Daomen Invasion

Chapter 467: : Chat

The team is on the road, the snow is not so big, but it is only compared with the worst days.

Not to mention the college mercenaries, even the magicians, all wearing scarves on their faces, only showing their eyes. For the Master's body, it doesn't matter if the temperature is minus ten degrees. Twenty degrees will feel colder. After minus thirty degrees, it will be like ordinary people, hoping to keep warm.

The temperature in the snowstorm is about minus forty degrees, far exceeding the previous years.

At this temperature, the magician will also be frostbitten unless he uses magic to protect himself.

However, in the trial process, saving magic power is an important indicator, and no one wants his score to drop. Everyone wrapped themselves tightly.

No one ever put a magic out to avoid disgrace.

Neither Xiahe nor Qiu Xuanji felt that the Taoist priests' true energy would naturally protect their bodies. Such a temperature only makes them feel cold, but there is no possibility of harm.

Goth's march is fairly rigorous, with a core of 1,000 people equipped with fifty magicians. Then let a thousand people march in the back, eight hundred people in front, and two hundred people form ten teams to explore the way in front.

In fact, the two teams in the front and the rear also split their staff to take charge of the left and right surveillance.

Xiahe has a large team. Although there are only 92 students, the nine teams are equipped with more than 20 teachers and professors, plus more than 200 college mercenaries. They are very powerful.

The ninety students of the magician level alone are enough to be worth an army of thousands.

Goth let Xiahe's team follow the Chinese army.

Each of his teams has a commander. He is only a commander and does not need to do everything, so he walks side by side with Xiahe. He specially prepared the deer for Xiahe.

This team, basically all riding deer, is very luxurious, but the spare mount is still a reindeer.

The soldiers of the Chinese army, of which 300 were fully armed, wore high-level enchanted armor. These three hundred people are the elite of the entire army, and the equipment is the best.

The rest of them wore cotton armor and metal armor was stored in the car. Wear it when you are ready to fight. Even the Deer is no exception, and the cover armor is not worn.

Because soldiers must maintain their physical strength, ordinary enchanted armor is not light in weight.

The kind of core is elite, and it is unrealistic to wear to everyone.

Xiahe couldn't help but miss the scientific and technological equipment of the Shenzhou Empire. The characteristic of scientific and technological equipment is that it is cheap and can be manufactured in batches. But that requires a strong industrial system. In contrast, the alchemy factories in this world are still at the level of handcraft workshops for Shenzhou.

"Goth, there is not much power in the hands of His Royal Highness. The county sent 10,000 people. What about the fortress?"

Xiahe knows that Lilac County King intends to restart at least two more strongholds. I didn't understand it before, but now he sees how busy Northland is.

"The empire has always replenished the fortresses and recruited broken soldiers in the north."

It turned out that this was the case. Xiahe knew that in the rebellion of the nobles in the North, many soldiers could not help themselves.

The empire relieved them of their sins and recruited them again. It is a ready-made force, much easier than other training.

"Over there, how many people are there?"

"Probably more than 200,000, not counting the soldiers that the county king brought with him. These basically put two other fortresses restarted."

"Information of the underground world ..."

"I don't know about this. My authority is on the side of the county, not as high as you." Goth pushed it cleanly. What he said was that he didn't tell Xiahe. Because his status is not high, but he is a close friend of Lilac County King, many things, this kind of person who is like a staff member, will definitely know.

Xiahe was also not angry. If the people under his control leaked information, he would hack people.

He asked, just to make sure, whether the information of Lilac County King is about the underground world.

Now it seems that Lilac County King is not stupid, it must have been laid out and got a lot of information.

If he wanted to, Goth had no authority to inform, and could only ask back to the fortress.

"Before, I sensed that more than a dozen legends had gone north. I went to the temple."

Gothic was embarrassed and said: "Yes, but this is the behavior of the imperial capital. It has nothing to do with the fortress. I just heard that there is a legendary defection ..."

"Betrayal? As long as the legend doesn't attack the empire, he can't talk about betrayal, how can he escape? Goth, I don't like to listen to what you said." Xiahe said badly to him face-to-face.

"Who is the one who escaped." Xiahe used the tone of command this time, and Goth was unhappy. However, he suddenly felt that a murderous intention came to him. He didn't know where he said the wrong thing and offended the blood mage. There was a little panic in my heart.

The blood mage has killed the legend, dealing with him like killing a chicken.

