Daomen Invasion

Chapter 480: : Imprisoning the Soul

The ghost-eye mage grimaced, and nine white skulls flew out of his sleeves. He bit his tongue and spurted blood on the nine skulls. The nine skulls were suddenly red.

Phantom flashes!

Xiahe started his magic almost at the same time, but this time, the phantom flashed after the Yin God became a master, and the phantom flashed directly behind the ghost-eye mage.

There were almost three rings on the phantom's fingers, and the magic patterns were almost the same.

Spear of Destruction!

The lightning spear is just a poke before thinking, in fact, there is no movement of waving his arm, it is really as fast as lightning.


A **** skull greeted him, devouring the lightning spear. In the hands of Phantom, nine planet models of different sizes appeared, spinning at high speed. The other eight **** skulls seemed to be attracted, and the blood mage suddenly lost control of the skull.

Nine miniature planets collided with nine **** skulls and exploded silently.

The ghost-eye mage was blown towards Xiahe by a powerful shock wave. Between Xiahe and the dragon and tiger Dao on the phantom wrist, a white electric light exploded.

Virtual room white electricity, dragon and tiger thunder.

The ghost-eye mage was inexplicably frightened. With these two spells, his tens of millions of blood instantly decreased by more than 80%.

Even the legendary spell has no such powerful damage.

The nine **** skulls were exploded by the bursting stars, but they were not smashed, but all were covered with cracks. Xiahe finally understood why when the skeleton was released, the ghost-eye mage was grimacing. This thing is probably his most valuable equipment. The spear of destruction and the star burst into flames, but they failed to break one.

After the Yin God became great, the power of this flaming star has increased too much, and Xiahe can almost be used as a legendary magic.

The nine **** skulls flew towards Xiahe's phantom. Xiahe's phantom had no flesh and blood. Everything was simulated. When the nine skulls were thrown on the body, Xiahe's phantom immediately released an arcane magic.

Years of Frost!

The cracks on the nine **** skulls instantly made a crashing sound, click and click ...


For two consecutive magics, the Scarlet Skull couldn't hold on anymore, making a roaring sound, one by one shattered.

A phantom acceleration technique came behind the ghost-eye mage and released the true soul movement.

The soul of the ghost-eye mage was simply extracted and wrapped in a volume of music. Xiahe released Wuyun Shenhuo gourd and drank: close!

The true soul movement wrapped in the ghost's soul, flew into the gourd, and was suppressed.

"Blood Master, I will come to you again, you think ... ah!"

The ghost-eye mage's soul screamed, but it was not burned by the five aggregate gods. In the real soul movement, strange music sounded. Under this sound, the ghost-eye mage's soul was desperate.

Xiahe patted the gourd and smiled: "You are slowly boiled inside, I will not kill you immediately, I will deal with you after my legend. I know that your son of law, there must be a doppelganger, if your body is Dead, the avatar can grow up. "

The ghost-eye mage was horrified, but he was trapped in the Wuyun God Fire Gourd and still could not reach the Lord God.

Xiahe looked around the space of different degrees, and after a while, he said: "Which powerful existence trapped me, please let me go."

No one answered his words, Xiahe sneered: "That's no wonder I."

During Xiahe's speech, his body fell down, and his feet had stepped on the edge of the space of different degrees. Originally, the edge of this heterogeneous space was wonderful. When touched, it will be transferred back to the center of the space, otherwise how can it trap people.

But Xiahe was not teleported back to the center of the space. He bent down and pressed his palm up. A cyan thunder burst exploded. Outside the space, there was a stern roar.

"you dare!"

Xiahe raised his gun and searched around, but the powerful existence had escaped hundreds of miles away.

Xiahe can catch up if the Yin God is out of luck, but the other party is legendary and has some power equivalent to the Yang God. Being able to see his Yin God can hurt the Yin God.

Xiahe will not be so reckless, he looked around, it turned out to be a starry sky.

His phantom is still there, and he is under the protection of Phase Frost Dragon Shield. Taiyin armor has not been activated, and it should be in a safe state. Xiahe looked down at his feet and estimated that he was pulled out of the atmosphere, which may be four to five hundred miles from the world under his feet.

Phase Frost Dragon Shield consumes power quickly, because the sun here is much more powerful.

Xiahe didn't rush back, and finally came up. If he had to rely on his own power, he didn't know how much resources he had to consume before he could enter the starry sky.

Taiyin mirror flew out of the sea of ​​soul, suspended behind the head of Xiahe, with a diameter of nine feet. The sun in the starry sky is really fire, and it starts to gather towards the Taiyin mirror. The Taiyin mirror must refine the true fire of the sun to form the true fire of Taiyin. If it is inside the world, you want to absorb the real fire of the sun, the speed is very slow.

In Taiyin Xianfu, it is also relying on the powerful Yangshen real person to enter the Jiutian Gang Qi and collect real fire.

