Daomen Invasion

Chapter 570: : Asteria

"Baron, let's do it," Xiahe said to Nietzsche: "In addition, I grant you the title of Viscount, you can form your own army, the size of 3,000 people. The establishment does not need to follow the empire, if there is a lack of manpower, you can Freya is temporarily seconded there. You can also select talents in your family. "

Nietzsche was overjoyed, he followed Xiahe and did his best, not for the improvement of his personal strength.

For him, family is very important.

Xiahe asked him to form an army of three thousand people, that is to say, trust him, and his family would also be protected by the Duke. In fact, the Duke has done a good job in this respect. Among his family, some of the more important bloodlines have gone to Storm Point, some have come to Sun City, and some have gone to the Underworld.

Even if someone is against him, the blood of the family will definitely be preserved.

"Smith, you organized the second expeditionary army and went to the Red Sea City to see. We have given enough blood to the half-elves there, which can almost be consolidated."

Smith froze for a moment, then quickly reacted, got up to salute, and accepted the order.

Xiahe named his names one after another and assigned him the tasks after he left. He said, "If Freya is not there, everything in the Duke's House will be laid off by Medieri. If Medieri is not there, it will be Smith. If Smith is not here, Jack interims. "

Xianhe stopped and said, "Xiahe stopped him." I naturally had disciples on the side of Stormwind, but the person in charge of the command has not yet. I will naturally go back to assign the authority of the Duke's Palace, with a level ladder. No more orders than when I am away. "

Xiahe has absolute authority, and after he finished speaking, no one objected.

But the next thing is trivial. The upper-level personnel on the Sun City side also have things to consult with Xiahe. During this time, he closed and practiced, and many things were accumulated and not dealt with.

When everyone was gone, Smith stayed and said to Xiahe: "Teacher, why give me permission, you know I am not good at managing anything at all."

Xia He thought about it and said, "Do you know my relationship with Freya?"

Smith shook his head and said, "I know the teacher absolutely trusts her."

"Because if I die in a world war, she won't survive. Although Medieli is not good at commanding, but the most powerful man in the most princely palace, if she is alive, she can take you on. If she also Finished, in fact, I do n’t expect you. I just hope you can make good use of these resources. "


"I mean in case, who can guarantee that I will live forever? I am now a legend, that is, the Yangshen realm that I said to you. Normally, the demigod mage cannot kill me completely, unless it is the true **** or Juno. A place like the city. "

Smith closed his lips tightly and forcibly removed Huang Quan's escape from his neck to fortify Xiahe.

Xiahe wore him back easily and said, "This is the five-element escape technique. Now that I am the Yangshen, I can dig into the ground without using this thing."

"What if it's available?" Smith had to pick it off again.

Xia He held his hand and said, "Smith, the trouble I face in the future is much greater than this time. If you really want the teacher to die, work hard to practice, just like your sister can help me. busy."

Smith's eyes are red, and he has been concentrating on swordsmanship for a long time, and he has nothing to do with other things. Suddenly, the teacher had to go on an expedition to arrange things behind him, leaving him at a loss and a little overwhelmed.

If Medirelli is here, she will definitely not be like this, definitely not!

"Smith, don't be blinded by this kind of thing. Your strength is enough. What I need is that you have a state and can live forever, not a short-term combat power. If I need it, I can make a few legends now . "

"Yes, teacher!" Smith promised loudly, standing there, the whole person was like a sword.

Lonely, but sad.

Xia He is pleased that Smith will grow up and will remember today. People can't have no goals, they can't live by. Medierly knew what she wanted, but Smith was still young.

This is not a difference in age, in fact, Medieli is not much.

But growing up among pirates from an early age allowed her to mature earlier.

"Smith, Shrek. If I were alive, he would have no problem. If I died, guess what would happen to him?"

Smith rolled his lips and said, "This man has ambitions, but I don't admit that he is my classmate."

"Yes, he has ambitions, but Medirelli can suppress him. If I'm gone ... if Medirley is not ..."

"I will kill him."

"But he is still your fellow, understand?"

Smith thought for a while and said, "I understand that I am targeting things, not him."

"That's good. Do you have anything else?"

"It's gone." Smith was discouraged. He had wanted to talk about his progress in swordsmanship, but Xiahe's atmosphere made him unable to say anything. His progress has no help for the teacher.

