Daomen Invasion

Chapter 445: : Thorn in the meat

Abigail turned suddenly, and the shield slid forward, and a dark elf was beaten into a patty by her.

The other two dark elves pounced on her, and her meteor hammered up, her head swayed, and her two heads shattered directly.

Where is the enemy? Abigail was a little nervous. He even killed three, and he was not a dark elf in the epic realm. Their means of concealing breath should not be so powerful.

Was your previous judgment wrong?


A blue feather arrow flew, Abigail was overjoyed, you finally started?

The dark elf suddenly shot an arrow a few tens of meters away, and Abigail raised his shield and rushed forward. The dark elf sneered, the feather arrow exploded abruptly, every piece of debris whizzed and hovered, dancing in the narrow passage of the labyrinth.

Abigail didn't care about others at all, her body turned into a golden light and rushed out suddenly.

All the fragments that hit her were ejected.


The shield fell, and the dark elf was stunned, raised his long bow to resist, and then he heard the sound of his arm breaking.


The shield continued to smash down lightning, and this time, the dark elf felt that his legs were also broken. Power penetrated through the shield, he had not yet figured out what was going on, a golden light spewed out of Abigail's mouth and penetrated his eye socket.

The golden light pierced out from behind his head and turned into a gold coin, twirling and floating in the air.

Not far away, another dark elf stared dumbly at the scene that happened suddenly, and the originally prepared means were not available, and he saw the gold coin flash and entered from his heart.

The easiest thing is Xiahe. In the dry bush beside the passage, the dark elf punched by his left hand punched on the shield, and the body of the dark elf softened. Then Xiahe pierced his eyebrow with a sword, and wore it with a dark elf behind him.

Qiu Xuanji wanted to help, Xiahe's Jianguang stab to the right, and two dark elves died.

The strongest one was the first one to die. The remaining dark elves were stiff and shocked by Xiahe's murderous murder.

Qiu Xuanji carried the sword and felt that it was useless.

Everyone packs up their loot silently, and there is nothing to take away. The dark elves are equipped with ordinary equipment, without casters, and they are destined not to be rich. But the soldiers of the three epic realms, at least weapons are still acceptable.

"Sir, they all withdrew." Medirelli sensed the dark elf in the distance.

In this labyrinth, there are not many dark elves, but the loss of three warriors in the epic realm at a time makes them deeply afraid.

"How can it be so easy," Xiahe said, urging Feng Qi to take everyone to accelerate suddenly.

The wind element wrapped four people as if wings were growing on the legs, and everyone was walking off the ground.

Xiahe took out the gun of destiny. Medirley and others looked at it, and also took out the magic gun. Xiahe aimed at a back from afar, and with a bang, the dark elf fell to the ground.

The terrain in the maze is complicated, but in many places, it is only a mass of thorns or shrubs that hinder the footsteps.

These things can't stop the bullets of magic muskets.

Xiahe was certainly not the route he chose randomly. He rushed towards a dark elf in an epic realm. After running for more than 100 meters, the dark elf found that the distance was getting closer and he gritted his teeth and turned to meet him.


A bullet hit his eyebrow accurately, as if his turn was to touch the bullet with his forehead.

The gun of destiny is automatically corrected.

The skull of the dark elf was invaded, and the forehead of war broke out. The magic bullet suddenly accelerated and the warhead separated, forming a double-headed spiral structure.


The dark elf's entire head was torn apart, and Xiahe's gun pointed in another direction.

For this dark elf in the epic realm, he used a high-level magic bullet, which cost more than two hundred gold coins. If it is sold out, there will be no one thousand gold coins.

If you use a scroll to kill an epic warrior, this amount of money is not enough.

But without the gun of fate, this bullet is not easy to hit the opponent.

Xiahe chased for a while, and then killed the two dark elves in the epic realm before stopping. Because all nearby dark elves have run out, chasing them will chase out of the maze.

Xiahe doesn't want to leave the maze for the time being, so he simply stops.

If you can attract the main force of the dark elves, it is easier to do it here than in the city of the dark elves.

Xiahe didn't let go of the devil this time, and searched purely on the strength of his own consciousness.

Because the temple of the dark elves is not far away, the imp is itself a ghost of the Daomen, and it is easy to cause excessive reactions.

Xiahe turned on the lamp and said to Medil: "You are now resting. When I let you take the shot, you use the broken jade sword symbol. Abigail ..."


