Daomen Invasion

Chapter 558: : Legendary Circle

The steel spiders were activated one by one, jumping out of the fortress and rushing towards the half-elves. The half-elf warrior suddenly saw the steel spider, startled, and then realized that it was not Warcraft, but a puppet.

Before the half-elf's heart eased, there were a dozen or so iron spiders' paws that penetrated the heavy armor and pierced the heart.

The sound of screaming turned instantly into a film.

Enchanted heavy armor can't resist the claws of steel spiders at all. The sharp nature of this thing almost ignores any low-level magic. Steel is as fragile as paper in front of it.

The three epic mages have known about the existence of steel spiders, but they did not expect that the steel spiders, which look fragile, have such strong attack power.

Yes, in the narrow environment of the city head, attacking a powerful puppet is much more powerful than in the wilderness.

The offensive of the heavily armored half-elves was immediately stopped, and the expression of the human mercenaries was quite nervous under the mask. They don't know what the iron spider is like.

In the distance, the commander of the half-elf looks ugly, and the power behind him cannot be invested.

The combination of a tree demon and a half-elf with heavy armor usually has no reason why it can't be beaten in a place with a wall height of only a dozen meters. However, he lost more than 200 tree demon, nearly a thousand heavy armor and half elves, and did not even kill an enemy. The enemy's attack is mainly the use of magic muskets, that is, no physical loss.

In this case, even if there are only more than two thousand enemies, it is impossible for them to beat the Green Palace.

Turn around and attack the camp? The camp built is not necessarily better than this Green Palace. Although the area is smaller, the small area of ​​the camp has fewer loopholes for the defense of the other party.

On the side of the Green Palace, human soldiers are sparse and sparse, obviously lacking military strength.

But his chariot cannot be close to the city wall at all, and he cannot do it if he wants to suppress it remotely. Human long-range weapons in the Green Palace are much more advanced than their own.

The half-elf offensive was blocked, and the heavily armored half-elf was removed and the countermeasures began to be studied.

But on the battlefield, how can there be time to study countermeasures?

Soon came the attack on the Rodriguez camp. More than ten thousand and half elves died in the air. The human mercenaries in the Rodriguez camp rushed out and took more than 800 lives.

The flying warship turned to the Green Palace and left the remaining magic projectiles to the half-elf main force.

"Teacher, war, that's it?" Ye Linna looked at the war situation, and the half-elf lost a little blood. Although she said that she invested a lot of money here, but as long as she won, cleaned up the battlefield, even if it was earned, let alone the Empire There are still points available there, which can be exchanged for materials.

The loss of weapons and equipment on my side is nothing at all. In fact, even if the mercenaries die, the pension is not much.

When Xiahe heard Ye Linna's question, she stopped what she had in her hand and said, "What else? The half-elf's technology is so backward, this army looks powerful, and it is not their main force. All heavy weapons are It ’s a patchwork, it ’s not a system. You only need to use a flying warship to bomb it a few times, and they lose their ability to siege. ”

"Victory is easy and always feels unreal. It's not that simple in Stormwind Point and Dragon Island."

"Victory is not easy. These magical firearms are the result of thousands of trial and error in the illusion of the Stormwind. How many people are the crystallization of wisdom. We have twelve alchemy factories, hundreds of magicians, thousands of The magic net mage refining tool creates these battlefield equipment. They look cheap, but without my system, a single giant magic firearm would cost tens of thousands of gold coins. "

Ye Linna nodded secretly, this is what the teacher said, the power of the system.

There is no alchemy factory for half-elves, and most of the equipment is made by hand. If you want to enchant, you have to complete the casters of half-elves one by one.

There is no way to control costs, and once consumed too much, half-elves will face a crisis of equipment.

The half-elves did not expect the Rodriguez camp to counterattack. This wave lost nearly two thousand people. Their power to contain the camp was obviously not enough.

But attacking the Green Palace, it seems that there is also a lack of power, and if the troops are assigned to the Rodriguez camp, it will be more difficult to fight down here.

The Rodriguez camp did nothing terribly earth-shattering, that was to cooperate with Xiahe's air forces in a safe counterattack, which immediately caused the half-elves to lose sight of each other.

Regardless of whether Rodriguez's camp is impossible, Rodriguez's human mercenaries will attack behind him if they attack the Green Palace with all their strength.

They could detour in the wilderness to the blood-stained city. However, the human mercenaries behind them will swarm up. In the end, the power to reach the Bloodstained City may be less than half.

The human army is equipped with goblin magic guns, and all half-elves are overshadowed.

