Daomen Invasion

Chapter 497: : The Master Group (1)

After everyone had finished speaking, Xiahe said: "If I just want to be a marquis, or a noble such as a duke, a grand duke, everything in Rhode Island is meaningless. Say something that reassures everyone, I Sooner or later, the country will be established independently. In my country, blood is meaningless. Whatever you want, you can fight for it by your own efforts. All you can leave to future generations is wealth, not power. "

Xiahe's words, everyone is listening carefully.

"I will cancel the noble system of the upper and lower houses of the empire. I will give you a relatively fair system, the Lord Citizen System. After anyone becomes a citizen, they can start to accumulate merits and gain imperial power. For a detailed system, I will Prepared into laws, these laws can ensure that the merits of each of you will not be taken by others. "

Xiahe is in the study, explaining to everyone a system that imitates the Shenzhou Empire.

There are several nobles among the magicians here, even if there are a few noble mages, they are all barons or even lords who have no hereditary power.

The system of the Shenzhou World is relatively fair, and everyone has a chance. Except that power cannot be passed on to future generations, the rest of the wealth can be inherited and inherited by future generations. However, the inheritance of the Shenzhou empire's inheritance is well-formed, and every descendant has the power to inherit, and wealth will be divided.

For example, if you have accumulated 20 billion gold coins yourself, you have five children, and each child can only have 4 billion gold coins.

This avoids the unrestricted concentration of wealth, and at the same time encourages people to convert wealth into merit, although the conversion rate is very low, but there are many balance points. How much wealth do you have and how much donation is cost-effective? There have long been precise calculation results.

Xiahe first announced the latest developments to improve morale, and then announced the future development plan to stabilize the people. He observes very little, and the core members are satisfied with the system.

This is good and saves a lot of trouble.

"After the Dragon Island is completely defeated, I will support Lynch and continue to attack the Green Forest Continent. That will be a long process. But the Dragon Island does not belong to anyone, it is ours." Xia He arrived word by word. Rhode Island is a monster, but it is smaller than the Dragon Island.

Both are called islands. The area of ​​Dragon Island is more than ten times that of Rhode Island, but there are many places that are not suitable for people to live in.

"I will not take down the domain of the Earl of Notting Hill. If he succumbs, I will let him invest in my family and become a subordinate noble. If he refuses to succumb, he will slowly toss him. My plan It is to give priority to the development of the navy. I will march south along the eastern shore of the imperial continent, attack the half-elf empire along the coast, and train half-elf empire. "

Speaking of here, Xiahe suddenly remembered the interception of his fleet, a strong man from the Saint Thunder Empire.

I do n’t know what the Holy Thunder Empire really means, is it to intervene in the Arcane Empire? However, if you walk from the sea, there is no possibility of losing your guard on the other side of the storm. The entire storm is now armed to the teeth, and the construction knights are concentrated there. Fortress cannon, magic cannon, flying battleship.

Even if the legendary strongman is dispatched, there is a temple of the goddess of doom sitting there.

There are more and more believers in the Goddess of Doom. If Xiahe had not yet become the Yang God, her power would have broken through to become the true God.

If the Saint Thunder Empire is dispatched, the best route is to pass the southern end of the green forest, and the distance is still not close.

Is there a loophole in the sky outside the East China Sea?

This world is still a planet. In terms of size, I am afraid that it is comparable to the world of Shenzhou. It is definitely the size of a main world. But the eastern waters are simply not navigable, and all kinds of catastrophic weather are dead areas for the legend.

Holy Thunder Empire, do n’t you want to attack Lumori first, then come to Arcane Empire?

Although the green forest is not unified, the temples of the gods are all over there. It is not easy to attack the green forest.

Xiahe simply didn't think about this sudden flying piece. The Saint Lei Empire wanted to put some pressure on itself last time and dispatched the Griffon Knight, but for himself, this is not very powerful. The fighting strength of the Griffon Knight is definitely not as good as his flying warship.

The self-defense weapon of the flying warship is a lightning attack, and the enlarged caliber magic musket, it is difficult to get close to the flying warcraft. After all, the electric current is applied, and everything must fall to the ground.

Now that I am the Marquis of the Empire, it is impossible for the Saint Thunder Empire to find his own trouble.

The power of the Marquis House began to operate in Rhode Island. After the blockade, hundreds of thousands of so-called fishermen began to rely on their savings. By the beginning of the second year, many people became hungry. The Marquis House is tightly sealed, there are various surveillances in the sky, and it is really impossible to obtain any supplies from outside the island.

In mid-January, people began to escape quietly one after another. They were arrested by the people on the side of the Marquis Palace and directly beaten as sinners, sent to build roads and mines.

