Daomen Invasion

Chapter 552: : Trap (1)

Xia He studied resource allocation and his own magic and Taoist practice. Ye Linna was busy preparing for an attack on the half-elves. * WWw.suimeng.lā

The strength of the Green Palace has increased to more than 2,100. It is necessary to leave no less than 1,000 people stationed. The mobilized strength is only 1,000.

The number of flying puppets is sufficient, but the price of this thing is that it can be used for reconnaissance and replaces the eye of the mage. Ye Linna also has a dozen feather snakes, but there is no need to focus on such things. In the case of field combat, the feather snake is the time to wield value.

The flying frequency of flying warships is very low. Most of the time, air patrols are done by floating airships. This thing can be slowly flying in the sky, observing the ground, with the small puppets on the ground, flying puppets, so that all enemies can escape .

As for the patrols of the soldiers, Ye Linna put the mercenaries of the three small colleges in charge. A team of twenty people was divided into four teams, not too far apart. Each team carried a combat puppet, that is, cannon fodder. Suddenly encountering the enemy, the battle puppet went up, and the soldiers on patrol decided whether to fight or escape.

In fact, Xiahe has the technology of Trojan horses, making battle puppets easier.

The core of a battle puppet is as simple as a Trojan horse. If you add combat power, you will continue to add magic arrays to the core and add magic plug-ins outside. In other words, as long as you have enough money, battle puppets and golems are very powerful.

The patrol team does not need such a powerful puppet, each team also has a steel spider.

If the enemy is too strong, the steel spider can't stand it and you can escape.

The last more than one hundred people were transferred from the Tenth Academy of Magic, and the task layout was completely completed. These more than one hundred people are all magic net masters. The main task now is to guard the magic circle in the city in turn.

Xiahe didn't intend to let these magic net masters go out to fight in the city. They were worth thousands of warriors in the city. Out of the Green Palace, not only can you get too far away from the chariot, but also reduce your attack power too much.

The mercenaries of the empire gradually arranged a line of defense around the blood-stained city, cutting the connection between the blood-stained city and the surrounding small towns. Xiahe came first, but only intercepted a team of more than 3,000 people. The rest of the mercenaries came at least three days later than Xiahe. Many of the half-elf troops had already gone to the blood-stained city.

The strength of the blood-stained city should be very high now.

The entire Western Front may have the most troops. There is no half-elf power in the north, and it has long been emptied by Metaline. In the east, there are fewer half-elf towns.

On the fifth day, the pressure began.

A large number of half-elf troops appeared, and the Bloodstained City refused to sit still and sent troops to greet the reinforcements.

Lynn, Magros, and Tiffany ’s three epics were ordered to lead three teams to intercept half-elf reinforcements with fewer than a thousand men.

Each of them has only two hundred mercenaries and a chariot, but they can get air support at any time.

Marquez led the epic warrior and brought 400 people as a mobile force to support the leaders of these three small academies at any time.

Of the people led by Lin En, one hundred were his own academy mercenaries, and the other one hundred were given to him by Ye Linna, and all belonged to the Tenth Academy of Magic. Of these one hundred people, Ye Linna specially deployed mercenaries who had participated in the battle. The leader was still an old magician of level 25.

This old magician has not much life, but he has a lot of experience. In his early years, he took other big adventures. Because of his poor qualifications, most of the money he earned bought potions. Now his biggest wish is to get enough task rewards, then the headmaster will give him some soul potions, so that he has the hope to become an epic mage.

As an epic mage, although he suffered a lot of injuries in his early years, he can also continue to live at least a hundred years.

Legends do n’t want to. If they can live a hundred years longer, what ’s not to satisfy?

Become an epic, the headmaster will transfer him to the college to do a job like managing archives. Elderly people can also read more books when they are free. Regular staff, even if they are not lecturers, can go to the library.

Lynn headed east, probably over a hundred miles away, and planned to go back, and intelligence showed that a half-elf army appeared in the east. However, it is hard to say which route the half-elves took. There are cities within a hundred miles of the Green Palace. This is still north-south, with more towns in the east-west direction.

This small plain has a huge population of half-elves.

Xiahe went straight to the Green Palace, because the road conditions in the Green Palace are the best. If the half-elves don't want to toss, it is still the most convenient way to go to the blood-stained city.

Suddenly in the southeast direction, the flying puppet sent back an alarm, and Lynn immediately released another puppet. The puppet had narrow wings with a wingspan of more than five meters, but the core size was more like a dove. Lynn raised his hand and threw the puppet out. The puppet's belly, a bright red eye opened, his wings fluttered, and the enclave flew in the direction of the alarm.