"Master Hui, is the dean of Donghai College."

"Donghai College ..."

"It's a tertiary college. Although it's relatively old, it hasn't developed. It only depends on a dean. It's a pity."

"You certainly don't know what happened?"

"The legendary thing, how can we say to people like us." The tone of Gothic's speech was a little rushing. Who did he mess with?

Xia He nodded slowly on the mount and said, "The person who chases after him is the royal mages of the royal family."


Xia Hexin said that this is really the ultimate luxury, twelve legends, to hunt down a legend. He admired the dean of the East China Sea College somewhat. After he advanced into the legend, he might not have beaten these twelve guys.

However, he has a helper. After the advanced legend, the Royal Mage Group cannot chase himself so easily.

What does the emperor do, to control all the colleges of the empire?

But what is the use of these small academies, and together they are no match for the six first-level magic academies in the House of Commons. Maybe not even one.

Now that I am acting as the principal, is it not part of the emperor's layout?

"Master Marquis, what else do you want to know?"

"Where will the dean of Donghai College go?"

"The ruins of the Temple of Griffin, there is a space channel there, which can go to another world. His half plane has been locked for a long time, and he dare not go back."

Xiahe Road: "That's none of our business? Will there be legendary enemies in the underground world this time?"

Goth couldn't help crying, because Asra was concerned about this.

"Shouldn't it be, the underground world ..." Goth kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to say too much, only to be stimulated by Xiahe's murderous spirit, a little afraid.

"If you say no, you don't have it." Xiahe looked disapproving, but he felt that there weren't many legendary strongmen in the underground world.

At least there is no remote island, otherwise the dwarves will not trust themselves.

Even if the empire intends to invade the underground world, it will not use too many legends. It is to guard against the existence of legendary creatures in the underground world.

Therefore, at one and a half moments, the empire could not penetrate the underground world, and both its own dungeon and the dwarven land city were considered safe.

If the empire successfully invades and occupies most of the underground world, it is entirely possible for them to open up their territory in the name of powerful lords, and use the isolated island as their own territory to open to the public.

The difference from the present is only the issue of openness and non-disclosure, and there is no question of legality.

No one has said that you are not allowed to attack the underground world, right?

However, in this case, the emperor would not be relieved of himself, or he had not been at ease from the beginning, otherwise he would not call Ovilla to the imperial capital. How could a strong man like Juno III do meaningless things?

Xiahe stopped talking about these things and continued to chat with Goth.

Xiahe asked about the equipment of these soldiers. Because it was not a secret, Goth explained to Xiahe: "The soldiers of the county are different from the empire. The royals are mostly like this. The soldiers I brought were considered good on the side of the county, but they were not the core team. "

"I know that the core team must be on the side of the fortress. The fortress is very important to him."

"Yes, except for the half-elf empire, the fortress is probably the most important thing in the empire." Goth inadvertently said something that Xiahe didn't know about.

Xiahe pretended to be very plain and said, "How many fortresses did the empire have on the ice sheet?"

"When the Frost Giant is the most powerful, there should be hundreds of strongholds. After the Frost Giant's demise, this thing is too expensive, and it is abandoned one by one."

Xia Hexin said that these more than one hundred fortresses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are definitely not aimed at the frost giants. It is estimated that the ice fields and the extreme north have secrets that they do not know.

In the underground world, the empire will certainly not always know nothing.

However, in the royal data, these things are unclear. What Goth said is not much different from the data records. The county king is going to restart the fortress, it must be the emperor's advice, he doesn't have so much money at all, and there are not so many people.

But the power of the underground world is simply not enough to threaten the empire. Although the dwarves are good craftsmen, they are not good warriors. In contrast, half-elf empire is more difficult to deal with.

Griffin Temple, space passage, legendary defection ...

Xiahe felt that he couldn't grasp the point, but it didn't matter. As long as he had a good relationship with Lilac County King, he would get real information sooner or later.

Unconsciously, Goth talked to Xiahe a lot. He didn't even notice that his emotions were not normal.

A blaze in front of the sky soared into a symbol in the air.

Goth frowned, and said to Xiahe: "Master Marquis, there are enemies in front of you, and there is no way to escape."

"What enemy?"

"This weather, the magic signal can't deliver much news, listen to my order, everyone, armor, ready to fight!"

Suddenly, the Gothic momentum changed, and there was indifference and excitement in the expression. The two contradictory emotions were intertwined and looked strange and unpredictable. 8)

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