Xiahe also saw that the people who instigated the Earl of Notting Hill behind him simply regarded the Earl as a dead ghost, and did not mean to come forward. After all, it is a deadly feud to instigate people in other noble territories to rebel. The Earl of Notting Hill didn't know what benefits he received, so he did this kind of brain-dead thing.

Since there is no follow-up, Rhode Island's situation is stable.

Although the power is concentrated in Sun City and the Five Faces City, now with a flying warship, the combat radius is surprisingly large. When Xiahe has a floating airship to transport elite soldiers, the entire Rhode Island is unbreakable.

The cost of transporting elite soldiers in floating battleships is also somewhat high, and it is not impossible.

Xiahe has been here for many days, and his equipment has been almost refined. It is a wave of evolution. The student equipment has also been improved smoothly. Twenty-four new students have grown fast, but they are still young. Not official business.

Ye Linna, these students, in addition to learning spells and management at the time of the storm, can now be on their own. It is not a problem for everyone to command 500 to 1,000 people.

Xiahe settled down in his heart, and after the connection between the teleportation array and the storm angle, the consumption was much smaller.

He has eight skin bladders dedicated to transporting goods, and can walk through the array without increasing consumption. This is the teleportation in the world. Unlike the interstellar teleportation, that is the real money-burning gadget. It must have the technology like the Shenzhou Empire to be affordable.

The image and sound transmission function of the badge was finally developed, but the most powerful badges, only a few, can directly transmit the sound from Rhode Island to Rhode Island. This function is too practical. The drawings designed by Freya can be quickly transferred. The alchemy factory here has little design ability, especially the new weapons, and the magicians are at a loss.

With the drawings provided by Freya, warships and flight equipment, it was gradually improved, and various prototypes were dismantled and remanufactured into standard weapons that can be equipped in large quantities.

For flying warships, the main changes are to reduce consumption and increase costs for external versions. Ten thousand gold coins are too cheap and will cause the avalanche of the airship. This is absolutely not allowed by the royal family. Xiahe wants to raise the cost to a level that the royal family can tolerate.

Of course, it refers to external costs, mainly the secrecy of core components, which makes it impossible for people to copy. For Shenzhou, this is not a problem, there are some means. Because it can not be copied, the price of this thing will be as high as 80,000 gold coins. This is the price of bare metal, excluding any supporting weapons and detection methods.

The armored ship is nothing. The magicians of the empire can actually manufacture even diving warships, but the cost is too high, and they have not fought with other continents.

Xiahe felt that Rhode Island was the only place where the rebellion was not resolved, and everything else was on track.

On the sea more than two hundred miles from Rhode Island, a warship broke down and waited. Several underwater expeditions have dispersed. The low-level magicians trained by Xiahe have received tasks to explore the surrounding waters. This is not the first day.

All the magicians form a team, wearing a close-fitting leather jacket shot by the Marquis Palace, which has distinctive magic patterns on it. If it weren't for the magic pattern, the cold water was enough to freeze the mages below level 10.

A team of eight rides in a kayak and heads north. Next to the kayak, a huge whale reveals its spine and marches along with the magicians. This whale is more than 20 meters long and has sharp teeth. But it was also careful when going around the kayak, fearing that it would overturn this thing.

This is the most common beast in the sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also a kind of Warcraft, the shamrock.

The large-toothed whale has a huge body, and the highest level can reach nearly eighty, but the lower levels exist in the offshore. This kind of Warcraft is harmless to humans and has a very high IQ. Because it is close to human attributes, no magician will harm the sperm whale.

If you encounter a fierce beast like a shark, the toothed whale will even fight with humans.

For fishermen, the fangtooth whale is the patron saint.

Eight magicians, fifteen years old as the first talent, are the captain of this team. The rest of the magicians are uneven. The oldest one looks like eighty, but it's just a big magician, just level 20.

The eight people were very relaxed. They had just explored underwater. It was time for a break. Something was hot on the kayak. The young Master headed by the head said: "Everyone has worked hard. This time I came out. In my name, everyone can only divide gold coins, which is really embarrassing."

The old mage said: "Where, this time we found a shipwreck under the sea, something worth thousands of gold coins, and made a lot of money. You don't need another gold coin, how dare we say that it takes advantage."

A middle-aged mage said: "Let's get the gold coins on the sunken ship, don't we give it to Lord Marquis?"

"How could it not be paid." The old mage laughed: "These gold coins are old, and some research value must be handed over to Earl's Court, but Earl's Court will return the same weight of gold coins. The income from the expedition, the Marquis ’side only charges about 5% of the tax, which is less than the normal business income." 8)

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