Daomen Invasion

Chapter 438: :accident

But with such a scale, the lower grade of jade is rich in reserves, and it is also good to be used as a building material. The quality of converted into corundum will be much better than that of ordinary rock.

There is Qionglou Yuyu in the Taoist palace, but not all are made of high-grade jade, but corundum is still used as the material.

The properties of corundum are better than obsidian. If corundum is transformed with this kind of jade mineral material, the effect is even more ideal. Xiahe even thought about making a magic tower from jade, but it was unnecessary.

Daomen's towers are all wooden, and there are some metal towers with different styles, but the proportions are sparse and never the mainstream. The stone pagoda is the thing of the Buddhist door, not the door of the door.

The Daomen Wooden Pagoda contains the property of thunder, but the real war building is the fairy city known as Bai Yujing.

If Xiahe can broadcast Taoism, there is no need to construct any magic tower disguise. Simply a wooden tower is enough. If you want to lay out war buildings, you can directly build a city. Bai Yujing can jump directly to the astral world.

Bai Yujing is an immortal city and a warship of the Daomen. It is not necessary to use it unless it is a head-to-head battle with a hostile universe. For general invasion, it is enough to have an empire starship.

However, Xiahe needs Bai Yujing because he will face Daogong sooner or later.

If you do not build a Bai Yujing, even if you get this world, you will lose it. The Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace may also be in harmony with oneself, but Kunlun Dao Palace, that is the enemy of the ruined door. It is impossible to hide your origin all the time. As long as you know that there are still people in Taiyin Xianfu, Kunlun Dao Palace will dispatch Bai Yujing at all costs to crush yourself.

Taiyin Xianfu, sooner or later to integrate into this world, Bai Yujing is the war machine built in Taiyin Xianfu.

Xiahe lamented his good luck. This vein has a huge amount of low-grade jade that can be used for construction.

Moreover, the dwarf did not move this vein, this jade mine, in fact, was accompanied by some other gemstones, which had some weird taste.

Xiahe let the little devil walk through the mine veins and explored it. At midnight, it only explored less than one-fifth of the area. The little ghost confirmed Xiahe's guess that there are not many high-grade jade in this vein, and there are even fewer unique products, but there are finally some.

The problem is particularly fragmented, and Xiahe can't do it if he wants to collect it now.

This can only wait for Kuzu to unify the underground island, and then send people to mine. Xiahe simply drew the map of the mineral veins according to the detection of the imp, and then waited for it to be handed over to the hand.

After tossing in the middle of the night, Xiahe was also tired and slept for a while.

In the early morning, I heard a scream in the distance, the imp is still there, and Xiahe asks the imp to investigate. As a result, a dozen gray cavemen were besieging two dwarves.

The two dwarfs, a man and a woman, were covered with several layers of leather armor, covered with chain armor, and the cavemen were armed with metal rods in their hands.

Cavemen do not have armor, but the knots on the weapons are not naturally generated and refined, not that they are barbarians and have no skills. A dwarf was lying on the ground, dragged by several cavemen and pulled away.

Xiahe didn't want to control this kind of thing, but when he saw the weapons of the one dwarf and two men, the patterns of the magic patterns were complicated, and the traces of the handwork were still obvious. Xiahe let the devil pounce upward, and he released the wind ride by himself, carrying the wind element, and rushed to the battlefield.

It was just a drop of more than 100 meters. As soon as Xiahe fell, and the golden light in his hand grew, he cut off the heads of two cavemen. The dwarves all exceed level 20, but only one of the cavemen has passed level 20, which is a little stronger than the dwarves.

Although Xiahe is not in a hurry to advance, the level can be as high as level 30, and the level 30 gold symbol can't resist the cavemen.

I saw the head flying around, and in a blink of an eye, there was only one caveman, caught between two dwarves.

Xiahe looked at the cave man and said that although this creature is also a wise life, Ru Mao drinks blood and likes to eat people. It is best to be extinct.

Xiahe conquered Kuzuo and learned the dwarf language. At this point, he said: "I will save your companions."

"There are two below!" The female dwarf shouted.

Xiahe froze for a moment, then healed the dwarf on the ground, and then looked south. A few hundred meters ahead was a crack. Xiahe looked down at the edge of the crack and found a platform below, with two dwarfs lying on it. , I do not know life and death.

At a height of only a few meters, Xiahe used the hands of a master to pull the two dwarves up, explored the breath, and found that he was still alive. Then he released the Trojan and threw the dwarf on the back of the Trojan. When he came back, the two dwarves had already killed the caveman.

Seeing Xiahe rescue his companions, the female dwarf thanked Xiahe.

Xiahe Road: "How could you be injured by cavemen?"

There are only a dozen cave people, and there are five people before and after the dwarves, all of whom are warriors. It stands to reason that dwarves wearing armor have high combat effectiveness and will not be so embarrassed.

