Daomen Invasion

Chapter 557: : Long Range Attack

"Axilia, give me practice them well." Freya said.

"Yes, my master!" In the illusion, the giant feather snake promised that it was not a configuration at all. It was Freya's most powerful feather snake, which opened wisdom and learned to speak.

Feather snake Asiliya chased a few six-pointed star airships, and they were having fun. These students were miserable. They wanted to test more data. If they did not complete the test, they would be laughed at.

The large-scale illusion of the academy is tested in zones. This is the weapons test zone, and there are many inexplicable things. No one thought about it, this giant feather snake itself was camouflaged by living creatures.

This is the request of Asilya to come in. It feels that although it is already strong enough, if it wears a structured battle, it can exert more power.

Freya also thinks this is the reason. If Asilya is an advanced legend, it may be the first weak advanced legend of Warcraft in history. Ordinary feather snakes cannot live that day.

So Freya designed a set of feather-like snakes for Asilya, and let it be tested in the illusion.

This is not bad, the feather snake's wisdom is generally not high, but the fighting instinct is excellent. Because of its small size and weak strength, it became a weaker existence in Warcraft. If equipped, this is a powerful flying unit. Freya has a large body of feather snakes that can be dissected and manufactured in proportion.

In this way, the feather snake only needs to master the attack magic on the structure, its own movements, the learning time is not long, and it is very easy to master.

This thing is social, and it is only possible to become independent after achieving a legend.

Biological instincts make their obedience better. Basically, in the face of danger, Feather Snake would rather perform Freya's orders at the expense of it. This does not touch the prohibition in their souls, but instinct.

Asilya finally let these students pass, the six-pointed star airship stumbled, and attacked all around in the illusion along the way, which also caused the chicken to fly.

Freya did not pay attention to it personally, and let a **** general lead the **** soldier to collect data.

Xiahe knew that Freya would be able to take samples soon, and he was not in a hurry. The war on the half-elf empire was calculated in years.

Lynn finally brought the man back to the Green Palace, and the half-elves chasing behind did not go deep, and had retreated before reaching Rodriguez's camp. Think about it too. The overall strength of the half-elves is estimated to be more than 80,000 this time. There is no need to let some people take risks.

Before the cavalry was eaten, it was already very hurt.

The human army did not come out to respond, relying on air strikes, which made the half-elves a headache. They are not without air power, but the flying Warcraft plus the number of half-elves with wings is a bruise.

Xiahe was alone in the grass house, and two of the five ghosts were standing around. Most of the souls on the battlefield are now harvested by them. Xiahe collects the source of the soul. The ones with lower quality make soul liquid, and the ones with higher quality are sent to Taiyin Fairy House to supplement the power of Taiyin Fairy House.

The half-elf empire has a large population, and those who die on the battlefield are not counted. They are sick and sick on weekdays, and more souls are attributed to nothingness.

There are no gods of death in this world, and Xiahe quickly took the opportunity to reap.

Underground world is already doing it, but the three goddesses all have believers, and the believer's soul cannot move at will. Xiahe had to follow the rules, which he set himself.

After Xiahe contracted his troops, there were more than 2,200 people in the entire Green Palace city, and the last 100 people were still the new magic net masters.

A large number of troops appeared in the half-elf, approaching the Green Palace City, and the nearby mercenary team quickly learned this information.

Only Rodriguez Camp sent someone to say they would not evacuate. The rest of the mercenary team simply wait and see, waiting for help from the Tenth Magic Academy.

Xia He wanted to laugh, and he kept his guard against the city. Even if the city was eventually lost, these tens of thousands of elves would have to lie down. As long as you do n’t take the shot, it ’s okay to lose a Green Palace. Without the Green Palace, the surrounding defense lines became a decoration.

The best way for these people is to hurry up and support. While the Green Palace is still around, they can fish for points.

Because the half-elves must deal with the main forces to deal with the Green Palace, otherwise the air strikes on the Green Palace side will be enough for them to suffer.

Yelina didn't need Xiahe's instructions, and she wrote back to the people in the Rodriguez camp, saying that if the camp was attacked, the magic ballista would support it and send air power to fight the heavy ground weapons of the semi-elves.

The army of half-elves continued their eastward journey, but they did not dare to be densely packed. The formations were very scattered. The wizards of half-elves were always paying attention to the air, and giant steel idols fixed the magic giant crossbow. , Ready to attack air targets.

Ye Linna continued to observe and did not fight, just watching the reaction of the mercenaries around.

