Daomen Invasion

Chapter 488: :persuade

The scene was extremely embarrassing, and the student was still ignorant, Xiahe said to Corleone again: "This student, I'm guaranteed, I can't pick him up until things can't be concealed. Don't want to kill people like this Yes, he is a student of my college, do you understand? "

Corleone is also embarrassed, but this student is also a 20th-level magician. Surveillance is here, and he can't escape. Confidentiality should still be possible.

The blood mage said he was not allowed to kill, so he had to consider the consequences.

When the students heard Xiahe say this, they immediately understood that they knew what they shouldn't know, and they were terrified.

"Don't be afraid, if you die, there is nothing to talk about this matter." Xia He comforted the student.


"Relax, the Sovereign is not a killer, right, Corleone?"

Corleone said heartily, the king is not, but you are, what can I do. He thought about it, feeling that this was already the case anyway, and could only hope that the Blood Master would not leak the news. It stands to reason that it should not be, because the benefits are too great. For more than one day of concealment, the blood mage will have a lot of wealth.

Xia He thought for a while and said: "In addition, I said that my caravan was intercepted in the underground world. I was very angry because there was no way to transfer troops from the storm corner. I borrowed the manpower of the county king to help I retaliate. This matter does not need to be documented, let ’s just talk about it, what do you think? ”

Corleone feels good. The temper of the blood mage, the empire knows it. This excuse is too reasonable.

The idea of ​​others is that the blood mage lacks manpower and wants to capture slaves in the underground world. The whole thing is seamless.

The blood mage looks sane, leaving the students behind, trying to ensure that the news will not be leaked.

"Then thank the principal." Corleone finally changed his name, no longer called Lord Xiahe Marquis.

The students were taken away and the two parties signed a mining agreement. The manpower that the county king can lend to Xiahe is also limited. If Xiahe wants to expand the mining area, he has to find his own way. According to this distribution agreement, Xiahe can collect five percent of the county king.

However, it is also very clear in the agreement that Xiahe wants to increase the manpower, he can transfer people from the storm angle, or he can arrest people in the underground world as slave miners.

Xiahe left Su Xue to replace him in guarding the temporary marquis house, and he was all dispatched.

Xiahe really didn't want to stay here, Qiu Xuanji got a thing in the crack, he was anxious to deal with it, and now he can only seal it.

Besides, some of his resources have to be transferred to Freya, meaningless to bring with him.

Only Freya can produce a lot of equipment for him and design things that are not noticed by the Tao Palace.

Nor does it mean that you can walk, the county king transfers materials, distributes deer to Xiahe's people, and divides chariots. The magic cannon Xiahe still wanted one, and he was also afraid of meeting the demon of the brigade. Su Xue wants to stay, the strength of the entire team has dropped a lot.

The magicians over the county king could only endure Xiahe and cooperated with each other. It was still an extra day before Xiahe's team withdrew from the underground world.

The wind and snow outside stopped, and the interest of the students was not very high, because a student was missing, and it was said to have fallen into the crack.

It should have been an injury-free trial, and the result was a lack of companions.

Both Marquez and Elaine blame themselves. They haven't acted with their classmates recently, but they have to do tasks outside alone.

Xiahe also did not persuade him that he would settle down only when he rushed to the fortress.

What benefits he had received in the past, he would immediately have something happening, and this time he was also afraid of accidents.

On the site of the county king, Xiahe still visited the fortress.

Snowvis quietly received Xiahe alone, and in his study, Xiahe saw a magic stone on the table.

"Alas, this thing is really ... difficult to sober. Marquis Asla, you see, it's such a small piece, probably worth a few hundred gold coins, and there are so many buried in the ground, how can I not hide it."

"Your Highness, you have a way to communicate with your men."

"Of course, otherwise how can I control the situation. You are lucky, my people said that they have missed the word. What does Marquis think about how to deal with this matter best?"

"Of course, it's a matter of concealment first. It can be a few years."

"If one day, can't you hide it?"

"His Royal Highness, we are all people with half planes, right? Building magic towers on half planes, making golem corps, making legions, constructing more magic cannons, and storing resources in half planes, who dares to say What? Anyway, what you get will not spit out, there is no land. "

"However, I am not willing to let others participate."

"I'm all involved. Isn't your Highness trying to kill me?"

"Marquis, what are you kidding, but you can summon the legendary flame demon." Snow's thinking is not shy, he meant, if Xiahe is weak, he is now dead.