The giant magic muskets in the Green Palace never stop attacking, and their target is the large equipment, the caster. The low-level casters in the half-elf army lost a little bit, and the 20th level upwards are also very painful. I don't know when a huge magic projectile will fly in the air.

The half-elf organized another wave of attacks by the tree demon, and under the cover of the tree demon, the half-elf climbed up to the head of the city again, but more steel spiders were activated.

Just like the previous copy, the half-elf retreated helplessly and lost more than 200 tree demon.

On this eastbound trip, the half-elves carried more than 2,000 tree demon, but now they have lost more than 400, hurting their bones.

Outside Xiahe's grassy cottage, a white figure suddenly appeared. This is a middle-aged mage. He looks calm and gentle, his strength is all restrained, and there is almost no leakage.

"Blood Master, can I come in?" The middle-aged Master's voice was also very gentle.

"Which one?" Xiahe suddenly appeared at the door.

The middle-aged mage nodded slightly, and said, "I am Walsky of the Rodriguez family. I am a 60th-level mage. I took the liberty to bring it in. I also ask you not to be surprised."

Xiahe frowned and said, "Well ... then come in."

He gave way and asked Walsky to enter the cottage. Walsky did not squint. After entering the grass cottage, he came to the living room and waited for Xiahe to ask him to take a seat. Then he sat down on the chair.

"I didn't expect anyone to visit me." Xia He said with a smile.

"Speaking of that, you and Metatling are getting closer, I really shouldn't have come. But there is no conflict between us, and Rodriguez and Metatling have no hatred."

"What's the matter?" Xiahe asked the porcelain doll to hold a cup of tea to Volsky.

"Rodriguez is on another road. It's too leisurely. If the half-elves want to get through this road, then we may get fewer rewards."

Xiahe nodded and said: "In this way, if the half-elf army is going to the wilderness, Rodriguez's mercenaries can pursue, I will guarantee air support, all in place. I will also send five epics here, and about one Thousands of people fighting side by side. "

"I didn't expect you to talk so well."

"Actually, I always speak well. It's just how others treat me, how I treat others. Before ... My students are not too polite to your people, and it is also impossible for them to encounter unreasonable people. Too much, so much you ca n’t imagine. "

"It's understandable that without a strong backing, everyone wants to take a bite."

"Asla, I still see things."

"If it's a Trojan, you just copy it, and I don't really value this. The only requirement is that you can't take the Trojan to sell it. If you use it yourself, I don't charge anything."

"how do you know?"

"Warcraft is a mount, the cost is too high, and it doesn't matter at ordinary times, but now it's going to be a national battle. After your majesty has attacked the semi-elven empire, I am afraid to attack Green Forest. Enter Green Forest to cross the sea. It ’s good to be a Trojan horse. It ’s cheaper when used as a pack animal. If it ’s used as a warhorse, it ’s just a plug-in. It ’s far less expensive to build. ”

"I'm here to get your consent. After all, if you don't speak, we'll go to a lot of imitations. It doesn't make sense. In this way, Rodriguez ordered 100,000 Trojans on your side, and the rest of us are imitations. How?"

"Yes, I will change the core a little bit to accommodate more plug-ins. This group of Trojans can be used as cavalry mounts. But I think you still have to change the method."

"what way?"

"Here, I just order the parts, go back and study the problem of modification. The value of the Trojan is in the core parts, how much can save some money."

Walsky laughed and said, "Well, Rodriguez, I will remember your kindness."

Xiahe asked by the way: "I don't quite understand, half elf, why don't legendary strongmen move more?"

"The main legends of the Nine Academy have all suppressed the half-elf legends. How dare they move?"

Xia He smiled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said: "I thought, after I advanced the legend, someone will come to me. Let me know what the world of legend is, and now it seems that I am naive."

"Because you are too close to your majesty, and you are too close to Metatlin, and the legendary circle is not the same, so, it is not easy for everyone to contact you." Wolski rightfully said.

"Then I can ask, what is the world of legend?"

Walsky squeezed the teacup and said: "The nine colleges each have their own legendary circles, and then there are various noble alliances. Everyone has little contact with each other. If you want to know anything, ask Metatlin . I ca n’t tell you much, the legendary world is outside and conquered in the distance. ”

"This world doesn't matter?"

"This world is your majesty, how much can you control?" Walsky laughed.

Xiahe nodded and said that he understood, no wonder the emperor wanted to make a floating city, no one supported. This world is from Your Majesty, this is a very thorough statement.

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