The Rodriguez camp, with deep trenches and high barriers, has gathered nearly four thousand people. The camp walls made of mud turned into stone are already higher than the walls of the Green Palace. The thickness is even more amazing, as if it were a huge stone born, and a camp was dug in the middle.

The camp is in a weird shape, with a large cube in the middle and four small cubes arranged on the four corners.

These four are fortresses, standing tall, almost fifty meters high. Xiahe didn't know whether this thing could withstand the magic blow. However, the people at Rodriguez College should not be so stupid, standing there tofu.

The camp and the Green Palace are twenty miles apart, which is just right. There is no problem with the magic light measurement.

Rodriguez was the brainy mercenary team, and began to intimidate with his own name. The intimidation was not successful. Ye Linna was sprayed face to face, not angry, and camped nearby. Now that the Green Palace is in danger, others don't pay anything and take the initiative to help.

Looking back at the camp there was trouble, and the Green Palace would naturally vote for the peach.

The Rodriguez camp, three thousand people, can divert at least 10,000 troops. If you stay short, you will be kicked back by the Rodriguez mercenaries.

The equipment of the human mercenaries was originally the same. This time, for the purpose of the mission, the various colleges spent a lot of money to update their weapons.

In contrast, the north of the half-elf empire was ravaged by the human army for a long time, and the supply of weapons was a bit difficult.

To deal with human mercenaries, they had to fight with more than twice the strength.

In the grass cottage, phantoms appeared in the open space, one by one, the situation around the city. This is a magical picture of a medium-sized airship flying at a height of several thousand meters.

Outside the Rodriguez camp, a half-elf army appeared and stopped only about two miles away. This was already the attack range of many weapons. But the Rodriguez camp did not attack, allowing the half-elves to set up defensive wooden walls and build tall towers.

If you do n’t take the initiative to attack, there is no way to do it. If you attack, you have to mobilize a large amount of troops, and you ca n’t do anything. The other party is said to have 80,000 people, and there will be many strong epics.

The real mercenaries do not have an advantage if they really want to fight away from the camp. Even Rodriguez College will not arrange too many epics in mercenaries. Besides, this camp is only a part of the mercenaries of Rodriguez College, and the students who mainly do the tasks are not here.

This time, Rodriguez College has forty-eight students and is said to have ten epics.

Xiahe observes the battlefield, not to shoot, he is directing the five ghosts to plunder the soul. He doesn't want to touch the human soul, although technically it makes no difference.

Taoists are also subject to moral constraints.

Ye Linna was also paying attention. The half-elves went to the Rodriguez camp first, which annoyed her. Leave it alone? Camp Rodriguez had greeted him and was willing to help. If you don't help, your reputation will be broken.

But even Rodriguez mercenaries would not know that the half-elves would deal with them first.

"Airship, providing coordinates for the magic ballista, ready to attack the half-elf camp tower and steel idol."

In the sky, the airship responsible for surveillance promised to specifically scan the ground camp coordinates and gave the Green Palace a magic ballista position.

The only weapon capable of attacking twenty miles away, although not as powerful as a fortress cannon, is simple to deal with towers.

The data of the tower was calculated little by little. On the magic ballista position, several magicians focused on a magic circle and looked at the floating data above.

After about three minutes, the data was determined, and the head magician ordered the ballista to change the scroll.

This magic ballista fires a reel sequence launcher, which can drop sixteen reels at a time.

Under the earth, the magic circle connected in series is running at high speed. When the current on the metal track of the magic ballista flashes, the reel sequence launcher is thrown out and disappears instantly.

This reel-sequence launcher flew out more than a thousand meters after leaving the metal track ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ before throwing away the shell to reveal the true contents inside. It is still a slender worm egg shape with a spiral pattern on it, as if woven from metal wire. This thing is so beautiful, like a work of art.

It was just that the artwork split in a blink of an eye and had reached the tower above the half-elf camp.

The pattern on the reel sequence transmitter disintegrated and instantly expanded into a cuboid, covered by sixteen reels. The huge acid missile flickered with silver, all of which hit the tower.

Compound acid missiles destroy the city defenses. This thing is rarely used by magicians. It consumes too much magic power, but it is only magic on the battlefield. Dueling between magicians, opponents are very easy to avoid and easy to defend.

But the tower was dead. After the acid bombs went down, it directly penetrated the top of the tower and exploded below. The acid splashed, and the half-elves with ballistas on them were covered by a wave, screaming and rolling down the tower, with white smoke rising from them.

"Perfect!" The magician still calculating the next wave of attack, seeing the feedback, clenched his fists in excitement.

The distance of this attack was more than twenty miles, precisely destroying an enemy building to be completed.

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