Daomen Invasion

Chapter 483: : Hard to come

Xiahe followed the army and advanced more than a thousand miles to the foot of a mountain.

The mountain is thousands of kilometers away. It is majestic and upright. The top third is full of rocks, and there is no snow. Only two thirds of the following piled up snow and ice, and when viewed from a distance, there was an unspeakable hard feeling.

When Goth walked here, he saw a camp at the foot of the mountain in the distance, and the county's flag flew in the wind.

He didn't dare to take it lightly, or sent someone to contact him to make sure it was his companion who was willing to move forward.

If you approached casually, the other party pretended to be a king of horses, it would be dead.

Xiahe looked at the scale of the camp from afar, almost 10,000 people, plus 3,000 here, more than 12,000 people. An army of this size usually has legendary power.

Of course, the legendary power is not the legend itself, it may be a legendary equipment, or a large weapon.

For example, things like gold golems and diamond golems are really inspired, just like the chariots of the world of God Zhou. Above the battlefield, push it horizontally and then vertically again, and the enemy will collapse.

Snowvis' army, placed outside the underground world, does not look very friendly.

The armies of the two sides quickly converged, and Xiahe, as the dean of the Tenth Academy of Magic and the core master of the county king, did not dare to be rude to him. Xiahe was invited to the Chinese military account.

"Master Marquis, please come here to sit." A magician took Xiahe and Smith and arranged for him the seat closest to the center. This is a guest, set up separately.

In the middle, there are five magicians sitting, one of them is Goth, he is on the far side.

The headed person looks very young, but the sense of vicissitudes in his eyes makes Xia He feel that he is a 40- to 50-year-old guy, because he achieved an epic earlier and looks younger.

And this guy, it should soon be an advanced legend.

Such an important person, who I haven't seen before, must be the most reliable general under Snowowis.

"Marquis, I'm Corleone? M." The mage introduced himself.

"Asla? Xia." Xia He heard the other party's surname, which is also a simple syllable, and it is estimated that his background is also very background.

Corleone M did not look tall, shorter than Xiahe, and not very strong, but his skin was quite young, and his nails were all moisturized, with black hair on his head and a bun. The man dressed up in the Arcane Empire is still very similar to the Shenzhou Empire.

"Marquis, we all know your name." Corleone was quite modest, calm, and not flattering. He was very simple, he unfolded a magic map, and three-dimensional images appeared.

"Is it convenient for me here?" Xiahe interrupted each other.

Corleone was not angry and smiled and said: "You are the principal of the Tenth School of Magic."


Corleone said: "Actually, it is also luck that we can invite you over. This time we entered the underground world, something went wrong. The other party did not allow our army to enter and blocked the entrance. Another entrance suitable for the army, the distance There is still a distance of seven or eight hundred miles, and it is estimated that we will not be allowed to enter like this. "

Xiahe didn't answer the call. What kind of things did he have to say about it? Was he willing to help?

"Our preparations may be somewhat inadequate, but we have a mobile alchemy workshop. We are replenishing weapons during this time. If the principal has resources, he may wish to sell them to us. If he wants to enter the underground world, it seems that he has to use tough Means. "

Xia Hexin said that in the underground world, I intend to divide the three goddesses. However, the three goddesses want to lay down the entire underground world. God knows how long it may take. They may have succeeded on the ground. They have not improved. As for Corleone ’s request, if he is not satisfied, he may not be able to continue together.

Thinking of this, Xiahe said right: "Then in accordance with the wartime agreement, I will provide the materials, and then I will return them in duplicate."

The Xiahe Lion opened his mouth, but this is a precedent.

He supported the royal family as an aristocrat. He didn't need money, but he had to return multiple supplies.

Many nobles do not care about this money, but supplies must be satisfied. Corleone heard Xia He say this, and after hesitating for a while, he agreed to come down. Xiahe does have materials on hand, but not many, but for an army of more than 10,000 people, it is a good supplement.

Especially in terms of potions, there are a lot of Xiahe here, and then there are metal wood for making magic muskets, magic potions and so on.

It is also impossible for Corleone to ask for too much. His main purpose is to make the firepower sufficient to support the arrival of the reinforcements of the empire. During this time, he had to establish an advance base in the underground world.

With an army of more than 10,000 people, building a forward base is easy to keep. There are very few open areas in the underground world. Even if the enemy has a large amount of troops, it cannot be fully invested. This is the difference from ground warfare.

In the underground world, small-scale battles of hundreds of people are most common.