Xia Hexin said that in a few years, I myself, two Daomen deities, five **** generals, plus two apprentices, can all be legendary. Who are I particularly afraid of? Mainly these legends, not affected by the will of this world, are in a hurry, and dare to kill ordinary people under the legend.

"His Royal Highness, if you really want to occupy it, let me give it to you. I am a pioneer lord. I have the power to occupy the land outside the empire, including all kinds of mineral veins. Is this okay? Anyway, it is declared that this place is Mine will do. Your Highness can take the big head. "

"How much do I fit?" Snowvis asked.

"It stands to reason that it must be five or five." Xiahe finished his words, and Snowvis was very murderous.

Xiahe said as if nothing happened: "However, if His Highness occupies the territory with this name, everyone knows what is going on. In addition to your homage, you have to find an academy as a backer. My academy does not have such a great ability, no Know who your Highness can reach? "

"I have a good relationship with Metatron."

"Then share them again, it is impossible for them to take advantage of nothing."

"That's the only thing." Snowvis gritted his teeth.

"His Highness, do n’t feel bad, ca n’t we still be able to mine for some time in advance, this is what we earn. We can still fish for a while when His Majesty and Metatlin endorse it later. How long will there be Should income be calculated? "

Snowves pondered, Xiahe said: "I don't hide from you, the reason why I dare to ask for five or five cents is because I have a way to mine quickly."

"what did you say!"

"Magic rough can't be mined quickly. That's afraid of causing disaster. However, I can make a mechanism to mine this thing. Although it will lose five ten thousandths of raw materials, is it better than giving it to others?"

"It's just five ten thousandths!" Snowvis was excited. If the place was his and no one came to disturb him, he wouldn't be willing to lose anything. But it's different in the underground world. If someone starts a war for this, he can't hold it.

"His Royal Highness, I won't be able to produce the drawings. I will provide the mining machinery. 40% of the income will be owned by His Majesty. The remaining 60% will be shared by our three. His Royal Highness may feel that I have divided more, but your Highness should think about it. That day, it was me who resisted in front. "

It was the same reason Snowvis thought that he could divide 20% of the mining volume by doing nothing.

"Then listen to you, by the way, or when we divide the benefits ..."

"Don't, my machine is four or five times the normal mining speed. This thing can't be concealed. You can't kill all your slaves and slaves, right? Your Highness, it is impossible for a person to make all the money Besides, Your Majesty is only interested in the original magic stone. There must be a lot of associated mines in it. We have two divided mines. It ’s not a small benefit. "

"Very good!" Snowows finally turned around. He couldn't lie with His Majesty the Emperor, and don't deceive the Metatron family.

The consequences are not good, or Asla thoughtful.

Xiahe felt relieved to see him figure it out. People must not be blinded by interests, be careful not to spend money on money.

It doesn't matter if Snowvis is stupid. This time, he also participated in it.

The matter of mining machinery is not difficult for Daomen. Mainly to prevent the original magic stone from being intensified and triggering a mine disaster. Magicians have no way to solve this matter.

As for the issue of profit distribution? Xiahe is ready to contact Freya ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Let Freya make ghosts and go down to steal. There is no problem with the original stone of magic in the jade mine. It is not afraid of explosion, and the jade is not so hard. It can be started by any method.

After discussing things with Snowvis, Xiahe refused to stay in this place. He told Snowvis that after a month, he would have his own people and send them to mining machinery. The slaves of the underground world are now being arrested, and if they are willing to take over, they will be hired directly.

Xiahe simply borrowed a medium-sized floating airship, loaded all the students, and flew all the way back to the college.

He will continue to pay attention to the things in the underground world, and Snowvis will not turn his face for himself. The news leak did nothing good for him.

Back at the college, Nicholas came to Xiahe to report on the school.

Xiahe listened patiently, answered them one by one, and then returned to the dormitory. His dormitory has been renovated and I do n’t know how many times it has been. Isolate the inside and outside. Xiahe still releases the magic tent, adds another insurance, and then summons Medieri to come in.

Xiahe took out a washbasin-sized egg from the badge. This egg is a black background with few white spots on it. The strangest thing is that sparse fluff grows outside the egg shell.

At the top of the eggshell, there is a Soul Charm, which is Qiu Xuanji's handwriting.

Qiu Xuanji said: "I found it under the crack, about two decades deep. There was no Warcraft found in the nest, but I was very scared, so I took an egg and ran out." 8)

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