Daomen Invasion

Chapter 556: : Commander

"Of course life is important." The student answered immediately.

"No, it's more important to be comfortable." Ye Linna smiled and said, "If you are allowed to wear heavy Master Armor all the time, you can live. What is the taste of this life?"

Students are at a loss, what does Ye Linna mean?

"Combat is only part of the life of a magician. I hope you do n’t put your energy on the battlefield. Think about it. Many times, the magician designs a weapon that is powerful enough to solve the battlefield problem. What about? "

Ye Lina said that it was a matter of the world of Shenzhou, and Xiahe instilled in them.

The war of magicians must be carried out between magicians, not on the battlefield of the army. The battlefield is a meat grinder, which can die at any time.

Of course, maintaining personal combat effectiveness is also very important, but looking at the giant magic rifle, the cost is not as expensive as the portable weapons of the Medellian Knights, but it can play such an effect. Covered with a bomb rain, it killed six magicians of level 20 and above, and also piggybacked a dozen magic apprentices.

This is the battlefield, and the status is useless.

"Master Yelina, how can you defend against such a long-range attack?"

"The mage's constructed armor, on the battlefield, must open the magic circle at any time to ensure the lowest level of protection and will not be killed in the first time."

"That's so expensive!"

"Is it more expensive than life?" Ye Linna asked with a smile.

Ye Linna imparted knowledge to them. In the sky, the magic airship responsible for surveillance was also very nervous. The shooting elements on the ground were provided by the airship. If the strong elves of the half-elves want to kill them, they will be hard to escape.

However, Lord Duke has just beheaded a legend of the other party. The half-elves should not have the courage to start the legendary battle again?

Xiahe's tactics still have loopholes, at least there are many loopholes in mercenary equipment. For example, the message that everyone passes from the airship to the Green Palace is not the technology of the Duke ’s Palace. If the other party finds a secret, it may be interfered with magic. It is not so easy to communicate easily.

However, he didn't tell the secret, there was no one who could think of it.

The Duke ’s House used badges to convey information, which could not interfere with the interception. Many people tried it secretly. The technology used by Xiahe is relatively backward now, mainly to quickly build an information framework on the battlefield. It is impossible for him to take out the technology of the badge, and the communications of the Dragon and Tiger Dao are only in the Daomen.

No half-elf powerhouse appears, let alone a legend, and none of the half-elf wings in the epic realm.

Floating airships are not capable of their own defense. Xiahe is controlled by the magic net mage, and the combat power is weaker than the original one. So he had to study the six-pointed star airship. The airship's suspension ability is so good that it can strike large ground targets stably at high altitudes.

Moreover, the ability of the six-pointed star airship to transfer short distances is also strong, and it can also be attacked and defended in the air. It is a relatively comprehensive thing. It is a cost reason and cannot be sustained.

But when Xiahe designed this thing, he did not intend to last. For long-term air combat, the star warships are also expected, not even flying warships.

A star warship is worth thousands of horses.

"Okay, at most, there is still half a day of effort. The half-elves will try to attack, and each of you will go back to your position. Pay attention to the rotation plan. This may take many days." Ye Linna did not continue to explain, the half-elves approached. At a distance of five miles, no one was rescued.

The Rodriguez camp can also contain 10,000 or 20,000 people, and no more.

The Green Palace was built on a plain, and there were no highlands for tens of miles around. There was only a river flowing outside the city, about four miles away from the Green Palace. The river used to pass directly through the Green Palace, but was later diverted. Because it is a magical world with magical wells, the city ’s dependence on rivers is not so strong, as long as it is close to the water source.

The giant magic muskets in the Green Palace continue to attack the half-elf army and only select large targets to attack. The casters in the half-elf army were exhausted.

The attack of the magic projectile is too fast, and the magician must concentrate on it to intercept it.

With the sudden induction, the Green Palace's long-range attacks cannot be stopped at all.

Ye Linna was right. The half-elves could not withstand such harassment. The commander had no choice but to order the magician in front and the wizard in the back, and began to build a high platform.

The high platform is accumulated with soil, reinforced by layers of magic, some of the weight can be placed behind the high platform, which is essentially a barrier, and the ballista can also be arranged on the top of the high platform.

However, the half-elves also knew that the ballistas could not be placed. They could only build defensive mounds to avoid being harassed by the other party ’s long-range weapons, so that it was possible to gather troops and launch an impact on the city.

If you go straight up like this, you simply cannot organize an effective formation.

Half-elves accumulate mounds, but there is no good way in the city. Whether it is a magic cannon, ballista, or giant magic gun, it can collapse the mound. The problem is the cost, as soon as the bombardment passes, just for a pile of soil?

