Daomen Invasion

Chapter 464: : Taiyin Armor

This idea is absurd and terrifying. Between the Nine Avenue Palace, such a thing has never happened.

Although Xiahe hates the Kunlun Dao Palace, he does not want to break the rules, which means he and the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace have no room for maneuver.

For this world, the Dragon and Tiger Palace dare to kill even the people of Kunlun Dao Palace.

This may not be without, so Xiahe worried. If the world is more important to the Dragon and Tiger Palace than the peace of the Nine Avenue Palace, then there is nothing to say.

This pair of Fengshen chapters is in his hands and heavier than the mountains.

However, after all, this thing is valuable. Xiahe did not want to destroy it. He directly recorded the complicated lines in the dragon and tiger 箓, preparing to create a more advanced wind charm.

As for this pair of Fengshen chapters, Xiahe is directly embedded in his magic wings.

At this time, the level of the magic flying wing is insufficient, and if the chapter of Fengshen is urged, the pair of flying wings may be disintegrated directly. When Xiahe made this thing, he didn't think it would take long.

While no one was there, Xiahe simply took down the magic wings and threw them into a fire furnace, controlled with the power of consciousness, adding materials to it and extracting the dross. Now that there is the chapter of Fengshen, his flight will not be a problem after that. Before becoming a Yangshen, he may be the best creature flying in this world.

Xiahe is now rich, with all the materials he prepared, but not many.

After refining for a while, Xiahe felt bored, took out the refined magic wings, and took a pair of Fengshen chapters alone. Magic Wings slightly improved the quality.

The mud can't hold the wall ...

Xiahe simply took two pieces of excellent jade, smelted it with a road fire, and wrapped two chapters of Fengshen. Then he made a close-fitting soft armor, and sealed the jade on the back of the soft armor, wearing it in the magic robe. Then he inspired the chapter of Fengshen, and a pair of wings condensed behind him, looking like the wings of a serpent.

The wings formed by the wind element gently waved, and he danced wildly in the magic tent.

The space inside the tent is not too small, but for a humanoid flying creature, it is too narrow. Xiahe's speed has not reached the speed of sound, but the sound of tearing the air is already terrible. The whole tent was filled with the shock of the air roaring.

Xiahe immediately increased the input of True Qi several times, inspiring more attributes of Fengshen Chapter, and the sound immediately lowered and became smaller and smaller.

If you don't care about consumption, the chapter of Fengshen can make him fly silently.

Gigas is known as the king of the sky, and his flying ability is one of the best in the empire. It seems to be the power gained by studying the chapter of Fengshen!

Xiahe folded his wings and landed on the ground. He took off the soft armor and threw it into the fire furnace again.

It's just a semi-finished product. The chapter of Fengshen is combined with jade. The pattern inside is not yet mature, so it consumes so much. Even if Xiahe possesses the six-life symbol, the realm of Yin and God can only be maintained for more than two hours. If he is flying with wind riding, it will not be a problem to fly for half a month.

To know the chapter of controlling the Fengshen, he can fly up to tens of thousands of meters and fly freely in the fierce air current. In that state, consumption will increase, how can Xiahe accept it.

Besides, the soft armor material is good, but it is a pity not to refine any formation on it.

Xiahe joined the chalcedony, to make a Taiyin mirror formation in it, to strengthen defense. For him, it may be better than nothing, but this soft armor with the chapter of Fengshen, he will not pass it to his disciples in the future, so the defensive attribute is still very important.

The teachers were chased away by him, and Qiu Xuanji was no longer there. Xiahe took advantage of this evening's free time and finally finished the chapter of Fengshen. After being wrapped in excellent jade, the outer layer was attached with some dimples and magic patterns. What is out, and the soft armor also blends very well.

On the second day, the wind and snow became smaller, and Xiahe immediately ordered Ba Ying to set off.

The team walked more than a hundred miles to the north with difficulty, the wind and snow grew again, and Xiahe was helpless. This year's climate is so strange ...

But it is also quite reasonable. There are so many things happening in the Northland. It is normal for many spatial channels to open and trigger climate change. However, if the north is getting colder, it will not be suitable for farming, and the clan can't bear it and will move south, which is not a good thing.

Hope this change is only temporary.

After camping again, high walls were still arranged around him. Qiu Xuanji took a few professors out to explore the surroundings. The terrain on the ice field is evenly spread than the northern land, and there are very few hills. If it wasn't for the snowstorm, the surrounding environment can be checked with the alchemical telescope.

Xia He flew in the air, a pair of black wings spread out silently, no matter how violent the wind was, he was leisurely complacent in the wind and gliding slowly.

This feeling, already has the taste of flying when he was in the realm of the former Yang God.

Pure natural, no pollution.