"They were injured before, and we two can't take care of it." The female dwarf greeted the other dwarf to treat her companions. Xiahe looked at the potions they carried with them, which were very primitive and did not have too many refining methods.

"What happened to your tribe?"

The male dwarf was tense and stiff, and although Xiahe rescued him, he was still hostile.

"It's a human hand?" Xia He looked at the dwarf and wondered.

"No, it's a dark elf."

"I haven't heard that there are elves here on the isolated island, what happened!" Xiahe pretended to be surprised. He really didn't know that Kuzuo didn't say that there were dark elves in the ground, but his appearance was for the dwarves.

"Do you know the island?" The male dwarf was also surprised.

"Well, I am the leader of the northern tribe, and I plan to expand my underground business."

"Are you the leader?" The dwarf was even more surprised.

"I have food, and of course I can be the leader." Xiahe said disapprovingly.

What the two dwarves still want to say, Xiahe said: "Put the wounded man on the horse, and we will go back to my camp. It is not safe enough here."

Back at the camp, Xiahe specially arranged a magic circle to protect the wounded before speaking to the two dwarves.

Under this question, Xia He was glad that he had taken care of the business.

The two dwarves came from a tribe south of the rift. About half a year ago, a dark elf tribe appeared over there. At first, the dwarves did not care. There aren't many dark elves. I didn't expect more dark elves to appear in just one month.

At this time, it was too late for several dwarf tribes nearby to try. The dark elves took the initiative to destroy several dwarf tribes, and then sent cavemen to chase down the remaining dwarves. The dwarves' tribes are fighting each other, and they cannot afford effective resistance. Now the dark elves have occupied a large area.

Xiahe asked: "Why did the dark elf choose here?"

"I heard that the dark elves are catching the dwarves as slaves and mining the mountains for them." The female dwarf said.

Xia He frowned and said, "How many of them are there?"

"Probably tens of thousands of people? We also don't know. The hundreds of warriors in the tribe didn't block the attack of the dark elves."

Xiahe is depressed, these dwarves, seem to have little intelligence, dark elves? Do you still have to investigate the news yourself?

"Dark elves, have you been expanding?"

"Yes, they have been attacking the surrounding dwarven tribes."

Xia Hexin said that there must be more than 10,000 dark elves. If ten thousand elves ca n’t attack, they ca n’t control the cavemen.

"Do you have any relatives or friends?" Xiahe could not take the dwarf back to the empire, and was about to dump the pot.

"There are indeed relatives in the north, but the dark elves will continue to invade northwards. We don't know who can stop them."

Xiahe calculated the distance. The Kuzuo tribe, on the northernmost part of the isolated island, could not be beaten by the dark elves for a while, he said to the two dwarves: "I write a letter to you, you go to the land City. That's my sphere of influence, and there are human warriors over there. Many magicians, dark elves can't beat them down. "

The two dwarves thanked, Xiahe took a pen and paper and wrote a recommendation letter to Kuzuo. Taking in the scattered dwarves was next, mainly to prevent Kuzuo from preparing for the attack of the dark elves.

The underground city is still under construction. Three thousand people did not arrive, but the number of bad luck rides was insufficient.

But Freya is here, there should be no major trouble.

The underground city has not yet opened an exit, and it is impossible for the dark elves to break in, fearing that the veins the dark elves want are jade mines.

"Sir, you're in trouble." Medieri took over the imp, and was responsible for alerting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiahe heard her reminder, and she let go of her consciousness to investigate with impunity.

From the other side of the crack, more than a hundred dark elves are rebuilding the bridge.

An iron lock flew through the crack, winding the stone pillar opposite. The dark elf ran fast from the iron lock, as light as an antelope.

They are all warriors from the tenth level up, there are wizards, but not epics.

After Xiahe saw it clearly, he said to Abigail: "You and Medirley stay here to protect them, Qiu Xuanji, we will get rid of these dark elves."

Xiahe saw not only the wizard, but also the magician.

This dark elf has faith, and he doesn't know what the **** he is. Xia He intends to seize the magician to study, as to whether he will anger the patron saint of the dark elves, he does not care.

Qiu Xuanji heard about him and immediately pulled out his sword and followed Xiahe.

Xiahe Road: "Don't you use spells?"

"Dark elves, are the spells resistant?" Qiu Xuanji hesitated.

"It's all foreigners who resist anything. A fireball can light it." Xiahe took the opportunity to teach Qiu Xuanji. The dark elves are also creatures from other worlds. They are limited by the laws of this world. It is very fatal.

Qiu Xuanji put away the long sword, Xia He said: "I have sorted out the magic I taught you in my head. There are 122 dark elves. It is not very troublesome, there is no strong man." 8)

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