"Your sword skills are almost formed. After I leave, you go to Red Sea City without having to keep your hands. I will ask Metatlin's people to take care of you and make sure that the legend of the half-elves will not start against you."


"Then you go." Xia He saw that he had no objection, knowing that this kid was finally smart. How much money is invested in him now is worth it, provided that he does not fall.


"What's the matter?" Xia He looked at Smith, and the young man's eyes had returned to calm. Suddenly he came up, lowered his head, and hugged Xiahe hard.

Xiahe was surprised, and immediately patted him on the shoulder.

"I will work hard to form an expeditionary army and fight the half-elves ... the fight disappears."

"I will let Abigail come back to help you, and when you can go out, she is almost legendary."

Smith grimaced and said, "Why are all legendary?"

"You are almost there."

"I'm not in a hurry, teacher, then you are busy, I'm going to practice the sword." Smith resigned, looking worried.

Xiahe wasn't busy yet, and Freya had another message: "Sir, you have to come here in person."

"In person? Storm Point?"


"How serious is it?"

"It's not serious. I can solve it even if it's serious. I found a child, exactly a baby. The qualifications are very good, you have to come and see."

When Xiahe heard it, he immediately ran to the teleportation array and directly teleported to the storm corner.

Seeing Freya, she held a baby under one year old in her arms, her face was white and pure, her eyes were slightly larger, and she looked down at Xiahe with curiosity.

When Xiahe's consciousness was swept away, he discovered that the child's soul was extremely pure, and it goes without saying that the body's qualifications.

Sure enough, it is the young man who cultivated the Taoism. The main reason is that the soul is so clean that he can practice the Six Gods. But he is less than a year old!

"Where did it come from?"

"In the ruins of the goblin, a farmer couple gave birth."

"Can't **** the children!"

"No robbing, this couple was accidentally poisoned and the child was left at home and left unattended. Your student found out and wanted to be adopted. I saw it."

"Poisoning? In the ruins of goblins, why?"

"Everything is said to be a relic. The gold dug from the ground is poisonous."

Gold? Xiahe remembered that at the beginning, many people buried their wealth underground and waited for it to come back later. There are still people poisoning gold?

If it were n’t for doing so many things at first, the child ’s parents would n’t have dug out this kind of thing.

Xiahe sighed. The farmers in the underground world are quite reliable and have good physical fitness. They also think that the ascended professionals plant all the crops that the Daomen eat.

Originally, the child was only tested when he was three years old, and sent to the Taoist palace when he was six years old.

Poor ...

"You take care of him personally and keep it in the Taoist palace. In terms of diet, you follow the standards of the core disciples. Anyway, this is already the case. First cultivate his body, and then become a priest and be my disciple.

"Sir, give him a name."

"Just ... Xia Shang."

"What is the name used in this world?"

"Just call him Asteria? Xia."

"Asteria, I really hope he can learn your true story." Freya pinched the baby's face with her finger, and Asteria giggled.

"It's good." Xia He admired, not every baby could judge whether the person facing him was malicious to him.

"It's very good." Freya smiled.

Xiahe nodded and took out a piece of chalcedony. The palm fired and fired with a trace of thunder. The chalcedony was refined into a small jade brand in a slight roar, pure and flawless, without any patterns.

Freya took a leather bag out, tucked the jade tag into it, sealed her mouth with a rope, and hung Asteria around her neck.

Xiahe touched the baby's forehead with his fingers, and a little force penetrated into it.

This power is mellow and gentle, and will nourish the baby's soul sea steadily, not the soul itself.

This is the apprentice selected by Xiahe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to inherit the mantle, his soul must be independent. Just like Xiahe's own soul, he has never been interfered with by human beings, but he grew up by practicing himself.

Even if Taiyin Xianfu is about to perish, his teacher did not do anything to promote seedlings.

Xiahe took another jade bottle out and handed it to Freya: "Here, you often give him a car in Dantian."

"Is it the six-life symbol?"

"Well, so he can practice three years in the morning without having to wait until he is six years old."

"Will the promotion be too fast?" Freya asked worriedly.

"No, when he is about the same, I will take him to the broken abyss, let him feel it, and he will be able to practice honestly."

"Well, I won't teach children anyway." Freya shook her arms and looked at Asteria with a smile, the more she liked it, the more she looked.

Daojun had selected heirs, and the Taiyin Fairy House had incense.

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