Xiahe was idle, and the ignition star lit up on his finger, suddenly flickered and disappeared. The Mars suddenly appeared hundreds of meters away, swelled, and turned into a fire snake with short wings. The fire snake twisted and bounced in the wind, wound a huge arc, and flew behind Xiahe.

Behind Xiahe, a bright moon rose, and the fire snake crashed on it, making a bang, exploding and shattering.

A faint ripple rippled on the bright moon, and then recovered into the soft armor of Xiahe.

This is a purely defensive Taiyin mirror array method. Xiahe's own Taiyin mirror is still warm. This Taiyin mirror array method is very different from the Taiyin mirror itself, but the defensive ability is still first-class. Xiahe didn't urge the formation in the soft armor, it appeared automatically, resisting the fire snake's blow.

Xiahe is quite satisfied, because this formation actively urges, consumes true energy, passively urges, and consumes black gold.

Only then is passive urging, which consumes very little black gold.

This soft armor is called Taiyin Armor, and the formation inside can be continuously refined and expanded. Things that are purely defensive and flying are very good equipment for the weak, that is, they can be used now.

Xiahe thought about it, added a phase frost dragon shield behind his back, and then released a endless shadow arrow with a ruthless heart. Shadow arrows are continuously stacked in his magic robe, divided into two, two into four ...

When the power reached the original sixteen times, Shadow Arrow made a sharp turn, blasting on the bright moon emerging behind him.

The moon shattered silently, and the space behind Xiahe oscillated, but the endless shadow arrow also disappeared, and it did not hit the phase frost dragon shield.

Xiahe immediately checked the formation in the soft armor. The black gold consumed a little bit. This time it lost more than the last time, but the formation itself was not damaged at all, and did not even require maintenance.

The defense of the Taiyin Mirror is still reliable. If its own Taiyin Mirror is finally completed, legendary magic cannot break it.

The most outstanding attribute of the Taiyin Mirror is that it can defend against all spell attacks. There are no weaknesses. Even the magic of the electric system cannot penetrate the defense of the lunar mirror.

As for the soft armor, it can only provide defense on the back and relatively backward side, which is incomparable with the Taiyin mirror.

However, the low-level caster is attacked from behind, and the death may be very large. The value of the soft armor is here.

Xiahe flew in the sky, with feather snakes arranged around, and the range of exploration was much farther than the people on the ground. Feeling not in danger, he fell back to the ground and closed the feather snake.

Several feather snakes poked their heads out of his sleeves and made a slight chirp.

It's bad weather, they work hard and are spoiling with Xiahe. Xiahe took some pills and swallowed them separately. Feathered snakes happily burrowed back into their space.

Xiahe sighed that in the chaotic barrier space, human beings are going to die, unless they are high-level professionals. But the feather snake can survive inside, and it is still alive.

Ordinary professionals want to live in the space of chaotic barriers, and their portable equipment can certainly not be done, so he has to build flying warships.

On a large battleship, enough materials are used to create a chaotic barrier space, just as the goblin originally designed it. It allows professionals to stay in it for a short period of time without affecting life.

This thing was originally intended to store large-scale constructed life.

Humans are more fragile than architecture, and even Xiahe cannot compare with architecture. It is dangerous for him to enter the starry sky now, and it does not matter if he constructs his life.

If the lunar mirror is completed, you can travel through the starry sky in the lunar mirror, and it is no problem to enter the astral world.

Xiahe was thinking about the future plan, Qiu Xuanji had already brought people back. He faced Xiahe Road head-on: "Adult ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This **** weather, our trial mission may be destroyed."

Xiahe summoned him into his magical tent and said, "Because this task is essentially my own. If it is really a school task, and then there is a violent snowstorm, they must continue to move forward. But the task content will Into survival in the storm. "

"Adult told me to come, what is it?"

Xiahe took his own set of magic wings and gave Qiu Xuanji, said: "You give me this, this is my equipment to improve the quality."

Qiu Xuanji didn't even think about it, so he replaced the magic flying wing and gave it to Xiahe.

Xiahe Road: "It's just a little worry, alas ..."

"That legend that day?" Qiu Xuanji was very keen and deserved to be a talented Taoist.

"Yeah, it reminds me of a lot of bad things. This world is, after all, a strong man, even if we have an army and land ..."

"Sir, you are already a strong man, and instead of being me, you dare not chase that legend."

"Not strong enough, Qiu Xuanji, do you want to be stronger?"

"If it is needed for longevity, of course, I hope to be stronger and have no strength. How can we protect our practice results?"

Xia Hexin said, I have to become stronger even for the sake of longevity and for the master, but it is the same. Daluo Jinxian is immortal. Unless all the universe is extinct, Daluo exists forever. Of course, be careful of the same level of power. 8)

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