this world, no one cares about jade. Other gems are more attractive.

Qiu Xuanji said: "There is geocentric jade pulp."

"Your world, for finding this kind of thing, how much reward should you get?" Xiahe asked straightforwardly.

Qiu Xuanji said: "It's not the same. I'm doing things to adults now, so I don't dare to ask for rewards."

Xiahe Road: "Then I will tell you the truth, this thing is very important to me, and you should be rewarded."

"Just let me personally use it at will, I will not consume too much. For example, if I want to make jade symbols, I will follow the order, a set of 24, and I won't take it if there are more."

When Xiahe thought about it, Qiu Xuanji didn't ask too much, and nodded: "Okay, you can take it. If you need it, take it from the mine, but ..."

"Adults are responsible for mining. All this is accounted for. I will write out a document that explains what I have done with the jade. What is the amount of our Taoist priests is not small, it will not be outrageous. Make your own equipment again For the Jade Mine, it is also very rare. "

"It can be replenished after being consumed."

"Thank you, Master." Qiu Xuanji knew that if he was mining here, he would not have this ability, and he had to rely on Asra.

"Is the geocentric jade pulp disposable, or can it be continuously produced?"

"It should be sustainable production. Adults take 90% first, and if they leave 10%, they will gradually accumulate."

Xiahe Road: "Then take me to see it."

One percent of the jade pulp is enough. This is Qiu Xuanji's caution.

After walking dozens of miles to the north, Qiu Xuanji took Xiahe down. A passage is about sixty degrees, and the cave is narrow. The depth of this passage is more than thirty miles, and the depth is also amazing.

Bottom to bottom, there is a huge crack, and it may be hundreds of miles to explore horizontally.

The crack is the fault of the jade vein, with rough ore on the top and bottom, but Xiahe's consciousness swept through, and the content of high-grade jade in this jade mine is probably close to completion.

Taoists have the most thorough research on jade, even low-grade jade can be used very well. High-grade jade is hard currency in any world.

Seeing this huge jade mine, Xiahe suddenly felt that he had been thrown over by Nikola Maille, and the mouse had simply fallen into the rice jar.

If you live in the Taoist palace, unless you become an immortal, there is no possibility of having such a large vein.

It's not as easy as this jade mine vein to get through hard work and accumulate family business in the storm.

Every inch of mineral veins is the wealth of Taoist priests. How could Qiu Xuanji be so inattentive in such a large scale.

Xia He looked at the little Taoist in front of him, and he felt emotion.

"Where is the jade pulp."

Xiahe is more concerned about the jade pulp, if there is much storage, the equipment after his legend will not worry.

"Here, my lord." Qiu Xuanji took Xiahe and continued north, and not long after, he came to a cave where there was a force. At the end of the cave, there was a stone pit containing green liquid.

The Xiahe God knew it, and the jade liquid in the pit was more than ten meters deep. The diameter of this pit is close to two meters, plus the depth, Xiahe almost lost his mind.

Qiu Xuanji took a jade bottle and said, "Master, let me take it first."

Xiahe nodded, Qiu Xuanji's attitude satisfied him. The lower the jade liquid, the better the quality. The bottom layer of jade liquor may have been stored for millions of years. Perhaps the bottom of the stone pit is the hardened jade liquor condensed.

Qiu Xuanji's jade bottle is very large, like a large wine bottle, but there is no self-contained space inside.

He filled a full bottle and was content. Xiahe waved his hand and collected the rest of the jade liquor, leaving only a shallow layer at the bottom. Underneath the stone pit has been completely jade.

However, if Xiahe is now fully exploited, even if it is fishing.

This pit can produce jade liquid, which will disappear after digging out.

"Why didn't you take the jade liquid all by yourself?" Xiahe couldn't help asking Qiu Xuanji.

"A person's blessing is to be accumulated. I won't take it today, and I will get more rewards in the future. If I take it, I will find it sooner or later, and I will be suspicious of me. I want to live in this world Go on, you have to rely on you. "

Xia He smiled, and this straightforward statement was nothing wrong.

But even if Qiu Xuanji secretly hid himself, he deserved it. There is no need to investigate.

"Xuanji, you are right, how much a person can get is linked to his strength. The strength also comes from luck. If the loss is too large, it will be taken away. Your current status is to get these jade liquids. It ’s a bit more. But in the future, you may get more. ”

Qiu Xuanji said, even if I am a core disciple in the door, I can't say that high-grade jade can be used at will, without restrictions. Although the big head is taken by you, as long as you talk and count, my treatment is better than in the door.

"My lord, I have all the benefits. You want to keep this vein, at least not now, but wait ..."

"In the future, I will mine now. Do n’t move near the jade liquid, move the fault." Xiahe said to do it and dry, directly urging Huang Quan to escape the sign, rushing into the upper mineral vein, using the method of Qian Kun in his sleeve The jade of different qualities is included in the badge.

This method consumes the true energy and horror, that is Xiahe, and it lasts at most ten minutes.

However, Xia He didn't care. He quickly put all the good-quality jade nearby into the badge. After ten minutes, there was no more favor within two miles.

Seeing Xiahe fall from above, Qiu Xuanji said with a tongue: "Sir, you must have a Taoist heritage, and the magician absolutely has no such ability."

"Daomen's things are not secrets in the universe. It's just that the magicians of this world won't let outsiders occupy them. Even if you and I know Taoism, we will become magical."

"Yes, sir." Qiu Xuanji was terrified in his heart. Fortunately, he was not greedy. Otherwise, Asra was afraid that he would kill someone for this jade vein.

Xiahe Zhenqi seemed to have little left, but the true Qi stored in his Taiyin ring was useless, which is also a test of what the next Qiu Xuanji was. Qiu Xuanji's performance was not bad. He took care of Xiahe carefully and released a yellow towel to protect him.

Qiu Xuanji ’s mentality is very similar to Xiahe ’s before. After discovering that you can use the scroll to replace Fu Mi, the use of Fu Mi is not so stingy. He was stained with blood, and plasma was hanging on one sleeve.

"Having trouble?"

"Soft earth dragon, I came across the sand belt and saw some weird plants, but just wanted to pick two fruits and was attacked." Abigail smiled wryly.

"You are too far south?"


Xiahe Road: "Forget it, let's explore in the barren land, and don't leave it apart. Sweep northwards. Draw the map, it's more detailed."

"You don't care about me." Abigail was very wronged.

"Next time pay attention to safety, don't mess with underground creatures, and then act more than two people. Fortunately, the toxin of the soft earth dragon is not very powerful."


Abigail's leather robe, one sleeve decayed instantly.

Looking at Abigail's sleeves, Xiahe frowned, and said for a while: "Forget it, the map is drawn later, let's get the teleportation array done first."


"I chose a place suitable for the construction of the underground city. I have explored the surroundings. It is very safe and suitable for garrisons and transactions."

Xiahe also ignored the opinions of others, and he suddenly felt that the underground world would also have a lot of variables. The Brothers of the Hammer is more reliable, it is better to get an army first.

The one that holds the most is the most stable. 8)

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