"The magic airship is dispatched, throwing acid reels and covering the mound." Ye Linna ordered without hesitation.

All the small airships were dispatched, flying to a height of thousands of kilometers to guard against the enemy magician, and then throwing the acid reel downward. The magic airship throws a reel sequence launcher. They can go behind the mound to attack, and use the giant magic gun on the airship to contain the opponent's caster.

After more than a dozen rounds of attack, acid liquefied mud was everywhere in front of the half-elf position.

It is difficult to add magic to these soils and turn them into stones. The magician must cast a dispel technique, waiting for the acid to completely disappear and then re-accumulate the soil. This toss is not yet known how long it will take.

The half-elves were really helpless. A few fireball scrolls came over the mound that was liquefied by acid, which exploded the mound into a big pit. Although this is also a loss, the half-elves lose the block of the mound and face the harassment of giant magic muskets.

Ye Linna sighed, if she had 10,000 people, she would have recoiled up, and the half-elf would flee in a wave.

Two thousand people is really not enough.

Among this group of half-elves, there are still epic powerhouses. Giant magic muskets attempt to attack the opponent ’s epic caster several times, all of which are easily blocked by the opponent ’s magic.

It's too difficult to kill an epic without a sneak attack.

After all, it is not a high-end weapon, the user is only the magic net mage. If you add magic projectiles, maybe it will be a bit of a victory?

Ye Linna shook her head. The teacher said that in future wars, if it is not necessary, the epic should not go into battle personally. Even if you go into battle, you don't have to work hard. Just like yourself, you can do battlefield command and instantly judge that you use acid reels to attack the mound and disintegrate the enemy's plan.

It is ridiculous to face a large number of half-elves if you are on the battlefield yourself, and you have to spend energy to attack the mound with magic.

"All flying warships, medium-sized airships, to attack the half-elves outside the Rodriguez camp." Yelina suddenly gave another order.

No one questioned, Xia He said long ago, in this team, no doubt should exist.

The message of Freya came from Xiahe's coat of arms.

"Adult, the specifications of the six-pointed star airship are set, and the cost is calculated as follows ..." Freya mechanically transmitted a bunch of data, and Xiahe swept the horizon with his eyes.

Freya divided the six-pointed star airship into four levels. The cost of the lowest level is also one thousand gold coins. It is not a variety of weapon pendants, but can be purely flying. The formation on the six-pointed star can only be activated once without the core magic formation and the original magic stone.

It is higher than expected, but the data is much higher than the plan, at least for a long time.

If there is a large airship command, this three-person airship can automatically fly with the large airship, and the driver can put his seat down and go directly to sleep. Hypnotic formation, and wake-up function.

It's really good, Freya designed all the abilities required on the battlefield.

Ten thousand, five thousand, two thousand, one thousand, four levels of six-pointed star airship, the combat effectiveness also rises vertically. The highest cost of 10,000 gold coins is still within the scope of Xiahe's acceptance. Although it is the same as a flying warship, the consumption of a flying warship is larger than that of a six-pointed star airship.

"Well, the first- and second-level ones are for personal use, they are produced in Storm Point, and the third and fourth-level ones are produced in Sun City. Please pass the drawings to Sun City. In addition, the external weapons should not be too expensive, this thing is still easy to be shot down . "

"Yes, I will optimize the escape equipment again."

Xiahe didn't say much. In fact, Class 3 and Class 4 airships are for the Magnet Master. Even if they have the ability to escape, they may not survive. The escape function is mainly for the first and second class airships.

"Freya, over the Sun City. After the airship was updated, let Golia organize an expedition and still go to Red Sea City to contact the previous allies. Um ... who sent it to sit down better?"

"Medierli is the strongest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I guess you don't want her to go, I'm too busy. Jack is still unable to advance the legend for the time being, why not ask Metatlin's help?"

Legends used to sit in town, mainly because the half-elf legendary shot would cause great losses to humans.

This is not impossible. In fact, the large-scale battles of both sides have been secretly observed by the legend, fearing that the other party is crazy and is not easy to deal with.

Xiahe has a headache. He doesn't want to involve Metatlyn's people.

But as Freya said, the legend at hand is really urgent. The stall is bigger, it's such a hardship. However, after a while, the five gods will have legendary strength, and then the ability to protect the old nest will be available.

Xiahe was silent, Freya waited for a while, and said, "I contacted the Goddess of Doom. Under her staff, there is now a Legend of Doom Iron Rider Advanced, who can become a God of Doom. I can help."

"Give him a scroll of summons, which can summon two six-winged angels." Xiahe made a decision immediately.

If you do n’t need outsiders, do n’t use them.

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