Because of this, Corleone hopes that the firepower will be more sufficient to reduce the loss of soldiers.

Corleone said: "Master Marquis, since Gothic has arrived, we will attack tomorrow and strive to build a forward base within three days. At that time, our students can explore around the base and I will send soldiers to follow. Every Trial team, I assign a hundred soldiers and four magicians, how? "

"Then thank you very much." Xiahe had no opinion. If you don't explore yourself, Corleone will do the same, and speaking of it, it's not protection. So Corleone used the word follow. Xiahe's trial team consisted of two teachers and ten students, plus ten college mercenaries.

This is the configuration of at least twelve magicians, if there is a professor assigned, there is also an epic mage.

This configuration plus a hundred masters of the county king, unless there is a legend, otherwise there will not be too many risks.

"You are welcome." After Corleone and Xiahe saluted, they began to assign tasks. The five people sitting there, including Gothic, are powerful epic mages. They are also the leader of this army of more than 10,000 people. Corleone is the highest commander, the remaining four people, each responsible for commanding two thousand people.

Xiahe listened to the arrangement of Corleone, and Corleone did not act too aggressively. He wanted to concentrate his superior firepower, using a small magic cannon and a magic gun, to forcefully open the gate of the Holy Mountain. That is the entrance to this underground world.

The Gate of the Holy Mountain probably has more than 3,000 troops stationed there, but previous information shows that this place was not originally a fortress, but a tribal residence. This tribe has now been merged, and the gate of the Holy Mountain has become the defense point of an underground city in the south.

Xiahe also learned that the caravan sent by the imperial nobles had an accident before, and not many people fled back.

Therefore, the county king would send troops to come over. At the beginning, he was only responsible for negotiation, but the other party's people had never allowed humans to enter the ground, and no prisoners, and the negotiation collapsed.

But the people of the county king do not care about the life and death of the captives. The captives are the merchants of the nobles from the south to the north. Those who want to threaten the county king with local noble merchants, those underworld creatures are blind.

Corleone is ready to attack, and has created a lot of magic bullets and potions here, plus some scrolls that the magician needs to use.

Xia He listened to the layout before and after, and felt that there was no problem. The mercenaries who fled back and some magicians. The information brought back shows that the army construction in the underground world is far less than the empire. The soldiers of the other party, the team coordination ability is very ordinary, fighting alone, nor the opponent of the human army.

After so many years of development, the human race has become the standard of the regular army, and there are not many troops who want to defeat human soldiers by fighting alone. Even when fighting with demons, well-dressed human races are not afraid, as long as they have the same strength, they can win.

The main force of the attack is four steel golems, two ballistas, and ten epic summoning creatures.

The steel golem is the main force. Under the cover of the golem, the magician can enter the range and attack the enemy. Then there is the heavy armored musketeer. This does not require personal combat ability, and can fire magic bullets at a distance of two hundred meters.

The Iron Golem has a very high level, with a level of 35. Xiahe listened and knew that there was nothing wrong with this attack. Unless the other party has a legendary strongman sitting in town.

This is also the reason why Xiahe was invited. As long as Xiahe enters, he is ready to summon the Flame Demon, no matter whether he has been summoned or not, he has a military merit.

The people sitting below are all low-level officers. It took almost an hour for the task to be completed. These low-level officers went out and called their men to arrange the tasks for tomorrow.

Corleone said: "Master Marquis, look, is there anything wrong with my arrangement?"

Xiahe shook his head and said: "I am not suitable to participate in combat plans."

Corleone said: "I hope to get your help from adults, if you have anything you can take out, it is counted as military merit, and it is paid directly from the imperial military merit system."

Xia He smiled and said: "You have ten epic summoned creatures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enough to crush the enemies of the underground world."

"It's still a matter of being careful, with strength in hand, and more benefits."

Xiahe Road: "Then, if necessary, I will release a fire crow, a 30th-level epic creature, but the attack power is definitely higher than those you summoned, and it will last longer."

Corleone thanks again, Xiahe is going back, Corleone said: "Sir, just have dinner here before you go."

"No, I have to prepare scrolls after I go back, time is precious. You have to come to the underground world, which I didn't expect ..."

Corleone did not stop Xiahe. He stood up and sent Xiahe away from the camp account. After seeing him leave, he turned back.

"Goth, why did you bring him here!" Corleone's face became very ugly.

Goth said helplessly: "He is a marquis, he is the principal of the second-level college, what do you ask me to do? Besides, when I met the Demon Legion, I was afraid that I would have trouble, so I could only let him follow."

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