"The main open road afterwards depends on you."


"Qiu Xuanji. You didn't grab one of the previous enemies, do you know why?"

Qiu Xuanji shook his head, he had prepared enough, but the enemy's attack and counterattack were just a matter of a moment, and everyone resolved the enemy.

"You treat it as a battle, not as a drill to improve yourself."

Qiu Xuanji frowned and thought about Xiahe carefully. If you are pursuing the ultimate, you will not even have the opportunity to shoot.

"Mysterious, you live in this world, the limited I can give you, a lot of things, you have to fight for yourself. I can help you hide your identity, I can give you the resources to practice, but ..."

"Sir, I was wrong. I took it as a task, just like doing business." Qiu Xuanji immediately apologized. He found that his mentality was wrong, so if he went on like this, it would be a mess.

Inside the school, he is the arrogant of heaven and the core object of training, but in this world, he has to struggle for survival. Leaning on Asra? What if Asra died? His power collapsed, he would not live anymore?

If you really regard Asra as a backer, you should add a little more height to the backer.

Doing what you should do is never enough. You have to treat Asla's career as your own, and you will get a huge reward. Because others are fighting, in contrast, they are not hard enough.

I am a Taoist, what should I pursue?

Of course, it is Cheng Xian, immortality, freedom. But all of this comes at a price. Among the martial arts, one has to work for the martial arts, pay loyalty, and never betray. If the martial arts encounter a crisis, they must coexist with the martial arts and die.

Having survived, he is the son of ZTE. If he can't survive, he will go to **** together. There is no other choice.

"Okay, this time I killed five epic fighters. The enemy suffered heavy losses. But then, I could n’t lie to the enemy anymore. Everyone let out a little bit of breath and made them worry that they must send more people in It is possible to destroy us. "

Medelly shrugged, her fierce sword raging up into the sky, spreading out thousands of miles away.

Everyone had already reached the edge of the labyrinth, and this time alarmed the dark elves outside.

Out of the maze, not far away is a city under construction, probably less than ten miles away. Although Mediel's breath didn't reach that far, there were still people watching here in the city.

"Okay, here we are, setting up some magic traps, the magic resistance of the dark elves, I probably know a little, not much better than the dwarves. But they have casters, and they may destroy the traps. Advanced, otherwise it is a waste of materials. "

Xiahe said that he began to arrange ambush areas, choose a place in the maze, and cast a lot of magic traps.

When arranging magic traps, Xiahe asked Qiu Xuanji to take medicine by the way, and the labyrinth area was large. These plants that do not need sunlight basically have some strange properties. However, except for those with high grades, ordinary plants Xiahe only need samples for analysis.

They stayed in the maze, and the dark elves still building the city were sad.

The labyrinth is a must-go road from south to north. Other paths have to go very long distances, and it is not very safe. There are many dwarf tribes. Now the dark elves are busy building the temple, guarding the exit of the island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there are not as many eggs to clean up.

There are also many dark elves, who came from the north, and for a few days, thousands of people were killed by Xiahe.

There is no imp, and the feather snake can also be monitored. In the past few days, dark elves have continuously entered the maze from the south, wanting to check the truth and the truth. Xiahe will either hide, and if he can't avoid it, he will start a fierce attack and destroy it directly.

Xiahe has four people, but controls the entire labyrinth passage. There are many magic traps and dark elves. As he enters, he releases the electric chain of death mist. This magic can cover a large area through a network of plants. The dark elf hit by the electric chain died with just one shot, and no special bullets were needed.

Qiu Xuanji was a little worried, and specifically looked at Xiahe Road: "Adult, we are doing this, I am afraid that it will attract legendary strongmen. If the other's temple is repaired, it will also dispatch more powerful magicians."

"I just hope they send the legendary strongman to the maze so that there will be no other troubles."

"How sure is the adult?"

Xia He smiled, and suddenly a round of bright moon came out of his head. The light and shadow were sad, Qiu Xuanji felt cold all over him. However, in that round of bright moon, there was a vague fire line looming and disappeared.

"False realm?"

"No, it is the power of the Yin God, equivalent to the Buddha's heaven and earth. I have advanced epic, and summon legendary creatures will not suffer backlash, and can last long enough. Unless the enemy comes to three legends, otherwise, Do n’t want to leave this maze alive. ”8)

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