The blood mage thing is really powerful!

In front of Lynn's eyes, there was an extra horizon, and he could see the scene of the **** eyes overlooking the ground. Soon the flying puppet arrived at the location, and Lynn saw that there was a sparse forest standing in the swamp. It doesn't look like it can have an army.

It's almost four or five hundred meters away from the road.

When the flying puppet with the alarm fell to the ground, Lynn watched carefully, and finally saw a gap on the crashed flying puppet. It was artificial. The gap just passed the magic circle and destroyed the structure of the flying puppet. This thing was originally used for reconnaissance. It was very fragile. The magic circle was destroyed and immediately lost its ability to fly.

On a low tree, a silver light flew up, and Lynn subconsciously controlled the flying puppet, rolling towards the right. He almost heard the tearing of the flying puppet wings. But that was all simulation. The puppet climbed up sharply, and a feather arrow rubbed the puppet's wings and flew into the sky.

Sure enough, there are half elves lurking, but why can't they see?

"Map!" Lynn felt that things were not easy, and immediately summoned the map from the horizon. This look shocked. The map is at this position, but there is no such a big swamp, the area of ​​the small swamp is not even one tenth, and it is divided by season.

In contrast, the second feather arrow flew thousands of meters high and shot the flying puppet across.

Lynn was wary in his heart that this was the effect of the archer in the epic realm.

Then, on the other side of his flight puppet, he saw that on the road, there were two mercenaries who were heading east. He quickly ordered the puppet to fly to the east, and on the east road, a half-elf army, with a size of nearly a thousand people, was marching.

The two mercenaries seemed to be intercepted, and the number exceeded two thousand.

Looking at the location of the swamp, if it is illusion, I am afraid that it is only one or two hundred meters away from the road. This is a trap!

The first thing Lynn thought of was to support, and then he felt that it was not his business.

When the two sides are fighting, he is right to pick up the cheap.

But he hadn't forgotten his responsibility, and immediately contacted the Green Palace, over the magic circle, Ye Linna appeared in less than half a minute.

"I know, I will send four small magic airships, and two flying warships as support. You send people to remind those two teams, whether they believe it or not, you have to do it."

"Yes." Lynn warned that this is a war between humans and half-elves, and those who lose will be completely wiped out.

The empire hasn't been able to knock down the half-elf empire for so long. The main reason is that the army did not dare to go deep, and it has not been completed. Now the blood-stained city is purely to observe the reaction of the half-elf empire.

The environment of the blood-stained city is not good, and there are mountainous areas to the south, and there are many cities in the west, but they are far away. To the east, too close to the voodoo forest, has been eroded by the empire.

The two hundred soldiers of oneself do not matter to a trap. Of the two hundred soldiers, the 20th-level magician helped him a lot. If you do n’t call for support, it ’s easy to damage your soldiers.

Yelina immediately made Marquez ready to take his men and march towards the east.

Here are all within a radius of one or two hundred miles, not too far. Although Ye Linna feels that some are not very stable, but there are help in the sky, there are several epics on the ground, Marquez and the equipment given by the teacher, but they can still run away.

After thinking for a while, Ye Linna said to Xiahe, and Xiahe replied.

In fact, there is nothing he does not know about the things exchanged through the magic circle, but occasionally he lacks attention and ignores the past.

Lynn sent a team of twenty people to the main road to inform the college mercenaries that he himself took the rest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to the wilderness, all the way to the east, and quickly rushed outside the swamp. In front of it is a mound, not a mountain, only more than 30 meters in height, both sides are quite gentle, but the north and south poles are long.

It is also this mound, forming a shelter. It is difficult for human mercenaries from the east to appear behind the mound and lie in half elves. If those two mercenary regiments meet with the half-elf team from the Eastern Road, they will be attacked from the side, fearing that they will be defeated.

Although Trojans are popular, they are not popular among mercenaries.

The more than 100 people of Lin En, all Trojan horses, went directly to the mound. Stop behind the highest line of the mound. Lynn directly used his own power to observe.

At a distance of more than 500 meters in front, on both sides of the road, the forest was sparse, but there was no **** of a swamp.

Lynn waved his hand and gathered his voice, saying: "Heavy armored teams remain on the horse, and the rest of them put on boots, mount down, and prepare the magic musket."

The mercenaries silently execute orders, and the Trojan horses of heavy armor mercenaries are specially designed to charge as a Warcraft. There were only twenty of Linn's team, and there were only ten of the hundred people on Xiahe's side. But thirty heavy cavalry charge cavalry, the strength is not small

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