Xiahe is really full of energy, can stand in the starry sky, and simply take the opportunity to raise the Taiyin Mirror. For Xiahe, what Tarot cards, Taiyin rings, **** barriers, Wuyun Shenhuo, these are all foreign objects.

Only the shadowy mirror is his root.

Xiahe took another blank jade rune. This jade rune was refined from jade, and Freya only made three in total. Xiahe was given two pieces, and she left one.

Xia He left his thoughts in the blank jade rune, and then threw it into the Taiyin mirror, refining it together. Among the jade runes, a three-legged golden black ghost was quickly bred.

This is the more famous weapon of Taiyin Xianfu, Shenhuo Flying Raven Rune.

Said it is a flying fire crow, it will eventually evolve into a three-legged golden crow.

Xiahe stayed in the starry sky for two and a half hours, regardless of the fighting on the ground. He felt that his body drifted at high speed in the starry sky and had always been perpendicular to the ground, just like a geostationary satellite.

It is extremely dangerous in the starry sky. Various murderous rays are unpredictable, as well as meteorites, asteroids and the like, which are crushed into powder.

Xiahe also worked hard to refine the Taiyin mirror.

At the same time, the equipment on the body, in the starry sky, has undergone various ray scours, and it has also been greatly improved, supplementing various shortcomings.

Feeling that the real fire of the sun was almost collected, Xiahe took out the Shenhuo flying raven rune, put his shadow mirror, and dived towards the ground.

With the chapter of Fengshen, Xiahe did not worry about falling to death.

For more than two hours, I don't know what happened to the battle. Anyway, the legend who secretly calculated himself fled. If Su Xue was on the ground, at least the college mages would be fine.

Blessed by the chapter of Fengshen, Xiahe falls faster than it falls naturally. When he passes through the atmosphere, the frost dragon shield around his body begins to vaporize, and the outermost layer even burns.

Xiahe is like a shooting star, falling to the ground. The chapter of Fengshen urged, with a pair of wings spread behind him, Xiahe quickly found the position of Su Xue, slightly adjusted the direction, spanning only two hundred miles. On the ground, dozens of human soldiers holding magic muskets are attacking a falling Warcraft.

Blood donated on the snow, like a picture scroll.

There were huge corpses of Warcraft everywhere. Human soldiers didn't seem to die, but there were a lot of wounded over there. Xiahe saw that the wings of the Warcraft were torn by magic, and threw on the snow, holding a spear in his hand, and threw it suddenly.

The spear also burned, and with this power, Xiahe paused slightly in the air and fell down again. Only this time, his wings spread, using air resistance, and his speed was much slower.

The spear blazed through the air, and the entire head of Warcraft passed through the earth, plunging into the earth and disappearing.

"Adult!" Qiu Xuanji had been worried. After Xiahe left, he disappeared, and then the county's army and Warcraft went to work. Although Warcraft is powerful, there are two epic levels. The muskets that can't stand human beings are sharp, and there are many mages.

Qiu Xuanji did not choose to help, and the dozen or so huge Warcrafts were eventually killed.

However, it is not surprising that they fell down on their own, and when they reached the magical range, the wizards would certainly not give Warcraft a chance to directly tear the wings of Warcraft, and the rest was left to the soldiers.

Su Xue was worried and would not say that he knew that Xiahe must not have died, because when Xiahe died, he would almost automatically destroy it. This is Freya's setting. As for Smith, he believed that Su Xue had a feeling with his teacher. Xiahe told him specifically.

Xia He hovered over his position suddenly, the college mage did not enter the battle, but he was nervous.

Everyone was relieved when Xiahe appeared.

You should know that these Warcrafts were sieved and it took nearly three hours before and after, and the county ’s army was very expensive. The magicians are also very nervous, because Xiahe disappeared for too long, and I do n’t know what powerful enemy he encountered. The name of the blood mage, UU reading www. Everyone knows that uukanshu.com is not fake, and the fighting power is abnormal.

If the blood mage can't stand it, the enemies they will face are terrible.

"When I met a legend and didn't meet me, he ran away and trapped me in a different space." Xiahe said this to the lecturers and professors of the college. What he said was plain, and everyone heard thrilling.

"But I remembered his voice. The next time I met him, he would not be so lucky."

Everyone was sweating, and the principal really deserved the name of the blood mage, even remembering the hatred of a legendary strongman. Legends are rarely hostile between life and death unless they are of different races.

"I've seen it, there are no enemies around. You help the kings camp, set up sentries, and help the wounded. It's getting dark. I will leave after a full night. I'll go to see the Goth." Xiahe ordered and left Took their position. Goth is not directing, it should be injured, and he is training.

"Teacher, I'll go with you." Smith yelled behind.

"Come on, you come here." Xiahe walked slowly in front of him, waiting for Smith and Qiu Xuanji to catch up.

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